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The Ballad of Hal Whitewyrm


This is a play-by-post game that we are playing over at the campaign's site at the Obsidian Portal. After the first week, I thought it was coming along really well, so we're sharing it here.

Chapter I
5th of Elient, Year of the Prince, 1357, Dale Reckoning

The Dalelands are still recovering from the war that autumn, in which Lashan of Scardale had attempted to rise up and unite the dales under his iron fist. The Dalelands are a confederacy of villages and towns ruled by heroes, tomb robbers and free folk. Lashan found these people were not easily conquered and his army was routed.

The Time of Troubles are still a year away.

On the outskirts of Highmoon is an old, rickety cottage. A great weeping willow sweeps over the roof, keeping it cool in the summers and seeming to cradle it, holding in its warmth during the winter. At the foot of the willow is a gravemarker for Geruth, a Highmoon-born wizard.

The tombstone has the wizard’s name engraved on it and reads, “Here in beautiful Highmoon do I put down my book and my staff.”

Inside the cottage, Hal Whitewyrm and his love, Nasharel, are speaking a hushed whisper.

“I do feel a pull to the west, love. The King and Queen have called their subjects to Evermeet. Even now they are taking their leave of the great citadels in the Cormanthor. But I also feel a pull towards justice. I think of others in Zhentarim chains and do not think I could find fulfillment singing on the elven isles.”

There is some tension in the room. She feels the pull to Evermeet and as of yet, Hal has not, despite his elven blood. She goes to the fire and pours them both mint tea, taking from his mother’s old garden, now overgrown and wild.

They sip tea in silence for a while and she breaks the silence abruptly. "What does your heart tell you? If you wish to live out the rest of your days singing songs in the local inn and earning enough of your keep to mend this cottage, I will stay with you for a time but you know that if that is your destiny, one morning you will awake and find me gone.

“But there are other options.

“I know you two did not have the bond of family that you would have liked but I heard that your cousin has gotten a charter for an adventuring company, calling themselves the Knights of Highmoon. They are planning on going into the dark heart of Cormanthor and confronting whatever ills stir there. I know he has Geruth’s apprentice, now a full wizard grown but without solid guidance they might get hurt. There are worse things than simple gnolls in the dark heart of Cormanthor.

“They say that Daggerdale is still home to Zhentarim spies. That might be a place to start looking for Xerez and his ilk.

“And we could use this time to learn, to grow, find tutors and barter our way to better knowledge.

“Do you wish us to part and go our own ways for a while, agreeing to meet in a year’s time when we have walked the Realms a while, meeting again to tell the other what we have seen? Or is there some other path that you see with your father’s beautiful orange eyes that I have not considered?”

Sipping the mint tea, I gaze into the wall, into the distance, into years past.

“I lost my way. We have spent so many years surviving that this past year in Highmoon has been like a dream, hazy and blurry. You are right, my love: I cannot simply sit idly at the inn anymore.

“I do not feel the pull to the west, and that fills me with grief for it means that whatever is elven in me is weak, unconnected. And I cannot take three steps in this house without thinking of my mother and those who ended up like her.

“It is time to take action.”

I take Nasharel’s hand in mine, squeeze it gently, draw strength from it.

“I ache to repay the Zhentarim for their villany,” I say, my other hand placed over my mother’s flute, tucked in my vest, "but I will not be the foolish boy who runs to kill the dragon with a stick.

“I will put my pride aside and seek Nethanel out this very moment. If he is heading deep into Cormanthor, perhaps we could join him. I am sure that with four of us we could brave the dark shadows and perhaps find those of the people still guarding the forest, and with them information and maybe a mentor.”

Abruptly I get up, down my tea and kiss Nasharel fully, deeply. Without another word I stride out, grabbing my sword as I exit the door, heading straight for the Leaves of Learning by way of the High Market. Perhaps a warm apple pastry will sweeten Nethanel’s disposition today.

Brother Nethanel and his newly chartered adventuring party are set up in a comfortable scholar’s nook in the Leaves of Learning. Books Nethanel has gathered about journies into Cormanthor and pre-elven ruins that had been raided in the past hundred years are on the nearby shelves along with some rare copied scrolls concerning Mulhorand. Maps and scrolls more immediately relevant to their expedition are on the table and an apple pastry, smelling of cinnamon and apples sits on the table, still hot from the nearby baker’s oven.

Before the pastry had been placed on the table, the holy archivist was lecturing on the colonies of the once great nation of Mulhorand and the imperial tendencies of its nigh-immortal god-kings and god-queens. While entering the Leaves of Learning, holy hall of Oghma, Hal could hear his cousin talking about the likelihood of an ancient Mulhorand crypt in the areas now settled by elves, how the elves likely built over the ancient structures, wanting to keep an eye on them and study another species of quasi-immortals. He was about to explain his evidence concerning the Statues that Walk and his thesis that they had once trampled Cormanthor beneath their gargantuan metal feet when Hal walked in and placed the delicious apple pastry on the table.

“There is no food in the Library Temple, cousin. The crumbs draw rats and the rats destroy scrolls and tomes. But other than vandalizing of Oghma’s blessings, what brings you here? I am obligated by church law and doctrine to ask if you need any information. So, do you need any information, how might Oghma bless you with his learning through his most humble of vessels at your service?” Nethanel manages to sneer through every word, even the holy question of Oghma.

(NOTE: If putting the pastry on the table or bringing it into the temple is something Hal would never do, let me know and I’ll revise. I don’t want to put actions on you…needless to say, your cousin would have been a dick no matter what. Had to google the Leaves of Learning, hope I got it close to your expectations)

(NOTE: No prob on those actions at all but I’ll keep that in mind. I imagine as we go along and we both get to know the characters better we’ll be able to get really good about knowing how they’d act. Also, if I mention another actual setting location I’m not making up, I’ll link you to it.)

Supressing the desire to insult him back, I calmy (if a bit strained by the effort) reply, “My apologies, cousin, but I did see these pastries were freshly done and I know how much you enjoy them. I would suppose the Temple of Oghma would have magical means to keep vermin away as well.”

Ignoring my cousin’s glare and sneer, I continue. “I do have a reason to seek you, Nethanel. I know our bonds of kinship have been tense this past year but I would like to see that ended. You are family, the only one I have at that, and family is one of the few things worth fighting for. And precisely because of that, I would seek your approval for me and Nasharel to join your newly-formed company on your expedition into the heart of Cormanthor. You know I’m good with a blade, as well as having some knowledge of ancient symbols—though clearly not as much as you,” I say, trying my darned best to sound honest and flattering, “which might be helpful. Lastly, I have some practical knowledge of the road which surely will come in handy once we—you—leave Deepingdale behind.”

I wait, letting the monologue sink in, knowing full well this is a stretch, but hoping it is enough.

Also standing round the table is a portly wizard in threadbare traveling robes and a raccoon familiar on his shoulder and a hedge knight dame leaning on a Cormyrish-style silver shield with the constellation of the Wanderer in yellow starbursts.

They wince at the archivist’s words and look uncomfortable at being in the midst of what they can only guess is a family feud.

Nethanel takes out a scroll, the newly notarized charter for the Knights of Highmoon. “Well, cousin, we only have room for a trio of full-fledged adventurers in our charter as written.”

The wizard tries to speak, nodding his head eagerly but the archivist speaks over him. “However, we do have room for you and your mistress,” he hisses the word, making his disapproval at your unmarried living arrangement plain, “if you two would be a hireling or henchmen for the Knights of Highmoon. You’d be responsible for guiding the donkeys, striking camp and tapping ten-foot-poles in cramped tunnels. The pay is a modest percentage of what we bring back and we will provide food and water during our expedition, of course. Henchmenry for adventuring parties is hard work but honest and paid in kind…slavery has no place in the Dalelands, of course.”

The lady-knight’s jaw drops in shock, the wizard exhales as if punched and the raccoon hisses at the last sentence.

(NOTE: At this point, you can take his deal and go as henchmen, in which you will earn some artha for your belief about family, or you can enter into a Duel of Wits and I dunno, try to get written into the charter as full partners or somethin’. I’m happy to discuss the DOW in italics here and suss it out, as it would be our first.

I you just want to make a single roll for it and not script the full DoW, we could also do that. The Persuasion ob would be 4 and I’d likely give you helping dice from the knight and the wizard, though you don’t have Persuasion, so the ob would be 8 for Beginner’s Luck, BWG, page 49-50.

Speaking of artha, let’s start you with 2 Personna and 2 Fate as befits a high fantasy, swashbuckling romantic romp. )

I keep my face as blank as possible and remind myself of the greater picture.

“I accept (I wait a bit until I see the flicker of smugness cross his face) but I would request that perhaps if and when Nasharel and I have proven our usefulness, we all (I gesture at all assembled at the table) reconsider the matter of full membership. I believe it is only the proper and honorable thing to do.”

I let him have the last word if he wants.

Of course your cousin wants the last word. “Oghma, the Binder, considers your music a blessing and a boon. Should your skills add to His grace, we will discuss it as the charter dictates and have a vote.”

“A vote indeed!” the wizard breaks the dismal mood. “Welcome to the fellowship, my friend. I am Dimon but please do not let the Thayan name fool you. I am not Red Wizard, trained in Cormyr, though not adept enough to train at the War Wizards’ College. This is my martial sister, Dame Alynna, sure to take the Purple Dragons by storm once they open their eyes and notice her worth.”

Alynna looks embarrassed at her brother’s bluster. “Brother, you don’t have to explain your name to everyone we meet. None but a fool would think that you were a Red Wizard of Thay.”

“My sister’s right; I’m just nervous, this being my first adventure. I trained with Geruth for a while, learned me the basics of Arcane Symbology, he did. I should visit his grave, say a few words before we go.”

“But I’m sorry, I’m babbling. Just so happy to have a elves with us on our travels…like a storybook, isn’t it? You and your lady-friend are most welcome. And…how exactly are you and Nethanel related? Some distant half-elven uncle in the past centuries?”

Nethanel’s mouth tightens into a prim line. Alynna shakes her head. The raccoon snatches the pastry and begins eating it, holding on to the delicious morsel with both hands.

(NOTE: 1 Fate artha for Driving the game forward with a belief. Total 3 Fate, 2 Personna, 0 Deeds and that’ll be the last time I’ll tally artha, if you could mark that down somewhere, that’d be keen.)

I chuckle at the wizard’s introduction, bowing my head in acknowledgement of each.

“Dimon, we have both been apprenticed to Geruth, and he was no fool so I would never think you a Thayan Red Wizard. Dame Alynna, a pleasure as well.

“As for my kinship with Nethanel, our mothers were sisters. Ah, yes, Dimon, I’m half-elven. My mother was as human as you and lived here years ago. But please, be not disappointed, for my lady (and I stress the word in opposition to Nethanel’s pejorative) is indeed an elf,” I finish with a smile.

“Cousin, you won’t regret this. I must run some errands now and bear the good news back home, but please send word if you need to meet for any reason or whenever we are set to leave. I will be ready.”

As I leave the hall I turn around to Dimon. “Geruth now rests near my house, just outside the gates. Nethanel can give you directions. Please do visit before we depart. I’m sure the old man would appreciate it.”

I leave the Temple, a small smile on my face, and head back to the house to tell Nasharel the news.

It is almost dawn by the time Hal returns to the cottage. Nasharel is sleeping outside in the arms of the willow. She smiles as he approaches, early morning birds are starting to chirp while nocturnal owls still give their last hoots.

“How did it go, Master Whitewyrm?” she asks sleepily.

It takes my breath away, to see her like that.

“My cousin was as charming as I expected him to be, but I thought of the greater picture and ceded to him. We are to join his expedition as ‘hirelings,’ performing the upkeep tasks we’re so used to from being on the road. If, WHEN we prove our true worth, the company will vote to give us full membership. There’s two others, Dimon, once apprentice to Geruth as well, and his sister Alynna, a warrior. They were equally charmed by my cousin’s attitude toward us, so I think we’ll have their help when the time comes.

“I will be the model of civility towards Nethanel, I promise,” I say as I see her smirk. “Come, let us prepare our gear. I have a feeling my cousin is far eager to leave than any of us.”

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She raises a single eyebrow.


(Note: If there’s anything you want to do around town, anything you want to purchase before you go or what-have-you, now’s the time to do so, I reckon.)

“I let him have that one,” I say with a smile.

