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VULT 9, 999

“Where the frig are we?!?” screams Play as the three of them materialize in a forest.

“Mabar…. I think.” Says the dwarf as he debates what to do next.

“Dark… yeah… Mabar is the plane of death.” Says the archer.

“Dolurrh is the plane of the dead. This isn’t it. I’ve been there- this isn’t it.” Says Play still being extremely cautious. “Can we go back now?”

“Shortly. Give the dragon time to play with the fiend I accidently released.”

“That’s good- just great. Now we have a fiend to deal with also?!?” The archer is nearing the limit of his patience.

The dwarf stares and sighs. He sees the strain is beginning to get to the Archer. He is a protector by nature- and now several of his teams have been decimated in recent adventures. “We go back in an hour or two. Allow the two to beat on each other. The survivor will leave to either flee or lick their wounds. “

=Thank you Avireal…. of the Clan of Water Scorpions.= Says the gnome with a nod of gratitude.

The drow offers him water. They are in a very large room made of stone. Glyder suspects it is a Giant’s ruin.

“How is it you can speak in my mind?” asks the inquisitive drow.

= power of faith in part…. Magic if you wish=

=it is good but you are not a mage… what are you?= she thinks instead of says now beginning to follow Glyder’s lead.

=What do you mean?=

=Your hands are soft. You carry no components. Except for some of your equipment our people sense no magic on you. But they sense….. time and distance. How can this be?= Her light purple eyes look into the gnome’s eyes. They are powerful, fierce yet compassionate.

= What I can tell you is there great danger to your people in those ruins. Danger so great it may destroy this land… all of the land. We came to stop it. I fear we have failed=

=The land yet exists. If you are to fail- it has not happened yet. Tell me more small one.=

He studies her eyes and begins… from the beginning.

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VULT 9, 999

A ripple of energy opens up within the ruins and outsteps a dwarf and two humans, Kim Elderich, Jasyne Symtex and John Play. They place their backs to each other and search the area. They neither see nor hear anything of danger.

Kim motions to a direction and the Kensai Archer, Jasyne, takes point. Play, a former Dark Lantern government agent follows the dwarf. Kim, possibly the world’s richest single dwarf, uses several spells from his arcane and divine abilities to reach further out beyond their senses. They are both seeking their fourth remaining ally- Glyder Freetime, a time hoping gnome and avoiding a crazed dragon that works for a master manipulator. This person of power and influence has been referred to as The Face of The False Moon.

Soon they arrive onto the same point they encountered the dragon. The area has been battle damaged and ravaged by the battle between it and a summoned creature from the nightmare realm. Play spots blood splatter on the rocks as does the archer. One is red and the other ate at the rock like acid on wood. If anyone survived, they are truly weakened. They hope for the best as they move deeper into the ruins of a giant civilization laid to ruin thousands of years ago when the giants accidently opened a rift to the nightmare realm.

Kim’s magical eye spots something in distant sky- an elemental airship! They watch it fly overhead. It is very high can just barely be recognized by the two scouts. “It has the markings of the Emerald Claw.” Says Kim quietly. Many groups and world powers have sought the artifact known as the Creation Schema. Kim Elderich had spent the last five years tracking it down and spent millions in gold and platinum locating the five pieces only to have it stolen from him.

“We are not alone.” Says Play while still looking to the air.

“Where?” begins the Cleric mage dwarf.

“Drow.” Says Jasyne as he looks to the ruins.

“Hi guys. I’m back.” Says a shadow. Out from a collapsed rock crawls out a gnome- Glyder. Behind him is a scantily clad female barbarian drow. “I made some new friends.”

Jasyne immediately wonders how the gnome can be so happy and good spirited after witnessing the death of his beloved Sivis member and fellow gnome- Calli. Kim and Play, whom have known him for some time are not surprised. As a time traveler, things like this are not absolute. He will see her again… maybe even save her life somehow.

“Avireal suggests follow her to avoid the dragon. She and her clan grew up here. They know it well.”

Kim smiles for the first time since entering these ruins. They may still have a chance.


VULT 9, 999

The giants have traveled for several days. They traded a great deal of gold for the strange shield that the metal men wanted. Starkwell . the leader of the giants, carries it with pride. With this item, they will get their chieftain back.

He was taken several weeks ago by the metal men and they were told that the chieftain could only be returned when they meet the fire giants and bring an artifact called The Creation Schema. They will indeed trade for it but it will not be them but their ancestral guides.

