• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)


First Post
You are the First Generation to walk the new world.

It is the dawn of time for this plane, the dawn of the 8th day of your lives, and mere weeks or months since simple plants and animals were first placed on this world. The gods of the new world have placed you here, though many of you aren't even aware of the gods at all, while the rest have only a faint recognition of what god created them. Most of you have some idea of what purpose your life was made for, but all feel that at least you were created for some reason, even if you aren't all certain what that reason is.

It is springtime, you are aware of that much. Plants are growing and bearing fruit all around you, though you know not all of it is safe to eat (exactly which ones aren't safe is another matter...). Animals are everywhere in the wilderness, all emerged from their winter burrows or other nesting places and foraging or hunting for food. Some of you have the skills to be the hunters, or at least forage safely, while others must rely on the supplies left to them by their creators and whatever the rest of the group provides.

The winter snows have melted away by this point, and the climate is temperate. Clouds can be seen gathering to the south today, high over the sea. A lone sun shines golden in the sky by day, and a pale blue moon crosses the sky by night against a backdrop of stars and inky darkness.


The world is a strange and dangerous place to you, but also rather exciting. You've avoided being eaten by wolves or butchered by a crazed orc. You have a whole world to explore and only a handful of people to share it with as far as you can tell. Eleven people gathered in the makeshift camp you've made, along the banks of a shallow section in the stream flowing south to the sea, the beach a few miles away from here.

Surrounding you is forest, a large woodland of deciduous plants like oak, willow, maple, birch, and elm trees, as well as periwinkle, honeysuckle, lavender, manzanita, and other shrubs. South along the coastline is a bamboo thicket, especially to the southwest, interspersed with copses of teak trees and other plants that aren't found near your camp. You've seen or heard wolves, monkeys, rodents, snakes, deer, boars, birds, fish, and various insects so far. There are a scarce few clearings in the forest, but none near the stream, and a few of you have seen caves and hills to the north, northeast, or northwest.

Your camp is a collection of tents and lean-tos on the eastern and western banks of the stream, which is shallow enough here for even Elldar the gnome to wade across roughly knee-deep. Theris Blackhammer, the female dwarf and premier craftswoman of the camp, helped Angrboda set up a simple fence two days ago for her animals, and a very basic, cage-like pen for the chickens at night. Everyone has their own corner of the camp, though some have chosen to keep their tents or lean-tos close to each other for safety or companionship.


Seshani's tent and Tianulien's hammock are arranged next to Theris' lean-to shelter, near the western bank of the stream and at the southwest corner of camp. Jaegar set up his tent close to Angrboda's, the northwestern corner of camp. Pyre has rested, when he has nothing better to do, in a 10-foot-wide area that the group has cleared of plants, at the northeast corner of camp and furthest from the stream.

The rest of the men in camp (Elldar, Falryn, Forge, Kaznak) have set up their places around the eastern and southeastern corners of the camp. Metliz has rested, well, wherever she prefers. Theris' portable forge and other materials are at the middle of camp by the west bank, and Angrboda's fence is a bit further west of that work area.

Since Tianulien and Falryn require little rest, they tend to serve night-watch duties (alternating the past two nights, with one on patrol as the other 'trances'), while Pyre maintains a vigil over most of the camp's eastern side at night. These arrangements, of course, have only been in place for a few days.


Metliz and Tianulien were the first to make camp near here, a few days ago, after meeting each other and hearing wolves active nearby. They moved downstream a few miles and set up camp here, and the rest of the group trickled in. Forge stumbled upon their camp and managed to garner enough trust to be allowed to stick around, offering greater protection from the wolves. His paladin nature lent him an attitude and presence that just seemed more trustworthy than most.

They were joined a while later by Seshani, Jaegar, and Pyre, the latter two of which had been found by Seshani while wandering the woods. Seshani convinced the three at camp to let the others stay nearby for mutual protection and perhaps mutual aid. It didn't hurt that Seshani knew how to forage and find safe, edible plants for the people at camp.