(I assume that our Traveling Gear will have all the necessary equipment to head back on the road. I also assume Nethanel will take care of all expedition equipment for the party. My only real concern here would be for mounts, or at least one we can share if two are too costly. Beyond that, I make sure all our equipment and weapons are at the ready.)

(Mounts are expensive. Want a scene at the local stable? Otherwise, yer leading a mule. Mind you, only the Alynna has a legit warhorse. The wizard and the archivist are riding normal horses. If you don’t want to try to buy a horse – ob 4, I’ll take us to the start of the journey. Don’t just make a roll, if you want the horse, let me know and we’ll set it up at the stable.)

(A mule will be fine for carrying stuff, I reckon. The one other thing I would like to have is my own map of the area so I can keep notes of interest to me and not necessarily to Nethanel’s expedition. The High Market might be a place to find such an item, or the Caravan Grounds outside town for the more rowdy shopping experience. Both these locations are on the Highmoon map. Maybe I can also catch whatever gossip is out there about going ons in the forest.)

The Open Market is full to bursting. The merchants are eager to unload their goods before the autumn rains turn the roads to mud.

The maps of the Cormanthor are fairly plentiful but they are also filled with blank spaces, leading would-be adventurers to the main trails so they can find their way back home, with X markers to note the obelisks left by the elves to warn travelers of the parts of the forest where the sun does not penetrate to the forest floor. These areas are known as Anor Dagnir, sun bane, or in the particularly sunless regions, Ungol Anir, spider gate. These maps are drawn on heavy goat’s skin (ob 1).

An adventuring company, their banner naming them as the The Hunt, have a cart set up, their charter present for inspection in case of any trouble. The roguish fellow hawking wares has a black hand dyed over the heart of his leather armor and more knives than one could easily count. He hawks a bit and then complains to his comrade, a powerful anvil of a woman, head shaved, kitted out in well-worn plated leather with a warhammer on her hip and a shield on her back.

“Quality elven goods, fresh out of the lost city of Myth Drannor!”

She corrects him quietly, “Vale of Lost Voices, Blackhand.”

“Fresh out of the Vale of Lost Voices! Quality ELVEN artifacts rescued from the VILE claws of MURDEROUS GNOLLS! See what the immortals have left behind as they head into the West!” His tone turns to quiet complaining to his warrior friend. “All I’m saying, Vor, is I can be trusted with the damned cart. I perpetrated the noble Maskish trade in Westgate, not here, there’s no guild here, its the damned frontier to nowhere.”

While keeping an eye on the crowd, Voras responds casually, muscled arms crossed, “More hawking, less debating. When Shass trusts you, we’ll trust you. Until then, keep hawking and I’ll back you up. Think of it as company during a dreary duty.”

Behind them is a tapestry with the Whitewyrm crest on it and on the section they have unrolled, you see an elven sword-singer, blade in hand, confronting the consorts of Tiamat, vicious male dragons of each chromatic shade.

“Might has well have gotten a legit day job. ELVEN ARTIFACTS! FRESH FROM CORMANTHOR!.”

“Fresh, Blackhand? Really? Its not cabbage.”

“Might as well be for as many are buying.”

I pick up one of the Cormanthyr maps and approach the Hunt’s cart, casually eyeing all their wares first, picking up small trinkets and putting them down after a quick examination. I nod and greet with a “Good morrow” both the hawkish man and the muscular woman. After a couple of minutes of silent examination, I ask the prices of a couple of smaller items, nodding noncommittally at whatever figure they mention.

“So, the Vale of Lost Voices, eh? Whew, that’s deep in the forest, for sure. Do you know where these items came from, where you found them? For example, that tapestry in the back. What can you tell me about where it came from and how much is it?”

At the same time, I am also trying to recall if the black hand painted on the man’s leather armor means something. I have a feeling it does, but what…

Analyze the Blackhand, Streetwise, ob 2, Symbology is about arcane symbols, so you can’t FoRK that in.

The warrior casually steps back, letting her rogue companion do his thing. "This fine tapestry, here, noting the history of the elves in their battles against Tiamat’s consorts is quite relevant given the Cult of the Dragon’s activities of late. Our own party leader thought to keep it so that our wizards and sorcerers could analyze it, pick it clean of some useful history. But times are rough and autumn is fading to winter and the Hunt wants to hit Old Myth one more time before we’re snowed in.

“So, it is your lucky day, Lord Elf. 600 gold pieces (ob 6 Resources test) will get you this tapestry for your very own citadel’s walls.”

(He got 1 success on his haggle check. Roll your Haggle to beat that. This is a versus test, only I rolled first. Alternatively, you could try to get some loans, throw artha at the roll and try to hit an ob 6 resources test.)

The warrior, Vorass the Maul, smirks.

(Streetwise roll: 4,4. Haggling roll: 5,3 [traitor!]. Spend 1 Fate artha to re-roll: 4,5. [I’m at work without the book so if I misremembered the use of that Fate artha let me know and I’ll adjust the action. I’ll double-check when I get home later.])

“You tell a good tale, but I can tell from the look if the material that this tapestry has been out in the open for some short time, probably plenty of time for you to have examined it as needed, thus making its sale not so much of a sacrifice.

“It does, however, interest me, so I’d like to offer you 300 gold for it. Still quite a good sum for such a piece.”

Artha doesn’t work that way, so the Haggling is a tie and keep that Fate point. But…two successes on the Streetwise roll.

Hal remembers hearing about the Blackhands, might have even had a drink with some of their hired knives back in Ravens Bluff back in his dueling days. They were a gang, known for violence and daring more than cunning and guile. Word around the street was that they had messed with the wrong wizard and were wiped out to the last member. From the Blackhand being over the rogue’s heart…maybe a member who got away or a little brother not deemed worth the effort to kill at the time?

Haggling is a tie, one success a piece, so 1st round of 3, the price stays the same. Haggling Round 2:

“300 gold? At 600 it stays, Master Elf. 300 gold would barely keep us in iron rations through your harsh Dale winters. I’d think that elven weave-work would be worth more to that among their own kin. Was your mother a weaver and this weaver her rival? Are you trying to drive this rival’s tapestry’s prices down all over Faerun from Westgate to the City of Splendors? Am I a part of a larger elven weaving scheme that my mortal mind cannot comprehend?”

2 success on his Haggling.

“Elven work? I’m not so sure. Are you sure that it isn’t your mother who is the weaver, good sir? Are you here, in a city ruled by a man with elven blood, trying to pass off dear old mum’s humble mortal work as the work of the Suns and Daughters of the Moon and Stars whose songs brought the world into existence at the dawn of time?”

Nasharel says this with her brow furrowed, shaking her head theatrically, arm around your hips.

She gives you a helping die with Falsehood, the tapestry is clearly elven. I like this dame. If you want to put a personna point on the roll, just make that decision before you roll. After you roll all you can do is have a Fate point explode 6’s or use a Deeds to re-roll all traits or use a Call-on trait.

I chuckle after Nasharel’s words. “See, my good man, you can’t fool a daughter of the People. It’d be like trying to cover the sun with a black hand! Nay, it’s a good piece of work, but I do think that 300 is a fair price to pay for it. It isn’t as if anyone would pay that for a head of cabbage.”

(Haggling + Falsehood helping die + 1 Persona artha: 4,4,4,2 = 3 successes.)


Winning the Haggling test not only logs you a Haggling test, don’t forget to mark ‘em, but it knocks the price down 1 ob level. We’ll go 3 rounds, unless you’re fine with trying for an ob 5 test but fair warning, he could win and drive the price back up.

“500 gold, then, Master of the Moon and Stars (5 ob resources test) but only because it brings the cold, mercenary, adventurers’ hearts of The Hunt some joy to see ancient art brought back to its own people. Even if it was brought from the clutches of vile hyena men who worshiped a demon-god of blood and murder.”

I’m holding off on his Haggle roll until you tell me if you want to go for that third and final round. We could’ve done a Duel of Wits too but I think that time has passed.

If you do go for another round, you can feel that Nasharel will help you.

I look at him, then at the tapestry, then back at him. I do this a couple times, extending the pause almost to annoyance. But just almost. I feel Nasharel squeeze me, egging me on. I go for it.

“I feel for a fellow adventurer. Let us agree on 400, perhaps? You’d have the gold you need for your company and I’d lighten your load one heavy tapestry. Come on, good man. It’s the middle of the day and you’ve moved nothing here, and ’tis a fair offer we make. Shall we be agreed?”

“That’s more than a fair price for this decorative would-be-elven rug, I think,” Nasharel adds, nonchalantly. “We’d be doing you a favor lest a less tolerant elf caught sight of it and decided you had insulted his honor. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

(Haggling roll + helping die: 6,1,5,4 – I am so going to pay for this with low rolls later on!)

Nasharel glares at both party members of The Hunt who are present, “The Marker you have surely seen on your way to Myth Drannor, erected by the elves to give humans permission to settle these lands and cull our forests is very specific as to looting and theft of elven artifacts.”

She helps you with a History skill.

3 successes for the Blackhand! :):):):). Tie. The price stands.

He looks over at Vorass and she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, friends but 5 hundred gold (5 ob resource test) is as low as I can go. We have storage in the Dalelands and do not mind putting it somewhere dry and safe until we can ship it to Westgate, Waterdeep or perhaps a city in Sembia or Cormyr where this could go for real coin. The price stands.”

They back off, allowing you and your lady-friend to discuss the matter.

Nasharel says, “I could loan you some gold (1 helping die) if that helps.”

Dammit, I think to myself, trying not to betray my angry disappointment. Okay, Hal, think. Think hard – is there any way you can gather up that gold? I could seek a loan from my cousin… And I know exactly what he’d say. Nasharel will help, bless her heart. Is there any way… Maybe some coins stashed around the house? The inn does owe me for a couple of nights’ entertainment, too. Maybe I can find some trinkets I can sell…

I really want this tapestry; it could be a clue to my father, and even if it isn’t directly so, it still has a tie to him, to his clan… to my clan.

It’ll be hard—challenging—but there might just be a way…

(I go for the Resources roll. I have B2 + 1 helping die from Nasharel + 1 Persona artha I’m throwing at this. That’ll be 4 dice. I realize well that the only way this will happen is if I can roll four successes and at least one 6 that I can then use 1 Fate artha on to open it up.

I’m either getting this, or failing miserably. Here we go:

Roll: 4d6 = 6[d6]5[d6]5[d6]+4[d6]


Spending 1 Fate artha on that 6 [I currently have 2 Fate/0 Persona artha]…

Roll 1d6 = 4[d6]

[I am hereby setting aside 3d6 as an offering to Tymora. For real. I also realize that from now all my rolls will be teh suXXor. I’m okay with that.]

Final: 5 successes)

I accept Nasharel’s offer of a loan, wrack my brain and decide that yes, I can gather that much gold by this afternoon.

“Very well,” I tell he of the Blackhand, "today indeed you are the Master of the Hunt. Five hundred gold it is. I will make two small requests of you, however.

“The first, that you allow me until sundown to gather the money; it isn’t like I’m a fat Sembian merchant, laden with gold as he strolls to the privy. I should have no problem in securing it and returning by then to claim the tapestry. The second, that on this map, you please mark the place as best you can where this piece was salvaged, err, rescued, from. Yes, odd, but it would help my own research into the piece.

“Are we agreed?”

Laelin Blackhand and Vorass the Maul introduce themselves, becoming more friendly now that the haggling is done. You all toast the transaction with Shadowdale brandy in tin cups from Vorass’ old campaigning days in a mercenary company. She offers up a crass toast concerning magical portals, demons and venereal diseases.

She slaps Laelin on the shoulder and says, “Agreed! Tell you what, Master Whitewyrm. The leader of our humble adventuring guild is a vicious pirate turned bloodthirsty mercenary turned heroic adventurer. I’m sure she’d love to meet you both. How about we seal this deal tonight, over dinner on The Hunt. Bring your gold and your appetite to the Oak and Spear and we’ll make our exchange, sup and tell tales until the dawn.”

Laelin agrees that this is a great idea. “Our captain does love having newcomers to dinner. Will you join us? Say you will, I’d hate to think a pair of fine elves were angry at me because I called your mother a weaver.”

I clasp each of their hands strongly (wincing slightly when Voras squeezes back). “That sounds like a magnificent evening. My beloved and I shall be there at the seventh bell and we shall seal our deal. I do look forward to meeting your leader and getting to know you worthy adventurers more. And worry not, Blackhand, for all I know my mother was indeed a weaver at one point or another, so no foul there.”

