• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

SX:3 From the Bowels of Philadelphia (Hero For Hire Judging)


First Post
I expect the five heroes currently active in the Ready Lounge, and hope that they'll be able to post at least once a day, but more is always better, less works as well, if you are willing to be NPC'd if need be to keep the action rolling. If you will be gone for a while, just inform me. I will RP your character where appropriate. I also occasionally take vacations or get pulled into work related emergencies and will keep everyone informed if there is a break in my posting.

When posting, please color your text with a different color than everyone else (I prefer dark colors since I use the light background), and feel free to use line/paragraph breaks to break up chunks of your documents.

Also, familiarize yourself with the usage of SBLOCK and SPOILER. I use SBLOCKs more often, particularly to hide OOC comments or for items for specific people only.Keep OOC posts to a minimum. Usually some IC content can be tied to an OOC post.

The Briefing will begin when enough people have filed into the room.

Players should feel free to use Invisible Castle to make rolls, although i'll roll for people if they don't want to make their own rolls.


Twilight Gryphon [sblock](The) Twilight Gryphon
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 3 (Luck: 2)


STR 16(+3) (6 PP)
DEX 18 (+4) (8 PP)
CON 14 (+2) (4 PP)
INT 15 (+2) (5 PP)
WIS 14 (+2) (4 PP)
CHA 12 (+1) (2 PP)

TOUG +8 (2 Con + 6 Defensive Roll)
FORT +8 (6 Base + 2 Con) (9 PP)
REF +12 (8 Base + 4 Dex) (10 PP)
WILL +9 (7 Base + 2 Wis ) (10 PP)

BASE DEF +8 (16 PP)
DEF +20 (10 + 8 Base + 2 Dodge Focus)
BASE ATT +6 (12 PP)

Melee:Attack +10 Claws (DC 24 SAVE)

SKILLS 88 SP (22 PP)
Acrobatics +14 (10 Ranks + 4 Atb)
Computers +11 (9 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Diplomacy +10/+14 (9 Ranks + 1 Atb + 4 Attractive)
Knowledge (life sciences) +13 (11 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Knowledge (physical sciences) +10 (8 Ranks +2 Atb)
Knowledge (pop culture) +6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Medicine +13 (11 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Notice +7 (5 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Search +6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Sense Motive +7 (5 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Stealth +8 (4 Ranks + 4 Atb)
Swim +8 (5 Ranks +3 Atb)


SPEED 30/60/120
Flight MPH: 50

Attractive (1 rank)
Accurate Attack
Attack Focus (melee, 4 ranks)
Defensive Roll (6 ranks)
Dodge Focus (2 ranks)
Eidict Memory
Elusive Target
Evasion (2 ranks)
Favored Environment (air)
Grappling Finesse
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple
Luck (2 ranks)
Move by Action

Flight R3 [mutant, wings](2 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 6 PP)
Drawback: Power Loss (when wings are bound)

Super Sense R2 [mutant]( lowlight vision, extended sight 1 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 2 PP)

Strike R7 [mutant, claws](1 PP/Rank +1 PP = 8 PP)
EX: Might

Healing R3 [mutant] ( 3 PP/Rank + 1pp =10pp)
PF: Persistant
EX: Energized

Datalink Communicator

Abilities [29]
Combat [28]
Saves [21]
Skills [22]
Feats [25]
Powers [26]
Drawbacks [-1]
Total [150]
Unspent [0]


Real Name: Olivia Carlson
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Size: M
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 133
Hair: Tawny Blonde
Eyes: Green
Nationality: Irish-American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tradeoffs: none
Education: BS in Biology, 1 year Med School
Family: Mother (Alanna), Father (Arnie), Brother (Edward, younger age 17), Sister (Meredith, younger age 6).
Identity: Secret (known to parents)

Fame (in Seattle area)
Responsibility (continuing education)
Secret (identity)


A slender girl with shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes. and lightly tanned skin, her most distinguishing and predominate features are her large wings (approximatly a 12ft wingspan) and lion tail.


Olivia Carlson was a normal, bright girl with the desire to become a doctor before her mutation showed itself in April of 2002. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Olivia studied hard and busied herself in many activites during High School (including debalte, gymnastics, life-guarding and other extra ciricular activities that look good on college applications.

She was accepted into the University of Washington and began classes in October of 2000, undergoing the necessary classwork for a biology BA with plans to apply to UW’s Medical school. On the New Year’s Even 1999 she was unaware of the comet that entered the atmosphere and even more unaware of how it affected her physically.

Her mutation was slow to develop over the next four months. First she noticed that cuts and bruises that she treated seemed to heal much faster then they should. Her nails began to become more difficult to cut, grew sharper and began to resemble the talons of an eagle rather then normal finger nails. Her hair turned more blonde-brown then blonde and seemed to grow much faster then before. Her shoulder blades and tail bone were constantly itching, sometimes it was a constant pain instead.

