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the magical equivalent to the number zero

Kyran “Crash” Asherock
CN Human Ace Pilot Operative 1

[sblock=Basic info]Resolve: 5
Experience: 0
Initiative: +9 (+4 dex, +4 feat, +1 edge)
BAB: +0
Speed: 30 feet

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Stamina: 7
Maximum HP: 10
Current HP: 10
KAC: 16
EAC: 15

Fort: 1 = 0 base + 1 con
Reflex: 6 = 2 base + 4 dex
Will: 2 = 2 base + 0 wis
Skill Focus: Acrobatics (bonus class feat)
Skill Focus: Stealth (bonus class feat)
Skill Focus: Piloting (level 1 feat)
Improved Initiative (bonus racial feat)

Racial Abilities (human):
+2 to any ability (Dex)
Extra feat (Improved Initiative)
Extra skill point per level (Disguise)

Theme: Ace Pilot
Piloting is a class skill or +1 to Piloting checks. -5 DC to Culture checks regarding spaceships and famous pilots.

Class Abilities (Operative):
Proficiencies – Light armor, Basic melee weapons, Small arms, Sniper weapons
Operative’s Edge – Initiative checks and skill checks get +1 bonus
Specialization: Ghost – Free skill ranks in Acrobatics and Stealth, free Skill Focus in Acrobatics and Stealth, can use Stealth with +4 bonus to make Trick Attack
Trick Attack 1d4 – Move up to speed, then make Bluff, Intimidate or Stealth check (DC 20 + target’s CR) to add 1d4 damage to weapon attack.

+12 Acrobatics (1 rank, +3 class skill, +4 dex, +3 skill focus, +1 edge)
+1 Athletics (+1 edge)
+5 Bluff (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 edge)
+6 Computers (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 edge)
+6 Culture (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 edge)
+1 Diplomacy (+1 edge)
+5 Disguise (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 edge)
+6 Engineering (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 edge)
+1 Intimidate (+1 edge)
+5 Perception (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 edge)
+13 Piloting (1 rank, +3 class skill, +4 dex, +3 skill focus, +1 ace pilot, +1 edge)
+5 Sense Motive (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 edge)
+9 Sleight Of Hand (1 rank, +3 class skill, +4 dex, +1 edge)
+12 Stealth (1 rank, +3 class skill, +4 dex, +3 skill focus, +1 edge)
+5 Survival (1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 edge)

Languages: Common, Ysoki
Bulk: 2 (encumbered 6, overencumbered 11)
Combat Gear:
Azimuth Laser Pistol, +4 atk, 1d4 F, burn 1d4, 80', 20 charges, bulk L, 350
Survival Knife, +4 atk, 1d4 S, analog, operative, bulk L, 95
Second Skin, +1 EAC/+2 KAC, +5 max dex, 0 ACP, bulk L, 410

Other Gear:
Consumer Packpack, +1 Str for carrying, bulk 1
Everyday Clothing, bulk L
Hygiene Kit, bulk 1
Engineering Tool Kit, bulk L
Personal Comm Unit, 1 hand, capacity 80, 1/hour, bulk L

51 credits
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance and bio]
A human male of approximately 20 years of age, Crash seems like a typical youngster with fashionably unkempt black hair and sporting mirrored shades. A tight fitting suit of second skin armor can be seen peeking from underneath his sturdy dark flight suit, a common laser pistol hanging from his belt.

Crash was born as Kyran Asherock on Absalom Station, to a barmaid in a seedy tavern and a man who worked odd jobs on the docks, not all of them legal. They weren't rich, but Kyran was loved and his parents indulged him as much as they could.

When his father passed away in an accident related to one of the major crime organisations, however, his mother had to work extra hard to support them, even participating in less savory forms of service to the bar's patrons. During the long hours his mother was working, Kyran made friends in shady places, eventually discovering illegal races. A lot of these races involved stealing a vehicle, then getting it to a spot elsewhere on the Station quicker than any other drivers, and Kyran turned out to be a natural.

Crash, as his racing nickname became although he will not explain, started earning money with racing and criminal jobs on the side, bringing in enough money to support himself and his mother, although neither acknowledge the other's shady activities. [/sblock]



Elyea Tandela, Mystic

Age: 30

Elyea and her twin sister Eryn were born on Absalom Station. They were very close growing up. No one knows why only Elyea began developing psychic and magical abilities, but it did little to come between the two inseparable siblings.

With a natural mystical talent for healing, Elyea went to university on Castrovel to study medicine. Her sister remained on Absalom Station, but they kept in touch.

Shortly into Elyea’s medical residency, Eryn was murdered by a serial killer. It was a devastating blow to Elyea. The man was identified, but never caught, escaping the station and disappearing into the void.

Elyea returned to Absalom Station and got a position at a good hospital there. Her life was comfortable and normal, though her sister’s death still haunted her. She tried to keep up with the case, but it had gone cold.

And then a trauma victim arrived in Elyea’s unit. She struggled valiantly to save him...until she discovered it was the man that had murdered her sister. No one could prove she had nicked his artery on purpose -- at least not sufficiently to indict her for murder, but she was brought before a medical review board and her license was suspended, costing her job.

