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Stranded - The Confused Group.


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"We're walking up... and the underbrush seems to flee before Lady Keira's punishment." Mordras remarks to noone in particular.

"This might yield us a good outlook on part of this land..." he notes, before adding more quietly "...though increasingly little cover to hide if must be."

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As you move through the forest, the bird keeps appearing every few minutes, still just watching you.

As you top a small hill, the forest withdraw, to reveal what looks to be some ruinds of some sort. Old and cracked gray stone rise several feet of the ground to a platform. A wide set of stairs right infront of you is occupied by a red-skinned goblinoid. Seeing you emerging from the forest, it screams in outrage. [sblock=goblin]Already?! Take them out, I still have time![/sblock]
Beside the goblinoid a small, green reptilian creature roars as it starts flapping its wings.

The goblinoid moves down the stairs towards the group, as the bird takes to the air and moves towards a flanking position.

At the same time a swarm of tiny bird creatures burst from the brush to the left of the stairs. They are tiny, red-feathered creatures, standing on their hind legs. They look like some kind of reptilian bird creatures. The feathers crests at their spines, and their tails are feather-less and reptilian.

You also spy another of the bird-creatures in the brush to the right of the stairs.

Keira is the foremost F in the map - Will update it next post, sorry for the confusions!

I rolled initiative for you, to save time. Please include attackrolls etc.

There's another bird-thingie at R8, forgot to add it on the map!

Nonamazing: You have your HP listed at 12, it should be 25, 12base + 13 constitution.

Hobgoblin: Moved to M11
Flier: Moved to Q12, it is airborne
Swarm: Moved to K12

Mordras: 26/26 -2 AC
Tara: 31/31 -2 AC
Fodor: 22/22
Cyrial: 25/25
Keira: 24/24 -6 AC

Round 1:
23 - Mordras
21 - Tara
8 - Fodor
5 - Cyrial
3 - Keira
Round 2:
26 - Flier
25 - Hobgoblin
24 - Swarm


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Amin nauva auta yeste'²
Mordras whispers as darts forward with lightning speed and grim determination, running up towards the ruins before cutting a cross-angle and striking the Hobgoblin with the small carving knife.

[sblock=²from elven]
I will strike/deliver the first blow.
:1: The Hobgoblin is on M13 in the info-text. He's on M11 on the map?
:2: The position of Keira and Fodor are both marked with F in the map?
:3: I assume brushes are difficult terrain?

(minor action)
ready weapon

(move action)
Mordras moves up 6 sq. to O11

(standard action)
Deft strike, moving into position behind (above) the Hobgoblin (N10-M10 if the Goblin is on M11; or N11-M12 if the Goblin is on M13)

Deft strike vs. Hobgoblin (-1 to hit, -1 damage) (1d20+7=20, 1d4+4=8)
[/sblock][sblock=shortstat Mordras]
Hit points : 26 of 26; Bloodied at 13; Surges used: 0
AC   :   [B][COLOR="Yellow"]14[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="yellow"]16[/COLOR] vs. Opportunity Attacks)
Fort :   [B]12[/B] 
Ref  :   [B]16[/B] 
Will :   [B]13[/B] (18 vs. Charm effects)


Cyrial leans slightly backwards, melding into the shadows beneath the trees and vanishing. He reappears a small distance away, his form becoming hazy and insubstantial, his eyes red and strange. He stares at the strange flying creature, whispering, "You don't want to die here, beast. Run."

While the creature might not understand Cyrial's words, the intent is clear, as is the aura of terror that the young priest produces as Sehanine's power flows through him.

[SBLOCK=OOC: Actions]Cyrial will use his racial encounter power as a move action to teleport three squares (from O16 to Q14). After using this power, he becomes insubstantial (takes half damage from all sources) until the start of his next turn. He will use the cleric encounter power Cause Fear on the flying creature (on Cyrial's character sheet, the power is called 'Fear of the Dark'): Attack roll versus Will defense. (1d20 2=13) If it hits, the target must move its speed +1 away from Cyrial.
If the flier is already dead by the time his initiative rolls around, Cyrial will use his power on the swarm instead, changing his move so that he moves close enough to the swarm to do so. If both the flier and the swarm are dead before Cyrial's initiative arrives, he will take no actions and will be very impressed at his allies' prowess.[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=OOC: Stats]Link to Character Sheet: Cyrial
Quick Notes
Current Hit Points: 25
AC: 12 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 12 Will: 14[/SBLOCK]


Fodor narrows his beady eyes, locking them on the hobgoblin as he draws out his improved wand.

He growls at his opponent in the goblin tongue, and it does not sound like friendly chatter.

[sblock=Goblin]" You will live just long enough to tell us everything you know, and then you might make for a tasty meal! "[/sblock]

As the bugbear weaves his wand before him in a suprisingly graceful motion, the shadows from the trees around him stretch out and form sinister looking claws that swipe at the hobglin and the swarm before crashing together to create an area of swirling shadows that tug at everything within them.

Using the Grasping Shadows power from Class Acts, creating a burst 1 centred on L12, which should get both creatures I believe if the map is correct. If anything happens to upset that, priority goes to taking out the swam. If you have not downloaded the article, I can describe in full the effects of the power.

Attack vs. Will (Swarm): 1d20+5=23, Attack vs. Will (Hobgoblin): 1d20+5=17, Damage (Psychic): 2d8+3=12

HP: 22/22 HS: 7/7 (5) AP: 1
AC: 13 Fort: 12 Ref: 13 Will: 13


First Post
Moving swiftly up behind the goblinoid, Mordras draws the first blood, lunging at the creature!

Tara sends forth a blast of her fey powers, wounding several of the small creatures.

The last creature moves out from the brush, and moving straight for Mordras. Its jaws snaps, and the eladrin can feel its teeths sharp edges.

