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The City Arcana RG [3.5][mature]


First Post
This is The City Arcana, a 3.5 campaign starting at first level.

[sblock=Setting info]Magic is disappearing from the land.

A world-spanning coalition, backed by the will of tyrannical priests, the machinations of unscrupulous nobles, and the superstitions of peasantry, seeks to eliminate all wielders of arcane forces. They have largely succeeded. Long fragmented and rarely sharing much in common, the different orders of magic were pressed back, and many of the talented mages whose power could have swayed battles opted to simply leave for other planes of existence instead. Persistent, dark rumors hold that this war was but an excuse for their departure, and that the true enemy of arcane magic lies not in the mundane affairs of governments and wars but in something far more difficult to face.

The war is all but over. There remains but one true city - Arcana, the last bastion of free magic. There a new generation of heroes will gather and be tested.[/sblock]

PCs go in this thread! Please do not post here if your sheet has not been reviewed and approved by me for this game. Thanks :)

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Drowned Hero

First Post


Male Human Ninja 1
Lawful Neutral

Strength 	16	(+3)
Dexterity 	14	(+2)
Constitution 	12	(+1)
Intelligence 	14	(+2)
Wisdom 	        14	(+2)
Charisma 	 8	(-1)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 200 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black Wavy with Average Beard

Total Hit Points: 6

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 14 = 10 +2 [dexterity] + 2 [Wisdom]

Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier:	+2	= +2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: 	        +1	=  0 [base] +1 [constitution]
Reflex save:	        +4	=  2 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save:	                +4	=  0 [base] +2 [wisdom] +2 [if ki powers available]

Attack (handheld):	+3	= 0 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (unarmed):	+3	= 0 [base] +3 [strength]
Attack (missile):	        +2	= 0 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check:   	        +3	= 0 [base] +3 [strength]

Languages: Common Elven Halfling


Short Sword [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb,light, piercing]
Kama [1d6, crit x2, 2 lb., light, slashing]
Nanchaku [1d6 crit x2, 2 lb., light, bludgeoning]
Sai [1d4, crit x2, range incr 10 ft., 1 lb., light, bludgeoning]
Siangham [1d6, crit x2, 1 lb., light, piercing]
Hand Crossbow [1d4, 19-20/x2, range incr 30 ft., 2 lb., piercing]
Composite Longbow [1d6, crit x3, range incr. 110 ft., 1 1/2 lb, piercing]

      Point Blank Shot	
      Precise Shot	

Skill Name

Appraise 	    Int 	2 =+2	
Balance 	    Dex* 	3 =+2+1	
Bluff    	    Cha        -1 =-1		
Climb               Str* 	3 =+3		
Concentration       Con 	1 =+1
Diplomacy 	    Cha        -1 =-1		
Disable Device      Int 	4 =+2+2 	
Disguise 	    Cha        -1 =-1		
Escape Artist       Dex* 	3 =+2+1 	
Forgery 	    Int 	3 =+2+1 	
Gather Information  Cha 	-1 =-1	
Heal 	            Wis 	3 =+2+1 	
Hide     	    Dex* 	2 =+2		
Intimidate 	    Cha        -1 =-1		
Jump     	    Str* 	5 =+3+2 	
Knowledge (arcana)  Int 	3 =+2+1 
Listen 	            Wis 	2 =+2		
Move Silently       Dex* 	6 =+2+4 	
Open Lock 	    Dex 	6 =+2+4 			
Ride 	            Dex 	2 =+2		
Search   	    Int 	6 =+2+4 	
Sense Motive        Wis 	3 =+2+1 	
Sleight of Hand     Dex* 	3 =+2+1 
Spot 	           Wis 	        6 =+2+4 	
Survival 	   Wis 	        2 =+2
Swim               Str** 	4 =+3+1 	
Tumble             Dex* 	4 =+2+2 	
Use Magic Device   Cha   	0 =-1+1 
Use Rope            Dex 	3 =+2+1 	

* = check penalty for wearing armor

* Extra feat at first level (already included)
* Four extra skill points at firstlevel (already included)
* One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
Ninja Traits:

    * Core class from "Complete Adventurer"
    * Level 1: [list]
	Ki power [Equal to one half her class lvl (minimun 1) plus wis modifier] - if ki pool is full she gains +2 on will safes - 
	[b]ki powers: ghost step (lvl 2), ki dodge (lvl 3), ghost strike (lvl 4), greater ki dodge and ghost walk [/b]
	sudden strike [whenever a ninjas target is denied a dex bonus to AC, the ninja can deal a extra 1d6 of dmg], 
	trapfinding [a ninja can use search to locate traps with a DC mayor then 20 and can use disable device] [/list]
      Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x2
      Arrows (quiver of 20) x2
      Blanket, winter x1
      Flint and steel
      Grappling hook
      Lantern (hooded)
      Manacles x2
      Oil flasks x2
      Rations (1 day) x10
      Rope (50', silk) x2
      Signal whistle
      Climber's kit
      Healer kit
      Thieves' tools

