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Tale of a Black Dragon - Chapter 1: New home


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You first awaken months ago. You felt your body was too weak to get out of that dark place, or that cage. But somehow, it felt warm and confortable. And there was that voice, a voice that whispers words to you. Conforting sounds, sounds of wisdom, sounds of knowledge. At first, they meant nothing, but with time, they build together to create words, ideas, images. Times passes and you feel strength building into you, slowly, both in your body and in your mind. You discover some words mean more than what the sound can tell, more than the idea they carry, they are also a focus for some energy.

And then the warmth became suddenly cold, the conforting sounds became hard, wild. Mix to it, some words. Words from another voice, many voices. Some mean nothing to you, but some have senses. Death, fight, blood... And then a cry that pirce your body as... nothing in your short life can be compare to it. Despair, hatred, sadness all mixed into one last shout. And then a silence.

You feel your body strong enough to try to break the cage that hold you. You fear for that voice that has tell you so much things. You start to move but it is too much tight. You try to expend your wings but it do nothing. Your claws try to pierce the shell without success. You then blow some liquid. You feel the shell is weakening. You start to pierce through your prison. A faint light enter the egg. You widen teh hole with your claw and you finally take your first breath. You feels air entering your lungs.

You put your feat on a a soft and cold ground, cover with moss. You see in front of you a small pound of water. You've heard the voice whispering to you there was a way out for you. You see three eggs in that nest. One is teh one you just came out of it, and the other two eggs are still intact. You then hear a shout in an unkown language. You turn your head and you see a large black reptile laying immobile in the middle of the large room. Many arrows fill her body. Your mother is dead. Around her, many humanoids, most likely humans and elves, lay dead, burned by acid, cut in half. A carnage. But two remains standing. A human in a blue robe and an elf wearing a grean and brown outfit with a red bright mark on his chest. The one who just spoke was the elf and he is poiting what you guess is a bow in your direction.

He shots his arrow at you and a bit confused, you don't react at all, but you understand the arrow will hurt you... but it it blown by five magical balls.

"Alive! The archmagus want the eggs."

The elf replies something you can't understand, but he doesn't seem to accept the blue robed man order.

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Vorax stares around the place of his birth in momentary confusion taking in the sights of his dead mother, his unhatched siblings and the two humanoids.

Fighting down the urge to stay and slay the two interlopers, Vorax swiftly reaches the conclusion that anyone powerful enough to kill his mother is more than a match for a newly hatched wyrmling. Baring his teeth at the two humanoids he make the only choice possible. To flee and to survive.

Vowing in his heart to pay these two and their master back for the injustice thrust upon him, Vorax sprints towards the pond which his draconic instincts say must possess a means of escape, and dives smoothly into the water.

[sblock]Vorax will look for a means of escape from the water (presumably a tunnel of some sort) and will then hide and wait by the entrance to see if there is any pursuit. If there is none then Vorax will stealthily make his way back to the main chamber and attempt to spy upon the humanoids. Hide +13, Listen +7, Move Silently +5 (takes 10) Spot +7, Swim +14.[/sblock]


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Vorax jump into the water and start to swin. His instinct was true, his mother must have build this tunnel in case his hatchling would need to escape, as it is barly large enough for him and really too small for the humanoids. The tunnel quickly twist and seems to twist again, but Vorax doesn't go further. He slowlies come back. As he approach teh hole, he sees the blue rober man grabbing the two remaining eggs.

"If it matter so much to you he has escaped, go after him. This tunnel must go outside. You are an hunter, you can track him, no?" tells the man

The elf replies angrily.

"Take your empty threat elsewhere. The Archmagus have teach to your Speaker. If you fear teh dragons, it is because you are still weak in magic. The Archmagus know how to tame the dragons."

The elf replies and seems even more angry. He then adds in draconic. "If you, humans, know magic, it is because we teach you in first place. We hold powers you don't know, and we have the wisdom to hold it."

The elf eyes cross Vorax ones. Before Vorax have time to react, the elf draw an arrow that quickly dive into the water and land just in front of Vorax nose.


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Moving back down the tunnel Vorax emerges from the hidden entrance and swims to the surface. With just the top part of his head showing above the water Vorax scans his surroundings.


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Vorax quickly retreta into teh hole and starts to swim. The small passage twist many times and Vorax is quickly disoriented, but it has the advantage that is would be almost impossible to follow him or target him with spell with such a tortuous tunnel. After a few minutes of swimming, he sees a dim light at the end of the tunnel.