Seven wraiths of giants from the days of long ago will take the strange disk and get their chieftain back then destroy the metal men.

They have been camped in the jungle watching and waiting. They saw a very large dragon here and that can be a problem. Dragons are dangerous and crazy dragons have become more of a problem than usual (See either The Hidden Storyhours)

Within the coastal waters of the city ruins several sharks swim unmolested through the waters. They have witnessed the dragon above. They turn slowly and return to the deeper waters. Their masters will want to know. They will want to know something disturbs the ruins.

Two elemental aircraft streak towards the ruins. Each lead by an agent of the Emerald Claw. One on official business and the other for revenge. Either way, they will destroy whatever they find at the ruins they believe their destiny will lie.


ARYTH 15, 999

The large group moves surprisingly quiet considering what they are. Thirty warforged that were hand- picked by The Lord of Blades march south through Xen’drik.

The Lord of Blades is more than a military leader. He is more than a warlord. He is more than a king. He is a direct instrument of a god.

He is for the most part immortal. He has visions of the future that always pertain to his people- to the warforged. At first, he mistook his visions of the Creation Schema as being an artifact to empower the warforged, his nation, their nation…. Steel Nation. He tried to collect the pieces like so many others. But there were too many forces. Worse- it was like a strange force of fate was involved. Pieces would be stolen or lost once found and collected. It was only recently all parts were gathered and remained together…. As if allowed or given permission by a higher force.

Then his dreams that revealed the power of the Schema changed and showed a new aspect… a new player. A crazed warforged from another plane- Xulo-12. She believes herself to be a “sister” or the such to himself. He saw that if she were allowed to harness the power of the Schema she would control her world then officially invade Eberron. The 100 Year War would seem like a mere argument in comparison.

He had to act. He had to correct his wrongs. His visions revealed a ruin in Xen’drik. This is where Xulo-12 would try to collect the Schema. Others would be there also. Including that most annoying human of humans- John Play. He will send agents to keep the Schema away from her.

So- thirty hand-picked warriors were sent to Darguun and secretly took a ship to Stormreach. They marched endlessly through the jungle and mountains. They fought many strange creatures and experienced the “Curse of Xen’drik” for themselves. Magic sometimes warped but even time warped. They would see a group of adventurers once under the employment of Kim Elderich. Then they would see their dead bodies…. Only weeks later see them again. The sooner they were finished with this land the better.

Then came the Linnorn.

This dragon like snake attacked suddenly and savagely. It tore into the warforged troops. Warriors were rendered and thrown around. Few escaped.

Of those few- they faced Mountain Trolls and a powerful Giant Lich.

Only one survived. SN-4. One of the 88…. Arsenal.

He has a decision to make. He wants to fulfill his lord’s wishes and commands but cannot now by himself. He reached the ruins and witnessed the arrival of Kim Elderich and John Play. Others were with them also. Powerful allies.

The weakest one, a mere short creature of no magic or fighting skill has formed an alliance with the natives.

There is little choice then……


VULT 10, 999

“Hey guys-Avireal and the Clan of Water Scorpions have found someone or something of importance.” Says the time traveling gnome. Kim Elderich, John Play and Jasyne Symtex look at each other then follow Glyder Freetime to where the drow have set up camp.

In the center of the group of black skinned and stark pure white tattooed elves stands a warforged with over-sized hands and twin knobs on his shoulders.

Play frowns deeply. “I know of this warforged. He works for the Lord of Blades.”

“Dark lantern Play- The Lord of Blades gives his greetings. And to each of you also.”

“How do the two of you know each other?” asks the dwarven cleric-mage.

“I know of him through my ….. various missions into the Mournlands. He is a chief defender against the undead there. He has a knack for blowing up things…. And people.”

“The two of you should be close friends then.” Says the gnome smiling.

“I was sent here to stop the Creation Schema from ever being used. I have lost my forces. I seek an alliance.”

Kim looks to everyone and sighs. “Tell me more.”



“What are they?” asks the Dark Lantern from his hiding place behind the toppled column.

“Undead. Giant sized.” Answers the dwarf.

“Torkal ah men.” Says the leader of the Drow- Avireal.

“They have a strange disk or shield” translates Glyder.

“The Schema” says Jasyne while clutching his bow.

“What do we wait for? The will of the-“ begins Arsensal.