After finalizing plans with the adventurers, and map of Cormanthyr in hand, I walk back into town hand in hand with Nasharel. "I cannot thank you enough, my love. I know it’s a small glimmer of hope, but the Whitewyrm seal on that tapestry it’s too much to let go. I know we share our lives, but I do still thank you for your help in this transaction.

“I need to run some errands around town, gathering funds owed and such. I am tired from all that has transpired since last night, but I have too much excitement in me to sit still. We can meet home two bells hence, if you’d rather not walk all around Highmoon as I go about my business, though your company is always dear to me.”

Nasharel says nothing but takes your hands. Together, Hal and Nasharel walk around Highmoon one last time, saying good-bye to the town until their appointment at the seventh bell.

Anything else to be done or shall we do dinner?

Errands done, money collected, farewells said, Hal and Nasharel head back to their home to rest and prepare for tonight’s engagement.

Laelin Blackhand is sitting on a barrel at the door of the inn. “All day in the market and now I’m on the barrel, just my luck. Come in, friends, make yourselves at home. The captain will ring the dinner bell before too long.”

The Oak and Spear is an old comfortable inn, not the most posh in all of Highmoon but it is known for having a fine stew and good cider. True to its name, the Oak and Spear is made of stout oak taken from Cormanthor and over the door are two Daleland spears with tin beer mugs danging from the hafts with pieces of twine.

The Hunt has given the 2 story inn the atmosphere of a soldier’s camp. A Thayan girl, maybe 16 years old, is discussing the efficacy of over-hand knife throwing as opposed to an underhand-toss. Next to the outhouse, their target, a crude demon head drawn on the outhouse wood, is riddled with knives of all sizes and shapes. Several soldiers are watching from within, making half-hearted bets about who will hit the target and with what kind of throwing technique.

Armorer’s and weaponsmiths are being haggled with in the common room. A lanky wizard is discussing maps of Myth Drannor with two priests of Tempus; they are passing a pipe among them.

“Ah, the elves who bought the tapestry. Welcome, welcome. I’m Heldorm Umbrav, but call me Hel.” Hel has a nose that has been cut and broken, sitting like a crooked boulder on his bearded face. His beard is starting to go gray and it is the only hair on his otherwise bald head. He’s muscular but paunchy.

“I’d introduce you but we’re a big, unruly lot, to be honest. 14 of us, numbers have grown since the incident at Archendale and we had us a good spring. As you can see, we’re preparing to venture out again, Powers help us but I need it, a month in Highmoon has me going to fat.”

There are far more than 14 people in the Oak and Spear.

It is quickly apparent that there are far more than just the adventurers here. There are weaponsmiths and farmers, grooms and barrel-makers, fletchers and courtesans, lovers and distant cousins of the members of The Hunt written on their charter.

None the less, when the dinner bell rings, everyone else finishes up their business and takes their leave. Tables are pushed together so that everyone can eat together, at one giant table.

At the head of the table is Shasslan the Huntress, Captain of the Hunt. She is an imposing woman, broad shouldered, in a tunic and leggings that a Highmoon shepherd might wear. Her coffee colored skin suggests that she might have been born in Calimsham but there is nothing traditionally Calimshamni about her. Her hair is in a tight ponytail and her eyes seem to pierce every detail of the organized chaos her adventuring company makes all around her. Her full plate armor is behind her, on a stand. It is engraved with a scene of the Wild Hunt, with the horned Master of the Hunt blowing a horn and leading his hounds with a great helm with antlers crafted from mythril.

Mugs are passed around for a toast before sitting to dinner.

“We have guests,” Shasslan announces quietly, the room hushing to hear her. “Thank you for joining us, noble elves. Allow me to ask you to forgive us our table manners before we eat. Some adventurers are not yet fully housebroken. We have a tradition with guests. The wine is…Hel, what is it?”

“Sembian red, captain, from the Year of the Bright Blade.”

Shasslan nods. “There won’t be much Sembian Red where we’re going, I can tell you brigands that for nothing. I believe it was you, Master Whitewyrm, whose purchase has led you here. Would you do us the honor of a toast before dinner? When we have guests eat with us, we ask that they make the toast.”

Taking a moment to compose my thoughts, I stand up, mug in raised hand.

“A toast. To willing fools who venture out into the wilds of the world in search of fame and fortune, for without us this would be a dreary boring place. To those who seek out the secrets of the past and bring them out into the light of day once more, and for there being nothing wrong with making a small amount of coin from the task. To those who no doubt are beloved of Tymora, for how many are the dangers we escape from by the skin of our teeth where others simply do not. To friendships forged in battle, kisses stolen during travels, and songs sung to the glories of ages past and the feats of today and tomorrow. To you, to us, to adventure on the open road: there is nothing else like it in this fair world.”
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Everyone gulps their wine and lets out a cheer.

Seats are grabbed up, stew is passed around, a goat is served and ale is poured. The meal is a loud, raucous family affair. The Hunt is an entirely human company, with one illusionist-wizard, three priests and the rest are a blend of thugs, warriors and cutpurses.

You catch references to other adventures: a series of connected Barrows in Sembia, a goblin warren in Cormyr and quickly changing the subject when Archendale is brought up.

Questions come and go easily, the company relaxes and puts away issues of rank and seniority during meals, it seems.

Shasslan the Huntress: “You spoke of adventuring with some fondness, Master Whitewyrm. Are you a part of a company in the Dalelands or is it a life that you look at from the outside?”

Orlin the Illusionist: “May I ask what interested you about that particular tapestry, Lord Elf?”

Nasharel is embroiled in a conversation about the dragon attacks two winters back, trading stories about where everyone was when the tragedy occur and considering theories about how the attacks were orchestrated and their deeper meaning.

Rather than back and forth, you post some questions and conversation seeds, I’ll post some questions and in the end, what we have might resemble a conversation, rather than posting back and forth and trying to talk over the forum.

“Adventuring was something that fell upon me by the whim of Beshaba,” I say to Shasslan. “In truth I have been a sedentary man only this past year, finally arriving at the hometown of my mother after what feels like a lifetime on the road. Before this, I, we, spent a few years as swords-for-hire in Raven’s Bluff. I tell you, throw a rock in that city and you’ll hit no less than twenty adventurers!” I say with a laugh, signaling for more wine to be poured in my mug.

“Still, it kept us fed and warm through the winters. And before that… Well, life on the road,” I mumble into my mug, taking a couple of deep swigs of wine, catching myself before saying too much. “But not, I seem to have stumbled into a new company that sets out into the forest soon enough, so I dine well here today, for who knows what fare the road will bring.”

“What about you all?” I ask Shasslan in return. “Where are you headed? Your master haggler spoke of spending winters in warmth but also of return trips into the ruins, so what is it?”

A few mugs of wine later…

“I am no Lord, Master Orlin, neither am I Elf. I am of two worlds, Elf and Human, and proud of both. As for the tapestry, well, now that I own it I can put aside all cheap talk about weave quality and all that.

“The truth is that the scene fascinates me. I have a personal interest in the history of the elven clans of the Cormanthor even as they begin to journey west, and this tapestry is too great a find to not have done all in my power to acquire. It isn’t every day you come across a part of the history of Clan Whitewyrm! I say, I should love to know the story of how that tapestry was recovered from the… wait, Master Blackhand, how did you put it? Ah yes… from the CLUTCHES OF VILE HYENA MEN WHO WORSHIPED A DEMON-GOD OF BLOOD AND MURDER!”

Shasslan: "The Blackhand talks too much, I think. We are in fact going out into the Cormanthor one more time, hoping to make it to Myth Drannor and back before the winter becomes deadly.

“As to dry and safe, I’m afraid that isn’t for us, necessarily but for our goods. Frankly, we have more than we can carry but not quite enough to purchase a proper Chapter House. So, we are renting a warehouse to store our goods, leaving some old veterans with a deck of cards, money for food and a few crossbows.”

Orlin: "Well, its a damned queer tale, I’ll tell you. The gnoll pack we tracked on our way south out of the Myth. We’d already had a nice haul from that spring delving, Tymora blessed us on that trip.

“We broke the first rule of adventuring and split the party, Captain’s idea, of course. The fastest of us, the ones who are no strangers to the forest took off after the gnolls while the rest got settled in a defensive position around our Myth Drannor treasures.

“Lost two henchmen, though, a shame, really; they were good lads. Damned gnolls would not rout. Turns out when the hyena-men panic, they attack, so even when we had them down to a few, there was no surrender, had to butcher ‘em. Felt like we were doing Bhaal’s dirty work than Tempus’ killing when you have to take to slaughtering enemies like that. Bastards would not rout! Powers above and powers below…just run when yer beat.

Buried the boys, there, as per the charter states: ‘We bury our dead where they died, as long as it does not endanger the still-living to do so’ about two days ride south of the Standing Stone."

With a mouth full of sweet potato, a henchmen named Kiv says, “Those gnolls were as strange as a Waterdahavian doxy on a festival day. I tell ya, something was odd.”

The illusionist grows quiet, trying to put thoughts of their drooling fangs and armor-crunching flails behind him.

Kiv continues, “No slaves, no one to sacrifice, with elven goods?” Kiv finishes chewing and continues. “Did anyone decode that parchment they had with ’em?”

Shasslan shakes her head. “No and a good thing. It looked like Zhent-code to me.”

Shasslan asks, “Who are you joining up with? I didn’t know there were that many other companies in town at the moment. What grand adventure do you have planned?”

“Master Orlinn, that is a most queer tale, I say. I know of the ferocity of the gnolls but to learn these so vicious they would not rout when beaten, that is indeed odd. Foul magics of the forest, perhaps? Some after-effect of a Myth Drannan curse? I shall keep your words in my ears as I journey north.

“Which, to answer your question, Dame Shasslan, we shall do with a newly chartered company, the Knights of Highmoon. My cousin, Nethanel, Archivist of Oghma, leads it. We number five, though due to family issues my beloved and I are not full members just yet. My cousin, he’s interested in exploring clues to a pre-elven civilization in Cormanthyr. I go in order to seek more information on Clan Whitewyrm and perhaps a lead to my elven heritage and family.

“To family, the one given us by the gods and the one we chose ourselves,” I say, raising another toast.

“Something caught my attention, I must say. You mentioned a parchment with Zhentish code?” I sneer the word as if it were sour milk in my mouth.

Master Orlin shakes his head. “Having asked around, the oddity is not in their inability to run. They are berserkers, it seems, given unholy strength by their demon-god of murder and prone to attack where most folk would stand and drool, beg for mercy or run. The oddity is that they would be transporting elven goods across the Cormanthor. I’m sorry, my emotional state when discussing such matters made my point muddled and unclear.”

Shasslan’s eyes narrow when you bring up your cousin and his adventuring party. “I hate to get between a family squabble but I would certainly put in a bid to buy your services from your cousin, take you on as provisional members with a charter vote in a year’s time concerning full membership. In five years, you could be officers, or sooner, Tempus willing.”

She continues, "As to the Zhents, yes, I believe they have put out a coded message among the orcs’ Servants of the Black Blood and the gnolls’ demon-god priests. I meant to burn it but also thought I might see if I could get it translated but have not had any luck in that matter and wonder if I should just destroy it so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. You have experience with the Zhentarim?

“If you were to join our band, the decoding of that message could be your first job for The Hunt if you can get it done before we leave for Myth Drannor.

Voices hush when she says this, a hint as to when they are leaving. She notices and raises her voice just a touch, "That is right Huntsmen, and Hunts-women. We are leaving for the Myth at dawn. I have given no indication because I didn’t want our enemies to know and you lot keep secrets like a pack of drunk sailors.

“Someone get the Blackhand off the barrel so he can eat and so that he can see the completion of the tapestry he sold. Vorass, you are welcome to join us in the sitting room too; you were there. The rest of you, I want us packed and ready to go at first light with no indication that we were ever here but the inn-keepers fat coffers and empty larder. I want officers close-by, no father away than the inn’s grounds. Those assigned to the maps, our way into the Myth should be planned and ready to go; I’ll hear your plan as soon as our guests take their leave and I want more emergency exit paths than last time, taking what we know now into account.

“Heldorm, anything else?”

Heldorm barks like a sergeant, “No more throwing knives at the damned out-house, you devil-dogs! What is wrong with ya’s?”

Stools are pushed back from their tables quickly as The Hunt’s members are off to their tasks.

The Huntress stands and pats her full belly, “Won’t be eating that well for a while. Will you join us in the sitting room so that we can conclude our deal, or, if tempted by my offer, discuss both of your initiations?”

