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Storms of Change IC Part 4


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The next few days in Carodan are filled with the sounds of soldiers drilling and patrolling and of workers strengthening the fortifications. In the evenings the taverns are filled with rumor and gossip.

It is said that a Vizelan elf patrol has gone missing. The Vizelan elves, from the Severin forest to the east, have been long-time allies of Shillen, and have been scouting and surveying the region from the air. They fly high and fast, and its hard to imagine anyone taking them down. Even the terrifying Gorukan wardrakes cannot catch them.

There are conflicting rumors of Gorukan troops advancing through the borderlands. Some accounts claim large permanent encampments have been created. There are rumors that a hidden Gorukan stronghold and supply base was discovered quite close to Carodan, led by priests of Hextor, but that it was raided and destroyed by Warden Ricsten's men. Meanwhile Warden Ricsten's troops and mercenaries continue to engage the humanoid and giant tribes of the borderlands.

The dwarves of the Diamond Mountains to the west report increased amounts of undead, especially ghouls. Banditry and attacks by hobgoblins and orcs continue to increase within the Kingdom of Shillen. There are disquieting stories of zombies and skeletons spotted at night, also within Shillen.

Carodan dreams of battle, of heroism, and of death.

* * *

Summoned to Warden Ricsten's offices at night, you are led by an aide into a large room lit by torches. A table of meat, bread, cheese, fruit and ale has been prepared. The aide tells you to make yourself at home, Warden Ricsten will be here shortly. Looking around, you see several others waiting as well.

[Please introduce your characters.]

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Lucan of Shelor

The first to arrive is Lucan of Shelor, a rather non-descript young man in his mid-twenties. With disheveled, unkempt, medium-length brown hair and deep, meditative brown eyes, Lucan scans the room, awaiting what he expects to be several more companions.

Lucan sits, taking a piece of bread and a slice of cheese from the table, still eyeing the space within the room. As usual, he considers how he might defend himself if attacked in this room - it is always the first consideration on his mind. Though a person born of Shillen might not have such thoughts, Lucan was born in a poor land overtaken by Goruka, and sold into slavery upon his 7th birthday. He learned to fight early on, and thoughts of violence (especially against him) are a very natural thing.

Waiting, Lucan brushes the road dust off his simple, brown peasant tunic as well as his matching brown pants and simple sandals. He reseats the pair of nunchaku at his belt, as well as the pair of kama at his sides. Lucan hopes that wearing his weapons openly like this would be taken as a sign of competence, and not as a threat to the Warden's authority.
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Thenext arriving at the offices is male dwarf: short and wide, but definitely less chubby than the typical dwarf. Could it be the lack of armor? He only wears a leather armor, reinforced with iron studs; light weapons hand at his side. He´s wearing a lot of jewelery, however: several golden chains, large rings and a belt with a silver and gold buckle. As you enter, he looks at you for some more time than it´s considered polite before continuing walking and eating cheese.
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First Post
An unremarkable young man with dark hair and green eyes arrives, wearing the garb of one of Ricsten's irregular scouts. Nodding in greeting to the others as he enters, he removes a weathered wide-brimmed hat the same shade of brown as his short woolen cloak. The only weapon he carries is a curved kukri worn on his belt.

He quickly takes a seat toward the opposite end of the table as the others. After a moment, as an afterthought, he rises again momentarily to grab a not-quite-ripe pear before returning to his seat. As he bites into the fruit he pretends to study the surroundings so as not to appear nervous.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*A young gnome man enters, thumping down his plain wooden shield, morningstar, and helm as soon as he gets to a seat, and climbs into it with the long practice of one of the "little folk" in the big world. His eyes are a bright blue, and his hair is raven black, pulled back in a short topknot. His tanned face is lined with smile lines around his eyes and generous mouth.*

*He wears a set of banded mail, neither pristine nor battered, and has a sickle at his belt and a crossbow at the other side. What appears to be a gold nugget is hung around his neck from a leather thong. Clothes of a loud yellow peak out from underneath his armor and padding. With a bright grin, the gnome grabs a mug of ale, and some meat and cheese.*

"Greetings to you fine and illustrious crew! Zook Ningle is my name, but I also answer to Threetongues, Rascal, Shorty, and Wretched Flea-Bitten Gnome. A toast to our endevors, may they go down as smoothly as this ale!" the gnome declares, and clinks his mug with the others (or failing that, the air in front of them), then taking a large gulp.
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First Post
Manzanita Sparrow

Manzanita walks in briskly, and glances around for a familiar face. Finding Dunathor, she approaches him. She is tall for an elf, with the characteristic green eyes. Her hair is very blond, but her face is grim, with no smile lines in evidence. She wears a extremely well-made robe of light grey, a color more characteristic of Gorukan bandits than the forces of Shillen. Though she wears no armor, a fine long sword and a recurved bow cut a martial appearence on her trim figure.

