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D&D 5E Surprise Lizard Theater presents Tyranny of Dragons!


I quite like some of the small details you added, like the bells of the temple ringing and Cyanwrath letting the PC get the first attack in.
Thanks! I was trying to establish him as an honorable duelist. I'm not sure I would have done it if I had known how close Ariana would come to killing him, though!

I like what you did with the ballista, too. I added a ballista to the top of the keep in my game, but it was in working condition - until the PCs went to use it and attracted the dragon's attention. Since I wasn't having the dragon actively attacking the town (he was mainly just there to scare the townsfolk into not fighting back), it made sense to me that the ballista being fired directly at him would catch his attention. He blasted it with a lightning bolt (nearly killing three of the PCs in the process).
I figure something like that happened before the PCs showed up in my game.

The wizard, however, was able to drive him off with several well-aimed catapult spells.
Oo, nice use of the spell!

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Chapter 2

aka "The Party Blows an Infiltration Mission"

Governor Nighthill asked the group if they would investigate the cultists' camp and find out whether they had plans for further raids in the neighborhood. He offered to pay them each two hundred gold pieces. Aric's eyes lit up: "I could almost make a pillow out of that!" A little later, a young monk also asked them to find and rescue his master, Leosin Erlanthar.

The group set out and followed the wagon tracks across country to the east. After a couple of hours, they came across some mercenaries and kobolds roasting chickens over a fire. The PCs surprised the stragglers, killing most of them and scaring off the rest.

Night began to fall as they continued to follow the cart tracks. Eventually, they came to an area where the road ran between two high bluffs. Suspecting an ambush, they attempted to sneak up the sides of the bluffs but were spotted. A mercenary in a tabard with a red sun challenged them and asked them to identify themselves. The PCs retreated in a hail of arrows, taking only minor damage.

Next they saw a box canyon with campfires and a watchtower on the north side. Keeping their distance, they circled around from the north and waited for darkness. Then Ariana climbed the tower's ladder and found four kobolds at the top. She killed them all, but not before they managed to get off a couple of warning blasts on a horn. While the others climbed up behind her, she looked over the edge and saw the camp for the first time: about fifty tents and mud huts, with a big pavilion at one end.

They decided to get out of the tower, but by the time they reached the ground, some kobolds had swarmed over the edge of the canyon. Ariana knocked one out, but the other kobolds grabbed it and pulled its body back. The PCs retreated.

DM Notes: It's rather painful for me to listen to the recordings of chapter 2 and hear everyone getting frustrated as it went wrong. I don't really understand why the players chose to approach it as they did; obviously, there was some mismatch between what I thought I had communicated about the mission and what they heard. I should discuss it with them and see if we can figure out what went wrong, in retrospect.


My players were extremely cautious when it came to the camp. Only one of them went in, and only under cover of darkness, in order to rescue Leosin. And he had the foresight to replace Leosin with a dummy, so I gave them a decent headstart as per the adventure text. So that episode was over in one session.


My players were extremely cautious when it came to the camp. Only one of them went in, and only under cover of darkness, in order to rescue Leosin. And he had the foresight to replace Leosin with a dummy, so I gave them a decent headstart as per the adventure text. So that episode was over in one session.
My group had done so well at bluffing their way through Greenest that I really expected them to do the same at the camp! I simply couldn't understand why they suddenly attacked everything on sight, didn't talk to anyone, and didn't scout the camp before attacking the watchtower. They should have known the strength of the attacking force both from observing the raid on Greenest and from questioning the cultist (although the latter was a few sessions ago at the time). I keep wondering if I should have tried to steer them more, but I wanted to let them make their own plans. Also, when they saw how big the camp was and decided to retreat, I reminded them that they hadn't done any recon before attacking, and they said that it wouldn't have made any difference in their plans. So it's still a mystery to me. I really should ask them about it next time I get the chance.

Oh well, on to...

Chapter 3

The group walked back to Greenest, reported that they had no information, and went to sleep. When they awoke, they encountered the young monk, who informed them that his master had managed to escape and was meeting with Governor Nighthill. They went to Nighthill's headquarters in the keep, where they met Leosin Erlanthar.

Leosin told them he had not learned much during his captivity, except that the cultists were planning to decamp soon and that there was a cave at the back of the canyon called "the nursery." He revealed that he was a member of the Harpers and said that the PCs could help solve a dilemma for him: he had been debating whether to go back to the camp and gather more information or travel to Elturel to alert his superiors and the Lords' Alliance. He asked the PCs to gather what information they could at the camp while he went to Elturel.

So the next day, the PCs set out for the canyon once again. As they approached, they saw deep cart tracks, suggesting that many heavily laden wagons had rolled out of the camp recently. The party donned their cultist robes before stepping into the nearly deserted canyon.

