• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Suggested Character Sheet template


The man with the probe
It's fairly simple, I have a text file you can download and modify, and I'll post an example character using it.

Alignment Race Class Level
Init: XX ; Vision: XXXXXXX; Perception: XX
Languages: XXXX, XXXX
Defences: AC XX; Fort XX; Ref XX; Will XX
Hit Points: XX
Bloodied: XX
Healing Surge: XX
Surges/Day: XX
Speed: XX
:bmelee: Weapon, Bonus, DMG, Type, Special/Notes
:bmelee::ranged: Weapon, Bonus, R Range, DMG, Type, Special/Notes
:ranged: Weapon, Bonus, R Range, DMG, Type, Special/Notes
At-Will Powers
Type, Special
Action Type
Target: XXX
Special: XXX (If needed)
Attack: XXX (If needed)
Hit: XXX (If needed)
Miss: XXX (If needed)
Effect: XXX (If needed)
Encounter Powers
Type, Special
Action Type
Target: XXX
Special: XXX (If needed)
Attack: XXX (If needed)
Hit: XXX (If needed)
Miss: XXX (If needed)
Effect: XXX (If needed)
Daily Powers
Type, Special
Action Type
Target: XXX
Special: XXX (If needed)
Attack: XXX (If needed)
Hit: XXX (If needed)
Miss: XXX (If needed)
Effect: XXX (If needed)
Class Features
Armor Proficiencies: XXX
Weapon Proficiencies: XXX
Bonus to Defense: XX
Power (Color as type)
See Power Notes

Racial Traits
Skill Bonuses: XXX
Power (Color as type)
See Power Notes

Feat Notes/effects
Str: XX (XX)
Dex: XX (XX)
Con: XX (XX)
Int: XX (XX)
Wis: XX (XX)
Cha: XX (XX)

Trained Skills:
Skill (Atrb) XX, Skill (Atrb) XX, Skill (Atrb) XX, Skill (Atrb) XX,
UnTrained Skills: (For skills you have modifiers to for quick reference)
Skill (Atrb) XX, Skill (Atrb) XX,
XX Armor Check Penalty when appropriate
Gear and Gold
Melee Weapon, Prof, DMG, Type, Note(s), XX lb., XX gold
Ranged Weapon, Prof, DMG, R Range, Type, Note(s), XX lb., XX gold
Armor, Bonus, XX Check, XX Speed, XX lb., XX gold
Item, XX lb., XX gold
Item, XX lb., XX gold
Item, XX lb., XX gold
Item, XX lb., XX gold

XP: 0 / Needed for next level
Background and Notes



[sblock=Sample]Torgar Greyscale
Good Dragonborn Warlord 1
Init: +2 ; Vision: Normal; Perception: +0
Languages: Common, Draconic
Defences: AC 16; Fort 15; Ref 11; Will 14
Hit Points: 24
Bloodied: 24
Healing Surge: 7
Surges/Day: 8
Speed: 6
:bmelee: Longspear, +6, 1d10+5, spear, polearm, Reach
:bmelee::ranged: Javelin, +6, 1d6+5, R 10/20, spear, Heavy Thrown
:ranged: Sling, +2, 1d6, R 10/20, Sling, Load Free
At-Will Powers
Furious Smash
Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal damage equal to your Strength modifier, and then choose one ally adjacent to either you or the target. This ally applies your Charisma modifier as a power bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll on his or her next attackagainst the target. If the ally does not attack the target
by the end of his or her next turn, the bonus is lost

Wolf Pack Tactics
Step by step, you and your friends surround the enemy.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Special: Before you attack, you let one ally adjacent to either
you or the target shift 1 square as a free action.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Encounter Powers
Dragon Breath
Minor Action, Close blast 3
Targets: All creatures in area
Attack: Strength + 2 vs. Reflex (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Con Mod (1).

Inspiring Word
Martial, Healing
Special: twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: Target spends a healing surge and regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

Guarding Attack
Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: 1 creature
Attack: Str vs. AC (Per Weapon)
Hit: 2[W] + Str mod (4). Til end of your next turn, one ally next to you or the target gains 1 + Char mod (2) power bonus to AC against target’s attacks.