To Orlin: “Wait, what would bloodthirsty gnolls be doing transporting elven goods? What do they care in the first place? This is most foul indeed.”

As Shasslan calls the party to order and issues her message and commands, I ponder a few things. It is indeed most strange to find gnolls engaged in transportation of goods. It is safe to assume they did so under something/someone’s command, but what/who, and to what end? And Shasslan’s offer! The Hunt is heading also into the forest, into the elven areas, right where I want to go as well. They offer a fair deal, and would save me dealing with my kinsman’s delicate ego. And this Zhentish code, to boot. So much to ponder…

As the members of the Hunt file off to make preparations, I take Nasharel’s hand and follow Shasslan and her people into the sitting room to conclude tonight’s business. Once we are comfortably seated, I break the ice at the first opportunity.

“Dame Shasslan, first things first.” I present her with the small coffer that holds the 500 gold agreed for the tapestry in a combination of high-value coins, gems, and a couple of solid gold figurines. "It was all counted and measured three times, but please do feel free to make sure the tally is correct. I admit I wanted to have paid a lot less than this, but I am satisfied with my purchase and pleased that this money will be spent well by your group.

“Your offer to join The Hunt is a most tempting one, Shasslan. A most tempting one indeed. I do not know you of old, but what I have seen here tonight speaks of great leadership, strong bonds among the members, of honorable pursuit of the trade. I do not doubt for a second that our contributions would be heard and appreciated as if we had spent years together, that we’d be respected and valued. To feel thusly about a group known only for a few strikes of the bell is a great testament to the integrity of the individuals that make up the whole.”

I pause a moment, weighing my decision one last time, feeling the pull between my conviction that family is a priority and my acquired instinct to go for the highest bidder. Do I have the luxury to follow my belief to the end? Can I forgo being mercenary once and for all?

I hope I’m making the right decision…

“Which is why it is honestly painful for me to have to decline your offer, at least at the moment. My word is bond, and my word was given to my cousin already. As much as my kinsman is a true pompous ass sometimes, as much as I know I am going to exercise control and restraint along the way lest I reply in kind or worse, as much as all that is true, it is also true that he is family, the only blood-kin I have right now, and family is something I feel one must fight for. I must stay true to my word.

“That said, I would still like to take a stab at deciphering that Zhentish code you encountered. I have a personal vendetta against Zhentil Keep and anything I can do to help destroy their plans and schemes I would do gladly. Perhaps you’d consider it still to our favor should we meet in the future and joining The Hunt was something feasible to do then. Does that sound good to you?”

Before you go to the sitting room with Shasslan, Blackhand and Vorass, Orlin the Illusionist grabs your shoulder, “Its the oldest mystery in adventuring, who is behind the brutes and what do they really want? The problem is, if you follow that trail, it will lead you away from treasure and into the demon-web pits are worse. I’m not saying drow are behind this, I’m saying its that old adventuring cautionary tale, where the giants were being armed and given guidance by the underdark. If you choose to follow that, be careful and whatever you decide in that room, it was a pleasure. Don’t be a stranger.”

The sitting room has a small fireplace and several wooden chairs with well worn, over-stuffed pillows.

Shassland offers Moonshae whiskey or tea while Heldorm counts every gold, silver and copper you scraped together. Blackhand is pleased to be in the sitting room with two of the founding officers. Vorass has more experience with mercenary units. The warrior is watching carefully, noting their interactions, knowing that important information is being relayed here should she ever want to be an officer in this company. Pleased with the tally, Heldorm smiles and leaves to put the money somewhere safe after entering the transaction in the company’s financial journal.

Shasslan gestures towards the tapestry, rolled up and learning in the corner of the room and says, "It is yours, as agreed and here is a rough map that shows where we met those gnolls, just south of the Standing Stones, heading north as if their demon-god’s whips were on their hides.

She hears you state your commitment to your cousin.

“That makes perfect sense to me. To be perfectly honest, we’ve grown too big too fast but I’ve learned to trust my gut and my gut said to make the offer. Good luck with your adventures. As to joining us later, if we have room, we’d love to have you with us.

“Unfortunately, I cannot hand over Zhent code, in fear that something could happen to it under your care and it might fall into evil hands.

“I was a sailor growing up and I found out that a boat I worked on was secretly a Zhentarim scouting ship. My actions or lack thereof can never unwittingly do their work ever again. When we have some more time in the Dalelands, I plan on putting a small group together, perhaps with Blackhand here, to find out the meaning of this code. For now, though, it stays in The Hunt.”

Blackhand nods, honored and his captain continues. "If we are both back in Highmoon, perhaps we could pool our resources and seek the code’s meaning together but for the fall, I’m afraid the code stays with me.

“If things go poorly for your company, make for the Standing Stone. The elven magicks there keep all but the most puissant evils at bay and if you can hold there long enough, we will camp there both on our way into Myth Drannor and on our way back and would gladly help you in your hour of need. Cormanthor is ancient and contains pockets far darker than anyone would like to admit. My you be kissed by Lady Luck’s blessings and walk strong in the armor of the Foehammer”

“Is this it? Good-bye and good luck, then?” Blackhand asks. Blackhand, Vorass and Shasslan look at you and Nasharel, ready to say their polite farewells.

Do you want to Duel of Wits or try to Persuade her (Persuade, ob 4 and I’d let you FoRK in Slavery-wise as long as you add a bit about your history in with the execution of the persuasion) to give you a glimpse at the Zhent-code or take your leave? And of course, never think that when I present you with a choice that is your only choice. There are plenty of other ways, feel free to discuss other options.

Let me know when you want to take a good look at the tapestry, it tells a story I want to convey to you about the Whitewyrm family history. If you want to write about where and how you lay it out, I’d like to write about what it teaches you.

I shake Orlin’s hand strongly and promise to not be a stranger indeed before heading into the sitting room.

I gladly take the offered Moonshae whiskey; it is a rarity in these parts and I openly praise their good taste and generosity.

(I am going to attempt to persuade Shasslan to at least let me see the code now, assuming she has it on her. I do not have Persuade so my ob is 8; even with my Slavery-wise FoRK it is an impossible task. Nevertheless, I will put it forth if only to start the process of opening it.)

“Dame Shasslan, I fear you misunderstood my words. I would never request to be entrusted with such a document while not being a member of your company. It would be disrespectful and rude of me, so my apologies if I implied that.

“What I did mean, however, is that if you happen to have it on your person, I would ask your indulgence in have a look at it. I realize I am asking you to trust me far beyond what our few hours together would deem prudent, but let me tell my tale and you will understand my interest better.

“I begin by stressing that, beyond my beloved Nasharel here, no one, not even my cousin knows this tale. I would ask your prudence with my life’s story.

“As I mentioned to Master Orlin earlier tonight, I am Half-Elf. My father was an Elf of the Cormanthor but my mother was a human woman from Highmoon. My mother was captured by slavers and sold to a Zhentish wizard. It was in that oppressive state that I was born. I grew up in the dark caves under Zhentil Keep, one of the few to survive childhood in chains. I do not wish to recount all the horrible things I lived through and witnessed, for I do not think there is anyone here who hasn’t at least heard stories of Zhentish slavery. Suffice to say every story I have heard has paled when compared to the reality I lived.

“I bear scars that will be with me till my mortal death from those days, but none more painful than the death of my mother. She sacrificed herself in order for Nasharel and I to escape. When I close my eyes… I can still see her screaming at us to run, run and run until you can run no more, then run more still.

“As I told you earlier, family is paramount to me, and for the same reason I would put up with my cousin’s inflated ego and tasteless taunts, I would one day seek Xerez the Mad and put an end to his life; I swore this on my mother’s life, just as I sword that he would only be the first of many more Zhentarim to fall by my hand.

“This is why I ask to perhaps have a look. I may not be able to help you at all, but maybe, who knows, maybe I can give you something that will help you. Help us. If not, I fully understand and bear no ill will whatsoever. Whether you show me the parchment or not, I will keep your offer firmly in mind, for there will be a reckoning coming to Zhentil Keep and firm allies are joyously welcomed.”

(Persuade Roll: 2d6 = 4[d6]+5[d6])

Regardless of what happens next, after tonight’s events we go back home and that’s when I unroll the tapestry and have my first glimpse at the complete piece.

Shasslan’s face grows grim. “Blackhand, summon the officers.”

Blackhand blinks for a moment and runs from the room, just as he did as a boy on the streets of Ravens Bluff, running messages back and forth between thieves and thief-catchers, merchants and craftsfolk, sailors and carpenters. They have not gone far; it doesn’t take him long.

The first to enter is the illusionist and then the three priests of Tempus, already in their ragged, holy battle-armor. The last officer is Heldorm.

While they enter Shasslan is silent. She takes a shot of whiskey, pours another, drinks it and begins. Heldorm draws the curtains closed and Orlin casts a spell while the Huntress speaks, a sound-based illusion to keep eavesdroppers from listening.

“I grew up as a sailor on the Sea of Fallen Stars. It was not until I was a woman-grown that I understood what it was that my ship did. Ours was a scouting ship, identifying weak villages for Zhentarim slavers. I vowed to have my revenge but I knew that taking the fight to Zhentil Keep would be no small endeavor and I was only a marine with a wicked reputation for having killed her own father and burned her ship to into the sea.

“The time between then and now is just details, what is important is that the Powers brought us here. The Hunt is a group made for one purpose: the fall of Zhentil Keep. We watch our candidates, henchmen, hirelings and hangers-on very carefully. If we find that you are not a worthy candidate or that you have no passion for what will eventually become our work, we pass you over for promotion and edge you out of the company, foster you to another company with a less ambitious goal.

“Our goal is the fall of Zhentil Keep. That is our hunt. Everyone here, Vorass and Blackhand included have good reason to fight the Zhents and from the way you said their name over dinner, I could tell you’d had experience with them but I had no idea how deeply they had hurt you.

“We are amassing a fortune so that we might fight the Zhentarim. War is expensive work.

“Our priests have been having visions for weeks and I believe those visions concerned the two of you. This is destiny.

“Now I will do something unprecedented; I will ask again. I asked you earlier in hopes that we might have time to feel you out and see if you are a fit for our organization. Now my offer is more aggressive. Join now and you will both walk into officer positions in the Hunt and join a conspiracy to burn Zhentil Keep to the ground and send its occupants straight to the Hells.”

From Vorass’ face, you can tell she had an inkling but Laelin looks shocked. The rest of the officers have gathered around.

“I’m so sorry, Song of my Heart,” Nasharel says. She steps forward. “Officers of the Hunt, Nasharel the Wanderer is in.”

NOTE: I AM NOT TRYING TO RAILROAD YOU. We will have fun no matter what your decision might be. There is no right decision, only fun decisions. If you go Hunt, I’m not going to shaft your cousin and if you go Knights of Highmoon, I’m not going to shaft Nasharel. And remember to mark down that you are learning Persuasion, with 1 check towards learning it, BWG, pg 49-50

I’m stunned, and I don’t think I can hide it well at all. It is a lot to take in.

I look around the room, at the faces of all those assembled. I search their eyes for the truth of Shasslan’s words, for the conviction of their mission, and find it easily, displayed openly now that their leader has pulled back the curtain, so to speak.

Well, Hal, I say to myself, this is it. The time you had been dreaming about, when Tymora would finally hear your pleas and open the road in front of you. She has done so and with companions to boot.

I gave my word to my cousin, yes. But long before that I gave my word to my mother. Family, Freedom and Love all collide in this goal. And my one true love would be by my side, as is befitting.

Nethanel will hate me for this, but then again, he already hates me so no great loss there.

I drink down the rest of my whiskey in one gulp, look into Nasharel’s eyes… And smile. "Do not be sorry, my love. It is a day to rejoice.

“I, Hal Whitewyrm, of the House of Stephaln and Clan Whitewyrm, am in.”


The room explodes into hugs and tears and prayers. Shasslan gives you both a hug that is strong and a kiss on each cheek.

“Welcome to the Hunt.”

While Vorass is cool and collected, Shaelin Blackhand seems to be on a plane of existence made of excitement and enthuisiasm; he hits you on the shoulder like a brother would and says, “We’re officers!”

Shasslan sternly brings him back to the Prime Material. “No, they are officers. You and Vorass are full members and will be paid as such from this moment on out but we won’t make an official announcement until we return for the winter, or else it will seem too odd. Two elves as officers so quickly – the rest of the company will assume they have puissance beyond mortal understanding. Two elves, a warrior and a thug from Ravens Bluff, however…”

Heldorm pats him on the back. “Yer on your way, lad, no more probation for you. You’ll be on the barrel quite a bit less”

Shaelin nods in understanding. “Do you know who killed my brother, then? Was it a Zhent?”