Still needing to help people, Elyea got a job as a medic on various starships that passed through Absalom station, eventually becoming a steady member of a slightly disreputable crew.
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First Post
Female Android Outlaw Mechanic 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Resolve: 4
Exp: 0

Str: 11 (+0) 1
Dex: 16 (+3) 3
Con: 12 (+1) 2
Int: 16 (+4) 4
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 08 (-1)

Stamina: 7
Hit Points: 10

KAC: 15
EAC: 14
Initiative: +3
BAB: +0
Speed: 30'

Fort: +3
Reflex: +5
Will: +2

B Skill Focus: Computer
1 Iron Will

Racial Abilities
+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Humanoid and Construct types
Constructed: +2 vs Mind Effecting, disease, poison, sleep, do not breathe
Exceptional Vision: Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision
Flat Affect: -2 Sense Motive, +2 DC to Sense Motive checks against me
Upgrade Slot (any one light armor upgrade)

Theme: Outlaw
1 - Sleight of Hand is a class skill, -5 DC to Culture checks re: criminal underworld

Class Abilities:
Proficiencies - Lgt and heavy Armor, Basic melee, grenades, small arms, longarms
Artificial Intelligence: Exocortex
- Combat Tracking: Adds armor/weap proficiencies, mv action to designate target; full lvl BAB vs desig target
- Memory Module: 1/day reroll failed skill check to recall knowledge, Skill Focus bonus feat
Bypass: +1 insight to Computers and Engineering
Custom Rig (Cybernetic implant in right arm)
- Computer and Engineering toolkit equivalent
- Mk 1 comm unit
Mechanic Tricks (DC 16)

Skills 7
Computers 1, +10
Culture 1, +4
Engineering 1, +8
Perception 1, +4
Physical Science 1, +7
Piloting 1, +7
Sleight of Hand 1, +7

Languages: Common, Aklo, Shirren, Vesk, Ysoki

Azimuth Laser Rifle, +3 atk, 1d8 F, 120', 20 charges, bulk 1, 425
Tactical pistol, +3 atk, 1d6 P, 30', 9 rounds, bulk L, 260

Second Skin (1), +1 EAC/+2 KAC, +5 max dex, 0 ACP, Bulk L, 250
- Upg

Industrial Backpack, 25, Bulk 1 (Str +2 to carrying capacity)
Shipsuit (Environmental clothing; +1 vs Radiation and +2 to Zero-G movement), 20
Planetsuit (Environmental Clothing; +2 vs Cold and hot temperatures), 20

Money 0!
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Male Kasatha Ace Pilot Technomancer 1
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Resolve: 4
Exp: 0


Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 12 (+1) 1
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 16 (+3) 8
Wis: 12 (+0)
Cha: 11 (+0) 1

Stamina: 5
Hit Points: 9

KAC: 13
EAC: 12
Initiative: +1
BAB: +0
Speed: 30'

Fort: +0
Reflex: +1
Will: +3

1 Skill Focus: Piloting

Racial Abilities
+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int
Humanoid and Kasatha types
Desert Stride: Move normal speed through non-magic desert/hills/mountain diff terrain
Four Armed: Hold four hands worth of weapons and equipment, but no extra attacks
Flat Affect: +2 Culture/Acrobatics/Athletics

Theme: Ace Pilot
1 - +1 Piloting, -5 DC to Culture checks re: starship and vehicle models, hotshot pilots

Class Abilities:
Proficiencies - Lgt Armor, Basic melee, small arms
Spell Cache: Tattoo
- Once per day cast any spell known
Technomancer Spells Per Day - 0-level At Will, 3 1st
Spells Known
- 0 Detect Magic, Energy Ray, Mending, Psychokinetic Hand
- 1 Magic Missile, Flight

Skills 7
Acrobatics 1, +4
Athletics 1, +4
Computers 1, +7
Engineering 1, +7
Mysticism 1, +5
Perception 1, +2
Piloting 1, +9

Languages: Common, Kasathan, Akitonian, Castrovelian, Shirren

Battle Staff, +1 atk, 1d4 B, Knockdown, Analog, Block, bulk 1, 80

Second Skin (1), +1 EAC/+2 KAC, +5 max dex, 0 ACP, Bulk L, 250
- Upg

Industrial Backpack, Bulk 1 (Str +2 to carrying capacity), 25
Shipsuit (Environmental clothing; +1 vs Radiation and +2 to Zero-G movement), Bulk L, 20
Planetsuit (Environmental Clothing; +2 vs Cold and hot temperatures), Bulk L, 20
Hygiene Kit, Bulk 1, 3
Personal Comm Unit, Bulk L, 7
Flashlight, Bulk L, 1
Medpatch, Bulk L, 50
Engineering Kit, Bulk L, 20
Hacking Kit, Bulk L, 20
Trapsmith's Tools, Bulk L 20

Computer, Bulk L
Tier 2, 250
Artifical Personality (Kala), 25
Miniaturization x 2, 50
Self-charging, 25
Alarm, 10

Total Bulk 4

Money 134

Voidrunner's Codex

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