Total GP : 320 gp


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
RACE (CR) : Human
CLASS (LEVEL) : Cleric 1
... NET LEVEL : 1
SIZE : Medium
SPEED : 30 ft.
TYPE : Humanoid (Human)

CASH : 30gp, 11sp

ABILITY SCORES = 32 pts (4+2+6+4+6+10)
Str 12 (+1) (12/base)
Dex 10 (+0) (10/base)
Con 14 (+2) (14/base)
Int 12 (+1) (12/base)
Wis 14 (+2) (14/base)
Cha 16 (+3) (16/base)

FORT +4 (2/clr 2/con)
REF +0 (0/clr 0/dex)
WILL +4 (2/clr 2/wis)

HIT POINTS : 10 (8 +2/con)
Standard : 15 (+4/armor +1/shield)
Touch : 10
Flat-Foot : 14 (+4/armor)

MELEE : +1 (+1/str)

Flail +2; 1d8+1

Common, Draconic

1 free feat, 1 extra skill point/level.

Cleric: Spontaneus Casting: Healing, Turn Undead 6/day, 
War Domain: Weapon Prof & Focus (Flail), Destruction Domain: Smite 1/day

Cha 1: Combat Casting
Cha 1: Improved Initiative
War: Weapon Focus (Flail)

SKILLS 4*(3+1) = 16
Concentration +6/+10 (4 ranks +2 con)
Heal          +6 (4 ranks +2 wis)
Know (arcana) +5 (4 ranks +1 int)
Know (relig.) +3 (2 ranks +1 int)
Know (Planes) +3 (2 ranks +1 int)

D0: Light, Purify Food & Drink, Create Water
D1: Bless, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon (D)

EQUIPMENT  [138,9 gp].
Explorer's Outfit [10]

Chain shirt [100]
Flail [8]
Shield LS [9]

Backpack [2]
Bedroll [0.1]
Caltrops [1]
Case (Map/Scroll) [1]
Signal Whistle [0.8]
Waterskin [1]
Holy Symbol [1]
Spell Component Pouch [5]

Order of the Crimson Moon is propably one of the reasons that arcane magic is so feared and held to be blasphemous. It is no secret that many of the Order's practises include study of darker arts and reverance to blood and battle, but they are still far from evil. It is however enough to get the ire of zealots and fear of the public on them, and their own religiously ritualistic behaviour isn't helping to leviate the views.

Dzax the Scarred was apprenticed to the Order at young age, and was taught to became a battlefield leader from early on. He has a zeal on the ideology of the Order, matching that of the priests of other Faiths, and true enough, even if he doesn't worship a god directly, some divine agent of battlefields has granted him his favour.

The Order of the Crimson Moon has devoted it's study of arcane knowledge to the areas that other orders fear. It is their duty to make sure that lore about horrors beyond reason are kept in hands that won't abuse it. And it is their duty to use that knowledge wisely. Due to his upbringing Dzax has a genuine curiousity for things that propably should be left undisturbed, but he has the wisdom to not use it trivially.

Dzax is not old, but he has already seen his share of things that have prematurely aged him. He is completely bald and his head is covered with intricate tattoos, giving him somewhat fierce appearance. Dzax dresses in the dark red of his order and wears simple and practical clothes of a warrior. He carries a flail and a shield strapped on his back and it is not uncommon that someone has mistaken him for a soldier instead of a mage.


First Post
Hathanorgrimm Spellsmith, Grimm to his few friends, is a dwarven wizard whose only real ambition is to craft magic arms and armor worthy of being entered into the dwarven halls of record.

The war has, of necessity, put that ambition on hold. Grimm fights in the war because he must, to keep his dream alive.

