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Star Wars Spoilers Thread [Spoilers]

So here's my review: 100% a Star Wars film which belongs with the original trilogy. It's a transitional film, but it does it well. The new generation is really good. I think the major death was kinda signposted a bit. You knew it was coming long before it happened. I felt worse for Chewie, but he, Rey, and BB8 make a great team. Is this the first Star Wars film where nobody gets their...

So here's my review: 100% a Star Wars film which belongs with the original trilogy.

It's a transitional film, but it does it well. The new generation is really good.

I think the major death was kinda signposted a bit. You knew it was coming long before it happened. I felt worse for Chewie, but he, Rey, and BB8 make a great team.

Is this the first Star Wars film where nobody gets their hand cut off?

Luke lives in Ireland, eh?

Question: WHY was there a map to Luke, and why was it split into two? I feel like I missed something. For that matter, why a map and not just some coordinates? Seems like a random puzzle set up for the sake of it.

Cor Azer

First Post
It made seemingly everyone in my theater laugh. So, maybe it worked as intended.

When I saw that scene, while I did obviously catch the reference to A New Hope, to me it also showed that Finn was a good guy because he wouldn't kill a captured enemy combatant. In combat? Kill away. But a captured one? Nope, not killing.

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Maybe Star Wars movies aren't your thing? I mean, that is their general theme, prequels included. If you're looking for something thematically different, might I suggest Star Trek?

Wait, that was JJ Abrams aswell. I take that back!

I love Star Wars, but I have to admit groaning when I saw the superweapon was a deathstar BIGGER!

I believe they could have done better, and that's not a reason to say "maybe star wars movies aren't your thing"

But overall I think the movie was fantastic. One thing that did bug me. Super killer octopus kills and rips multiple people to shred...but drags our hero across the ship for some reason. Glad it did...but odd...


First Post
Re: Grumpy RPG Reviews

I must have missed that, thanks for clarifying.

Then I think they should have ret-conned that. If the movie writers moved Finn & Hans & Chewy to the Resistance Base, then the movie writers needed to give them a reason to leave that base to continue the movie. Obviously the writers dug themselves a hole, because searching for "Mid-Life Crisis Luke" wasn't a big enough reason to move on. The writers wanted more X-Wing battles !!! More LightSabre battles !!! More Sneak Into Enemy Territory !!!

Instead of inventing the Star Destroyer, why didn't they just say "the First Order discovers the Resistance and attacks". Much more immersive in my opinion.

Hell, it could have been FYNN's ship-fleet that attacks the Resistance Base. You'd still get all the X-Wing battles, LightSabre battles, and Sneak OnBoard to save Rey. You'd still get all the character development and "Garbage Chute" jokes too. You'd get more "The Force Awakens in Rey & Fynn" and less "The Force Awak--- OhMyGodAGiantSpaceLaser!!!!!"

Maybe they thought it was too identical to episode VI.
Oh well, I still gave the movie 4/5 stars :)


Saw it on Sunday. Two days' later I finally got the reference to "Ben" Solo. Presumably, he's named after Ben Kenobi. I guess... Although Leia doesn't refer to Obi Wan as Ben. R2's message has her asking for "Obi Wan", and Leia never even really interacted with him, and Han only knew him as a crazy old man he took to the Death Star, who then died.


When I saw that scene, while I did obviously catch the reference to A New Hope, to me it also showed that Finn was a good guy because he wouldn't kill a captured enemy combatant. In combat? Kill away. But a captured one? Nope, not killing.

The reason I found it funny, aside from the callback, was that we'd just recently learned that Finn's job on Starkiller Base was sanitation, so of course he'd know exactly where the trash compactors were.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I think a much better ending would have been if Rey was losing the fight and the only thing that saved her was the ground separating the two of them.

It would make the Kylo Ren appear to be a more credible threat,
It would make Rey less of a Mary Sue character.
It would mean she could get some training from Luke in the next film, harking back to Empire.

I think that was one of the few wrong steps they took with this film.

100 percent disagree. Rey had a moment of force clarity, and otherwise would have died. She was saved by the force from a Kylo Ren who was already severely injured, and had just beaten Finn. Both Kylo Ren and Rey end the movie in desperate need. Ren of surgery, and Rey of training. Because without training, a second encounter with Ren would end the other way.

And the fact that they are both gone to train is perfect. This set of films isn't as singularly about the good guy force user main character, and that's a great thing. They made exactly the right choice.

The Resistance and the First Order explained.


Yeah, I didn't get any of that from the film.

The parts about the New Republic unofficially supporting the Resistance (which clearly establishes them as separate things) is explicitly stated in the film. That speech also clearly establishes that the First Order and New Republic are two separate "states".

IIRC, the scroll also sets some of it up pretty succinctly and clearly.