“The Lord of Blades is NOT in charge here. I tire of this communication gap also.” Grumbles the dwarf. He crawls over to the drow barbarian. She glares at Kim and unseen by him has her hand resting on a blade hidden in her shin guard. He recites a basic spell and reaches out to touch her. Her draws out the blade and tells him that he is a fiend….. in common.

“I… understand you. Do you understand me?” she asks looking at the others. Quarl, her top aid, looks with trepidation at her. He too has his blade drawn.

“Can we fight later? It’s past my bed time,” says John Play in a joking manner, “With your sharper eyes… can you describe the shield? I don’t want to find a bunch of undead glowing giants over nothing.”

“It has several pieces that look like they can detach. A moon and sun….”

“That’s it. Lets go.”

The undead wraith fire giants wander deep into the ruins under a few moons. If not for the potential dangers, the way the moons reflect on the water and the submerged ruins could be considered beautiful nut there is too much danger here.

They quietly follow the undead as they reach the edge of the water. Play’s Dark lantern training kicks in as he inventories his belonging and what the others carry also. Glyder is nervous. But if he knows what the near future will bring he does not share it. Kim also recalls his spells and belongings. Jasyne is ever watchful. He believes this is too easy. The drow dislike undead and the ruins. They know it is important to do this but are uneasy being here. Arsenal, the Warmage warforged, looks forward to combat and being able to rid itself of Play.

Then, at midnight, the Kensai archer spots something in the distance. He nudges Kim and points to it. On the very top of a tower out on the water a glowing portal or rift has opened. A lone figure steps out. Then another. And another. Dozens of figures march out with more coming.

“Xulo-12’s forces?” asks Play to state the obvious.

“I hate it when I’m right.” Thinks the archer. Its never this easy.

It was a simple plan. Break up into four groups and surround the giants. Being undead now complicates the problem. The giants can go over the water. Now with the warforged invasion also…..

“You know Kim…. I still have my mother to find…..” says the Dark lantern whom stands upright and begins to move in.

Arsenal also follows.

“Here we go……” says Glyder.



The buildings and ruins are both a blessing and a curse as the group moves in on the undead giants. The drow and Play are very skilled at moving stealthily in the dark but they cannot get a clear shot without getting close.

Jasyne is the first to clear a building and strike. He fires off five highly magical arrows. One passes through the wraith holding the Schema within a magical sphere but the other four all hit. It gasps as it seems to breakdown into thousands of white and blue ambers and the Schema drops to the rocky ground and rolls onto the edge of the water line. Avireal rushes up through the brush that grows along a building. The wraiths turn in anger and confusion. They spread out as much as they can within the confined space. Kim attempts to turn them but is surprised by their resolve. They do not move away. He honestly thinks he has only annoyed them further. Play rushes forward and watches the Schema fall and twist and roll into the water. That is his target. Glyder, ever the non-combatant, attempts to communicate with an undead with his mind. The creature’s hate and anger at being attacked makes it difficult to reach it. Arsenal blasts a bolt of lightning into the midst of the undead. Three of them flutter from the damage. The clik-clak of the scorpion creatures known as Scorrow rush in a wave to enter battle. The drow groups begin to merge and attack the wraiths. In his hurry, one wraith gets too close and too quickly. It is touched and gasps from the pain of being struck and from the sudden weakness it feels within his body.

Even with all of the dark shadows (drow + Play) running between him and the undead, the Kensai archer fires off five more arrows. All five hit. Two more already damaged wraiths burst into sparkling white and blue. Avireal, the leader of the drow, runs and dodges between two of the giants but they each strike her. Extreme cold passes through her and her body cramps up. Kim opens a Dimensional Door to a top of a building and steps through. He has issues firing into / over the new allies. Play turns left then right then springs forward. He easily tumbles between the legs of the front most undead but as he stops and crouches to move again he is struck. He is aware of the touch of undeath and wills his way through the raw cold. Glyder tries to explain the situation and the consequences to the undead. Their rage blocks any and all attempts. Arsenal releases a second bolt of lightning. Another wraith is destroyed while a second staggers from the onslaught. The Scorrow climb the wall of a different building that is across from Kim Elderich. The drow move in but without magical weapons can do little against these ten foot tall wraiths.

Meanwhile, 200 feet away, the incoming warforged have spotted the action and begin to move forward to claim their prize.

