Black Flag Tales of the Valiant Monster Vault Marilith Preview


New Publisher
I'll say what I say about all high level monsters..... They don't do magic damage or force damage, no wonder the blood war will never end.

Can anyone imagine a world where creatures this powerful don't do magic damage?

As for this monster, love the abilities.

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I'll say what I say about all high level monsters..... They don't do magic damage or force damage, no wonder the blood war will never end.

Can anyone imagine a world where creatures this powerful don't do magic damage?

As for this monster, love the abilities.
Under Flaming Weapons, it states that all the marilith’s attacks are magical.


I like how the new statblocks have a set number for perception and stealth. Makes it easier to DM, but also takes away the swing, which is sometimes good to have.


New Publisher
I mean, it's right there. How did I miss that? Now I'm wondering if it should be in every line, like magical melee weapon attack? That's too wordy...... So where it is should work. No idea how I missed that.

On the plus side, this is better than old designs where demons and devils cost kill each other..... Maybe call it magical flaming weapons? Again, I should have seen this, but didn't.....I was quite exhausted last night.

I mean, it's right there. How did I miss that? Now I'm wondering if it should be in every line, like magical melee weapon attack? That's too wordy...... So where it is should work. No idea how I missed that.

On the plus side, this is better than old designs where demons and devils cost kill each other..... Maybe call it magical flaming weapons? Again, I should have seen this, but didn't.....I was quite exhausted last night.
Melee spell attack


New Publisher
Melee spell attack
It's not a spell. Also, I'd prefer the description day the weapons are magical and do magical damage.... So we know if a PC picks it up it's magical. It could be the maralith that makes them magical, so if they aren't inherently magical, that should be clear.

edit: It actually is clearly stated that the Marilith adds the magic/flame to ANY weapon. So that's quite clear. I should have re-read before this post. Now that I'm awake, I think this is well written.....even it's tail is magical as it is a weapon attack. I wonder how many DMs would miss that? Not likely many...
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Positives: Bonus Action teleport is way better than Action teleport, and the minor leadership Bonus Action abilities are nice and flavorful.

Negatives: I don't personally care for the Demonic Resistance trait as it is effectively adding a paragraph to explain what it resists when it could just say that with having the relevant damage type keywords under resistances. On a related note, why is it dealing extra damage of a type that the two kinds of creatures the marilith would most likely fight (demons and devils) are either resistant or immune to? I also question why they chose to change the six longsword attacks to three pairs of two attacks with different weapons; will distinctions between bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage be more important? Specifying Reactive can only be used for Parrying is also a bit of a headscratcher as I could imagine the marilith being a whirling dervish.

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