One April morning she woke up to her room mate screaming and pointing at her. Olivia sleepily turned at looked at the end of the bed to see a tawny lions tail and a purple-black wing tip hanging over the edge of the bed. She jumped out of bed only to have the tail and wings follow her. The biologist in her was amazed at the transfomation she had gone through during the night and was eager to see if A) the changes were functional instead of cosmetic, B) if they were permenant and C) why they had occurred.

Waiting for twilight to come (and making her room mate promise not to say anything to anyone) Olivia decided to test her flight capeabilities, if any. Climbing to the dormitory roof she jumped off and hoped that her body had adapted to the changes and had gained some new reflexes. Luckily, she instinctivly began to flap her wings and soared toward the city.

Flying was an elation. She swooped and looped and rolled, forgetting the scientests urge to know the how and the why. She felt free from everything: studying, gravity, cars. She felt at home in the air and found that her sight had dramatically improved along with the “claws”, wings and tail.

Flying over Pike’s Place Market she spied a purse snatcher and dove down to see what she could do. Unfortunatly she hadn’t quite grasped control of her flight as well as she thought and crashed into him knocking him down in a rough and tumble grapple. She managed to subdue the thief (more luck then any real skill) and attracted a crowd in the meanwhile. Reaction was mixed; some people were horrified, others confused and the woman whose purse had been recovered was relieved.

Not really knowing what to do and cursing herself for just rushing in without a plan, she flew back to the dorms, hoping to be able to hide her 12ft wingspan and tail with long skirts and sweaters. News of the flying girl quickly spread with an ameture photograph and article in the Seattle Times appearing two days after the incident, Winged Girl Snatches Snatcher: A hero among us?

Wanting to help people with her newfound gifts she taught herself some basic martial arts, nothing formal more on the principles of how eagles hunt and attack: swooping in and out before anything can hit them back, and started to read a lot of comic books for inspiration of how a hero should act. She kept appearances rare, even going so far as to sew herself a costume with a mask so no one would recognize her face (her tail and wings were a whole different matter!) In order to help hide her identity she moved off campus and took mostly online campus, going into the lab at odd hours so she would be alone. As far as her limited crime fighting, she came out at twilight; Olivia found that not only had her sight improved but she could see with little light. She called herself the Twilight Gryphon: twilight both for the time of day she acted as a Super Hero and the unusual color of her wings (which she also based the color scheme of her costume on), gryphon for the mythical animal that she resemboled.

In 2005 she was approached while in costume by Seth Sharpman and Major Christopher Nueworth with an offer to join the New Task Force being created. Seeing this as a way to really help people she gladly accepted.

Million Mask [sblock] MILLION MASK

Concept/Archetype: Master of Disguise
Power Level: 8
Power Points: 120
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1


STR 14(+2) +0(+0) (4 PP)
DEX 18(+4) +0(+0) (8 PP)
CON 14(+2) +0(+0) (4 PP)
INT 14(+2) +0(+0) (4 PP)
WIS 14(+2) +0(+0) (4 PP)
CHA 20(+5) +0(+0) (10 PP)


TOUG +4 (2 Con + 2 Feat)
FORT +4 (2 Base + 2 Con) (2 PP)
REF +6 (2 Base + 4 Dex) (2 PP)
WILL +4 (2 Base + 2 Wis) (2 PP)

BASE DEF +8 (16 PP)
DEF 22 (10 + 8 Base + 4 Feat)
BASE ATT +8 (16 PP)


Melee: Unarmed +8 (DC 17 SAVE, 20 CRIT, Bruise TYPE)
Ranged: Hold-Out Pistol +8 (DC 17 SAVE, 20 CRIT, 20f RANGE, Lethal TYPE)

SKILLS 92 SP (23 PP)

Acrobatics +8 (4 Ranks + 4 Atb)
Bluff +15 (10 Ranks + 5 Atb)
Concentration +6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Disguise +35 (10 Ranks + 5 Atb + 20 Powers)
Escape Artist +8 (4 Ranks + 4 Atb)
Gather Infortmation +10 (5 Ranks + 5 Atb)
Intimidate +10 (5 Ranks + 5 Atb)
Investigate +10 (8 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Knowledge (Current Events) +5 (3 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Knowledge (Streetwise) +6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Notice +10 (8 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Perform (Acting) +10 (5 Ranks + 5 Atb)
Search +10 (8 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Sense Motive +10 (8 Ranks + 2 Atb)
Stealth +10 (6 Ranks + 4 Atb)


SPEED 30/60/120
LEAP 12/6/3


Defensive Roll 2
Dodge Focus 4
Equipment 2
Quick Change
Sneak Attack


Comprehend 3 [Mystic/Languages (Speak, Understand, Read&Write)](2 PP/Rank = 6 PP)
Morph 4 [Mystic/Humenoid](2 PP/Rank + 3 PP = 11 PP)
PF: Metamorph 3 (Cowboy Mask, Wushu Mask, Wild Mask) (3)