[sblock=Grimm Spellsmith]Basics
Race: Dwarf
Class: Wizard
Align: Lawful Neutral
XP: 90

Ability Scores

12 Strength
14 Dexterity
16 Constitution
16 Intelligence
14 Wisdom
06 Charisma

Combat Stats

HP: 7
Speed: 20
Initiative: +2
BAB: +0
Grapple: +1
Melee Attack (quarterstaff, wielded two-handed): +1; 1d6+1; x2 crit; bludgeoning
Ranged Attack (heavy crossbow): +2; 1d10; 19-20/x2 crit; 120 ft. range increment; piercing; full round action to load (AoO)

AC: 12 (16 with Mage Armor)
Touch AC: 12
Flat-Footed AC: 10 (14 with Mage Armor)

Fort Save: +3
Ref Save: +2
Will Save: +4


+3/+5 Appraise (+3 Int, +2r stone/metal)
+7 Concentration (4 ranks, +3 Con)
+7/+9 Craft (Armorsmithing) (4 ranks, +3 Int, +2r stone/metal)
+7/+9 Craft (Weaponsming) (4 ranks, +3 Int, +2r stone/metal)
-5 Jump (+1 Str, -6 speed)
+7 Knowledge (Arcana) (4 ranks, +3 Int)
+3/+5 Search (+3 Int, +2r notice unusual stonework)
+7 Spellcraft (4 ranks, +3 Int)


Point Blank Shot (1st level)
Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)

Class Features

Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff
Summon Familiar
Bonus Feat: Scribe Scroll

Racial Traits

No speed penalty for armor and encumberance
Darkvision 60 ft.
Stonecunning - Notice unusual stonework, intuit depth underground
Weapon Familiarity - Urgrosh and Waraxe = Martial
Stability - +4 to resist trips, bull rushes when standing on the ground
+2 saves vs poisons
+2 saves vs spells and spell-like abilities
+1 attack bonus vs orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giants
Favored Class: Fighter




Heavy Crossbow/20 Bolts
Blanket, Winter
Candles (10)
Chalk (10)
Grappling Hook
Rations, Trail (5)
Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
Case, Scroll
Pouch, Belt
5 Silver Pieces
Spell Component Pouch

Spells Prepared

0 Level: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic
1st Level: Mage Armor, Magic Missile


0 Level: All

1st Level: Color Spray, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield


Age: 57
Height: 4'2
Weight: 145
Appearance: Grimm is very practical in attire, tending toward drab colors. Despite being a relatively young dwarf, his hair is thin and mostly bald on top. His beard is full, however, being a dark blond in color. His arcane mark is a stylized Urgrosh and the dwarven runes for GRIMM, which he places on everything he crafts.[/sblock]
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RACE (CR) : Human
CLASS (LEVEL) : Mystic Knight 1
... NET LEVEL : 1
SIZE : Medium
SPEED : 30 ft.
TYPE : Humanoid (Human)

CASH : 150 gp - 138 expenses = 12gp remaining

ABILITY SCORES = 32 pts (4+6+10+2+10)
Str 12 (+1) (12/base)
Dex 14 (+2) (14/base)
Con 16 (+3) (16/base)
Int 10 (+0) (10/base)
Wis 8 (-1) (8/base)
Cha 16 (+3) (16/base)

FORT +4 (0/myk 3/con 1/luck)
REF +3 (0/myk 2/dex 1/luck)
WILL +3 (3/myk -1/wis 1/luck)

HIT POINTS : 11 (8 +3/con)  Note: DR 2/silver
Standard : 13 (10/base 2/dex 1/luck)
Touch : 13 (10/base 2/dex 1/luck)
Flat-Foot : 11 (10/base 1/luck)

INITIATIVE : +2 (2/dex)
RANGED : +3 (+2/dex)
MELEE : +2 (+1/str)

Darkwood Light Crossbow +3 att [1d6 x2]
Morningstar +2 att [1d8 x2]


1 free feat, 1 extra skill point/level.

Mystic Knight: DR 1/silver, Arcane Curse (-2 arcane saves on foe struck) 1/day

Cha 1 . Luck of Heroes (+1 to all saves, +1 luck AC)
Cha 1 . Greater Resiliency (DR improves by 1)
Cha 3 .
Cha 6 .
Cha 9 .
Cha12 .
Cha15 .
Cha18 .

SKILLS 4*(2+1) = 12
Concentration +7 (4 ranks +3 con)
Know (arcana) +4 (4 ranks +0 int)
Spellcraft    +4 (4 ranks +0 int)

Explorer's Outfit [10 gp]
Light Crossbow [65 gp]
20 cold iron bolts [4 gp]
20 bolts [2 gp]
Cold iron morningstar [16 gp]
dagger [2 gp]
Caltrops x5 [5 gp]
Silk Rope [20 gp; 100', +2 use rope, 10 lbs.]