The shadows conjured up by the bugbear crushes down on the hobgoblin and tre swarm, and a few of the small creatures now fall to the ground, lifeless.

Stepping through the shadows, Cyrial re-appears closer to the flying creature, and using his powers granted by Sehanine, makes the creature fly in fear.

Moving up to finish off the last few creatures in the swarm, Keira thrust her spear at the small creatures. However, their speed and agility saves them - this time.

The flying creature regain its senses and now strikes right for Mordras!

Turning to the Eladrin, the Hobgoblin thrusts his staff at him, but Mordras is easily able to dodge the attack.

The now reduced swarm launches an attack on Keira, but they are unable to harm her.

I'm NPC'ing Tara and Keira, as they have had more than enough time to chime in.

Bialaska: You have 3 At-wills listed. I was udner the impression warlocks got 2; The Eldritch Blast + the one specified by the pact.

Kaodi: Where can I find the info on Grasping Shadows?

Mordras: moved, and hit the Hobgoblin for 8 damage.
Tara: Eldritch Blast at Swarm, hit for 13 damage.
Bird thingie: Moved and hit Mordras at 17, for a total of 11 damage.
Fodor: Grasping Shadow, hit for 12 damage on the Hobgoblin and the Swarm.
Cyrial: Teleported, then Cause Fear, a hit.
Keira: Moves and uses Viper's Strike, but misses with a 5.
Flier: Moved.
Hobgoblin: Attacked Mordras, but missed with a 12 vs AC.
Swarm: Attack on Keira, but missed with a 9 vs Fort.

Mordras: 15/26 -2 AC
Tara: 31/31 -2 AC
Fodor: 22/22
Cyrial: 25/25
Keira: 24/24 -6 AC
Hobgoblin: Taken 20 damage
Flier: Unhurt.
Swarm: Taken 25 damage. Bloodied.
Bird Creature: Unhurt.

Effects in play:
Cyrial is insubtantial, taking half physical damage until start of his next turn.
Grasping Shadows: Slowed untill end of Fodors next turn, anything that enters area takes 3 psychic damage and is slowed untill end of next turn

Round 2:
23 - Mordras
21 - Tara
11 - Bird Creature
8 - Fodor
5 - Cyrial
3 - Keira
Round 3:
26 - Flier
25 - Hobgoblin
24 - Swarm


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First Post
"Tanya awara - that hurt!"
Flinching from pain at the bite of the Bird, just as he evades the Hobgoblin's strike, Mordras spins around and lashes at the new assailant, hopeing to catch the Bird by surprise.

With his small blade finding only air and finding himself embattled by two foes, the black-haired Eladrin steps through a gossamer of eldritch flicker, only to reappear from the forest shadows behind Cyrial.

(standard action)
Dazing Strike vs. Bird thing, failing miserably

Dazing Strike vs. Bird thing (Round 2) (1d20+7=8, 1d4+4=8)

(move action)
Fey step to R15

(minor action)
breathe deeply
[/sblock][sblock=shortstat Mordras]
Hit points : [COLOR="Yellow"]15[/COLOR] of 26; Bloodied at 13; Surges used: 0
AC   :   14 (16 vs. Opportunity Attacks)
Fort :   12 
Ref  :   16 
Will :   13 (18 vs. Charm effects)

[s][COLOR="yellow"]Dazing Strike, Fey Step[/COLOR][/s]



That is the link to the Class Acts PDF. You have to sign in to download it, however. Basically, both of the creatures were slowed until the end of my next turn, and anything that enters the area of the Grasping Shadows until the end of my next turn takes Psychic Damage equal to my Intelligence modifier (3) and is slowed until the end of its next turn.

The big bugbear shifts his gaze from the hobgoblin to focus on the swarm. Shoving the his wand into his belt, he raises the other hand towards the swarm, palm flat. The air is distorted as some unseen, spinning force forms in front of his had. Only a moment passes before the distortion steaks towards the rampaging swarm, but the spinning force sends it almost out of control.

Fodor frowns.


Magic Missile

Attack vs. Reflex: 1d20+3=10, Damage: 2d4+3=10

HP: 22/22 HS: 7/7 (5) AP: 1
AC: 13 Fort: 12 Ref: 13 Will: 13


First Post
Keira pours herself into the fray with the hobgoblin. She up ends the staff end of her spear aimed right at the nasty wretch's stomach. "Hit em High, Hit em Low!" She then winks at Mordras.

(OOC:Shift to m12 to flank, Furious Strike)
(Sorry for my extended absence, Enworld has been rather buggy for me and it has not let me post or read the forums most times I log in. Also wanted to ask if my AC should be increased by my Int bonus since I am unarmored?)
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Sorry that I haven't posted, but ENworld has really been getting on my nerves, preventing me from posting for the last few days.

As for Tara having 3 at-wills, then she's a Human and therefore gets a bonus at-will. If Human Warlocks do not get a third at-will, I'd like to change Tara's race to Half-Elf or something, since the only reason to choose Human is because of the additional at-will.[/SBLOCK]

Tara moves to get a better view and then mutters a few words in the language of the feys, cursing the flier with an eldritch curse, before she follows up with a power granted to her by the fey.

[SBLOCK=Combat information]
Armor Class 14, Fortitude Defense 13, Reflex Defense 14, Will Defense 16
Initiative +2, Speed 6
HP 31 (Bloodied 15, Healing Surge 7, Surges per day 8)

Move action: move to Q12
Minor action: Warlock's Curse on flier
Standard action: Eyebite on flier (1d20 4=20, 2d6 4=6) (It's against Will defense. And horrah, minimum damage. :(, oh well, at least I'm invisible to it until my next turn if it hits)[/SBLOCK]

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