Commlink (1 EP)
Camera (1 EP)
Digital Audio Recorder (1 EP)
Flashlight (1 EP)
Hold-Out Pistol (4 EP)
PDA (1 EP)
Lock Release Gun (1 EP)


Enemy (The Faceless)


Involuntary Transformation (One of his personality suddently tried to take control. Common, Major) (-4 PP)
One-Way Transformation (If Involuntary Transformation trigger in and one of his personality have taking control, he may not change back or change into other personality for a hour. Uncommon, Minor) (-1 PP)


Abilities [34]
Combat [32]
Saves [6]
Skills [23]
Feats [13]
Powers [17]
Drawbacks [-5]
Total [120]
Unspent [0]

Real Name: Peter Quinton
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Size: Medium
Height: 5'9"/182 cm
Weight: 158 lb/72 kg
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Blue
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tradeoffs: Attack +4, Damage -4, Defense +4, Toughness -4.


He have atlethics body but he don't look very muscles. His dark brown hair are cutted short, his dark blue eyes look pretty calm but sharp and he have those quit charming smile. He normaly wear his black suit with red tie.

When he is dressed as Million Mask, he is wearing a white mask with mystic symbol and it look like it is completely stuck on his face. He is also wearing Resolutes standard uniform with blue color but he accessory with an fedora hat, and jacket, an cape, an belt and pair of boots.


Peter Quinton was born in Manhattan and his family where actor who are performing in Broadway theatres. As he grow up, his parents tried teach him how to act but he where more interesting in diguised himself. When he where teenager, he made a friend with a makeup artist who learned him about prosthetic makeup. He have taking various roles in theatre of famous people, with his skill in diguise he impressed the audience by looking exactly as one of the famous people.

While his popularity are growing, one of the actor who named Simon McColly was very jealous of him and tried to sabotage him few times until he was fired because of his unaccetpable behavior. Month later, Peter where in his changing room and preparing for his act. Without his notice, Simon who has pure hatred for him knocking him out. Simon tried to burn down the changing room while Peter are still unconscious, but he accidently burned himself. Peter was awake when Simon was burning, and he tried to rescue him by putting out the fire. After
killing attempt, Simon was burned very badly so that he have no longer face and his hatred for Peter grew even more larger.

Three month later after Simon tried to kill him, he decided to take a visit to England to studie about Shakespear. While he was in England, he visit one of antiqe shop and bought a mystic mask as souvenir. After he have bought the mask, he tried to putting it on until it suddently dissapear after he have worn it. He don't understand why it was gone but he tried to act that it was never happening.

While he took the plane back to America, a small group of Iraq terroist hijacked the plane and taking the passenger as hostage. Peter was hiding in the plane toilet, he tried to figure out what he should until his mystic mask suddently appear on his face and take appearance one of the terroist. After the discovery of his powers, he tried to take advantage of his powers to fool the terroist. He silently taking out the terroist by one by one. After has taking care of terroist, the plane arrived to America airport and the FBI taking care of the terroist.

After coming back to his home, he explored with his new power and relise that his mask is permantly part of him. One day he got suddent call from his manager Paul Henderson and he want him meet him in the cottage outside the city. He travel way to the cottage and meeting his manager, but his manager suddently reveal to be Simon McColly who have gained mutation powers to change his appearnce and now calling himself "The Faceless".

Faceless reveal that he have killed Peter's real manager and took his place. They both starting to fight each other but Peter can't rival Facless's battle prowess until he suddently turning into chinese martial artist with diffirent personality. Both of them fighting each until they reaching to the top of the cliff. Peter finally throwing Faceless of the cliff. Peter tried to find Facless body but he was mysterious gone and he suspect that he will one day meet Facless again.

He finally decided that he should go trough training to improved his abilities and developed some new personality with special ability, but he find it little troublesome when one of his personality suddently take control his body. He was later recruited in The Task Force or better known as The Resolutes.



Ghost [sblock]Code:
Real Name: Hong Li (Western name order)
Player Handle: Fenris2
Code Name: Ghost
Concept/Archetype: Ghost Martial Artist
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (17 alive + 2 years dead)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 0 lbs
Hair: Dark greyish white translucent
Eyes: Dark greyish white translucent
Skin: Greyish white translucent // Golly gee, but being a ghost provides for all sorts of wild color variations eh?
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Chinese, Han

Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150 = Stats 30 + Combat 0 + Saves 7 + Feats 14 + Skills 16 + Powers 83
Tradeoffs: None
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1


STR 8 -1 (-2 PP)
DEX 20 +5 (10 PP)
CON 24 +7 (14 PP)
INT 14 +2 (4 PP)
WIS 14 +2 (4 PP)
CHA 10 +0 (0 PP)