After bluffing their way past some hunters and the guards at the entrance to the cave, they started to explore the cavern complex.

Hatchery Exploration, part 1

The first place they found was an empty treasure room with a sleeping cultist. They let him sleep and continued to explore.

Ariana accidentally set off the stair trap in the fungus cavern and rolled right to the base of a violet fungus! Fortunately, she was able to fend off its attacks while the others assaulted it at range. After she was safe, they realized that the other path through the cavern was safe, so they took it.

Next, they came to the kobolds' barracks. They overheard some kobolds complaining that they hadn't been allowed to go with the treasure. Taking advantage of their disguises, they told the kobolds there had been a change of plan, and they should hurry to catch up with the treasure. The kobolds cheered and immediately started packing to leave.

The PCs continued on and found a room with animal training implements and a pit full of large creatures. After racking his brains to identify them, Aric said they were "super surprise lizards." The party decided to kill them--which led to a surprisingly epic battle lasting many rounds and drawing in two groups of kobolds that were attracted by the noise. Afterward, Aric searched through the pen and was disgruntled to find only bones and dirty straw. "How can they sleep on straw?" he grumbled.

They continued to explore. Ariana got good and dirty rummaging through a garbage pit, Atex lost a lot of blood to angry stirges, and Landin was poisoned by the barbs in the curtain covering the refrigeration cave. They decided to cut down the curtain to prevent further trouble, but Landin didn't want to touch it after that experience. So Ariana rolled her eyes and did it for him.

Rematch with Cyanwrath

Eventually, they came to a cave that had been turned into a shrine to Tiamat. There they met their old adversary Cyanwrath, who recognized Ariana from their duel. "It's you!" he said. "Back for more?"

"I didn't get enough the first time," Ariana quipped.

Cyanwrath unleashed his lightning breath on Ariana and Aric, but then Atex surprised him with hold person. Once the half-dragon was immobilized, Ariana made short work of him with her rapiers. His bodyguards, however, proved to be a tougher fight. Only a steady stream of healing spells from Aric kept them on their feet. One guard in particular seemed to absorb every hit they gave him until finally Aric, being out of healing spells, zapped him with a simple firebolt and he crumpled.

DM Notes: Yep, Aric's player blew another creature identification roll, resulting in "super surprise lizards."

Landin has the "secretly I'm a coward" flaw.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
We have an entire forum for game stories/transcripts called Story Hour. I'll slip this one over there for you! :)


We have an entire forum for game stories/transcripts called Story Hour. I'll slip this one over there for you! :)
Sorry, hadn't found that one. There seemed to be plenty of campaign recaps in the regular forum. Have those just not been moved yet, or is my style of recapping just too "story-ish" for the main forum?

ETA: Sorry, I realized that sounds a little angry. I know that being placed in Story Time isn't a reprimand, and I would have posted there to begin with if I'd known that the forum existed. I'm just confused as to why my thread was moved and others that seem pretty similar in style were not.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Sorry, hadn't found that one. There seemed to be plenty of campaign recaps in the regular forum. Have those just not been moved yet, or is my style of recapping just too "story-ish" for the main forum?

ETA: Sorry, I realized that sounds a little angry. I know that being placed in Story Time isn't a reprimand, and I would have posted there to begin with if I'd known that the forum existed. I'm just confused as to why my thread was moved and others that seem pretty similar in style were not.

I haven't seen the others. Feel free to point them out!


My group had done so well at bluffing their way through Greenest that I really expected them to do the same at the camp ... it's still a mystery to me. I really should ask them about it next time I get the chance.
Yeah, that is strange. I'd be interested to know why they did that too. Hopefully they remember after all this time!

Next, they came to the kobolds' barracks. They overheard some kobolds complaining that they hadn't been allowed to go with the treasure. Taking advantage of their disguises, they told the kobolds there had been a change of plan, and they should hurry to catch up with the treasure. The kobolds cheered and immediately started packing to leave.
That was clever!

Cyanwrath unleashed his lightning breath on Ariana and Aric, but then Atex surprised him with hold person. Once the half-dragon was immobilized, Ariana made short work of him with her rapiers. His bodyguards, however, proved to be a tougher fight. Only a steady stream of healing spells from Aric kept them on their feet. One guard in particular seemed to absorb every hit they gave him until finally Aric, being out of healing spells, zapped him with a simple firebolt and he crumpled.
Wow. This battle went completely different for my group, but then Mondath was part of the fight too, having escaped down the secret shaft after they attacked her in her quarters. I ended up having the cultists capture them all and throw them in a pit, from which they were able to escape a little too easily ...

