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The Great Crusade


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The Great Crusade is an adaptation of the Warhammer 40K rules. The future is very grim indeed, and I do not tend to use much eufemisms. The story will be very dark and violent in a very graphic way. Not for everyone.

Rogue Gallery

Dramatis Personae:
Aridha, a female member of an assassin sect, played by Shayuri.
Slyth, a con-man of the plain tribes, played by muggie2
Gabriel, A freshly-anointed knight in the order of Saint Armatt, played by Corrossyph
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The Hidden Temple

Your lesson in pressure points and nerve blocks is interrupted by a polite cough of one of the pages.
“Excuse me, ashishim, but I was sent to bring you to the Master as soon as possible.” is all the information you get from the boy.
You leave the rest of the class, the teacher and his hoarse subject behind you, and hurry towards the inner sanctum of the mountain hold.
You progress through winding corridors riddled with murder-holes and arrow-slits, and finally arrive at the ossuary.
The walls are stacked with skulls and bones of those that fell victim to the Reapers of the Emperor, as the sect is known to insiders, and the ceiling is beautifully painted with an image of Him on the Golden Throne. You can still smell the residue of Cheeba, the incense that numbs the body but stimulates the mind.
Two people sit in the center of the room, the Old Man of the Mountain, head of your sect, and the Crone, an old, decrepit hag, rumored to be cursed with the powers of second sight.
The Crone shuffles towards you, giggling to herself, and stares at your face with her blind eyes. She takes your right hand in her rheumy, claw-like hand and traces the lines in your palm with a dirty, long fingernail.
“Yes”, she rasps. “This is the one.”
“Ooh my child.” She says with something very akin to pity in her voice. “So much blood. I see so much blood”
She releases your hand, and shuffles towards the door without so much as a glance backwards.


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Aridha clenches her fists in reaction to the crawling of her skin at the witch's touch. To control herself, she repeats in her mind the mnemonic chant for remembering pressure points. It works, and the anger recedes; drowned out by litany of the body's fracture points.

She kneels down before the Old Man of the Mountain and lowers her face awaiting his word for why she was summoned here. She hoped it was not simply so his pet witch could play her games...but she lived by his leave, as all the ashashim did. If that was his will, then she'd endure it without complaint. In truth, she'd endured worse in her training, and would endure worse again before she walked with Brother Death.


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“Child, “ The Old Man says when the Crone has left the building. “You will not see this place for a long time.”
He leans back and looks at you, his eyes still red from the smoke.
“You must adopt the guise of a travelling healer, and make your way to the city of Ersapil, far to the west. There you will need to find a clansman named Slyth. He has sworn oaths that he’d help us when the time came, but he might need reminding.”
He closes his eyes, lost in thought.
“Every few generations, the red star heralds a great crusade for the western nations. They make their ways across the plains and mountains, pillaging, murdering, raping in the name of Him Above.”
“in a few months the star will reappear. But this time there will be a different outcome. You and the clansman will attach yourselves to the crusade, and you’ll be contacted to perform certain acts. This year, the crusade will fail.”
“Keep this, and show it to the tribesman. Others will come with messages, and will show you the same.”

A few months later, in the western city of Ersapil, at “The rotund piglet”

Slyth looks at the noble sitting across him and puts on his most charming smile.
“Ser Laton, fortune has indeed smiled upon us.”
He pulls the package from under his voluminouscape and slides it halfway across the table.
“This charm will aver the balefull gaze of your mother-in-law, making sure she’ll keep her nose out of the business that is not hers.”
“But first, perhaps, the business of payment?”


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Slyth looks at the noble sitting across him and puts on his most charming smile.
“Ser Laton, fortune has indeed smiled upon us.”
He pulls the package from under his voluminouscape and slides it halfway across the table.
“This charm will aver the balefull gaze of your mother-in-law, making sure she’ll keep her nose out of the business that is not hers.”
“But first, perhaps, the business of payment?”

"You know I dislike to be so forthright about such things, but it was rather difficult to get this item, as its previous owner had to be convinced that a considerable sum would recompense him for the renewed interference by his own, if I may use the expression he used, 'interfering old busybody'."
He leans closer to Ser Laton.
"To be completely honest, I have the feeling that in a few weeks he may be regretting his decision to sell. It has been, in his case, particularly effective. So much so, that he may wish to renege on his agreement to sell. If that ever happens, it may be better to take a trip. Far be it from I to imply that some people's honor may not be entirely spotless..."
He looks at Ser Laton.
"I know, I know, it's difficult for an upright and honest person like yourself to believe such a thing of a fellow noble, but..."
He sighs.
"In any case, Ser, I hope you are entirely satisfied with the charm. And if there's ever anything else I can help you with, I am at your disposal."
He smiles.


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After saying his goodbyes to the noble Slyth is content to buy himself a large ale with his newfound riches. Savoring the thick brew he momentarily feels at peace with the univers, a feeling he is sure will not last long.

A few minutes later he fears he’s proven right. A tall, slender young woman approaches the table. In the palm of her hand, hidden from casual observers, is the tribal amulet he’d be happy never to have seen again.


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After saying his goodbyes to the noble Slyth is content to buy himself a large ale with his newfound riches. Savoring the thick brew he momentarily feels at peace with the univers, a feeling he is sure will not last long.

A few minutes later he fears he’s proven right. A tall, slender young woman approaches the table. In the palm of her hand, hidden from casual observers, is the tribal amulet he’d be happy never to have seen again.

Slyth stands.
"Come, my lady, please be seated."
He gestures to the seat opposite him.
After she sits, he leans forward with a smile on his face.
"We're probably being watched, so please avoid any unnecessary displays. Tell me why you're here, and what you want. Then, depending how you want to play it, you can come home with me where we can discuss things at our leisure, or else you can slap me across the face and storm out, as long as you first tell me where we're to meet next and when."
He keeps his eyes on her, and a smile on his face as he waits to see what terrible fate destiny has in store for him.


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As she sits, Aridha palms the amulet back into her pocket, and studies the man sitting across from her.

He was afraid. Not of her, exactly, but rather of what her presence meant. He clearly had investments in this wretched place that he didn't wish to lose. He was hoping that his obligation could be taken care of quickly, quietly, and without disturbing what he'd made for himself here.

She smiled at that. While Aridha wasn't cruel by nature, she couldn't help but find some satisfaction in helping reality slap a fool in the face.

"Order me a drink," she said lightly, a flirtatious twinkle in her eye. "Then another. Then we'll go to your home, and I'll explain what is expected of you."


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She smiled at that. While Aridha wasn't cruel by nature, she couldn't help but find some satisfaction in helping reality slap a fool in the face.

"Order me a drink," she said lightly, a flirtatious twinkle in her eye. "Then another. Then we'll go to your home, and I'll explain what is expected of you."

Slyth kept the smile on his face, even though he wanted to sigh. Home. Bad. That meant that it was a lot more than just a simple deed to free himself of obligation. Home meant a lot of talking without being overheard.
While not a fan of pain, he wished she'd chosen the second option.
He waved to the bartender, and ordered drinks for them both. Perhaps she'd tell him more after a drink or two. For certain he'd feel better after another.


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(OOC - DZ, let me know if you want me to just fastforward a bit in my next post to the scene at his house, or if you want to keep things in the tavern for now, for mysterious reasons of your own. :))

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