She bends low to Dunathor's ear and whispers,
"Don't contradict me, or argue in front of the Warden. We'll talk about it more after we leave town."

Ignoring the food, she then crosses her arms, and stands guardedly against the wall.


Dunathar opens his mouth to reply, but stops before actually saying anything. A second later turns to face Manzanita again and makes the intent to speak, again stopping in his tracks. “Bah. We´ll see” says before continue walking again.


First Post
Warden Ricsten enters and surveys the room. He is middle-aged, well-built, and imposing. He commanded the battlefields around Carodan during the last invasion, and is said to be a capable, inspiring commander. By his side is the wizard Kestilin.

Ricsten sweeps his dark blue cape off, tossing it onto a nearby chair, and approaches the group, nodding at the various members.

"I'm glad you're all here. Have you introduced yourselves? Not really? Allow me to make the introductions then."

Turning to each person in turn, Ricsten says "Manzanita Sparrow, accomplished arcanist. Dunathar Without Name, skilled rogue. Zook "Threetongues" Ningle, cleric of Garl Glittergold. It may interest you to know, Manzanita, that Threetongues has some experience with the courts, though not as a professional lawyer such as yourself. Lucan of Shelor, an escaped gladiator from Goruka. And last but not least, Goven of Aldermark, borderlands ranger and a trusted guide and scout of Carodan. I am, of course, Warden Ricsten, commander of the garrison, and this is my aide, Kestilin."

"Manzanita and Dunathar are part of a team selected from the citizens of Shillen by House Dharnan, family of the former Duke of Rogan. Duke Dharnan, as you know, fell in battle during the last Gorukan invasion. House Dharnan no longer wields political power in the Duchy of Rogan. Rogan is now ruled by House Hulvan, as decreed by the Council of Five, the five great noble houses of Shillen."

"Representatives of House Dharnan tasked Manzanita and Dunathar to locate and explore the ancient ruins of Linace Keep, located deep in the borderlands between Shillen and Goruka. This was something they wanted done quickly and quietly, though they gave no reasons why. I am a long-time friend of House Dharnan, and served under the slain Duke. So when House Dharnan asked for my help, I gave it, and helped outfit and support the mission. Per the Dharnan's wishes, this was all done quietly."

"The mission did not make it to Linace Keep. On the way they encountered cultists of Hextor, and tracked them back to their lair. They infiltrated and managed to torch the entire lair, and returned loaded with captured armor and weapons. Their lair was clearly some sort of staging and supply base for the forces of Goruka. They also captured some journals of the head cultist. The journals were mostly mad ravings, but there was one item there which surprised me, and strengthened my resolve in supporting this mission. The forces of Goruka, led by their General Nazdin is also searching for Linace Keep."

"This is why I've brought you together. Manzanita and Dunathar are going to continue on with the mission, but they cannot do it alone. Zook, Lucan, and Goven, this is the mission I've selected you for. I want you to join with them, and find out whatever it is that needs to be found out at Linace Keep."

"Kestilin, I see the quartermaster has not come with the gear yet. Please see what is taking him."

Kestilin bows graciously to you and leaves the room.


First Post
Goven is not usually the first to speak, but his head is filled with questions at all these new revelations. Most pressing on his mind, "Pardon, my lord, but why send such a small group? I uderstand there was a need for secrecy, but now that we know our enemies also seek this place, why not send a larger force? If the need for haste is your concern, I am certain my company of scouts could move with sufficient speed through the wilds."

He quickly takes his seat again, aware of the others' eyes upon him and a bit self-conscious at having spoken out so quickly.


First Post

Manzanita will wait for the Warden to answer Groven before speaking.

"We were fortunate to encounter the Hextorites, I believe, for we have learned much of interest to Shillen. We also removed a potential thorn in your side. They were armed with catapolts, and were clearly no mere bandits, but preparing to take part in an attack on the city itself. I hope you are not disapointed with our progress. We understand that our true mission is to the Linace keep, however, and we will attempt to avoid further sidetracks this time."
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