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[Story Hour] Daring Tales of Adventure


Savage Worlds / Daring Tales of Adventure / To End All Wars / Part 8

Trailing a plume of oily smoke, Doc Gizmo rocketed after the falling journalist. An insistent beeping sound drew the inventor’s attention to the fuel gauge on his pack. The needle hovered ominously over the zero. Gizmo crunched some numbers in his head. If his remaining fuel equalled ‘x’ and the distance back to the zeppelin equalled ‘y’, then even if he managed to save the young lady, their combined weight would deplete his fuel reserves before they could return to the gondola. Given the circumstances, Doc Gizmo soon arrived at the only logical decision.

“I’m awfully sorry, but it‘s just not practical to save you at the moment!” he yelled over the roar of his rocket pack, “On a more positive note, it looks as though you’re falling towards the river and I calculate a 47% chance that you’ll survive the initial impact. Cheerio!”

(Mal spent several rounds trying to catch the damsel in distress despite crippling multi-action penalties, eventually resulting in his decision that she wasn’t worth the bother).

Meanwhile, in the gondola, Brett holstered his pistol and advanced on Starkweather.

“A bullet’s too easy for the likes of you, doctor.” the aviator growled, “I prescribe an ass kicking. I’m going to beat you until you actually do need that wheelchair to get around.”

“Stay back!” Starkweather sneered, pointing the aerosol in Brett’s face, “This can contains a weaponised version of the same nerve gas that I’m about to release over Washington! One spray and you’re a dead man! You’re all dead men - and one dead monkey!"

Suddenly the can was pulled from the villain’s hand! It flew across the gondola and Nicolas snatched it out of the air. He had moved the weapon with his amazing powers of telekinesis!

“Don’t you know these things are bad for the environment?” the mesmerist quipped.

“Ook, ook, ook!” Columbus added. (“That was a passable one-liner Nicolas, but the campaign against chlorofluorocarbons in aerosols didn’t occur until the 1970’s, so you’re actually referring to an event that hasn’t yet occurred in this timeline. Of course, since I am from the future, I can appreciate the reference.”)

Brett grabbed the lapels of Starkweather’s lab coat and lifted him off the floor.

“You’re going down, doctor!” he snarled.

“It’s not over yet!” Starkweather shrieked, snatching Brett’s pistol from its holster and unloading the clip through the open hatch into the envelope. The bullets sparked off the metal ribs of the zeppelin and ignited the hydrogen gas in a catastrophic explosion!


(There was a lot of discussion back and forth about the risk of us accidentally blowing up the zeppelin, apparently the answer was that the blimp would not explode until the GM decided it was time for the blimp to explode).

The detonation rocked the gondola. Brett let go off Starkweather’s coat and watched with a mixture of horror and satisfaction as the genocidal industrialist fell to his death. Claudia Knight screamed as she rolled towards the gaping hole that Nicolas had made in the floor. Diving after his Nazi girlfriend, Emilio grabbed her wrist with one hand and the edge of the hole with his other. Together, they dangled helplessly over the Washington skyline.

“I like your gas mask,” he said conversationally, seemingly oblivious to the dizzying drop, “I don’t usually go in for the kinky stuff, but for you I’ll make an exception. I hope you haven‘t forgotten about our date.”

“Look me up the next time you’re in Berlin.” she said, slipping her hand free of his.

Emilio watched her fall towards the river. Oh well, there was always Miss Braveheart.

Just then, Doc Gizmo reappeared. Alone.

“Where’s the girl?” Emilio cried in despair.

“In the river, I expect.” Gizmo answered, “Why is everything on fire?”

“We’re out of control!” Brett cried, struggling with the blimp’s control lever.

“Try and put us down in the river!” Emilio suggested.

“Good idea, if we land in the water that might prevent the nerve gas from getting airborne.”

“Never mind that, both of the women are down there!”

“Gah!” Brett cried, the control lever snapping off in his hand, “No matter how well I roll on my piloting die, we just keep heading towards that conspicuous white building over there!”


In a bone-jarring collision, the zeppelin crashes down on the President’s lawn! Miraculously it does not explode! Four men and an ape stagger from the twisted wreckage. Humourless men in suits boil from the White House, accompanied by President Franklin D. Roosevelt himself! He raises his presidential hand and salutes the heroes, even though there is no conceivable way for him to know that they are the good guys. I mean, they just crashed a blimp into his garden. He has to be pissed about that, right? Or at least a bit suspicious? Apparently not! This is Pulp after all, it doesn’t have to make sense!

To be continued… in Chaos in Crete!

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Savage Worlds / Daring Tales of Adventure / Chaos in Crete / Part One

Several months after the events over Washington, Emilio was invited to a meeting with the curator of the Boston Memorial Museum.