And 100 feet away but 30ft deep the followers of the Devourer have spotted the bursts of light and move there to stop the invaders from possibly freeing the evil that sleeps here.

And a half a mile away a ring of fire in the sky changes direction and heads quickly to the magical light show.

Jasyne drops another giant. Avireal is struck again and finds it difficult to walk- much less run. Too much energy has been drawn away from her. And more wraiths are created as the Fire Giant Wraiths slay several drow with their draining powers. Kim Elderich spots a lot of activity on the buildings across the bay. The warforged are on the move. They seem to understand how to work platforms that rise and drop. They may arrive before they can defeat the wraiths. John Play tumbles past the last wraith and leaps into the water to retrieve the glowing Schema as it begins to sink. The time traveler tries once more to talk his way through this battle. It is not working. Lord of Blades’ agent blasts the remaining wraiths with a magical ice sphere. Though no wraiths drop each are heavily damaged and begin to howl in pain and frustration. The scorrow line up on the wall and prepare to leap down for the attack. Drow surround the undead. If they fear for their lives they do not show it.

Jasyne Symtex fires away hoping to end this. Three of his arrows pass harmlessly through the incorporeal creatures. But the two that do strike destroy it. Avireal finds she lacks the strength and collapses with her hand in the water….reaching. Two more drow are slain and will rise as undead shortly. Kim Elderich decides the warforged invaders are too close and gives them something to think about. He releases a fireball that streaks across the bay and explodes in a mass of adamantine. Most of the creatures had enough time to avoid much of the blast. Play surfaces and just sees the glow of the magical field that allowed the incorporeal undead to carry the Schema. He dives down and kicks with all of his strength to reach the sinking magical artifact. Bitter at his inability to battle in a war front, the gnome hangs back and watches for something he can do to help. With so many drow at the undead’s feet, Arsenal decides to switch tactics and uses an altered spell to attack the undead. Deadly cold reaches out and touches one undead and destroys it. The scorrow open and close their claws in excitement. The fireball explosion has illuminated the night time sky briefly. An airship is coming!



The warforged warriors from Shavarath under Xulo-12’s control begin to exit the portal in groups of thirteen. There are ten basic grunts, a mender, a spell caster and a leader per group. Based on the scout’s information, the first groups immediately head out to the lifts. These lifts will take them from the top of the buildings to the bottom. To reach the bottom requires them to become submerged which is not an issue as they are warforged. They do not require air and as such cannot drown.

Even as the first group begins to descend, they spot activity on the shore. Uninvited guests are attacking the undead that carry their queen’s prize. Time is important.

The first group watches the glare of lightning as it is released. They enter the warm waters and continue down. As they reach the murky and dark bottom the mender and caster creates light. They expected to see buildings, fountains, and marine life. Instead they see humanoid figures carrying tridents swim in formations towards them. Accompanying them are sharks. Some of these sharks are incredibly large. They appear to be hostile.

This will not do. The queen wants her prize.

She will not understand.

The normal sharks attack first. They are swift and fearless. The warforged are still on the lift and thus cannot avoid the attack. They bite down on shields and arms but find the heavy armored bodies are not soft and bloody. As the sharks are weighed down attempting to chew up a warforged, two others attack and stab their weapons deep into the under bellies and faces of the sharks. The blood of the sharks blends with the water making it murkier to see and drives the creatures into a frenzy…. The warforged that is.

Dead sharks are cast aside as the forces unload and the scaly humanoids become easier to see. Sahuagin. Other lifts arrive and sharks are killed here also.

Then in an eerie fashion, pieces of stone work fall into the water above them. The water’s surface is lit up by fire and even as this fiery illumination recedes, a large ring of fire is seen. An airship!

“This will not do.” Thinks one of the leaders below the water’s surface.



“Report!” demands Lady Demise.

“Reports say there is magical activity in some ruins on the water front.”

The Emerald claw commander ponders this. She has been trying to follow Kim Elderich for weeks now but he has recently blocked her scrying attempts. She tried to do likewise with a figure dressed in black but he also proved immune to her magical watchful eye.

Frustrated, she resorted to flying along the water front looking for clues or activity. This quest has truly been a test for her. It began years ago when Garrow proved unable to separate his hatred from the needs of the mission. Lady Vol, her queen and mistress, made it clear that the Schema was very important and need to be found- ALL of it.

Perhaps, she has finally found it.

