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The Closed Eye (DM: Halford, Judge: garyh)

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Tristan inclines his head slightly as the woman acknowledges his request for a portrait. At least he would know who to look for. . . unless of course the younger wizard was correct, and they were seeking to identify a body. The either had never heard of the word tact, or was playing his own game. But the concern was a legitimate one. Tristan gave it some thought while the rest of the conversation flowed around him.

The woman wants discretion? That he could handle, but the idea of attempting to maintain a low profile while acompanied by Palindrome and Woe was a stressful one. Between the intentionally antagonistic prodding of one, and the loud boasting of the other, it would be a wonder if the entire island didn't know of their mission.

"When may we call upon you to conduct our investigation of the estate?"


First Post
Lady Glasston's concern for her missing grandson echoes on the face of Tander, to the point where Tander appears the more concerned of the two.

"Ma'am, I'm most sorry for the position you find yourself in. We will do everything in our power to find your grandson."

Tander pauses just a little bit too long, clearly lost in thought, and then continues. "A thought occurs to me, and forgive me if this has been asked of you already, but before we head to the estate, can you tell us where Arnest was seen last? Perhaps one of his friends or associates can get start us on the right path."



“All efforts shall be directed to provide a swift return for your grandson, madam.”

“To speed this recovery, any further information you can provide on your grandson’s affairs would be very helpful. Are there any particular locales Arnest frequents? Routines he normally goes through? And there was mention of an… episode… just prior to his mannerisms changing during the… days of darkness?”
His fixation with it started right after he awoke from his episode. At the time we thought it was a positive thing. The docters said Taking interest in topical matters was a positive sign. It seemed fine, a bit...well... but he's always had strange tastes.

There was one girl, an elf, you know how they can be pecular? Well this one was quite pecular. I never met her myself but the servants told me so.


"When may we call upon you to conduct our investigation of the estate?"

If you must come then any time is fine.

"Ma'am, I'm most sorry for the position you find yourself in. We will do everything in our power to find your grandson."
Lady Glasston nods and smiles.

Tander pauses just a little bit too long, clearly lost in thought, and then continues. "A thought occurs to me, and forgive me if this has been asked of you already, but before we head to the estate, can you tell us where Arnest was seen last? Perhaps one of his friends or associates can get start us on the right path."

He was last seen in his room, three weeks ago. He was apparently quite adgitated. When you come I can make the servant who last saw him available... though the girl is an idiot and knows nothing.


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[sblock=Woe's Hook]
Then there was that time you and Palindrome spent six hours in the sewers....

One seems to recall said incident lasting six DAYS, not hours.

And if that blasted windbag would hire a proper exterminator, rather than a band of sword-swinging, novice 'adventurers' to deal with his rat problem, we wouldn't have been there in the first place![/sblock]

Face hidden behind his parchment, Palindrome winces at Doddoddod's display of "inscrutability".

When you come I can make the servant who last saw him available... though the girl is an idiot and knows nothing.

I praise the wisdom of your choice, good lady. None can be as discreet as the mentally handicapped, and allowing such unfortunates a position of service removes many a would-be beggar from our fine streets. I assure that we shall be as gentle in our questioning of her as we have been to you.

Now, I have some rather specific questions addressing some salient points:

First: Who is this elven girl? Where can we find her? Has she dissappeared as well? (If so, perhaps our sinister vanishing is nothing more than an elopement.)

Second: You spoke of your grandson's interest in topical matters. Was there anything specific? Such information may bear upon our investigation. For instance, if one topic of interest was teleportation, it would suggest that our dissappearance was quite literal--in the sense of your beloved grandson's elemental particles scattered throughout the aether.

Third: You stated that your grandson possessed "strange tastes"? Have you any particulars regarding these? Mayhap these, rather than the missive of which you spoke could have led to his dissappearance.

Finally: Forgive my inexcusable rudeness in being so blunt, but I must ask if your grandson had any enemies, owed money to "colorful" individuals, enjoyed playing with large, man-eating beasts, or somesuch?

Palindrome pauses in thought, tapping his quill against his chin.