Base Mod Feat Power Misc Total
FORT: 0 +7 +0 +0 +0 +7 (0 PP)
REF: +2 +5 +0 +0 +0 +7 / +10 (vs area w/Defensive Roll) (2 PP)
WILL: +5 +2 +0 +0 +0 +7 (5 PP)
TOUGHNESS: 0 +7 +3 +0 +0 +7 / +10 (w/Defensive Roll) (0 PP)

Base Power Feat Total
AB +0 +0 +0 +0 (0 PP)
DEFENSE (Norm) +0 +0 +3 13 (0 PP) (+3 from Dodge Focus)
DEFENSE (FlatF) +0 +0 +0 10 (Note, has Uncanny Dodge: Vision)
INIT +5 +0 +8 +13 (0 PP) (Improved Init(2))

Attack Damage Save Type Type Crit Special
Unarmed +0 -1 DC 14 Tough Bruise 20 -
(or Grapple) +0 - - - - - +10 grapple via TK

TK: "Power Thrust" AutoHit +10 DC 25 Tough Bruise NA Reach 10'
(or Stunning Attack) AutoHit NA DC 20 Fort Stun NA Reach 10', Miss: Dazed/1 rnd; Miss by 5: stunned 1/rnd; Miss by 10: unconscious
TK: "Spirit Claw" AutoHit +7 DC 22 Tough Bruise NA Vampiric
TK: "Comet Trail" AutoHit +7 DC 22 Tough Bruise NA Area: Shapeable(4)

Possession NA NA DC 16 Will NA NA Touch Range, Subject gets a cumulative +1 Will save per time interval

Random Thown Object +0 7+? DC 22+? Tough Bruise 20 // Hong sucks at this, additional damage by object type at hand

Frightful Presence NA Fear DC 11 Will Fear NA 5'radius, Miss: shaken; Miss by 5: flee; Miss by 10: panic


SPEED 30'/60'/120'
FLIGHT: 100'/200'/400'

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 26 53 80 160 400
Via TK 532 1,064 1,600 3,200 8,000


Flight (4 PP, 1 Rank @ 2+1/Rank + 1 Feat(s)) // ghosts tend to do this, 10 MPH
Exta: Continuous (Sustained to Permanent)
Power Feat(s): Innate

Immunity (21 PP, 20 Ranks @ 1/Rank + 1 Feat(s)) // lots of stuff covered here, missing anything?
Life Support (Immune to Disease, Poison, All Environments and Suffocation) (9 PP, 9 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
Fatigue (5 PP, 5 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
critical Hits (2 PP, 2 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
Aging, Need for Sleep, Starvation and Thrist, Fear (4 PP, 4 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
Power Feat(s): Innate

Insubstantial (21 PP, 4 Ranks @ 5+1-1/Rank + 1 Feat(s)) // Incorporeal! Oh the sweet, sweet ghostie goodness... yum yum
Exta: Continuous (sustained to Permanent)
Flaw: Permanent
Power Feat(s): Innate
Special: Not effective against: Holy (theamatic opposite of hellfire) power or any holy items, effects or places

Possession (2 PP, 1 Rank @ 4-2/Rank) // Spirits can do this too, although Hong is bad at it so far
Flaw: Range: Perception -> Touch

Regeneration: (6 PP, 4 PP base, +2 Feat(s))
Recovery Bonus +2 (2 PP, 2 Ranks @ 1/Rank ) // Auto recovery w/con bonus
Resurrection (2 PP, 1 Rank @ 1/Rank) // Auto Reconstitute in 24hours, you really can't kill a ghost. You can drive it away, trap it,
Power Feat(s): Innate, Regrowth // get rid of it temporarily, satisfy its reason for being around... but not kill it, unless...
Special: Note if site of 'death' is consecrated by a priest before regen, then dead is dead...

Super Senses: (7 PP, 6 PP base, +1 Feat(s))
X-Ray Vision (4 PP, 4 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
Dark Vision (2 PP, 2 Ranks @ 1/Rank)
Power Feat(s): Innate
Special: X-ray vision not through currenly living matter (plants, animals, people, etc)

Telekinesis: Alt (22 PP, 20 PP base, +2 Alt)
"Power Thrust" 30 Str: (20 PP, 6 Ranks @ 2+1+1-1/Rank, +2 Feat) // Power Spike
Extra: Damaging, Perception
Flaw: Range: Ranged -> Touch
Power Feat(s): Precise, Extended Reach(1)
"Spirit Claw" 25 Str: (20 PP, 5 Ranks @ 2+1+1+1-1/Rank) // Spirit Blade
Extra: Damaging, Perception, Vampiric
Flaw: Range: Ranged -> Touch
"Comet Trail" 25 Str: (20 PP, 5 Ranks @ 2+1+1+1-1/Rank) // Comet Trail
Extra: Damaging, Perception, Area: Shapeable(4)
Flaw: Range: Ranged -> Touch
Special: Because of Perception granting auto hit, autofire only does anything when used to to hit multiple targets, can't hit same one multiple times... Substitute with Area if this is bad...
Alt Cost +2


