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D&D 5E The Fall of Blackmoor (OOC)


One thousand years ago, The Shattering destroyed the civilizations of the old world. The world of technology and science gave way to a world of magic and mystery.

With a shifting of the poles, the surviving humans of what was once the Pacific Northwest of the United States now find themselves on the Equator, eking out a miserable existence in the barren wastelands and ruins. The city-state of Blackmoor, situated near the Dismal Swamp in what used to be Seattle, is the only true center of civilization as most humans have been reduced to a hunter/gatherer nomadic existence, the ruins picked clean by scavengers centuries ago. Built from the wreckage of the old cities, Blackmoor is a chaotic blend of medieval and modern, civilized and decadent. Just a couple of decades ago, Blackmoor stumbled onto a section of a crashed spaceship, the capital ship of the Dragon Empire, those responsible for the Shattering. Within, they found marvels of magic and technology and used it to cement their power. Now spells and swords mix with antimatter rifles and laser pistols.

Blackmoor's populace is subdued via gruesome games and sport - gladiatorial matches that pit convicted criminals and slaves against captured monsters and each other. The powerful fly about on hovering divans while the poor starve. Demon cults flourish in the noble caste as they seek ever increasing depravity to quench their thirst for power and indulgence.

And, there are whispers of war. The elves are coming, so say the rumors. Small scout parties have already been spotted. Blackmoor has become a threat that can no longer be ignored.

This is my third attempt to tackle the Blackmoor era of D&D. The previous attempts focused on the Temple of the Frog and, while that location is present and available for eventual exploration, it will not be the center of attention. Instead, my intention this time around is to create a sandbox inspired by Thundarr the Barbarian.

This game is set in the same overall universe as my Exodus and Village of Hommlet PbPs, but about 1000 years after Exodus and about 10,000 years before Hommlet.

Conflicts of good and evil are strictly secondary to matters of survival and the acquisition of power. Player characters will have a variety of options to pursue, from exploring the old ruins, to scouting elven army encampments, to simple odd jobs around Blackmoor, to fighting in the gladiatorial arena, and more. The timeline will advance and the overall story of the war will play out with the PCs playing whatever role they wish until, finally, the last days of Blackmoor fall upon the region, with the PCs at the center of the storm. Recruiting will remain open so anyone can jump in at any time (though always starting at 1st level).

My goal is to create a OD&D feel, with a setting inspired by the aforementioned Thundarr, John Carter, Conan, etc. Sword & Sandals meets post apocalyptic.

Character Creation

1. You may roll 4d6, drop the lowest and assign as desired for ability scores. You may also use the point-buy option if you prefer. Finally, for a challenge, you can try rolling 3d6 in order (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) and choosing race and class based on what you end up with.

2. Firearms and futuristic items from page 268 of the DMG are available, though modern and futuristic weapons are akin to magic items in terms of rarity and thus can't be purchased. Alchemists capable of making gunpowder are rare and will become rarer as the campaign continues. Proficiency with firearms must be learned through training during downtime.

3. There are no gods. Various cults dedicated to demon lords and devil princes are quite common in Blackmoor, though those with PC classes are usually Warlocks. Clerics are rarely seen miracle workers, persecuted and hunted down by the leaders of Blackmoor. Clerics follow one of a few Saints, prophets who have gained a sort of near-deity status with small but dedicated followings. The known Saints include Pelor (the first Saint, whose following is known as the Healing Light), Celestian, Heironeous, Cuthbert, and Wee Jas.

4. Non-humans are not trusted by the people of Blackmoor, elves in particular, though there are many half-orcs in the slums and working for the various thieves' guilds as muscle and enforcers. Tieflings are, while not common, not out of place in Blackmoor (though feared and given a wide berth), being the offspring of members of one of the demon cults who made a bargain to empower or taint their child. Dragonborn do not exist in this era and are not available as a PC race. Half-elves are actually hated and persecuted more than half-orcs and tieflings, due to the animosity between elves and Blackmoor.

5. As this is a sandbox, don't worry about party roles when creating your character. Getting a group together will be something that happens IC. You also have the option of simply venturing off on your own or with hired NPCs.

6. When creating your character, note the goals, ambitions, and the type of jobs and adventures likely to attract the character. For example, a half-orc barbarian may be interested in competing in the gladiator pits while a warlock might be interested in exploring the ruins for an artifact important to their patron.

7. Unlike my other PbPs, which operate on a once-a-week posting schedule, I intend to check in on this game once a day. You don't need to maintain that pace, however, and any groups that form will operate at the pace of the slowest poster (once a week minimum, however).

Remember, this setting is bleak and unforgiving so keep that in mind when creating characters. Have at it! :D

IC Thread
Rogues Gallery
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The way this will work is, as soon as a character is submitted, we'll start the IC (and RG) and then new PCs can trickle in as they are submitted.


First Post
I am working up Ilshana, the half elf bard!

And may I say that half elf bards are such serious skill monkeys? 7 trained skills at 1st level. It's crazy talk. Then at third level? Three more skills trained. ALL THE SKILLS.

And the handful of skills I don't train in? I get half-proficiency bonus in.

Oh, and Expertise in a couple of trained skills.


Steve Gorak

This sounds like fun!

How about a human LN noble sorcerer, that studying dark powers to get a few levels of warlock?
What's the sarting level?


Voidrunner's Codex

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