Shasslan says, “It was the same Zhent who killed Hal’s mother. You hunt the same wizard: Xerez of Zhentil Keep. Vorass, Blackhand – we are trusting your discretion. Do not let us down. Please leave; the officers have to talk."

Blackhand walks out in shock, gripping one of his knife handles as if it is all that is holding him on the surface of Faerun and without it he would float up into the phlogiston beyond the stars. Vorass puts her arm around him. “C’mon, let’s have a drink, Shaelin but not too many; the morning will come too soon on a night like this.”

Shasslan and Heldorm exchange a look as Vorass and Blackhand take their leave (Perception check, ob 3) and what passes between them is as loaded as a Lantani pistol.

“The Oath is as follows,” the Huntress says and together the officers say it from memory:

“The Hunt continues until Zhentil Keep falls – so I swear. The Hunt continues until no Zhentarim chains bind creatures’ limbs – so I swear. The Hunt continues until Bane’s Temples are destroyed – so I swear. The Hunt continues despite my scars – so I swear. The Hunt continues on Faerun or beyond – so I swear. The Hunt continues with my every breath – so I swear. The Hunt continues without me, should I fall – so do I swear.”

“Swearing seven times, one for each of the Sisters, for each of Tempus’ great battles in the Planes,” intones one of the priests.

“Are you prepared to make this oath?”

NOTE: Do we need/want to re-write any Beliefs? Maybe change the one about family to one about the Hunt? I’d rather stay away from beliefs about taking down Zhentil Keep and have those kinds of beliefs be about specific do-able goals. But beliefs about how far you are willing to go in order to take down Zhents could be cool…but its daring me to push harder…

Take 1 Personna for playing against that belief about Family, Love and Honor…ala Moldbreaker. Is that belief done?

Perception Roll: 4d6 = 6,6,3,6 – 3 successes

Belief: My belief is “Family, Freedom and Love are the only things worth fighting for.” The way I reasoned it, joining the Hunt in their goal of fighting Zhentil Keep is keeping my word to my mother (Family, Love) to end all Zhentish slavery (Freedom). I feel it is a valid interpretation of that Belief, at least for now, though it’s certainly starting to get tested. Do let me know if the Persona artha stays.

I take Nasharel’s hand and swear the oath of The Hunt:

“The Hunt continues until Zhentil Keep falls – so I swear. The Hunt continues until no Zhentarim chains bind creatures’ limbs – so I swear. The Hunt continues until Bane’s Temples are destroyed – so I swear. The Hunt continues despite my scars – so I swear. The Hunt continues on Faerun or beyond – so I swear. The Hunt continues with my every breath – so I swear. The Hunt continues without me, should I fall – so do I swear.”

I swear it seven times as required. It is no longer their Hunt; it is now OUR Hunt.

Now, the Belief about Xerez can change to incorporate the Hunt. I am, however, having trouble phrasing it in a punchy way. Let me think about this.

NOTE: Sounds good, man. Nothing NEEDS to change. I just wanted to check in and make sure. That would be a really early time for a belief to be swapped out but my sense of pace is all fuct because of the play-by-post medium. I say leave it be, if we notice that a belief is not generating artha, we’ll suss it out. But if you want a change, by all means, go for it

Nasharel takes your other hand as you take hers, you say the words together. Looking into each other’s eyes, you become members of The Hunt.

When you look up, your mind makes sense of the glance between the Huntress and her trusted second in command, Heldorm…either Vorass or Shaelin is suspected of being a traitor and they plan on dealing with it with steel’s brutal solution. Either the warrior or the thief will not live to see the dawn if they have their way. One of them heard too much, too soon and the Huntress never intended to let them in to the conspiracy so soon. Blackhand seems to have an iron-clad reason to stay loyal, so that would leave Vorass the Maul with unproven loyalties and all of the powers of Zhentil Keep out there in the world, waiting to uncover this organization’s true purpose.

After the oath, the time for ritual and formality is over.

“Elves of the Hunt, we leave at first light; do not be late. Whatever business you must finish up in Highmoon, do so before dawn’s rosy ale vomits over the horizon. If you’d like, I will have one of the hirelings take the tapestry to your cottage – one less thing for you to worry about.

“If possible, I’d like to talk to you both before we leave but I realize that is asking too much. At worst, I’d like to ride next to you on our way out of town and discuss Hunt business. You will notice we never bring up the Zhents in public. You will learn to hide your disdain for them or you will get us all killed. When an officer mentions Hunt Business, you will know what they mean.

“We can make introductions later, for now, I hope Lady Luck smiles on your last night in Highmoon. The rest of you Huntsmen…walk with a purpose and keep a sharp eye on our people; tonight is no night for foolishness and they’ve already had too much time without an officer’s guidance.


“…I’m stayin’ to talk. I know damned well. You don’t need to hold my rod while I make water, Captain.”

Nasharel turns to you, “I have a few people I want to give farewells to. Highmoon was good to me and I should not skulk away from those who gave me my first taste of home in some time. I will meet you back at the cottage in a few hours so that we might see the tapestry together?”

(I’ll keep the Belief as-is for now, yes. We’ll look into it again as we move along.)

I kiss Nasharel and ask her to give my farewells as well to all who are concerned. “I shall see you at the house. Be careful, my love. My heart goes with you. I cannot wait see this art together.”

After she leaves, I turn to Shasslan and Hel. "I promise you, I have lived many years being careful about what I show to the world. I can hide my hatred for the Zhentarim behind a mask of joyous merriment if needed.

“You will forgive me if I am too forward now, but I noticed the glances between you as the two new full members left. I am not prying into a leader’s business, but I can tell something stinks as an orcish cesspit.

“What else did you wish to speak of?”

Shasslan turns on her military demeanor like a Wizard turns on a Power Word: Kill. “Don’t you have enough to worry about tonight without taking all of the Hunt’s troubles on your shoulders? I’m very good at what I do; please, allow me to run this company.”

Hel discreetly closes the door, keeping the argument private. Once he does that, he stands behind his captain, his body language entirely ready to back her up but his eyes don’t look sure (that there is the Let it Ride for your Perception test).

Shasslan continues, confident with her quartermaster backing her up. "She hasn’t left the inn but the night is long and we don’t know if she might leave a coded message here. We cannot trust her. All of the mercenary companies she claims to have been a part of were fine and upstanding but the names, superior officers, contacts were all impossible to track down, all dead or Sigil-bound or on ships that go beyond the sky.

“And she’s had military training, her abilities with small squad tactics is second-to-none; I haven’t seen anything like it since watching a squad of Zhentarim Marines storm a wizard’s tower. If you are right, my soul is weighed down with a fell deed and she is another casualty of this war. If I am right, we will all die by some Bane-spawn’s hands if we’re lucky and its business as per usual in Zhentil Keep.”

NOTE: This seems like our first Duel of Wits. If so, jot down a few sentences for your Body of Argument and roll your DoW skill but you don’t have one, so roll your Will, halve it and add it to your full Will for your Body of Argument/your argument’s hit points. I propose (and feel free to disagree with me) that if she wins, she deals with Vorass as she sees fit and if you win, Vorass lives until her innocence or guilt can be proven. That work for you?

Body of Argument: 4 (1/2 Will rolled = 1 success [you need 2 for 1 BoA point, pg. 391] + Will)

“Shasslan, my apologies if my query implied any doubt of your ability to lead this company. The Hunt’s name and fame spread far and wide and that could not be without a capable leader at the helm. No, far from it, I only ask because as far as I am concerned, upon making that sacred oath, you are like unto family to me, and I am bound to help family. But that also includes all the full members of this company, and by your word this very night, Vorass is one as well.”

I have my volleys scripted in a separate text file. As we move down the exchanges, I’ll reveal them.

I would caution against scripting until you see my Body of Argument and wouldn’t script rounds in advance. Let it flow.

0 successes on her 3 dice of Persuasion. Body of Argument: 4.

Her words ring hollow. What she is describing sounds like base murder and nothing more

Her first round is scripted. When you post yours, I’ll post mine.

Ah, my mistake. When you wrote “jot down a few sentences for your Body of Argument” I thought you meant that my BoA needed to have a foundation statement. I read the DoW section but it didn’t really make clear whether I needed to have one prior to launching into the duel or not.

The DoW section (summary pg. 402) says we need to script our first exchange (three actions/volleys) before we get down to the action. Once that’s done, we reveal each action one by one, resolving each before moving to the other. If by the end of the third action/the end of the exchange, anyone still has points in their BoA, then we script a second exchange and so on.

Let’s do this. Consider my paragraph above my opening action for the first exchange. It’s a Point.

The past few paragraphs was your Body of Argument, your statement of purpose. Now, unveil your three scripted moves and I will unveil mine, we’ll see how they interact, one round at a time and then we’ll write our reactions based on that.

That make sense?

Got it.

My three scripted actions are:





The two of you begin talking over each other in clipped tones.

“You have no idea what it takes to run an army and that is what we are.”

She splits her dice up, 3 for attack and 1 for defense. 1 success for the attack and 1 success for the defense. Give a rebuttal, show yer dice and we’ll move on to the next script. If you have any questions, don’t be shy.

“No army in Faerun is run on guesses and hunches. It helps, yes, but there has to be something more. And to take a life on a gut feeling? Bane be praised if that’s the case!”

I split my dice, 3 for attack and 1 for defense as well. 2 successes on the attack and 1 success on the defense.

Body of Argument – Hal: 4, Shasslan 3. She tries to Feint and your point rips right through it. What skill did you use for that past attack or was it a straight Will roll, if so did you cut the successes in half?

Shasslan starts to play subtle word games, treating you like a village or peasant kid being recruited for a mercenary company or sailing ship. That is when Hal Whitewyrm teachers her the error of her ways.

Or at least I hope he does. You get a free shot, here. You out-scripted her and she will have ZERO defense but it is untested, so take that into account. As long as you do some damage to her Body of Argument, there will be a compromise that we’ll suss out between Judd and Daniel, not Hal and Shasslan.

I forgot to halve my successes, so that would be 1 success in attack and 0 success in defense. Adjust as necessary.

“Shasslan, I just met you but you do not strike me as someone who’d be so cutthroat on a whim. If you have proof, or some inkling of a clue to follow, let us all investigate it. If she is guilty, I will stand by your side as justice is meted out, but there cannot be murder in the name of paranoia. We would be no better than the Zhentarim if that were the case.”

Will Roll: 3,5,3,6 = 2 successes halved down to 1 success.

Body of Argument – Hal: 4, Shasslan 3. With the correction from the past mistake, the score stands.

You make a point as she attempts to end the argument. If she fails with her Dismiss, she will hesitate and the first round of the next volley will be a free shot for you.

“Hal, my brother in the hunt, this is no whim. This is information collected from here to the Sword Coast and back. This is not us becoming the Zhentarim but us safeguarding our hunt and going to the lengths necessary to truly do justice in Faerun.”

Persuasion skill of 3 +2 extra dice for the Dismiss action = 4 successes. But your Point goes off at the same time, taking down her Body of Argument too. You’ll get a compromise.

“Then speak or show some part of your proof. By your own words you only have suspicions and circumstance to fall back on. Investigate, yes, but do not kill. Confront her if you must know before dawn.”

Will roll: 5,4,4,6 = 2 successes halved down.

Alright, you wittled down her Body of Argument by half, that is a major compromise.
How’s this:

She is going to kill her in a week but you have that time to gather evidence one way or the other and it is your responsibility to make sure that she hasn’t left behind any coded messages. You may ask any of the officers for help.

That work for ya? Keeping in mind that this agreement is made between us, not a conversation about the characters. We’re figuring out the compromise.

Works for me, yes. It’s precisely the solution I had in mind.

Fantastic, you won it, fair and square.

“Look into the abyss too long, blah blah blah,” Shasslan says dismissively.

“Consider Vorass’ head on the chopping block and you have stayed the execution for a time. You have a week and furthermore, it is your responsibility to make sure that she hasn’t left any information for Zhentarim spies at the inn and it is your job to gather evidence of her innocence. You may enlist the help of any of the Hunt’s officers. Good luck. I hope you find what you are looking for.”

Hel says, “We all have lots to do before morning. We done here?”

Shasslan smiles, “Welcome to the adventuring company, Hal. How did you enjoy your first battle?”