Defensive Roll(3 PP) // Martial arts training
Dodge Focus(3 PP) // Martial arts training
Evasion(1 PP) // Martial Arts training
Fearsome Presence(1 PP) // Other than Casper, ghosts are scary when they want to be... Just not so much Hong yet
Hide In Plain Sight(1 PP) // Now ya see me. . . But, only because I wanted you too
Improved Initiative(2 PP) // Reacts at the speed of thought. Hong ain't got no body to slow him down
Skill Focus(1 PP) // (Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Stealth)
Stunning Strike(1 PP) // On power thrust - Sometimes the touch of the afterlife can be too much for the still living to bear
Uncanny Dodge(Vision)(1 PP) // Martial Arts training

SKILLS: 16 PP (64 skill points, +1 lang point free)
Ranks Mod Misc Total
Acrobatics 1 +5 - +6
Computer 1 +2 - +3
Drive 1 +5 - +6
Intimidate 1 +0 - +1
Know: Arcane 1 +2 - +3
Know: China 1 1 +2 - +3
Know: Literature 1 +2 - +4
Know: Pop/Culture 1 +2 - +3
Notice 13 +2 - +15 // Hong takes 10 from skill focus
Language 5 - - -
Profession: Poet 5 +2 - +7
Search 5 +2 - +7 // Hong takes 10 from skill focus
Sense Motive 13 +2 - +15 // Hong takes 10 from skill focus
Stealth 15 +5 - +20 // Hong takes 10 from skill focus

LANGUAGES: (already paid PP above, 1 language free)

Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)








Hong appears as a fairly typical Chinese youth of about 17 years age. Well, except for the fact that he is all various tones grayish white and translucent due to being an incorporeal ghost. But other than that, pretty normal. ;-)


Besides any team members on a mission...

Mr. & Mrs. Li: Hongs parents are clothing merchants in Hong Kong, China. Simple, traditionalists and superstitious describes them very well. They have disowned Hong as an evil spirit who has taken their son's form. They have even gone so far as to have him exorcised from their house and shop stall, and tell no one that they do not have to of the 'curse' that has befallen the family. Naturally Hong thinks this attitude sucks *ss. Bummer.

Shin Li: Hong's 14 year old brother who thinks its waaaay cool to have a ghost as an older brother, a lot better than having a live older brother in fact. Can get in bad trouble with mama (mom) and baba (dad) if they ever find him trying to communicate with the evil spirit. Wen helps with note passign and there is always email.

Mrs. Hu Li: Hong's Aunt who lives in New York City and runs an herbal shop in china town. She is also a high placed operative for an unnamed mystic organization that has provided most of Hong's training since death. She is generally sympathetic, but firm to Hong. She sees it as her mission to train him in his powers in the afterlife as she would have been ordinarily been tasked to start doing when he would have turned 18, serving a as his surrogate mom and maybe executioner. Huh? Read on…

Wen Tsang: An 18 year old hottie and his ‘sort of’ girl friend. Wen and he are currently working around this whole 'ghost' thing, but who knows? Hong is worried that when she finishes college, she may want to find a real live 'I can keep you warm at night' boyfriend instead. Of course it gets worse than that. You see, Wen is actually a super in her own right [Can you see my PL8 comming??? Can you? Oooh, the RPie goodness...] and has to not only keep this a secret from Hong and her parents, but also keep Hong a secret from her dad. Weeee...

Mr. & Mrs Tsang: Wen's parent's. Did I mention that Wen's dad works as a scientist who is trying to convert paranormal entities to energy to help provide a greener future for China and the world? No? Well its no biggie for anyone BUT Hong of course. Her parents think Hong is 'dead' dead and not undead. They were a bit surprised just how quickly their daughter got over his death given that the two had been seeing each other for years. Sad, but perhaps its all to the better. After all, Wen really should focus on studies as she has so much potential, and she is really too young to risk a relationship now anyway.


Li Hong was a 17 year old student and aspiring martial artist who lived in Hong Kong. He was going to finish school, join the army, go into intelligence work, and probably marry Wen. Then he would. . . um. . . Well, he did not know. But realistically, that was about as much forethought as one could expect from a even a fairly bright 17 year old anyway. Too bad it was all for naught.

Hong was headed home from the dojo on his old scooter, and was supposed to get some duck eggs on the way back. But, home was in the opposite direction of Wen’s parents house. He had wanted to stop by tonight and read a poem to her that he wrote comparing moonlight and her beauty. With the full moon coming up later tonight it would be just the time to read it too, at least if her parents let him. Sigh. He had better really, really hurry, or he would never get it all done in time. Being scolded for being late, and for holding up dinner, was simply not an option.

Decision made, he redlined his scooter, dodging thought sluggish traffic more aggressively as the horns of cars he passed sounded angrily in his wake. The old scooter buzzed and shuddered at the abuse. Apparently it was as angry at him as the other drivers he thought and laughed aloud, only to stop suddenly in confusion. *BANG* his front tire blew. Skid. . . Partial Recover. . . Pot hole. . . Flip. . . And then he was airborne, looking at the headlights of an oncoming BMW 3 series, “Pearlescent white? Schweet!”, he quipped mentally. Then. . . Blackness.