The ship turns towards the activity and there is a powerful fireball explosion on top of the ruins over the water. Demise cannot help but to wonder if their arrival through the magical flames is causing fear in the combatants below. The fire elemental powered airship bursts through the apex of the fiery explosion and they see below glowing undead giants being attacked by magic wielding adventurers. Large scorpion like creatures are on a building.

….and a human leaping into the water after a glowing item. Could it be?

“Stop the ship here and deploy the undead!” she calls out. As the undead are released from their holding cells below, she gives out clear and concise demands. Retrieve the glowing item no matter what.

Ropes are deployed and feather fall tokens meant for the crew in case of an emergency are handed out. The undead quickly disembark to pursue the item. Then she and the other clerics of Vol on board turn their attention to the battle below.

Even as the Ghasts hit the water, the three Flesh Golems come out for orders. They are magically transported onto the building where a mage is casting spells. Demise pulls out a magical item from her robes. She recites the last of a series of prepared arcane words and pours the fine ash into the water one hundred feet below.

Unseen by anyone, the ash doesn’t remain on the surface; it sinks rapidly and seems to swim to a ruin below the water’s surface. It finds a crypt here and works its way into the various areas of holding. Huge boney hands lift covers and false walls up and away. Fifteen foot tall skeletons rise!

An undead warrior that acts as a body guard to Demise steps up. With him as a dozen living soldiers. He awaits orders; he hopes it is of combat.



The creature doesn’t seem to belong here. It is a dinosaur…. Sitting on a ruined tower with its friend…. A halfling.

What really makes this dinosaur strange isn’t its purple skin or size. Nor being in a tower or with a halfling. It has wings.

What kind of wings? Butterfly wings.

This dinosaur also has a name- Screecha. The wings came from poorly worded (and an evil DM) use of a magical wish by the halfling. They lived but now Screecha has butterfly wings.

They could be worse. They have a magical aura about them. They allow for true flight…. Not the fluttering of a butterfly.

They did escape the dangers of a glacial avalanche that appears to have taken everyone in their group. They also escaped the dragon and frost giants. It could be worse.

Thinking about its friends makes the Megaraptor sad. It misses the insect man- Arcanis. It was fun to play with it.

After that fateful day, they tried to fly north – back to the Talenta Plains but the craziness of Xen’drik confused both of them. It seems they went south instead.

Lost, they now wander Xen’drik in hopes of adventure and fun. Maybe they will make new friends.

Then she sees something in the distance. Lightning. But it’s at ground level….. in the ruins this broken tower acts as a watchtower for. And…….

Mentally she begins to yell and hops up and down. “Alton! Alton! Rainbows! Rainbows!”

She has recognized the energy signature of Jasyne Symtex’s magical bow. He is there- nearby.

The halfling is slow to wake up but when he does- he sees the ring of a fire powered airship. A show of magical combat….. and the familiar arc of a rainbow energy trail of a specific bow. “Adventure!”



John Play dives into the water expecting it to be shallow- ten feet deep at most.


The land has split as it submerged under the water. He can just see the magically encased Schema spin off the edge and sink into deeper water. He is forced to surface and take a deeper breathe. He calls on his Aberrant Mark to grow stronger and goes after the artifact again. He vaguely remembers seeing a fireball in the distance and something big was behind it.

Doesn’t matter.

He needs to get the Schema so that maybe he can back to his own life.

Kick….kick….kick…. drive down deeper. Ten feet…. Fifteen…. Lord its dark…. Twenty and his magical mask kicks in. It gives him clear sight even in the dark murky water…. But wishes it didn’t.


And Sahuagin!

Neither sees him nor at least pay any attention to him. Being in their natural environment, the creatures easily reach the schema before him. Cursing at himself, he stops and begins to float to the surface. He understands that he can’t win in this situation. His Dark Lantern training kicks in. He notes everything happening. How the creature taking the Schema has a necklace of bones and crystals. Possible magic user or spiritual leader. It takes the schema but doesn’t seem to want it. A shark swims over and allows him (or her) to settle on its back and they slowly glide away.

At this point John’s lungs are beginning to burn. He used up too much air trying to reach the schema. As the shark nears the limits of his vision he kicks for the surface.

He gasps once for air then again…. An airship has arrived and people are disembarking. Several are very large and seem to landing near Kim. The undead Giants are down. He sees the drow leader- Avireal collapsed on the water’s edge.

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