Might be worthwhile to toss out a Belief for a while and get a short-term achievable belief like, “I will find the evidence needed to ascertain if Vorass is with the Zhentarim.” Those short term ones are good for Personna and keep the game flowing…that said, beliefs are YOURS to author; I’m just tossing out a suggestion.

Wow, Beliefs are very dynamic! Yeah, I’ll toss out the Zhentarim one for now and replace it with “If Vorass is a Zhent spy, I will find out for sure.”

The tension in the room diffused, I smile back at Shasslan, clasping her hand. "I can see this will be a wonderful home! I won’t fail you.

“Yes, I think we’re done here for the night. See you all at dawn’s first light. Rest well.”

On my way out of the inn, I circle around the back and look around, trying to find one of the alewenches that work the inn. It’s late, but sometimes they stay behind to smoke pipeweed, talk about annoying patrons or arrange other types of services with those who know where to look.

I’m attempting a Circles test for one of the wenches. My basis would be the fact that I entertain in the inns of Highmoon, so it’d be someone I know casually by name from night after night of working the taproom at the same time. I’ve no Affiliation or Reputation to call upon so straight up.

Circles Test: 2d6 = 6,1 – 1 success.

The ob for finding a tavern wench for you is in fact 1. In the future, you can let me know you are thinking about a circles roll, I’ll give you the ob and we can move from there. Its best to have the obstacle up front so that you can see if you want to toss Persona points at it, add in your reputation/affiliations, make a linked test with an appropriate -wise or try something else.

Sussie was born in Highmoon 25 winters ago, 7th of 15 children in a shepherd’s family. She seems to know everyone in Highmoon. Her husband was killed in the recent Scardale uprising and she’s raising the twins alone. She offers you a toke on her pipe and says, “Hey there, pumpkin-eyes,” with her husky voice, made deeper from a lifetime of smoking pipeweed with the gals after the common room is closed for the night.

The other tavern ladies and working girls make excuses to be elsewhere, knowing that Sussie has had a crush on you since you showed up in town.

(Got it on the Circles.)

I take a good pull from the pipe and let out the smoke in nice, even rings.

“Susskia, always a pleasure to see you. I take it your twins are doing well?”

I flash a winning smile as I hand her back the pipe. I flirt, but I make very sure to keep my distance to about two feet at the very least.

“I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about one of the inn’s patrons of late, a very tall, muscular woman; dark hair, warrior, with a warhammer. Maul she seems to be called, not sure if that’s a name or a title. I know would’ve seen her, but I’m wondering if you’ve noticed her talking or consorting with anyone other outside those in the group she came with? I know those sparkling emerald eyes of yours see everything and miss little.”

The twins are well, thanks for asking, still singing that song you taught them. Where’s that song from…Shadowdale?"

“The She-Maul…yes, we’ve noticed her. She’s more of an anvil and an ogre. I’ve seen hundreds of would-be adventurers and heroes come through here. Most want to survive the battle so they can boast of it while one of us ladies is on their knee. Vorass is different. She’s up every morning doing her morning regime – throwing a leather satchel filled with sand and chainmail, scouring the mail and working up a sweat. She breaks fasts with knights, squires, elven archers and armorers, learning about different fighting from different lands.

Vorass the Maul is lusty too and when she talks of someone she fancies, she blushes like a priest in a druid circle. So, to answer your question, my Lord of Whitewyrm, she does talk to plenty of folk outside of The Hunt. She studies the art of killing and she quite obviously sees other warriors as her tomes and scrolls."

“Aye, Shadowdale, but it has its origins in the ancient elven cities of the forest. ’Tis a great song.

“Thank you for the information on the Maul. Did you happen to see where she went tonight? It must’ve been less than one toll of the bell ago.”

(Let me know if I need to make any rolls here.)

“You’re just using me for my pretty eyes. Ah well, a pity.

“She’s out seeing her little wizard, been seeing him for some time now from what I’ve heard. He’s at the Silver Shield. Why do you want to know? Is she suspected in some crime against the Elven Queen?

“What do I get for giving you this information about this dangerous warrior? Will you bring me back something from your adventures…for the children, of course.”

“My dear Sussie, you are unique among the people of this town. Those pretty eyes of yours see more than eagles at the top of the Thunder Peaks and that is no mean feat. I tell you that if my heart did not already belong to someone else, I would be in great trouble from those sparkling emeralds.

“Been seeing a little wizard, you say? For some time now. I will go have a look. As to why I’m asking, I know you are a very discreet woman and would not want to know more than would be prudent. Let us call it professional curiosity and leave it at that.

“My dear Susskia, Sussie, many thanks for your help this night. If I could impose upon you one last time, I would ask that once The Hunt leaves, you be the one to clean the room where the Maul now sleeps. If you should find she left anything behind, and I mean anything, you have it sent to me post haste with a private messenger from Silverhand House; I trust Gaelin implicitly. I will leave directions to finding me along the road with him as well.

“I know I ask much and yet more then. Take these coins for the messenger; keep them if there is no need. And I promise upon my return I shall bring something from afar… for the children, of course.”

(I leave her a few gold coins—let me know if you’d like a Resources test for the cash—and after this I head over to the Silver Shield. I know the elven family that runs it fairly well.)

If you want to really make a difference in Susskia’s life, roll to give her some cash dice. For 1 cash die, its an ob 2 Resources check, page 374. Y’know what, I was thinking about just saying, ‘yes,’ rather than rolling the dice on the elf who owns the Silver Shield but I’ve reconsidered.

Roll a circles test to get in touch with the elven owners of the Silver Shield. Either way you are going to get in touch with her, but this is going to let me know her disposition towards you. Circles…ob 3, as she’s a higher station than you. I could zing you on elves not being within your lifepaths but I think that’s a dick move, the FR setting has elves as far more common than BW as-written and you have the Fey Blood trait. Its not like you’re trying to track down an Elven Etharch or Sword Singer…this is an inn-owner. Yeah, ob 3 circles test.

The Silver Shield is immaculate as always. In the grove in front of the inn, the master of the inn is an elven lady, Keleb Starnar. She is playing her harp with the wind and it sounds like rain lightly hitting a roof on a summer’s day. When the song is done, she opens her eyes and nods at you.

“Young Master Hal, it is a little late in the evening for your songs, I think, as our common room is cold and the hearth is growing cool. How can I help you?”

Her long silver hair is shining in the moonlight and she looks every inch the elven matriarch, with no noble titles but still demanding respect from the elves in this community for the wisdom she has gathered having traveled in the world of the younger races. They say she has taken an oath not to cut her hair until she returns to Evermeet and plays her harp for the King and Queen.

Resources Test: 1,5,4 = 3 successes.
Circles Test: 2,4 = 1 success.

I bow deeply in her presence (I pretty much consider all good-standing elves as qualifying for my trait Extremely Respectful of One’s Betters).

“Lady Starnar, no hour of the day is ever late to gaze upon your radiance and grace mine ears with the enchanting sounds of dew that emanate from your delicate fingers upon the strings of the harp. The weariness of the day washes away with just the few notes I caught upon my entrance.”

Letting you gauge the Circles test result before continuing.


“Your words are kind and gracious. You do your mother proud. It is late and my song is done; I’m off to dream of the stars above Evermeet. What brings you here at midnight, Hal? Are you visiting one of our guests? I could summon them for you if their light is on and they are awake.”

“No need to summon anyone, Milady, though I would ask a question of you. Have you seen a visitor to your establishment, a large muscular woman called Vorass or the Maul? I am told she has been coming here to meet with a guest, a “small wizard,” he was described to me. If you have, could you tell me about their meetings, how long have they been happening for, and for what length of time do they speak?

“Milady, I must tell you I dare cross the boundaries of privacy only in the interest of truth, for know I am on an errand of life or death.”

“Hal, how many decades of life have you seen to know life and death stakes that would cause me to break my oaths of hearth and home? It is common knowledge that I have several War Wizards from Cormyr and their apprentices, along with several knights of the Purple Dragon here to take note of the damage to the Dalelands done during the Scardale uprising but more than that I cannot say.”

It is at this point the fact that she has never referred to you as Whitewyrm might or might not become apparent.

“I am child to your immortal eyes, Milady, born of Human and Elf blood yet fully of neither, so my years on this land are but a blink to you. But please do know that in those years I have seen more death than some will see in a lifetime, more violent theft of life than any sane living being should witness, more blood spilled for the mere whim of those in power than any eye should bear. And yet I live and continue to think that there is good in this world. It is a feature of my mortal Human blood, I’m afraid. I would never seek to make you break your oath of hearth and home, may the blood of my father of Clan Whitewyrm be taken from my veins, but someone’s life is at stake. And by the same sanctity of that precious gift the gods have entrusted us all in varying lengths, I will not see life’s flame extinguished if there is no good reason to do so.

“Milady Starnar, please I beg of you, help me to uphold Justice. I would be in your debt.”

You feel the weight of over two centuries of wisdom, leadership and grace in her eyes. She considers your words with all of that time’s accumulated experience and responds simply, almost lyrically.


Duel of Wits?


Body of Argument: 5 (Will + 2 successes halved down)

I have my script for the opening exchange done.

Might not want to script before you see her BoA.

She rolls 4 successes due to her Gray Will. Her BoA is 8.

I think you’ve both stated your BoA’s in words above. Let’s do this. I’m going to prepare her first 3 scripts.

(I figured we had both stated our BoAs well just prior, that’s why I went ahead and scripted. If we run into a situation where the BoA isn’t well stated, I will always wait then.)

Point – Rebuttal – Dismiss

Feint – Rebuttal – Point

Here’s my feint.

“Are you sure this is about the rights of your patrons or about your disguised dislike of my mixed blood? Do not think I haven’t noticed you’ve never mentioned my father’s clan name.”

Her words cut through yours like an elven spear through orc-flesh.

“Your claim to the Whitewyrm name is as thin as your right to know my patrons’ comings and goings.”

2 Successes. Hal’s BoA: 3. Keleb’s BoA: 8. Your scripting instincts were solid but you zigged instead of zagged…just bad effing luck. We should have set more clear stakes but it seemed obvious. If you win, she tells you what you want to know and if she wins, her patrons’ secrets remain secret. Would you like to describe the Rebuttal on Rebuttal, in which you both talk over and past each other to no effect.

My rebuttal.

“My claim to the Whitewyrm name is not what is at stake here right now, Milady, and to drag such a business into this argument is a weak and dare I say cowardly move to dismiss my righteous plea to you.”


“Weak and cowardly is you asking me to peak through my patron’s windows and betray their trust for your youngling adventures.”

Next up, you Point as she Dismisses. You go first.

My Point (with a dash of Incite).

“Milady, I say this to you: you are letting your immortal view of the world rule over reason, and your lack of help could mean mortal blood on your hands.”

Will Test + 1 Persona artha: 2,4,4,5,5 – 2 successes (halved down).

“Your mortal view of the world does not allow you to know what reason is, much less sit in judgment over my responsibilities. My inn is and information concerning those sleeping within the protection of my songs and spears are closed to you, young Hal. The one they call Little Wizard is not, in fact, a wizard but an apprentice wizard, studying to be a War Wizard of Cormyr.”

3 successes. Your BoA is 0 and her’s stands at 6. You have earned a minor compromise. What exactly were you looking for and what do you think is a fair minor compromise?

The Elven Matriarch turns and leaves, the autumn wind strumming a few notes out of her harp in her wake.

From out a window of the inn, climbs Vorass. A young man’s head peaks out, smiles and kisses her and she deftly pulls herself up for one last kiss before dropping to the ground. He hands her the hammer and holds for a moment.

“Be safe.”

“No, I’ll be skilled. You be safe, War Wizard.”

They are looking at each other one last time and have not seen you yet.

Ouch, her Dismissal is actually just walking away. Zing.

Annoyed at the turn of events, I walk out of the inn. I then notice Vorass. I do my best to hide until she has passed (Inconspicuous Test: 6,2,3,5 = 2 successes), and assuming she does not see me, once she’s a few step ahead of me I say, “Lovely night for a walk, wouldn’t you say, Vorass?”

3 successes on her Perception check but she doesn’t have Observation training, so its halved and she did not, in fact, see you.

Not knowing how much you saw, Vorass plays it cool. “No night this short could be lovely. I’m on the barrel in half a bell. What about you? Business to tidy up at the Silver Shield, Hal?”

“You could say that. I wanted to have few words with you, if I may. I am sorry that events tonight with The Hunt did not turn out so well for you. I hope you bear no ill will toward me or my beloved for your—our leader’s actions.