What a mess he thought as he looked at his body from above the accident scene. His head was almost detached by the glass from the blown in windshield of the bimmer.
Lots of blood too. The other guy looked okay. I guess his airbag worked so maybe there was something to all that safety sh*t after all. Probably should have worn a helmet, even if that was totally dork factor 9. And. . . Awww damn! My scooter is totaled. Explaining this all to Mom and Dad was going to get me grounded for life, or worse! Hmm… Probably should figure out why I can see my body from up here, and why I don’t feeling like crap because I sure look. . . Uh. . . *ucking hells! This. . . This is not right. Not right at all! Am. . . I. . . dead?


Approximately every ten generations the Li family produces a child who inherits the power of spirits due to a ancient curse that has twisted and somewhat ameliorated though time. Historically this happens right around around the 18th year of age, although in a few particularly powerful manifestations it has occurred earlier, and sometimes it has even has occurred in multiples. Some of the 'victims' of this curse were killed soon after discovering their powers, while others lived to accomplish great good, or sometimes, great evil.

Over a thousand years ago an organization was formed to help find and train these spirits made flesh. Passed down by appointment, membership in this secret organization is a responsibility taken most seriously. For the Li family fortunes wax and wane in relation to this spirit blessed individual. And, although its members very in power, they all hold a great deal of recorded knowledge and are dedication to the task of seeing the spirit blessed succeed.

In ancient times, there had only been one spirit made flesh at a time, but that number has grown over time as some older sprits have refused to let go when a new spirit blessed comes into being. This can cause a muddying of the families fortunes if multiple spirit blessed continue to meddle in corporeal affairs over time. The organization can be ruthless here, sometimes siding with good, sometimes with evil, sometimes with the older blessed spirit and sometimes with the newer one, but always working to 'fix' the issue by whatever means needed.

Hong is an anomaly, not only did he manifest spirit blessed nature early hinting at great power, but he did it while dying and losing his body and the means to affect the corporeal world hinting at weakness. This has caused no end of consideration among the organization.

Hong is blissfully unaware of anyone other member than Hu Li, and is greatfull for her help. In fact, he owes her more than he knows, for if she had not taught him to affect the corporeal world in some way, he surely may have risked elimination (to play it safe) while he was not very powerful. Something she may even have had to do herself, however distasteful. Even more luckily for Hong, an avenue for success opened up in the last few years, unconventional perhaps, but suitable. The first super teams were forming, and so she encouraged him to apply for membership in the Resolutes. . .


Hong is generally a good kid, if a bit angsty. He can be a bit of a wise ass at times, as his irreverant streak encourages him to point out stupidity (including his own) and make light of bad situations. Somehow he usually manages to walk a fine line between being the rebel and being a respectable and dedicated person, but when he messes up he does so in grand style. He has not yet fully adjusted to being a ghost, which can lead to funny (or embarssing) situations for him, but he does not mind too much, or at least does not let it show.

Hong is afraid of losing Wen, and not at all happy about how his parents are treating him. Luckily Mrs. Hu Li has steped in to help train him and help him re-conect to the corporeal world via his telekinesis ability.

He has not really resolved himself to his ghost existance yet, and is still learning a lot about both life and his afterlife. He wants to do well for his family s a whole, even if his parents reject him.

Intrepid [sblock] Code:
Real Name: Brandon Cooper
Size: Medium (5’9”,150lbs)
Gender: Male Age: 26

Str: 14 +2 (4 PP) Power Level: 10 PP: 150
Dex: 15 +2 (5 PP) AB: +8 (16 PP) XP: 0
Con: 15 +2 (5 PP) Grapple: +10 HP: 1
Int: 14 +2 (4 PP) Speed: 30'
Wis: 15 +2 (5 PP) Init: +6
Cha: 12 +1 (2 PP)

Base Power Feat Total
Defense: +7 +0 +0 17 (14 PP)
Dodge: +4 +0 Flatfooted: 13

Base Mod Feat Power Misc Total
Fort: 3 +2 +0 +0 +0 +5 (3 PP)
Ref: 4 +2 +0 +0 +0 +6 (4 PP)
Will: 5 +2 +0 +0 +0 +7 (5 PP)
Tough: 0 +2 +0 +8 +0 +2/+10 (w/ Force Field)

Attack Attack Damage Save Type Type
Melee: Unarmed +10 DC 17 Tough Bruise
Melee: Mental Weapon +10 DC 25 Will Bruise
Ranged: Mental Blast (area) NA DC 25 Will Bruise
Ranged: Mental Blast NA DC 23 Will Bruise

Movement Types:
Base: 30/60/120
Permeate: 30/60/120

Feats: (9 PP)
All-out Attack
Attack Focus (Melee) 2
Improved Initiative
Second Chance (Will)
Sneak Attack 2