Daily Powers
Bastion of Defense
Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (Per Weapon)
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Allies within 5 squares of you gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.
Effect: Allies within 5 squares of you gain temporary HP equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier.
Class Features
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, light shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will
Combat Leader
You and allies within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to init.
Inspiring Presence
If an ally who can see you spends an AP to take an extra action, they also regain one-half your level + your Cha mod hp (3).
Inspiring Word
See Per Encounter Powers

Racial Traits
Skill Bonuses: +2 History, +2 Intimidate
Dragonborn Fury
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied
Draconic Heritage
Healing surge is one-quarter of max HP + your Con mod (+1).
Dragon Breath
See Encounter Powers

Weapon Focus Spear (+1 to damage with spear weapons)
Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 11 (+0)
Cha: 16 (+3)

Trained Skills:
Athletics (Str) +9, Diplomacy (Cha) +8, History (Int) +9, Intimidate (Cha) +10
-1 Armor Check Penalty when appropriate
Gear and Gold
Longspear, +2, 1d10, spear, polearm, Reach, 9 lb., 10 gold
Javelin (4), +2, 1d6, R 10/20, spear, Heavy Thrown 2 lb. x 4x, 5 gold x 4
Sling, +2, 1d6, R 10/20, Sling, Load Free, 0 lb., 1 gold
Chainmail, +6, -1 Check, -1 Speed 40 lb., 40 gold
Sling Bullets (20), 5 lb., 1 gold
Standard Adventurer's Kit, 15 gold
Backpack (empty) 2 lb.
-Bedroll 5 lb.
-Flint and steel 0 lbs
-Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 10 lb.
-Rations, trail (10 days) 10 lb.
-Waterskin 4 lb.
Pouch, belt (empty) 1/2 lb.
-Sunrods (2) 2 lb.

XP: 0/1000

Background and Notes



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Have taken a look at the sheets that people have already put hours into trying to develop?
Or the extensive discussion about how we're going to organize it?
(i.e. instead of having a complex mixed sheet to have one simple area for use and one that would "show the math")


The man with the probe
Where are these sheets hiding? Perhaps they need a thread of their own? (I'd split them off if they're in the big thread, but I'm not a mod here).

I mostly suggested it because it's been used in a few games on another board I frequent. I'm open for ways to improve it.


The discussion has mostly been in the big discussion thread. I'm currently the only mod on this forum, so I suppose I should either appoint some more mods or split those posts out, but for the moment I'll confine myself to linking to some important posts in that discussion.

Some sample characters on the wiki: Quagmire Weaselcrust version 1 version 2
Yanwer, a higher level char just for illustration

Discussion starts around here and goes on for the next fifteen or twenty posts.

The main thing that is throwing off our original notions of character sheet is that we are pretty sure we want to keep character sheets in the wiki, to take advantage of versioning. That puts a completely different set of formatting options in our hands, some more powerful and some less powerful, and we're trying to wrap our heads around that still.


Posted this on the main thread too but... I've hacked up a sample character to show what the new template system will look like. He's not done but the two areas that are basically done are his defenses and skills.

PS the templates are ugly, I was focusing on getting the info to come out right.
Will try to do powers and attributes tomorrow.

Walking Dad

First Post
Short question: Is it legal to repeat whole powers from the PHB? It is not that hard to recreate the orginal powers (with Str instead of +4, for example) from this.

I hope it is allowed, just curious...


First Post
Short question: Is it legal to repeat whole powers from the PHB? It is not that hard to recreate the orginal powers (with Str instead of +4, for example) from this.

I hope it is allowed, just curious...

I doubt we'll know until WotC releases their fansite policy. Which has been "coming soon" for how long now? :hmm:


I think that they have to let us at least summarize things like to hit, damage and effects.

I mean, they put the whole text in every single module because "that's the way it's supposed to be".

Nobody's going to reverse engineer DnD from a bunch of character sheets, especially with the degree of piracy that's going on now. I mean, you could scrap DnD Insider when it's free and get everything anyway....

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