He slows his pace and slowly crawl up to teh hole. He lets his eyes get out of the water. He see around him the roots of a tree that have grown around the hole. Moss is growing on teh tree. Around him is a large bayou, with huge trees that block most of teh light. The bayou is dark and the smell of rotten living matter fills the air. Mosquitoes and flies fly over the stagnant water where Vorax is, but his scales seems to be a nice shield to there annoying creatures.

As he slowly raise his head, he hear a splash not far from him. An alligator had jump out of the water to catch a small mammal. The creature had no chance and the alligator slowly return into the water, happy with the catch he just made. In a far distance, in a direction Vorax cannot idetify, he hear some voices. They aren't the voices of the elf he heard, bu they are speaking the same unkown language he heard. most probably some member of his group who didn't took part in the deadly combat.

Vorax estimates they are pretty far and the hatchling is safe for a short moment, even if they head his way.


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Vorax remains motionless beneath the tree and concentrates on his sense seeing if he can spot any anomalies. While he does this Vorax tries to bring to mind all that he can recall about this swamp from the mire of his racial memories.

[sblock=Actions] Hide +13, Listen +7 Spot +7 Knowledge (Geography & History) +3.
Assuming Vorax doesn't detect anything then he will crawl out from under the tree and then fly to the top of the tree above the tunnel[/sblock]


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Vorax scan for a moment the bayou and even if it is the first time he have put his eyes on this place, it seems quite familiar to him. After a moment, there seems nothing anormal in it. He starts to think that escaping by the water would be a good idea. The water is unclean and he could easily hide in it, avoiding detection. But his instinct tell him otherwise. He then think at the alligator he has seen. Such creature doesn't attack dragons, but hatchling doesn't have the habit to swim alone in such hostile environment, and his small size could make him a good prey.

Vorax slowly take out his head of the water. He hears the sounds of the elves coming his way. Crawling along the tree, he spies toward the direction he heard the elves, and see nothing. They must still be too far, but it is only a question of time befroe one come that way. Vorax take flight and take refuge at the top of the tree.

From the tree top, he see the extend of the bayou. For many miles, the bayou is going north but then change into a luxuriant forest or emerald leaves. The trees are big and healthy. Vorax instinct tells him this is the domain of the elves. Behind the forest, like a mirage fading in the horizon, the hatchling perceive a long montain range that extend from the north to the west. They seems to be very far, but there size make them still visible from where he stands.

To the east, the bayou seems to grow thin and seems to be replced by an empty terrain. From his point of view, it seems hard to tells if it is a swamp or a plain. To the west and the south, the bayou extend more, but it is not easy to tell what is beyond it.

Vorax hears doesn't hear anything more. The elves have grown silent, but his instinct tell him that it doesn't mean he is safe. He looks throught teh leaves, and see nothing yet coming from the north, where he last heard the voice of the elves.


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Distrusting the apparent silence from the elves, Vorax remains still and unseen in the canopy of the tree fighting his instinctive urge to either flee or to track down the dragonslayers.

[sblock=OOC]Vorax is more than willing to remain still and silent for the whole day if necessary. Or at least until nightfall.
Vorax knows that due to his keen senses that he should be able to detect their approach before they get to close.

How high is the tree, and how high up is Vorax.[/sblock]


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Vorax wait on the top of the tree. He feels the winds blowing softly into his ears and the sun shinning warmly on his scales. To most softskin creature, they would have liked this sensation, but Vorax hide starts to dry and grow unconfortable. Nothing dangerous, just annoying. He spies the ground of the bayou by looking between the leaves of the tree.

After a few minutes, Vorax finally spots a human. It isn't the one he has seen earlier, it wears a leather armor and and slowly walk into the swamp. It is only a moment after thet Vorax spot the three elves that is with the human. The elves seems to get use to walk silently in such environment, but not the human. The elves have there bows ready, and the human seems to have no weapon, but Vorax instinct tell him that it doesn't mean he is not less dangerous, maybe even more than the elves. Figthing his urge to attack one of them, Vorax suddenly froze as he see one of the elves looking at his direction. After a few seconds, it follow the others. Vorax stealth seems to have served him. maybe it is his size, or his height, maybe the leaves or all of that, but the group continue and doesn't seems to have notice Vorax presence.


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Having successfully passed the scrutiny of the Elves Vorax puts the discomfort of his body from his mind and sinks down into a meditative state recalling what he can about the elves, the swamp and his parents from his ancestral draconic memory. And remains motionless and silent in the tree until nightfall.

OOC: Concentration: +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Knowledge (History) +3.

Voidrunner's Codex

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