Skill Points: 56 (14 PP)
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
Bluff 4 +1 +5
Computers 4 +2 +6
Diplomacy 6 +1 +7
Drive 5 +2 +7
Gather Information 4 +1 +5
Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 +2 +6
Knowledge (History) 6 +2 +8
Notice 6 +2 +8
Pilot 2 +2 +4
Profession (Teacher) 5 +2 +7
Search 5 +2 +7
Sense Motive 5 +2 +7



Powers: (60pp)
Force Field 8 (1pp/Rank = 8pp) [Psionic]

Immunity 1 (Suffocation-While Permeable) (1pp/Rank = 1pp) [Mutation]

Mental Blast 10
(E: Area-Burst (60' Radius); E: Selective Attack; F: Range-Touch)
PF: AP-Mental Blast 8
PF: AP-Mental Blast 10 (F: Mental Weapon)
PF: AP-Mental Transform (Memories) 10 (E: Range-Perception)
(4pp/Rank + 2pp/Rank – 2pp/Rank + 3pp = 43pp) [Mental, Psionic]

Super-Movement 3 (Permeate [Normal Speed]) (2pp/Rank = 6pp) [Mutation]

Super-Senses 2 (Mental Awareness-Mental, Direction Sense)
(1pp/Rank = 2pp) [Mental]

Enemy - Speed Freak


Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 58 116 175 350 875

Ability 25 + Skills 14 (56 Ranks) + Feats 9 + Powers 60 + Combat 30 + Saves 12
= 150 / 150


To Be Posted Soon


Aquaphibian [sblock]Name: Aquaphibian (Formerly Anderson Wright)
Size: M
Gender: M

Str: 30 +10 (20 PP) PowerLevel: 10 PP: 150
Dex: 12 +1 (2 PP) AB: +10 (20 PP, 10 base +0 size) XP:
Con: 24 +7 (14 PP) Grapple: +20 (10 AB + 10 STR mod) HP: 4
Int: 14 +2 (4 PP) Speed: 30' (swim 50mph)
Wis: 12 +1 (2 PP) Init: +1
Cha: 8 -1 (-2 PP)

Base Power Feat Size Total
Defense: +8 +0 +0 +0 18 (16 PP)
Dodge: +4 (half base defense bonus) Flatfooted: 14 (uncanny dodge)

Base Mod Feat Power Misc Total
Fort: 8 +7 +0 +0 +0 +15 (8 PP)
Ref: 0 +1 +0 +0 +0 +1 (0 PP)
Will: 5 +1 +0 +0 +0 +6 (5 PP)
Toughness: 0 +7 +0 +5 +0 +12 (Protection 5 PP)

NOTE: Max defense adjusted by -2 to increase max Toughness by +2

Attack Attack Damage Save Type
Unarmed +10 DC +10 Tough Lethal or Bruise

Movement Types: 30ft base, 1000ft Running Jump, 50mph (500ft/r) Swimming

Feats: (16 PP)
Blind-Fight (1 PP, Re-roll miss chances from concealment)
Uncanny Dodge (1 PP, Retain your dodge bonus while flat-footed)
Endurance (2 PP, +8 bonus on checks requiring endurance or stamina)
Environmental Adaptation (1 PP, Suffer no penalties from aquatic environment)
Fearsome Presence (5 ranks, 5 PP, Inspire fear in others, DC 15, range 25)
Improved Grab (1 PP, grapple as free action after a successful attack)
Instant Up (1 PP, stand as a free action)
Power Attack (1 PP, subtract up to 5 from attack bonus and add to damage save DC)
Luck (3 PP, 3 extra hero points)

Skill Points: 28 (7 PP)
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
Climb 0 +10 +0 +10
Disguise 4 -1 +0 +3
Intimidate 4 -1 +0 +3
Know Oceanography 8 +2 +0 +10
Swim 12 +10 +0 +22

Languages: English

Equipment: None

Powers: (41 PP)
Protection (1 PP/Rank x 5 Ranks = 5 PP)
Swimming (1 PP/Rank x 5 Ranks = 5 PP)
Leaping (1 PP/Rank x 5 Ranks = 5 PP)
Regeneration (1 PP/Rank x 15 Ranks = 15 PP) (recovery rate: 1 Bruised, 1 Unconscious, 3 Injured, 3 Staggered, 6 Disabled; 1 rank ability damage)
[recovery checks from Bruised, Unconscious, Injured or Staggered every round, and Disabled every 5 minutes. recovery checks for Ability damage every 5 hours]
Regrowth Power Feat (1 PP)
Immunity: Drowning (1 PP/Rank x 1 Ranks = 1 PP)
Immunity: Pressure (1 PP/Rank x 1 Ranks = 1 PP)
Super Senses - Extended x10000 tremorsense (1 PP/Rank x 7 Ranks (3 tremorsense, 4 extend) = 7 PP)
Super Senses (low light vision) (1 PP/Rank x 1 Ranks = 1 PP)


DRAWBACK: Vulnerable - minor Vulnerability to Heat [Freq DC 10] [Sev DC 5] (-2 PP)
Noticeable - blue scaly hide (everpresent) [Freq DC 15] [Sev DC 5] (-1 PP)

Lifting: Lgt=532lbs, Med=1064lbs, Hvy=1600lbs Max=1.6tons, Push=4tons

Power Point Tally: Abilities 40 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 41 + Combat 36 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks -3 = 150 / 150

Physical Appearance: Blue and scaly reptilian. Aquaphibian has been grossly mutatued into an retpilian sea monster (ergo Creature From the Black Lagoon).

