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Steve Jackson Games d20 Magazine!


July 3, 2002: SJ Games Launches Online D20 Magazine - First Four Issues Free!

On July 3, just in time for Origins, the publisher of the award-winning Pyramid will launch another online zine . . . d20 Weekly.

d20 Weekly is the only professional online magazine for the d20 System. Edited by Dale Donovan (former editor of Dragon Magazine), with the help of Pyramid editor Steven Marsh and a staff of industry pros, this is the hobby's source for d20 news and reviews, advance material from lots of different publishers, "how-to" articles, and lots of characters, gadgets, magic items, and situations. Our industry news is updated immediately, whenever a d20-related story breaks, and new reviews and articles are posted every Wednesday.

The new zine will feature:

News – find out what's coming for d20.

Previews and Designer Articles – from the d20 publishers themselves!

Reviews – what's hot and what's not, and why!

Comics – a special edition of “Absurd Notions,” by Kevin Pease, with a new strip every week.

Articles and adventures – lots of features every gaming group can use.

Archives – every article and review from Issue 1 onward will remain online and searchable.

Community – discussion boards and a live chat area.

And best of all . . . playtest! Subscribers will get an advance look at upcoming d20 releases from top publishers . . . and will get to comment and help shape their final form!

The site is at www.d20weekly.com. A trial subscription, covering the first four issues, is FREE. After the July 24 issue, a subscription is $20 per year for 52 weekly issues – about 6 cents a day. The first issue will feature:

On Cities, Part One, by Matt Forbeck. How to create everything from a tiny village to a metropolis.

An Introduction to African Adventure, by Christopher W. Dolunt. The author of Atlas Games' upcoming Nyambe campaign setting book looks at the ways an African-based adventure differs from a classic scenario.

Alternate Views: Cairo by Gaslight, by Andrew Hind. A visit to a city of magic, ancient gods, and back-alley thuggery.

Review of Afrika Korpse (for Weird Wars), by Andrew Hind

Review of The Divine and the Defeated (for Scarred Lands), by Justin Mohareb

Review of Armies of the Abyss, by Joe G. Kushner

Review of The Shaman's Handbook, by Joe G. Kushner

Playtesting for the Munchkin Player's Handbook (SJ Games).

And coming very soon . . . playtesting for Eden Studios' Fields of Blood (The Book of War).

Hoody Hoo!

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