I haven't seen the others. Feel free to point them out!
You could start with Nebulous' PotA recap thread. It's been in the general discussion forum for a year now. There are some of mine there as well. I completely forgot about the Story Hour forum when I made them. There are a few other threads with "recap" or "campaign log" in their titles. Pretty easy to spot.


The Mysterious Chest

While Aric idly defaced the Tiamat murals on the walls with his mace, Ariana and Atex checked out a chest on the floor of the shrine. Atex noticed that the chest was sitting on a plate in the floor, and Ariana realized that many of the carved dragons around the room had holes in their mouths. Atex guessed that moving the chest or picking the lock would set off the trap.

Aric started to plug the holes with the bits of stone he'd chipped off the murals, but they quickly realized that there were too many of them. They tied a long rope to the chest and yanked on it from the safety of the stairway. It came loose with a snap, followed by a loud hiss. They pulled the chest around the corner, and Landin went to grab it. He saw that the top was wet and pitted with acid, and that a cloud of mist was drifting out of the shrine. He wrapped the chest in a blanket from his bedroll and carried it back to the others.

The group retreated to the deserted kobold barracks. They pulled the hole-filled blanket off the chest and forced the lock with a greataxe taken from one of the fallen bodyguards. Inside they found a string of pearls, a beautiful sapphire ring, and a bag containing six gems. Aric begged to take charge of the treasure, but was voted down by the rest of the group.

Showdown with Frulam Mondath

After a short rest, the group moved on to the one area they had not yet explored, starting with a door where they'd heard voices. When they went in, they found that this room was where the cultists slept. Their disguises didn't save them this time because the sentries from the entry cavern recognized them...and noticed that their robes were covered with blood. The cultists attacked, except for two, who slipped through a door at the far end of the room as soon as the combat started.

Once the cultists in the barracks were all dead or unconscious, the PCs opened the far door. Two cultists defended the door for a short time and then ran out of sight, followed by the sounds of distant thuds and coughing. The party entered Frulam Mondath's sitting room and saw that a rug in the corner had been kicked aside, exposing a hole in the floor from which acid fumes drifted up.

Landin climbed down the hole, managing not to choke, and discovered that he was back in the shrine. The body of one of the cultists was on the floor; a lungful of acid fumes, in addition to the wounds he had sustained while defending the door, had been enough to kill him. From the tracks in the film of acid on the floor, he guessed which direction the others had gone. He climbed back up the shaft, calling out to the rest of the party to cut off the fleeing cultists.

Aric, Ariana, and Atex ran ahead of Landin and finally came within sight of Frulam Mondath and her two remaining bodyguards at the cave entrance. Ariana put on a burst of speed and surged forward, striking fear into Mondath with the speed and ferocity of her attacks (dash + action surge + menacing attack + bonus action off-hand attack). In a desperate attempt to get away, Mondath cast calm emotions on Ariana, making her feel uninterested in attacking Mondath and her friends. It worked briefly, but unfortunately, one of her bodyguards didn't realize what she had done, and he ended the spell almost immediately by attacking Ariana. Landin arrived on the scene seconds later, just in time to see Ariana swiftly skewer Frulam Mondath with her rapiers. The bodyguards fell shortly after that.

Hatchery Exploration, part 2

The PCs went back and searched Frulam Mondath's sitting room. They found a great deal of bad poetry about dragons in the papers on her desk.

Roses are red.
Dragons are red.
They breathe fire,
And then you're all dead.

Violets are blue.
Dragons are blue.
My love for them is true.
They breathe lightning,
And then you're dead too.

Black as a dragon.
Black as night.
I don't know the rest,
So I'll end it right.

Snow is white.
Dragons are white.
They're the opposite of night,
And that's all right.

And other poems in a more emo vein:

Black night.
Black dragon.
Black acid.
Black me.
Black like my tormented soul.

One useful item was a crude but recognizable map of the area with an arrow pointing north along the Sword Coast. On the same page was a list of towns that had already been raided, including Greenest, with check marks next to their names.

Another sheet had columns of numbers and a cryptic message at the bottom:

Freight north to Naerytar.
Keep pearls, ring, six stones per Rezmir.

The PCs recognized this as the contents of the chest. They thought the name Rezmir sounded familiar but did not connect it with the leader mentioned by the captured cultist in Greenest.

In Mondath's bedroom, they only found clothes. Ariana took them, since she had been traveling in her dancing costume since the cult attack.

DM Notes: We improvised the dragon poetry at the table. We didn't get around to doing a poem for green dragons, so here's one to finish the set:

Dragons are green,
If you know what I mean.
When they breathe on the forest,
They make it quite clean.

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