Theris Blackhammer discovered the camp a bit later, and made herself part of the group without asking the others' consent or opinion, but soon proved her worth as a craftswoman, though not until after she dragged Jaegar off to help fetch her crafting supplies. Elldar joined the camp later that day, having slipped away from the wolves a day or two prior and then wandering until he found this group.

Falryn was found in the wilderness by Seshani the next day, and brought to the camp. Tianulien has behaved a bit oddly around him, pleased to meet him at first and then alternating between aloof and trying to teach him how to sing or dance. A wolf tried to snatch Elldar away that night while he slept, but Falryn and Tianulien drove it off before it could cause the gnome much harm. After some basic treatments and some rest, Elldar has recovered from the light injury on his left leg.

Angrboda discovered the camp, partly due to Seshani's wanderings, and became part of the group the day after the near-gnome-snatching. The same day, Theris and Jaegar returned with supplies, and Theris began forging items and crafting a fence with Angrboda and a bit of help from Tianulien. Jaegar and Angrboda seemed to get along well shortly after meeting, at least so far.

An orc ran through camp on the sixth night since everyone's birth, waving a greataxe around and frothing at the mouth, but was driven off by Falryn, Forge, and Pyre before he could do any real damage. Kaznak the dwarf was found by Seshani on the seventh day and brought to the camp, receiving little recognition from Theris or the others so far, besides Seshani who talks to everyone.


It is now the dawn of the 8th morning of your lives. Seshani scrounges up some apples, assorted berries, and rabbits for the group's breakfast.

[sblock=OOC]Well, it's later than intended, but here's the IC thread.

Please post OOC comments/discussion in the recruiting/OOC thread. If you must use OOC in this thread, put it in spoiler blocks like I've done.

Check the recruiting/OOC thread for NPC descriptions and such, if confused. Edit: Added links to each PC's and NPC's sheet to their first mentions up above.

The Starting Roster:
GlassEye.........Angrboda, N female Hu-Charad Giant, Wood Witch
Willette...........Elldar, NG male Forest Gnome, Artificer
rangerjohn.......Falryn, CG male High Elf, Duskblade
HolyMan..........Forge, LG male Human, Paladin
Dragonwriter....Kaznak Valignat Garkuun, LG male Hill Dwarf, Dragonfire Adept
Voda Vosa.......Metliz, CG female Human, Air Shugenja
Theroc............Pyre, NG male Flamekin, Brightsoul
NPC................Jaegar, LN male Hu-Charad Giant, Ritual Warrior
NPC................Seshani, N female Bamboo Spirit Folk, Sha'ir
NPC................Theris Blackhammer, LN female Hill Dwarf, Expert
NPC................Tianulien Amarastaeia, CG female High Elf, Bard[/sblock]
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First Post
"Done!" yells Elldar. He rises from the shade of the oak tree and walks towards the centre of the camp holding aloft what appears to be a helm with a small miners lamp on the front. Finding it meets his expectations he slides it on his head and straps the power pack to his back over his armor.

"I guess now I know what that fellow in my head was talking about when he mentioned 'true skills'. Not to shabby if I don't say so myself! This aught to come in handy if another pesky wolf comes calling for dinner."

And that he taps a small button on the side of the helm, sending forth a blinding flash of light from the lamp.

"1 down and 9 to go! Now if only I could figure out how to get that gauntlet working... I intend to give the next orc that wanders our way a very unwelcoming handshake."

Voda Vosa

First Post
Metliz was wondering around the camp, as usual. Tianulien has been behaving odd since the other elf arrived, and the young woman thought to know why. There was something about the pair that she knew about. It was like the primordial elements, she thought, repealing each other, but needing each other to exist. Something like Forge. Anyhow, she didn't pay much attention to that, Matliz had another things, more important to do, like bothering the dwarf woman, poking her in the back when she was concentrated, of looking at the giants. They are so big! Awe ruled Metliz actions, she wanders arround looking for something interesting to see, learn, do...
She also made fun sending currents of wind everywhere, playing with the grass and the water.
Everything was so much fun now there was so much people around! Although that orc surely frightened her. Lucky she was surrounded by giants and other strong beings.

