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The Beast - C.A. Smith


Players in my campaign, you know who you are - STAY OUT

In my current campaign I'm converting the Slavers Modules (A1-A4) to 4e. This has been working rather well but it will end soon, the PCs are currently in the Slaver's Stockade. They have defeated Icar, the fort commander, and have defeated, though not captured Markessa. She saw the battle going poorly for her and decided to hoof it. From here they'll head to the Aerie, and the finale for this leg of the campaign. I expect they'll be close to 7-8th level by the end of this.

The campaign started in the village of Tharbensford, a location I created near Harkenwold. Then the PCs moved from there to Fallcrest. The thread for the Slavelords began there, and the PCs went southwest to battle these miscreants. However the PCs will be returning back to the Fallcrest area after their stint with the Slavelords.

In Tharbensford, the PCs had established a good rapport with the local priest, and helped him relocate to Fallcrest when he was promoted. During their time in Fallcrest the priest was very excited because of the celestial phenomenon seen in the night sky - the red star (a comet). He's been spending countless hours "investigating" this phenomenon.

SPOILERS PAST THIS POINT - If you are a player you have read as much as you currently know - Scram!!!!

So now comes the interesting part, and what I'd like to get more ideas on.

I've been planning to use the basic story of Clark Ashton Smith's - The Beast of Averoigne for one of the adventures as the PCs return to Fallcrest.

The PCs left Fallcrest with a hint of the beast starting its depredations. They found a farmhouse recently "destroyed" by the beast. Though nobody really knew what had caused the devastation. The PCs did not have time to continue investigating, as the Slavelords thread became more prominent.

When they return to Fallcrest the depredations of the beast will be in full swing. What I need are ideas on how to ramp up the suspense for the encounters, or near encounters with the beast and the aftermath of its attacks. I really don't want the PCs to encounter the beast except maybe one time, before the final confrontation with it, but I want them to be on its tail multiple times. How would you attempt to achieve that? What kind of destruction would the beast leave behind? Any idea is welcome.

As in the story, I plan to use the priest as the beast, but I don't want to give it away. If you have a better idea please mention it. I want the priest because he has become somewhat of a patron/mentor. I think the "emotional" payoff will be better with him as the beast. Though I'm open to any suggestions. What "method" would you recommend for the transformation of priest to beast?

When I get a chance, I will post a stat block for the beast for critique.
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Okay, here's the beast for your critique. I haven't spent much time reworking the math, so if you see some glaring issue(s) please note them. Thanks.

The Beast Level 8 Solo Brute
Large aberrant magical beast XP 1,750
HP 423; Bloodied 212
Regeneration 5 (if the Beast takes radiant damage, regeneration does not function until the end of its next turn)
AC 21; Fortitude 20; Reflex 16; Will 20
Speed 10, climb 7
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 Initiative +7
Perception +22
O Hindering Tentacles • Aura 2
An enemy that ends its turn in the aura suffers 10 damage.
Legion Mind
The Beast rolls initiative once for each opponent it faces. It gains a full set of actions on each of its turns.
If an effect can end with a save, the Beast does not suffer from it. The Beast is immune to all forced movement. If it suffers from an effect that ends at the end of a creatures turn, the effect ends at the end of the Beast’s next turn.
Spell Eater
If the Beast ends its turn in or adjacent to a zone or conjuration, the zone or conjuration is destroyed.
Threatening Reach
The Beast can make opportunity attacks against all enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Standard Actions
:bmelee: Tentacle Slam (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +11 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 3 damage (2d6 + 29 on a critical hit), and the target is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage.
:close: Stomp • At-Will
Attack: Close burst 5; +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 1 damage, and knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage.
:close: Slobbering Spittle (acid) • Recharge :4: :5: :6:
Attack: Close blast 5; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + 3 acid damage.
Miss: Half damage.
:ranged: Fiery Bolt (fire) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 4 fire damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Triggered Actions
:melee: Tail Slap • At-Will
Trigger: An enemy flanks the Beast.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (creature in flank); +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Str 21 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wis 17 (+7)
Con 20 (+9) Int 4 (+1) Cha 7 (+2)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Primordial

IMO, this creature is a lurker, with either a shapchanging power or the ability to "possess" creatures.

The creature in question could move in complete silence. I would actually give it a Silence aura (so -10 to Perception checks to hear it). This would make it incredibly stealthy if there's lots of cover or concealment.

But I don't have a full creature ready like the above poster.


IMO, this creature is a lurker, with either a shapchanging power or the ability to "possess" creatures.

The creature in question could move in complete silence. I would actually give it a Silence aura (so -10 to Perception checks to hear it). This would make it incredibly stealthy if there's lots of cover or concealment.

But I don't have a full creature ready like the above poster.

Oh, I love the "possession" angle. I'm going to have to explore that.

I'll look through the stat block here in a few but I agree with PSH above regarding Lurker with Silence Aura and Shapechange. Question for you. Have you read Dean Koontz' Phantoms? I ran a CoC game off of that book long ago. I think you may find what you're looking for therein.