“Vorass, we fight a dark fight against an even darker foe. I have learned Blackhand’s reasons to war on the Keep, but what about yours? Please forgive my blunt rudeness in asking; time is short.”

“Leader’s actions? The captain didn’t do anything wrong. I thought letting you two in was smart.

“I’m a soldier, plain and simple. Its all I know. I’ve warred from here to the Sword Coast and back. I don’t have a dramatic reason for taking on the Hunt’s enemy but I chose to leave the life of a mercenary soldier to do this adventuring. I don’t know what to tell you, Hal. What are you looking for from me and why?”


“Vor, I am a bard, plain and simple. I have some skill with the sword, enough to watch my back and that of my beloved, but I am no martial champion. Upon first laying eyes on you I knew you were a seasoned warrior, a terror to fear with that warhammer of yours in hand. As I join your band, as we become brothers in the hunt, I want to know on whom I can depend to strike down any foes I cannot deal with. I speak to you now trying to ascertain what my gut tells me: that you are a warrior to trust in thick and thin, someone I can count on, someone to trust, even.

“I have heard some of your exploits; the minstrels sing songs and once you learn the names of the heroes you can start to put together who they are singing about. Songs of The Maul, She of the Hammer, have reached my ears before; I have no doubt they speak of you and your deeds. They are amazing to hear about, and I must be honest, I long to behold them myself so that I may also sing of thee one day.

“So what say you, soldier, mercenary of the land, are you this warrior my instinct tells me, one I can trust my back in battle, one I can count as an ally in our hunt for the Zhentarim?”

Let me know if you’d like a untrained Persuasion test to convey the honesty of my words.

I’m not sure any rolls are necessary.

“Don’t say that aloud. Words like that carry and the Captain would have your head for saying it so plainly.

“Stop flattering me. There are no songs about me. I’m a foot soldier who managed to survive a life of a ground-pounder, plain and simple. I do nothing more than learn my trade. If I were a blacksmith and I went looking at the local forge or a farrier looking at the local horse-flesh no one would say a word but my trade is getting to where I’m needed with my hammer and driving enemies into rout, so suddenly its worthy of a song.

“Evil didn’t kill my brother, nor am I a priest of Tempus but you can trust me, Hal.”

“Very well. What do you know of Blackhand? Why does he wear the mark of a thieves’ guild which was exterminated to its last member?”

“You didn’t catch that? His brother was a member and when he came of age, he would’ve been a member too. The Blackhands messed with your old buddy among the Hunt’s quarry and he killed them to a man. Only reason why our boy was left alive is because he was too young to be considered a threat. He cried himself to sleep tonight and when I asked him why, he said that he was relieved to know how to avenge his brother and mad that the information was kept from him for so long.

“I have to take my time on watch on the barrel. I caught the shift from now ’till dawn. Anything else, Hal?”

“No, that would be all, Vor. Have a good watch at the barrel.”

I start to walk away then turn.

“Actually, there is one more thing you could help me with. Tell me, is it true what they say about Cormyri wizards and why they all wear skirts?” I ask smiling mischievously, sure that I am outside the reach of a sudden punch.

She shakes her head, blushes and runs back to the inn. Over her shoulder she says, “Is it true elven maidens sing songs when they are in bed?”

_I reckon there are two things to do before ending this chapter and heading out with the Hunt: Talk with your cousin (if you want to; you could also just leave) and see the tapestry. Anything else to do in Highmoon before leaving? What do you want to do first?

“Aye, it’s true!” I shout back as she leaves.

Once she has left, I take a glance at the window from which she came out. I momentarily ponder climbing the wall and taking a peek, but decide not to push my luck for the night.

I walk by the Leaves of Learning on the way back to my cottage. Nethanel’s quarters are around the back and I peek to see if there is a candle on this late at night by any chance.

His light is on and you can hear him at his lecture, reading out loud from a book about the God-Kings of Mulhorand.

“…noble courts were temples and thrones were altars. Dukes were priests and knights holy avengers. At the height of their power, prayers to other deities and miracles sent to those of other Faiths would not reach Faerun while in Mulhorand, as if their towers blocked all other divinities.”

He turns a page and sips some mint tea, not noticing you outside his window.

“What exactly is your fascination with the Mulhorandi, cousin? I have heard of academic pursuits but you follow their trail like a soldier follows whores on the eve of battle!”

I climb in through his window, not letting him protest my presence or intrusion.

“We need to speak. I am sorry for the late hour and unorthodox manners, but I have little time. I come to tell you that, in the morrow, I ride north with The Hunt, I’m sure you’ve heard of them. I know you will be heartbroken that I won’t be accompanying you, as that means you will need new hirelings, but the opportunity came to fulfill an oath made long before the one I made to you earlier today.

“Now listen to me well, please, and put all enmity you bear me aside for one moment. Should you and your band find yourselves in trouble while in the Cormanthor, please seek refuge at this stone I mark here on your map. Do you understand?”

He sighs.

“If things go poorly for me, you wish me to meet you at the Standing Stone…the stone erected by the elves to note that the humans could settle the hills and valleys of the Dalelands?

“Where will you meet if things do not go well for you, cousin? Feh, don’t answer.

“Of course you won’t be joining me and of course you are insulted that I asked you to work you way up and did not hand you the world on an elven platter because you have Whitewyrm blood and orange eyes. Of course you won’t be keeping your oath, as you are your mother’s son.

“Did you know that your mother and my father adventured together? True, true. She took her younger brother away from Highmoon the night after his wedding to my mother and despite her oath to return him to my mother just as she took him, he returned to Deepingdale a shattered husk of a man. Maybe its for the best we never adventured together. The traditions of our family’s expeditions is not exactly the stuff if your bard’s tales.

“Be careful out there, cousin. We are the last of our family in the world and I know your human name holds little romance for you, it does mean something to me. Good night.”

He closes the book, putting it beneath the lecturn and snuffs a candle, leaving you in the dark to find your own way out.

“Ah, my dear cousin, perhaps one day you will understand that my human blood is as important to me as my elven one. I pray the gods allow us to meet again in health to let that be clear to us both.

“You bear my love and my good wishes on your journey. Fare thee well.”

Finally, it is time to head home to Nasharel. And to that tapestry I ransomed the world to purchase.


Nasharel has her robe on and her traveling gear laid out and ready to go for the morning. Her hair is still wet from a last bath before hitting the road. Tea is steeping, the same kind of mint tea that your cousin was just drinking. The floor is cleared so that the tapestry can be rolled out without putting it near the fire.

“Are you ready to unroll the tapestry and learn some your Clan’s history?”

“My dear, the only thing I want more in this world is to lie in the warmth of your arms for a few precious hours of rest before we depart, and that will happen soon enough. Let us see what we have together bought.”

Together you roll out the tapestry across the floor, grateful that it is not raining or else the leaky roof would leave the tapestry damaged.

Tapestries tell stories, even frayed, old, blood-stained tapestries dragged halfway across the Cormanthor before being reclaimed from murderous gnolls.

Once upon a time there was an elf with a deep love of winter. When it came time for him to leave his home and wander Faerun, he sought out the lands that never knew spring or autumn. The Icewind Dale, the First Glacier and the far lands of Sossal were all known to him. The Rashamen Witches called him Winter’s Lover. The Icewind Dale-folk called him the Southron Sword. The Sossali called him the Sad Immortal because a Sossal princess stole his heart and tragedy struck. When he returned after many decades with a great white bear and grief in his heart, his kin did not ask too many questions but allowed his heart to heal.

His own people called him Sul. He made his own manor and for the first time since his youth, he stayed in the Cormanthor after the spring thaw and began a family among his people.

When his children were of age, they were fostered to Great White Wyrms of the north, whose respect he had gained when he sought their wisdom and winter-lore and showed them ways other than slaughter and terror. These white-scaled dragons with ice-cold breath and great wings were grateful for the Whitewyrm children’s counsel and looked forward to having a fosterling from their elven ally. The Whitewyrm elves were no strangers to sword, spear and bow but more importantly were cunning in ways of court and politics in ways the dragons were not.

The elves of spring, summer and autumn warned him that the chromatic dragons could not be trusted because of their goddess but Sul Whitewyrm did not listen. So, when Tiamat awoke and painted the heavens red with her wrath and called on those who had five-headed shrines in their lairs to rampage through their lands and take what treasure they could, the lands gripped by winter were safe. This was called Sul’s Peace.

Let’s take his as a learning moment. You can take a test towards learning one of the following skills: Ancient History, Whitewyrm-wise, Winter-wise or White Dragon-wise.

End of Chapter I

Continued in Chapter II
Cast of Characters

I’ll take the test towards Ancient History:
Will Test: 4,5,6,5 = 4 successes. Logging one Aptitude test.


Chapter II
6th of Elient, Year of the Prince, 1357, Dale Reckoning

Its a cold Autumn rain at dawn as The Hunt leaves Highmoon. Shasslan the Huntress drops a final bag of gold into the inn-keepers hands and brings up the rear of the troop. The company rides in a loose formation around a two-horse drawn cart. Shasslan, Heldorm Umbrav, and the 3 priests of Tempus all have proper war-horses but the rest just ride draft horses in case one of the cart horses comes up lame.

Shasslan sidles her horse up to you and Nasharel, flips her helm’s visor up and smiles. She’s clearly cold, miserable and in her element. "Proper adventuring weather, no?

“We’re going to head west on the road for a day and then break north. There is a shepherd with a barn he’ll rent to us so we can stow the cart as long as we don’t fill his children with crazy ideas about adventuring as an alternative over sheep husbandry. We could’ve taken the road to Ordulin and then gone north across the Blackfeather Bridge but we like it out here in the wilds and we need to save time if we are going to beat the first snows.

" Laelin Blackhand has a good eye for finding places in the river to ford, so we’ll do so up near the Pool of Yeven, through Battledale and then into the Vale of Lost Voices along the Ravensroad. We’ll camp at the Standing Stone and then we’ll strike from the road, heading north into the great Cormanthor still untouched by human hands. There are trails and markers to Myth Drannor but it can be a devil of a time finding them.

“Besides entering and exiting the Myth itself, our biggest dangers are bandits along the Ravensroad and night-time in the Vale of Lost Voices. Few know it yet, but we aren’t going to Myth Drannor. Our quarry is sending a shipment of slaves just north of Myth Drannor in the ominously named Dead God’s Glade and when they get to this paradise, we’ll be waiting.

“You’ll find your rhythm with the camp. Hal, I wanted to ask you to be the company’s chronicler. Our last chronicler died in Archendale and I have no talent for such things.

“Nasharel, you and I should sit down and talk about what kind of officership you’d find rewarding. I’m honestly not sure what you can do, so we’ll talk and find you a place. In the Hunt, you’ll find that rank doesn’t mean much until life and limb are on the line. When that happens, I suggest the two of you stick to Vorass. She’s got a cool head and is used to easing recruits into our battle tactics.

“Speaking of which, a certain young lady wielding a maul came to me this morning to let me know that one of our officers was using the Z-word out in front of the Silver Shield. Know anything about that rumor, Hal?”

(Before heading out of Highmoon, I make sure to leave instructions on how to reach us via messenger should Susskia need to send one after. I seal them and leave them at Silverhand House.)

I ride out of Highmoon with some trepidation in my heart; after so many years as a wanderer, to have finally found a place to call home is priceless, but I know that what I am doing is right and just. With a final glance through the cold rains that presage the coming snows, I say farewell to Highmoon until our return.

After hearing Shasslan’s words, I reply, trying to keep a hold of my horse’s slippery bridle. "You honor me with your request. I would be the Hunt’s new chronicler, yes. Our glorious tale begins today as we all but swim along the road!

“If I may, I think you will find Nasharel a very eloquent and persuasive person, as well as the best singer your ears have heard.”

I ride close to Shasslan, trying to keep my voice as low as I can and yet be heard in the rain. "As for the “rumor” you heard, ‘tis true. It was late and I was tired and I slipped. I was careless and it won’t happen again, I promise this. I had followed Vor’s whereabouts after our meeting last night to another inn, where she had been apparently having a tryst with a Cormyrean wizard for a few nights. I have to ask, if you suspect her of being a spy, why entrust her with the last watch of the night at Highmoon? Or did you have her watched as well?"

“If she is a spy, she’s playing a long game, not a position where one shift on the barrel is going to matter. That said, none of us sleep well the night before we take leave…except maybe Hel, that man can sleep anywhere, anytime.