Given that most of that lore was set in the EU, which they're largely ignoring, yeah....

Much of working with a science fiction show is finding ways *around* the science errors and inconsistencies. It is not plausible that a person part of a galactic empire doesn't know what a parsec is, any more than it is not plausible that we don't know what a time zone is. So, fleecing the newbs really isn't an good explanation.

The better explanation is that the Kessel Run is a pretty twisty thing, and that Han's ship managed a more straight course. Being "fast" in hyperspace may be part outright speed, and part ability to steer closer to things that other ships have to avoid. Like the fastest cars in racing aren't only faster because of their engine, but because of their very precise handling.

Exactly. The Kessel Run is a hyperspace route, possibly through a fairly frequently shifting starscape, and so making the run in a much straighter line is the hyperspace equivalent of hugging turns so well that it literally requires both expert driving and knowledge of the track/car/how these things work, and a very, very well made car, with the kind of suspension that only comes custom.

In that context, what starts as a gaff, actually ends up making sense. Any galactic citizen with a halfway decent knowledge of ships and hyperspace and who has heard of the Kessel Run (which Han seems to assume they have) will know that if he isn't lying, he and the Falcon are impressive, and a good choice for getting somewhere fast while avoiding the Empire.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised in nav factors lead to parsecs being a normal measure of hyperspace efficiency. Crappy navcoms end up taking the long way round, because they can't account for the ever changing starscape of the galaxy well enough to go between rather than around two neighboring systems, thus taking multiple parsecs longer (in the space sense of long, rather than the time sense).

a navcom is taking star charts and known routes, and then using a lot of math to figure out where everything is now, based on where it was x amount of time ago and how fast things are moving, and then planning a safe route that doesn't collide you with a star. I'd say that shaving off distance is functionally the same thing as shaving off time.

As someone who has worked as a delivery driver for an auto supply chain, this makes perfect sense to me. Driving faster isn't always on the table, but you can shave time off the run by shaving distance off the route.

Anyway, someone refered to Rey as having "brushed off" Keylo Ren's mind search thing.
She...the scene spends multiple minutes showing her struggle against it, fail at first, then they strain against eachother, and she manages to scratch the surface of his thoughts, at which point he got angry and left to gain control of himself again.

Sorry, but that isn't "brushing off".

Does he? His battles include two with Vader, one on Jabba's skiff, and deflecting a few stormtrooper shots on Endor. Am I missing any lightsaber battles?

By my count he loses just one battle he uses it in - the one against Vader in Empire. And that guy's the Biggest Bad around, and he still knocks him down twice, and gets a couple of glancing blows in.

Nah, Luke's pretty darn good.

Seriously. In Empire, he has barely trained at all with the saber, and Vader is a literally war hero turned war...villain? whatever. who then has gone on to dedicate his whole existence to being the biggest baddest BBEG in town. And Luke still makes him work for it.

Rey barely survives a fight with a guy who wouldn't survive his wounds much longer without medical attention.

Rey is awesome as a character, but a mary sue? Nah.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
As problematic as the prequel trilogy was (what prequel trilogy), there was a deleted scene in Episode III that sort of answered the droid interpretation - there's a dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan while waiting for the lift in Grievous's warship, with Anakin throwing out Binary phrases (beeps, etc), asking for Obi-Wan's interpretation of the beeps. The scene finally answers the question, but since it didn't do much to drive the story, they likely cut it for that reason.
they cut a lot of the scenes that gave characters some amount of humanity and personality, sadly.

That scene and the one where they confront Greivous and then cut a hole in the floor are exactly what the prequels needed more of.

I also feel like, going back to the new movie, that a lot of people didn't listen to a lot of the dialogue. Like, the political situation is painted in broad strokes in the nazi speach, snoke calls Kylo Ren the Master of The Knights of Ren, or something very like that, etc.

I initially reacted to that poorly, wondering when she learned to fight with a lightsaber. But she was more competent in hand to hand combat, and does use a staff. Melee is her thing, opposed to Finn who was a blaster man. I totally buy her being a saber natural.

I just assumed that lightsabers were part of stormtrooper training. or at least vaguely similar weapons. I mean, the guy he fights outside the cantina temple thing seems to have a weapon designed to deal with lightsabers, and Finn immediately uses it like it isn't totally foreign, while Rey clearly knows melee combat, but is adjusting to a new weapon, and only manages to win because Kylo is literally near death and about to collapse.


It was completely derivative and did not have a original story thread whatsoever. Pure nostalgia pandering.

Still miles better than the prequels. Rey was good. BB-8 was good. Sandy Star Destroyer hulks were good.

Three and a half stars. Cautiously optimistic for future films, which might just dare to reintroduce a sliver of original storytelling and unexpectedness.

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