I'll look through the stat block here in a few but I agree with PSH above regarding Lurker with Silence Aura and Shapechange. Question for you. Have you read Dean Koontz' Phantoms? I ran a CoC game off of that book long ago. I think you may find what you're looking for therein.

It was ages ago that I read that book, but good call. Both you and [MENTION=1165](Psi)SeveredHead[/MENTION] have given me an idea. I think that I'm going to give the creature a power, or two that are tied to shapechanging and possession. I'm thinking something similar to the 1980's movie The Thing.

MM3 and beyond update for you right quick to check your math (which appears to be off):

Initiative bonus

Hit points
[10 + Con + (level × 10)] * 4
[6 + Con + (level × 6)] * 4
Level + 12
Level + 14
Other defenses
Level + 12
Level + 12
Attack vs. AC
Level + 5
Level + 5
Attack vs. other defenses
Level + 3
Level + 3
Single Target Damage *
2d8 + 7 (9)
2d8 + 7
Two + Target Damage *
2d6 + 5
2d6 + 5
* For brutes, the damage should be 25 percent higher.
** For limited damage, such as damage from encounter powers or recharge powers, increase the value by 25 to 50 percent.
*** For solos, increase 3 of the 4 defenses (including AC) by +2 each.

Do you remember what the Ancient Enemy did to those it consumed and what it left behind? If your mates haven't read that book it should make for a considerably eerie gaming experience.

Isolated mountain town. Piles of jewelry and metals in random locations. Dinner still on the stove or table fully set with no one there and no signs of a struggle. An inexplicable mass disappearance.


MM3 and beyond update for you right quick to check your math (which appears to be off):

Thanks for the math sanity check. One thing to "remember" is that the possibility of variance in the "math" should always be there. I did look at the math for defenses for example. By following the "baseline math" all defenses would have been 20. I didn't like that for this creature, so I increased AC by one, and lowered Reflex by 3.

I based that decision on the way that I "see" this creature. I wanted it to be tougher to hit, tough to affect its physiology, and tough to attack mentally, but easier to catch off-balance. I like that none of this is "hardcoded". My "vision" of the creature is based on what I want to portray, and not a rigid formula that should not be deviated from. The formula gives me a very good baseline.

I absolutely hated when people online would "brutalize" a publisher when the publisher put out a monster, or an NPC that even slightly deviated from the math in 3.x. This phenomenon was mostly because the rules forced NPCs, and Monsters to be built off the same baseline as PCs. I'm really glad 4e got away from that mentality. We can create rather unique creatures without going through the mental gyrations of "do I actually have the resources to put those 2 skill points there?"

The baseline number is only that, a baseline. Deviation is not necessarily "math that is off".

However your check did point out certain things that I will look closely at. I still have to come up with a good possession power.


@D'karr Yup yup. I agree. Standard HPs, AC and NADs would put your BBEG at 400, 22, 22, 20, 22 respectively, but if you want to deviate from that for the sake of invoking flavor, have at it and it shouldn't be a problem!

My only suggestion would be on the offensive side. You've got an Att vs AC at + 11 instead of + 13 and an Att vs Fort at + 9 instead of + 11.

Further, mean Brute At-Will single target damage should be ~ 20 and multi ~ 15. You've got a lot of rider conditions which you have to subtract damage for but a few abilities might need a little tuning:

1) Might want to bump mean Stomp AoE damage up from 8 to 11 or 12.
2) Might want to bump Fiery Bolt damage (single target and no rider) up from 11 to ~ 20.

Slobbering Spittle is a limited use AoE with no rider so it should have mean damage around 19-22 (Let's call it 21). Its at ~ 17 currently.

Tentacle Slam and Tail Slap look just about perfect. Here is what you might want to consider:

Standard Actions
:bmelee: Tentacle Slam (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +13 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 3 damage (2d6 + 29 on a critical hit), and the target is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage.
:close: Stomp • At-Will
Attack: Close burst 5; +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage.
:close: Slobbering Spittle (acid) • Recharge :4: :5: :6:
Attack: Close blast 5; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + 7 acid damage.
Miss: Half damage.
:ranged: Fiery Bolt (fire) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + 7 fire damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Triggered Actions
:melee: Tail Slap • At-Will
Trigger: An enemy flanks the Beast.
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (creature in flank); +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.

However. All of that being said. You've got quite a bit of (fun and tactically compelling - great stuff!) synergy between your big Aura 2 for 10 damage if you end your turn there and Threatening Reach. That is going to make a lot of catch-22 decision-making for melee on whether they want to eat the 10 damage or potentially eat a larger OA. Good stuff there. That in and of itself might offset the lower damage that you have for some of those abilities. I'd probably still boost the accuracy to normal levels though. And indomitable does the trick to save the BBEG action economy against status effect lockdown. Looks great!

Those are my thoughts anyway.

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