But now she was hungry, and the fruits collected by Seshani sure looked tasty! She sprinted toward the meal with big hungry eyes, but something blinded her as she ran. The gnome's head was shining! Uh he's head's on fire! She though. Trying to save the gnome, she took a rough broom, which she crafted carefully, and pursed the poor Elldar with it. "Stop running! I'm trying to save you!"


First Post
Pyre had joined the camp due to Seshani's urgings, though he did not feel he belonged with this group. Or at least, he was noticing more differences than similarities, and found it difficult to find common ground. For example, he did not need light for the most part, and if he needed it, he could simply make himself as bright as a lamp. He did not have any need for sleeping, and food and water were both unnecessary, the latter even a danger to him. He was, therefore, grateful that his location in the camp was far from the river.

The group could often see him practicing his fighting skills, swinging one of his few weapons about, or practicing throwing his shortspears, occasionally releasing a gout of flames from his body within his established 'zone'. He also occasionally watched the smith forging weapons. In fact, occasionally when the flame sputtered while the Dwarven woman was fetching something or the like, he'd renew the flames with a small piece of the raging inferno within him.

All in all, it was a simple existence for Pyre, but he felt something was missing. After all, he was essentially sitting around doing nothing, rather than expanding his knowledge of the whole world around him, or bringing light to the darkness. Perhaps in a small way he was... but Pyre felt his impatience burning within, a desire to do everything more quickly, before his fires sputtered like those of the Dwarven woman's forge.


First Post
Kaznak, not quite feeling comfortable around here, carefully walks around the camp, in particular eyeing the portable forge. His hands feel drawn to it... But that would be very strange, considering he hasn't seen one before. Perhaps it's his unusual level of curiosity. He slowly makes his way towards the forge in a decreasing spiral.

When Metliz starts swinging a broom at the odd little gnome, Kaznak's face gets stuck in 'stupefied.' Slowly, he regains composure and shouts out, "What're you doin' that for? He ain't in no trouble!"


First Post
"No magic here, man. Just good ol fashioned elbow grease and a little technical know-how! Now if only I could figure out how I knew this know-how...", Elldar said with a smile. "Once we get properly set up with some supplies and a little free time i'd be glad to make you something if I get the chance. I have quite a few ideas in the works actually........"

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately depending on his demeanor, for Falryn the gnome's technical ramblings are cut short as Metliz charges him with a broom screaming incoherently.

"Stop you big foolish woman he's on fire not me!", yells Elldar, while running and pointing at Pyre. "And what good would this do other than set that ragged broom aflame if I were?"


Voda Vosa

First Post
Confused, the woman continues the purse for a while. If the light on the gnome's head was not dangerous, running after him with the broom was quite funny. "Hm, if you say so." She adds simply with a shrug, and puts the broom away. The next thing that called her attention was he mentioning of Pyre being on fire. The deep comprehension of the elements in Metliz brain awaken suddenly. Without blinking she approaches him, staring directly into his eyes. "I'm curious about you. I want to know more." she states plainly.


Angrboda pops half an apple into her mouth and crunches the sweet fruit between her teeth as she watches the others. Jaeger is right, she thinks, they are like little children needing guidance and protection. Her hand unwittingly rests on her stomach where she hopes soon to grow children of her own and she looks around at the camp with a critical eye. Construction of the fence the previous day with Theris and Tianulien was an enlightening experience. Knowledge seemed to unfold in her mind during the process and now, looking about, she began to think of ways to build upon what they had begun.

She had tools; they were nearby when she Awoke but she would need stone. Maybe she would trek up into the hills today with Jaegar and look for some building materials or a site somewhat more defensible.

"That crazed orc worries me," begins Angrboda. "I think we need a home more defensible from those who would try to injure us." She looks about the camp and frowns. "And already our camp rests heavily upon the earth. It causes a disharmony that I can feel. I would like to scout out some of the nearby hills. Perhaps, someone would like to go with me."

Voidrunner's Codex

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