”Ah, Lord Valentine, I’m so grateful that you could join me on such short notice,” the curator ( a portly man in his mid-50’s) said, ”Can I tempt you with a cup of tea?”

”Your note said there would be women,” Emilio said, peering around the office.

”Yes, I had to say that to get you here,” the curator admitted, ”You ignored the last ten notes that I sent to you.
”Anyway, the reason that I asked you to join me today is to discuss some troubling developments on the island of Crete. I’m sure you’re eager to hear about how we’ve been spending all that lovely money you’ve donated over the last two years, yes?”

”I had hoped you’d use some of it to hire a more attractive secretary,” the Italian shuddered, ”That woman looks like she wandered out of the dinosaur exhibit.”

”We have been sponsoring a number of archaeological digs around the globe. Egypt, Peru and as I mentioned a moment ago, Crete. Only our man on the island – Professor Harrison Monroe – has disappeared!”

The curator paused for dramatic effect. However, Emilio was busy admiring his own reflection in the window and it was unclear whether he had even been listening.

“Disappeared!!” the curator said again, more loudly.

”I’m sorry, what? Has someone disappeared?”

”Yes! Professor Monroe and his niece!”

”Niece?” Emilio asked, suddenly interested, ”What does she look like?”

”Oh, she’s a plain, drab woman…” the curator began, but trailed off as he realised the nobleman was losing interest again, "Actually, no! I was thinking of the Professor’s other niece, the unattractive one! The niece who has gone missing in Crete is exceptionally beautiful with a heaving bosom and an hourglass figure!”

“How terrible!” Emilio exclaimed, ”Then of course I must rescue her!”

”And her uncle.” the curator added.

”Yes, him too I suppose. I know just the fellows to join me on this daring tale of adventure!”

To be continued….


Savage Worlds / Daring Tales of Adventure / Chaos in Crete / Part Two

The seaplane touched down on the gently rolling surface of the water. Beyond the docks and warehouses sprawled the sunny, Mediterranean city of Heraklion. Brett Hardcastle killed the engine and glanced back at his passengers.

Nicolas had traded his moth-eaten suit for a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals - however he still wore his battered, black top hat. Columbus the ape recline beside him, wearing a pair of pink, star-shaped sunglasses. Emilio looked rather dapper in a cotton suit, while Gizmo had refused to yield his grubby lab coat. The doctor had spent the flight testing his latest invention (a voice activated force field) by encouraging his friends to throw stuff at his head. Happily had they complied.

(Mal spent his advance on the New Power [Deflection] edge).

“Remember, this isn’t a holiday,” Emilio said, his tone uncharacteristically stern, “We’re on an important mission from the museum. No distractions until the professor’s niece is safely enclosed within my manly embrace.”

“What’s his problem?” Nicolas whispered to Columbus.

“Ook, ook.” the ape replied. (“He’s sexually frustrated after failing to seduce either of the two human females in the previous adventure.”)

“Where do we start looking for Monroe?” Brett asked.

“The professor was acquainted with an antiques dealer called Andros Akretis,” Emilio said, “We should pay the man a visit.”


Leaving Ginger to mind the plane, Brett and the others ventured into the city. They found the sign for ‘Akretis Antiquities’ hanging in a narrow, cobbled alley and headed inside. Four men turned to face the door as the bell above it announced the arrival of customers. Three had the distinctive look of hired muscle about them, while the fourth was tied to a (presumably antique) chair.

“Help!” cried the fourth man, “They’re going to kill me!”

The goons went for their guns, but Brett was quicker. Two of the men were dead before their own weapons were clear of their holsters. The third man returned fire and Brett dived for cover behind an antique dresser. Columbus grabbed a priceless vase and hurled it across the shop. It broke against the last thug’s skull and he fell senseless amongst the shards of broken pottery.

“We’re looking for Professor Monroe and his attractive niece,” Emilio explained as he untied the antiques dealer.

“Attractive niece?” Andros spluttered, “You cannot be referring to Gloria? The fat girl with the squint?”

“No, you must be thinking of Monroe’s other niece, the unattractive one.” Emilio said.

“Right… well, thank you for saving me. Those ruffians planned on silencing me in case anyone else came looking for the labyrinth. Monroe was certain he had located the entrance to the fabled maze, but I fear he has found more than he bargained for....”

To be continued....


Hi Golden Bee! I had forgotten about this, and it surprised me to see it reappear. :D

Thanks for the feedback! You're only 8/9 years late to the party, lol.

Sorry to say, most of the group has moved on (I say moved on, two of them are dead), so I don't see this campaign going any further. :(

But hey, it was fun while it lasted. :D
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Cool, thanks for sharing. Sounds like it was a good time. :D

You've got me thinking about the old Daring Tales line. I've got all four Adventure compendiums in paperback, but Triple Ace also released DT modules for Space Opera, Cyberpunk and Medieval settings.

I'll post links here if I get anything off the ground.

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