MUNDANE STUFF (cost 14 gp 3 sp 9 cp)

Hooded Lantern [7 gp]
Oil x10 [1 gp]
Shovel [2 gp]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Symbol [1 gp]
Tindertwig [1 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Parchment [2 sp]
Chalk x5 [5 cp]
Whetstone [2 cp]
Flask of water [3 cp]


First Post
Name: Sayida

Race/gender: Elan/female
Size/type: Medium/Aberration
Class: Monk 1/Psychic warrior 0
XP 0; total level 1
Alignment: LN (G)
Languages: Common
HP: 9 (8 +1 CON)
AC: 16 (t16/ff13; DEX +3; WIS +3)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Move: 30 feet (no armor/unencumbered)
BAB: +0 (Melee +0/Missile +3/Finesse +3/Grapple +4)
>Unarmed strike: +3; damage 1d6
>Unarmed flurry: +1/+1; damage 1d6
>Sling: +3; damage 1d4, range increment 50 feet
+3/FORT: +2 base, +1 CON
+5/REF: +2 base, +3 DEX
+5/WILL: +2 base, +3 WIS

STR 10 (+0; 2 pts))
DEX 16 (+3; 10 pts)
CON 12 (+1; 4 pts)
INT 12 (+1; 4 pts)
WIS 16 (+3; 10 pts)
CHA 8 (-1; 2 pts -2 racial)

Weapon finesse (level 1)
Improved unarmed strike (Monk 1)
Improved grapple (Monk 1 bonus)

Class abilities (Monk):
>Bonus feats
>Unarmed strike
>Flurry of blows
>Armor class bonus

Racial abilities (Elan):
>Size= Medium; Base Speed = 30 feet
>Aberration type (but no darkvision)
>Naturally psionic
>Trance: 4 hours of meditation, provides the same effect as 8 hours sleep

Power points: 2

Powers known:
None yet

Skills (at level 1; 4+1=5 x4= 20 sp) (Total/skill//points/ranks/adjustments):
+4/Autohypnosis//2 cc/1/WIS +3
+5/Balance//2/2/DEX +3
+2Climb//2/2/STR +0
+3/Concentration//2/2/CON +1
+2/Jump//2/2/STR +0
+2/Knowledge- arcane//2 cc/1/INT +1
+2/Knowledge- psionics//2 cc/1/INT +1
+2/Psicraft//2 cc/1/INT +1
+7/Tumble//4/4/DEX +4

Possessions (10.1 gp spent, 2.4 gp left):
>Quarterstaff (0 gp)
>Dagger (x2)(4 gp)
>Sling (0 gp)
>Sling bullets (x10)(1 sp)
>Backpack (2 gp)
>Travelers outfit (x2)(2 gp)
>Belt pouch (1 gp)
>Flint and steel (1 gp)

Description: Sayida is a petite young woman, both short and slender- just under 5 feet tall, and weighing no more than 100 pounds. She has dark eyes and black hair that she keeps cropped very short, but her skin is almost unnaturally pale. Her face never seems to show emotion, and her gaze is always direct and unblinking, nearly the stare of a predatory bird.
She wears low soft boots, loose-cut trousers, and a simple wrap jacket over a lightweight shirt, all in shades of grey. A large leather satchel is slung over one shoulder, and a pair of fighting knives are tucked into her wide sash- besides a long staff, she seems to have no other weapons.

Background: Like all élan, Sayida was not born, she was made. Her folk had dwelt within the ancient citadel of Kethuvair, high in the remote mountains, for thousands of years, exploring the secrets of the mind and the body. The forces of the purge knew little of the ways of the spirit, and did not differentiate between those esoteric scholars and more traditional mages- nor did they respect the élan colony’s proclaimed neutrality. Those forces overran the citadel’s defenders and slew all within the walls. In their ignorance, though, they mistook the crystalline cocoons of as-yet “unborn” élan for some kind of sculpture or relic, and left them undamaged. Shortly after the forces of the Purge moved on, some scavengers from the mountain tribes snuck into the now-ruined citadel in search of relics to sell…
No longer maintained by the élan masters, the birthing crystals had begun to fail- most of the élan “children” had perished. Sayida was still alive (if only barely), and the curious tribal scavengers brought her back to their village and nursed her back to health. At first she was at a loss as to what to do, but the tribe’s elderly shaman had some advice. He instructed her to go the city of Arcana- if any of her folk lived, they might go there, and if not, the scholars might have information for her. Sayida set out the next day. The journey was quite hard, especially since her premature awakening had seemingly prevented her mental powers from being fully developed.
When she arrived in Arcana, she did indeed find a few other élan, refugees from other destroyed citadels. They lacked the knowledge to awaken her latent powers, but seemed confident that those gifts would develop in their own time. In the meantime, she received training in physical skills and mental discipline- some skills which the élan had honed during their long study, and other lessons culled from other races. [/sblock]


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