He returns to writing. Now, scratching the nib as loud as possible against the paper. In an absent-minded fashion--obviously deep in concentration and unaware that none can hear him clearly--he says to himself, "Eaten by beasts?"

With a flourish and a solid tap, you see him complete the question mark.

He continues, "To do: Once at client's residence, check piles of offal for teeth and clumps of human hair. Also, check local neighborhood to see if anyone owns a large collection of swine."


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...had never heard of the word tact, or was playing his own game.

OOC: Tact?!

Not only has Palindrome heard of it, he can spell it, too!

Come now! Can't you hear the concern dripping from Palindrome's speech! Why, he is the very soul of sympathy.

Or something in the general neighborhood of sympathy.

Or maybe on the same continent.

Er... solar system?

Well, at least he's using large and polite words.

The woman wants discretion? That he could handle, but the idea of attempting to maintain a low profile while acompanied by Palindrome and Woe was a stressful one. Between the intentionally antagonistic prodding of one, and the loud boasting of the other, it would be a wonder if the entire island didn't know of their mission.

OOC: You want discretion?

I'll give you discretion!

Why would Palindrome walk about blabbing things to his obvious inferiors (read: "everyone else on the planet")? Hmm?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Oh? What's that?

You're saying you can't smoke it, because you can't light it?

Well, what did you expect? Smoke draws attention to your presence.

Yep. That's how discrete he is.
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Somewhere along the exchange, Woe’s mind turns to speculation on whether the missing grandson - should they find him alive and intentionally having orchestrated his own disappearance - would pay more to stay missing than the old hag would to see him retrieved. If that would be the case, he certainly would be able to empathize.

In a vague and fleeting moment of involvement in the mageling’s entertaining manners, Woe finds himself somewhat torn between his enjoyment of how the noble lady’s delicate composure is shaken and his diminutive but growing concern that a filthy rich client is pushed to the point where she catches on to the snide remarks. He certainly would see to it that she recommends him for further such job opportunities among the nobility, if the pay for this assignment should turn out as expected.

There was one girl, an elf, you know how they can be pecular? Well this one was quite pecular. I never met her myself but the servants told me so.
When you come I can make the servant who last saw him available... though the girl is an idiot and knows nothing.

“In addition to my sensitive and judicious colleague’s concerns, we would also humbly request a moment’s time with the servant most familiar with this elven girl. Of course, this would not perchance be the very same maid of alternatively gifted mental faculties?”

Woe steps slightly forward to appear clear from the slowly expanding purplish fog that emanates from Doddoddod, and gives lady Glasston a firm look of grave seriousness, indicating that the situation is dire indeed and she would do best to put her faith in experts.

“We trust that upon our arrival at the premises, the staff will extend the same courtesy and goodwill that you, fair lady, have graced us with, by providing us full cooperation and accessibility for where the investigation may take us.”

“This matter shall be dealt with swiftly, efficiently and with the utmost discretion, though as professionals we must insist that concerns for personal space do not compromise the investigation. Indeed, Arnest’s very life may depend on it.”
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[OOC: Palindrome casts Ghost Sound and whispers to Woe.]

[sblock=Ghost Whisper to Woe]Good one, friend!

Keep it up, because I've an idea that should give us the run of the place once we arrive. I'll start with some humbug about "objectivity" so that we'll be left alone, and then request a master key so that we can move freely about the place and acquire "clues".

If one of us can keep goody-two-shoes occupied, then the other could slip down to wherever the valuables are kept....

Of course, if the almighty and allknowing Dudduddud enchants another blasted animal messenger with specific instructions about our activities, then requires us to gave said animal to the client...

Ah, you know the drill.

And it's your turn to carry the damned thing. I'm STILL finding rabbit pellets in my satchel.

I don't think the Triple Dud will invest the effort in the animal, though. He's only had one breakfast, and as you know, he has two more to go before lunch.


Tristan cocks one eyebrow slightly at the woman's condemnation of the whole elven race as "peculiar", but remains silent. She didn't seem to have much information of use, or she wasn't willing to share it. Still, there was enough to start with.

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