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Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Title: Eclipse Phase: This Mortal Coil
Author: Iron Sky
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Scifi
System: Eclipse Phase
Setting: Eclipse Phase

Started: 22 Jan 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd Person/some 1st Person

Overview: X-risks. That's what Helios called them, whoever or whatever Helios was. Oh, that's X for eXtinction. The TITANs came close - 95% ain't bad for a year's work - and now we're supposed to save the last 5% from Exurgents, aliens, AIs, extremists, and who knows what all else. If we fail small, we die, resleeve, and try again. If we fail big, well...

Reader Comment: "I'm really digging this. Please keep it up--this SH has been sadly overlooked." -RedTonic
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First Post
Title: Holly's Master of the Fallen Fortress Journal
Author: Sam (One of my players, she's not an EN World member)
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy, Adventure
System: Pathfinder
Setting: Golarion (Tian Xia, Zi Ha)

Started: 20th of February, 2012 (gameplay took place on the 18th and 19th of February, 2012)
Status: Completed (13 installments)
Average Installment Length: Short to Medium
Average Frequency of Installments: None (Completed)

Available for Download? No
Style: Journal

Overview: An earthquake tears open an ancient tower and four heroes respond to a rescue flare from the man who went to explore it.

Reader Comment: None at the moment


Cute but dangerous
Eberron's Not So Brave

Title: Eberron's Not So Brave - The Dragonmarked Madness
Author: Lwaxy
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5/PF/Houserules
Setting: Eberron

Started: 6 May 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly/Monthly depending on sessions

Available for Download? No
Style: Storyteller relates the story in an inn

Overview: A group of misfits from the Dragonmarked Houses is brought together by fate and tries to redeem themselves.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The magnificent and malign forest of silent screams

Author: Scott DeWarski the Mad
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: Pathfinder
Setting: [Kingmaker] - guest dm -

Started: 12 May 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short
Average Frequency of Installments: 2 per month

Available for Download? Sorry, No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics

Overview: The intrepid adventures of the hapless company of the table top rulers of the Kingdom of Langstom

Reader Comment: http://www.enworld.org/forum/story-...malign-forest-silent-screams.html#post5912323
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Cute but dangerous
Title: Orean Adventures - Circus of Destiny
Author: Lwaxy
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5/PF/Houserules
Setting: World of Orea

Started: 18 May 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly/Monthly depending on sessions

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative

Overview:A troupe of enslaved entertainers is also serving as a group of thieves. One of them is a feline of unknown origin, and the greedy owner eventually sends them to find out where she is from so he can get more slaves from her race. At the same time, signs and potents unfold which are not much noticed at first. Starting in the Empire of Thelitia.


First Post
Title: Enzi's Irregulars
Author: Smoss

Number of Threads: One

Type: Fantasy
System: 6th Age of Doulairen (Homebrew)
Setting: Doulairen

Started: 4 July 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: 2000 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly on Wednesdays

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person

Overview: A small mercenary band put together by a man named Enzi... Dealing with various issues (including their own)


Title: Hard Core

The Hard Core Adventurers, original line up...

Author: Goonalan

Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy.

System: D&D 4e

Setting: Nentir Vale (initially) and the 4e WOTC game world.

Started: March 2012 (campaign started) Sept 2012 (started writing up game)

Status: Ongoing- we're playing H3 Pyramid of Shadows (much altered) atm.

Average Installment Length: Short/Medium/Long/Verbose- some of all of these, and with pictures and character art work.

Average Frequency of Installments: Daily.

Available for Download? Yes- a PDF version will soon be added to the initial post.

Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics, with battle-maps and pictures, and character art.

Overview: The Hard Core adventurers set out to Winterhaven to rescue their friend/mentor/father Douvern Staul at the behest of Gerda, Douvern's wife. This simple venture turns out to be only the first part of a glorious and terrible quest.

Basically we're playing through WOTCs Core Modules, with a whole bunch of changes along the way.

Reader Comment: None as yet, just started posting- I'll try to get my mum to post something nice, she says she loves me...

Special: Obsidian Portal site is under construction and will be available soon.

Link to adventures in the sig below.
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Title: Wing Three
Author: Johnathan M. Richards
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: A very loose Greyhawk campaign world, homebrewed as needed

Started: 14 October 2012
Status: Complete
Average Installment Length: Pretty short at first, progressively longer as time goes on

Available for Download? No
Style: Mostly a behind-the-scenes description of how we've managed our campaign, interspersed with "standard" Story Hour 3rd-person narrative prose

Overview: A campaign originally built around introducing an 8-year-old boy to D&D, then later the same deal with his mother, and eventually centering on the exploits of the eight rotating members of Wing Three of the Greyhawk City Adventurers Guild. (Much later on, we introduce the boy's younger brother to D&D in this same campaign.)
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Title: Into the Mouths of Madness
Author: howandwhy99
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D Next Playtest
Setting: Greyhawk

Started: 5 June 2012
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium (4500-5500 words)
Average Frequency of Installments: Monthly (usually)

Available for Download? No
Style: converstaional

Overview:Castle Greyhawk (Castle Zagyg: Upper Works) dungeon delving starting with "The Mouths of Madness", which were Gary’s recreation of the Caves of Chaos.


Title: Let's Play Adventures
Author: Goonalan
Number of Threads: A few, at the moment, with more to come- see Overview below

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 4e
Setting: Nentir Vale

Started: Jan 2011 onwards- see Overview below
Status: Completed & Ongoing- see Overview below
Average Installment Length: Mostly Medium to Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Every 2-3 days, or else Weekly

Available for Download? No- but will be in the future.
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with discussion of the underlying mechanics.

Overview: The Let's Play series represents the myriad one-off games me and my players got through in down times from our core campaign, although in reality many of the PCs used became so popular we continued to play them, a sort of alternative campaign of sorts.

At present the Let's Play stories available here are-

#1 WOTC H1 Keep on the Shadowfell (Level 1)- ON HOLD*

#2 Goodman Games DCC53 Sellswords of Punjar (Level 1)- COMPLETE

#3 WOTC H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth (Level 4)- ON HOLD*

#4 Goodman Games DCC54 Forges of the Mountain King (Level 1)- COMPLETE

#5 Dungeon Scales of War Part 1: Rescue at Rivenroar (Level 1)- COMPLETE

#6 WOTC DMG The Kobold Hall (Level 1)- COMPLETE

#7 WOTC FreeRPGDay Into the Shadowhaunt (Level 1)- POSTING

#8 WOTC H3 The Pyramid of Shadows (Level 7)- ON HOLD*

#9 Goodman Games DCC55 The Isle of the Sea Drake (Level 1)- POSTING

Also why not check out our main campaign starring the HARD CORE adventurers, they too are heading through the WOTC core adventures...

#100 HARD CORE WOTC H1 Keep on the Shadowfell (Level 1)- POSTING

*I'm not going to post the action from these scenarios here yet because I have a story hour here already, see my sig for details, which details the exploits of my present campaign- which is based on this series of adventures.

Special: Links to external to come...
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Voidrunner's Codex

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