“Your excuse for the Silver Shield slip-up is not acceptable. If it happens again, I’m docking you pay. But look on the bright side, her coming to tell me about it either means she’s not a spy at all or she’s a very, very good spy.”

Before moving to the cart to check on a troublesome axel noise, Shasslan hands you the satchel for the chronicler officership. Inside is a heavy tome with a brass and wood cover, antlers etched into the front cover and the spine. Also there is ink, sand, a few feather quills and a small knife for sharpening the quills and a fold-up lecturn. Inside the front cover is a battered piece of parchment that is the Zhent-code the gnolls were carrying.

The parchment is covered in blocks of lines at different angles. The only sigil you know is the mark of clan Whitewyrm in the bottom corner.

Symbology, ob 5, if you want to try to decipher it.

I nod to Shasslan, understanding perfectly the slack she just cut me and vowing never to do it again lest I be thought a green pup.

My eyes fall upon the scroll immediately upon opening the satchel and it is a stab through my heart to see the sigil of Clan Whitewyrm in here. Could this actually be a Zhentarim message?

I’d like to attempt the roll, challenging as it is. Can I FoRK my Slavery-wise into the Symbology roll? My only hope then would be to roll 6s but I’ll worry about that later.

Thumbs up on the Slavery-wise. Go for it.

Can’t edit on the mobile interface. Symbology + Slavery-wise helping: 4,5,5,6 + 1 Fate artha 2 (traitor) = 4 successes.

No worries, I like it this way better, actually.

Over the next three days, Hal reads over the code, writes down pieces and breaks it down until these blocks of lines start to become patterns and the patterns turn into numbers and the numbers start to become words. Shasslan sees his progress and takes him off of his camp-related duties so that he can concentrate.

The Hunt Adventuring Company, in its first days on the road, looks for ways to occupy itself. Most adventures, it is guesswork at the weather when they reach their destination, who will have point upon entering a dungeon or who had the steamiest affair in the last town. With Hal trying to decode the message, the company has something to obsess over. Bets are made. Will he break it? Will he break it before they reach Cormanthor, the Dun Hills, Farmer Girasilde’s barn, the Standing Stones? Will his breaking it get them company into some kind of trouble?

When he is done, he knows that it was a message sent out among Bane worshippers, orc packs, gnoll murder-priests and slavers. They are looking for…some thing in particular, maybe some things having to do with the Whitewyrm clan but it isn’t clear why and it isn’t clear where they are supposed to go.

By the time you’re done, days have gone by and the group is in the Dun Hills, it is clear you can’t break the code. If you had another message, something else to compare and get more examples of their patterns, you could take another shot at it but for now, the Zhent-code remains a mystery.

Heldorm greets you once you’re done, slapping his diminishing gut, “Welcome back to the land of the living, Chronicler! You are on the barrel tonight, from the fourth bell, not that there’s a bell but you get the idea, until dawn. You’ll have Brother Vhelt to keep you company, with tales of the glory of Tempus, no doubt. You took your shot at the code and got farther than we did, that is for certain. Don’t let it vex you; the coming weather should do that all on its own. And look on the bright side, Mistress Zund made a fair amount of coin from your failed effort.”

Nasharel nudges you awake for your time on watch, or as the Huntsfolk call it, time on the barrel. The cool autumn air provides deep, dreamless sleep and it seems like you just closed your eyes. “Looks like the rain has stopped, my chronicler. Word around the company is that you will reach the Farmer Girasilde’s land before noon tomorrow. Good night”

She kisses your chin and goes to sleep, getting into your already warm blankets.

Camp was made at the base of a broken obelisk in the Dun Hills. No one was quite sure what the broken monument was marking. As if the reclaim it, vines and moss are growing all over it. The horses are sleeping below the hilltop where the cart and the camp is set.

Brother Vhelt Marrim is growing his first beard. He still has the rangy, long body of a youth, having not yet grown into his shoulders. His brown hair a short priestly cut and he wears the battered armor of a Priest of Tempus.

Vhelt speaks in hushed tones, rubbing his Sembian longsword down with an oilcloth, to ward off rust during the autumn rains. “Hal, I’m glad we get to meet. I’m so curious about our company’s newest officer. If I might, when you feel up to it, I’d like to tell you about the battle I survived in which Tempus blessed me with a vision and sent me on this path. Do you have any questions or thoughts? Is this obelisk of elven make do you think?”

Vhelt’s an eager kid, hence the questions. But feel free to drop multiple questions, we don’t have to strictly go back and forth, post for post but can kind of create a conversation as we go. Tomorrow, it’ll be after my lunch-break before I’ll be able to post anything after the early morning wake-up/e-mail check.

The patterns on the Zhent-code still dancing in my head, I take my post at the barrel, envying the warm spot I just left in the bedroll. I fill my cup with warm tea from the fire and take my place next to Brother Marrim. I am still too sleepy to bear the barrage of enthusiasm from the young acolyte but somehow I manage.

“Brother Marrim, a bit slower, please; half of me is still inside my blankets. Now, let’s see…

“The obelisk. Well, is it elven? Maybe, it’s hard to tell now by the flickering firelight, and I’m afraid I did not get a good look at it when we set up camp. It could be. When the elves allowed humans to settle the borders of this land, markers were set up in various areas to define the outer edge of the elven demesne. This could be one of those markers. Yet, who knows. Perhaps it was placed here by an older people, older than the elves (I cannot help but briefly hear my cousin Nethanel’s voice in my ears rambling about ancient Mulhorandi in these parts). Maybe by the gods themselves. There is a temple of Tyr in these hills; maybe it was his warrior’s hand that pushed this marker into the ground. Or maybe it was pushed up from below by the dark elves said to crawl underneath the earth.”

I smile into my mug of tea as I see the Brother’s wide-eye stare into the darkness where the obelisk stands like a broken sentinel, and I do wonder myself who placed it there…

“So tell me, Brother Marrin, for we have still a while before dawn’s light, the story of how you took up Tempus’s armor and sword, and how you joined The Hunt.”

I make sure my mug is full of tea before the acolyte launches into his sure-to-be-long story.

Marrim looks disconcerted for a little while at the thought of drow pushing monuments to the surface from the Underdark but he get’s past it and tells you his story. He delves into his life as a noble-born son…7th son of 10 children in a small barony in Sembia…

…and then a glorious battle with a nearby rival landed knight who had the nerve to…

…called by the Lord of Battles and from there, into the nearest temple…

…Tempus wrote in his Battletome…

Meanwhile, somewhere out in the darkness, something hungers for more than the hill goats it survives on and catches a wiff of elf-flesh.

Will roll, ob 1, to stay awake.

Perception, ob 4 to notice the troll sneaking towards camp. The troll rolled 2 successes on its stealth test. I think that would count as a test towards Observation but I might be wrong.

Will Test: 1,4,5,2 = 2 successes

It takes all of my willpower to stay awake during the entire recitation and keep a semblance of interest so as to not hurt the feelings of the young cleric. More than a few times I find myself wishing that instead of tea I was having some of that strong, dark, aromatic brew said to come from newly-discovered islands far off the shores of the west. It could certainly perk you up with but a sip!

In order to make this a test towards Observation the ob would have to be doubled to 4. I think I will play it safe here and go with straight up Perception. What I as a player perceive (no pun intended) to be is that Observation would tell me what I see, where Perception tells me there is something out there. That’s more up to you, though, but I’m cool rolling with that idea in mind.
Perception Test: 1,3,6,5 = 2 successes

Somewhere along the trip to the nearest temple of Tempus and the paean of deeds read from the Battletome I realize that the hairs on the back of my neck are standing and I’ve a strange feeling of being watched… and not by a common owl zone out a bit.

EDIT: Daniel, maybe I wasn’t clear but these rolls are taking place during your watch with the young priest. Sorry if that was unclear.

I had already doubled the ob, taking that into account. You’re way off on Observation, check it out, BWG, page 286. You hit the ob and I believe you take a check towards learning Observation, a very useful skill indeed.

“…and as Tempus stated, ‘If your enemy is of choleric temper, irritate him…’”

You notice a pair of eyes, reflecting moonlight among some rocks. When the creature curls up, it looks like just another boulder but when its eyes scan the company – no stone reflects moonlight like that. From there it is just a matter of making sense of the rest of it: the claws, the long green nose, matted hair on its head the color of dark moss.

“…it was quite clear that I had a destiny, that the Foe-hammer himself had plans for me…”

Its a troll, a young one, from the looks of it. It might be seven feet tall but definitely not the eight foot or more of the full grown bulls. It is looking at Narashel and it is drooling in anticipation of fresh elf-flesh.

“…and so, I’m an acolyte of Tempus, under the guidance of the wise Father of Battles…”

Daniel, I totally messed this up.

Hold on, you missed the Perception test. I thought it was 2 but its 4.

My bad. Let’s do this again. Hold on.

“…and as Tempus stated, ‘If your enemy is of choleric temper…’”

Brother Vhelt’s throat erputs mid-sentence, and he falls to the ground, quietly gurgling. Beside you is a young troll, seven feet tall, drooling in anticipation of an elf-flesh meal. But that is not what is eery about it. The troll’s eeriness is in how very quiet it approached. It skulked out of the hills, staying close to nearby boulders, at times even pretending to be a boulder until it was close enough to quiet Vhelt and attempt to silence you before taking its meal.

Steel test, your ob is your Hesitation. :):):):), we didn’t calculate your Steel, did we? Well, now’s the time. I’ll e-mail you the Steel questions and we’ll suss it out.

I calculated Steel based on the questions in the Character Burner section. Started with B3: no fighter-type LPs, not severely wounded, not killed more than once (though, maybe as a duelist in Raven’s Bluff this could’ve happened, but not sure), yes enslaved but Will is 4 so no change, no sheltered life, not Gifted nor female and ineligible for all the stat bonuses = B3.

Whether you killed more than once is entirely up to you. If you aren’t sure, sounds like he didn’t. Maybe one duelist died a few days later and the rest of the duels were to the first blood? Its an interesting way to learn something about yer character, I always thought.

As I created him, it didn’t strike me that he would’ve, no. Maybe some died afterwards, very possible, especially opponents faced during the escape from slavery or some other harrowing moment, but out-and-out killing, no, I think one, yes, but not more than that. I’ll leave the killing for in-game. So, B3 it is.

Your Hesitation is 6 and you are rolling 3 dice, ob 6. Don’t forget that dice in Steel tests explode. BWG, page 361.

Ok, here we go:
Steel Test: 6,5,3 → 5 = 3 successes


You have choices, always choices: Stand and Drool, Fall Prone and Beg for Mercy, Run Screaming. The effects of these things will last for those moments, 3 scripted actions in the Fight! mechanics until you snap out of it.

Stand and Drool it is. How does this interact with my Instinct should the troll threaten Nasharel? Also, yay, Fight!

I’m going to say that after the Stand and Rool is up you will be able to start in an Aggressive stance. Okay, so here’s how this works. Technically, we’ve started a Fight! but because of the failed roll, you are starting at a grave disadvantage. For the first 3 volleys of the Fight!, you are Standing and Drooling and the Troll will be free to script at will for the first exchange (exchange = 3 volleys, as you have a 3 reflects, you could script one action per volley).

Charge – Assess – Stuff Nasharel into a sack

The troll charges you, knocking you off of your feet with its bony forearms, knocking your breath from your lungs. It stops, keeping an eye on you but slowly looking around the camp to see if someone is stirring, glancing down at young Vhelt as he gurgles out his last breaths. The monster smiles, stepping over the priest as if he’s a log. It sniffs at the air until it reaches Nasharel, sleeping where you had slept, only a little while ago.

Its movement is fast and practiced, swooping her into its massive sack. You can hear her muffled scream as the troll sets itself to run out of the camp and into the dark hills.

If you don’t get up for your first two actions (BWG, page 455), you will be at a terrible disadvantage. Yelling does not count as an action, its FREE!…one syllable per volley. I will script his next exchange, we’ll compare scripts and we’ll go from there. Might be a good time to look over the Fight! rules. Take yer time; learning at your leisure is a bonus of the play-by-post forum medium, I think.

Alright, so first thing’s first, we have to figure out who has the advantage. Check out vying for position on page 436. The troll is disengaging, wanting to get out of there while the getting’s good. If you are engaging, then we need a versus test, even while you’re down, to note that you’re trying to keep this thing near you. +1 to your ob, vs the troll’s speed roll. Let me know what you roll.

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