Background: Once a respected Oceanographer, Anderson Wright was mutated into a scaly powerhouse after falling into the ocean during the Comet's appearance in 1999.
Unable to lead a normal life he devotes his life to the protection of ocean environments and the downfall of evil in all it's forms.

Mr. Kyle Wheeler- team handler

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[Sblock]OOC: I am volunteering for Judge duty on this one. Ghost's sheet still has some references to autofire which doesnt exist in the build anymore. Also The Perception extra on the Touch range shapable area attack is unneeded. An area attack autohits as well but there is a reflex save. Fenris You may want to raise the "Comet Trail" to Str 30 or add another appropriate extra before the adventure starts.[/sblock]
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First Post
Intrepid enters and quickly glances around. He doesn't know the two Resolutes that entered ahead of him, so he makes his way over and formally introduces himself.

"I believe we passed one another briefly in the Ready Lounge. The name's Intrepid," he says as he shakes each heroes hand. "Sorry for the sweaty palms; guess I'm just anxious to get this show on the road."

Intrepid takes a seat and looks about for hints as to what the mission might be.

"Speaking of shows, anyone know what this one's all about?"

Master Pelle

First Post
"Hello Intrepid! I'm calling as Million Mask." Million Mask said after he have shaking hand with him.

"Speaking of shows, anyone know what this one's all about?"

"I don't know Intrepid... I'm pretty clueless as you are. I'm just newly recruited to Resolutes." He said as he crossing his arms.


First Post
Auqaphibian enters the briefing room and sees three others already seated.

"Well, well, this new team seems to be assembling quickly".

He takes a seat and responds to the others: "No, I have no idea what has come up either, but I suspect we are about to find out..."
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First Post
Ghost floats into the briefing room through the wall and then starts as he says half to himself, "Aww crap. There goes my cigarette. How many times will I forget that whole _only you_ are incorporeal thing. Sigh...". With that he pops back thought the wall and re-enters by the door a few seconds later. This time holding the remains of a cigarette that looks like it has seen better days.

Ghost greets the crew, "Hiya A-man, Intrepid, MM.", and then nods to the rest as he pulls out a chair. He then proceeds to sort of sit/float in the seat while holding the remains of his cigarette, awaiting whatever happens next.


First Post
"Twilight Gryphon" she says returning the greetings, "We will probably find out who-or what-we are up against when whomever will be briefing us arrives." her voice as a touch of nervousness to it and her tail swishes apprehensivly.


First Post
A door panel opens on the far wall and an elevator door slowly opens up. The back of a large wheelchair is facing the assembled team. It spins around in a tight circle, revealing a man who has been through an enormous amount of pain. He is heavily scarred, and lacks both legs and his right arm. The left side of his face has been burned, and a heavy leather patch conceals his eye. He looks over the heroes, turning to meet each one in the eye.

"Ladies and Gentleman, my name is Kyle Wheeler. I'll be the team handler and liason between you and local authorities. Whatever you need to ease the road, you contact me and I'll try to make it happen.", he pauses, letting his comments sink in. "Here's the situation. A while back you might remember that a miscreant going by the name of Dr. Null publicly attacked Philadelphia with a small army of robots. The robot army seemed to appear suddenly from the Delaware River, and severely damaged the Walt Whitman Bridge. We did a sweep of the river when Null escaped into the water, but nothing turned up. Yesterday, a recreational boater reported a runin with a large unidentified object. The FBI forwarded this information to us this morning. The team will leave for Philadelphia in a vigilant. From there, Aquaphibian and Ghost will investigate the shoreline beneath the water in the vicinity of the bridge, while the others wait on standby topside. Likely, nothing will turn up, but we want the backup there just in case."
He pauses again as if waiting for a question. When none arise he continues,"We've never worked together before, but here is how I like to operate. I give you the ball, and you run with it. You listen to me when I tell you something.", another pause," and you make all the calls in the field and I have your back. To make that happen, the team needs to decide on a team leader. Think about your qualifications before throwing your hat in the ring. We want a certain level of maturity and steadiness. ...Questions?" He looks up at Ghost and Million Mask while making his last point.

OOC: Whoever takes on the team leader role will need to post regularly, but the role should also be within character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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