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Star Wars Spoilers Thread [Spoilers]

So here's my review: 100% a Star Wars film which belongs with the original trilogy. It's a transitional film, but it does it well. The new generation is really good. I think the major death was kinda signposted a bit. You knew it was coming long before it happened. I felt worse for Chewie, but he, Rey, and BB8 make a great team. Is this the first Star Wars film where nobody gets their...

So here's my review: 100% a Star Wars film which belongs with the original trilogy.

It's a transitional film, but it does it well. The new generation is really good.

I think the major death was kinda signposted a bit. You knew it was coming long before it happened. I felt worse for Chewie, but he, Rey, and BB8 make a great team.

Is this the first Star Wars film where nobody gets their hand cut off?

Luke lives in Ireland, eh?

Question: WHY was there a map to Luke, and why was it split into two? I feel like I missed something. For that matter, why a map and not just some coordinates? Seems like a random puzzle set up for the sake of it.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Question: WHY was there a map to Luke, and why was it split into two? I feel like I missed something.

So that if someone really needed him, it could be put together, but the casually curious wouldn't have the drive to find both bits?

For that matter, why a map and not just some coordinates?

This one we can answer - because hyperdrives don't go to coordinates. They follow paths - hyperspace lanes. It isn't enough to know where someone is, if you don't know the hyperspace lanes required to get there. Luke was reportedly going to find the first Jedi Temple, which would be on some out of the way world nobody's visiting any more, and the lanes might no longer be on the usual charts.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Absolution aside, I absolutely loved the movie.

It was great.

It came full circle in a way that cyclical sagas are supposed to do, and the prequels totally failed at, the characters were spot on, the dialogue was on the quippy side of natural, which beats the pants off the annoying somber stilted dialogue of the prequels, and I think rivals the originals. The effects were gorgeous, everything Lucas kept not quite achieving when he went back and prettied up the originals and more. Only a couple times were the special effects obviously computer generated, and it all just worked. I have some quibbles, but no moreso than with any of the originals, or any of my favorite movies in general.

Honestly, I think that if the next two are on the same level, when kids watch all the movies together with no nostalgia bias someday, the new ones will be viewed as the best of the franchise. It hasn't supplanted Jedi as my favorite, but that is largely due to nostalgia. Critically, I think it is a better movie.

I love all the unanswered questions, things that were left for us to piece together, etc. Like, you can tell that the Resistance is a separate thing from the Republic, and not officially sanctioned, which I guess matches up with info from the new books, but the movie just establishes that off screen, and then tells a story that takes it into account, so you have to be paying attention to get it, which is a hard thing to do well.

I feel like these new movies will inspire just as much head cannon speculation, roleplaying characters and adventures, and endless nerd discussions as the originals, and for me, that is the most exciting thing.

Random point about the map plot: I think the whole idea was that Luke left behind a way to find him, trusting in the Force to guide the right person at the right time. He may even have seen it in a vision.

quibbles: The Kylo Ren reveal could have waited, IMO. That quibble may well disappear with subsequent movies, though. We will see.

The old guy in the beginning seemed like a waste of a great actor. Hopefully he comes into play either later somehow, or gets used in offshoot movies down the line that tell us what happened before TFA.

If Phasma is dead, that's a terrible waste. Hopefully she isn't, and gets the focus she deserves in the next one, or the one after.

The destruction of an entire star system didn't hit as hard as it should have. 5 minutes worth of establishing an emotional connection to an otherwise inconsequential character on one of the planets would have done the trick. Have some info conveyed to Liea before the attack via a character that is then shown in the attack.

That's pretty much it.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The Kylo Ren reveal could have waited, IMO. That quibble may well disappear with subsequent movies, though. We will see.

Completely disagree. It could only ever be a weak version of the Empire reveal, with the added disadvantage that everyone suspected it anyway. Just getting it out of the way immediately solved that perfectly. Very well played.

Trying to make a mystery out of something that would be a weak-assed copy of a mystery would have ruined the film completely. They handled it the best way possible: state it upfront and move on.

The old guy in the beginning seemed like a waste of a great actor.

You can catch up with him in Flash Gordon and early Bond flicks. :)

The destruction of an entire star system didn't hit as hard as it should have.

Agreed. That didn't work. A combination of confusing physics/distances and brevity made that kinda feel like an aside. I felt nothing. The super weapon was the film's weakest point, and never had the resonance or threat of the Death Star. It was just a McGuffin, though. It wasn't the point of the film.
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm familiar with Sidow's other work. My point was that his part was a waste of Sidow's talents. Hopefully he will be used more in some capacity.

As for Ben/Ren, I get where you're coming from, but I think it didn't need to be something we expected before walking into the theater, and/or we didn't need so much of his story/journey shown so quickly, surprise or not.it felt like they were impatient to get him to a certain place, and it felt rushed.

Water Bob

Saw it tonight and LOVED IT. It's the Star Wars movie that I had hoped the prequels would be. I think it's as good as A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back, and, in a way, the film is almost a remake or reimagining of A New Hope.

My favorite thing about the films? It's something small. The weapons--the blasters--are portrayed like real weapons. Not once in the prequels did I think I was seeing real weapons being used. Those were comic-booky laser guns. Not in this film. The blasters--all types, from capital ship weapons to those used on fighters to hand weapons--are devastating weapons that fire plasma bolts with a real punch.

Even the lightsabers in this new film improve on the old. The lightsabers are deadly, amazing weapons that can do a ton of damage. They never felt more real than in this film.

Star Wars The Force Awakens is a damn good film. I can't wait for the next installments, and I want to see this one again.


Agreed. That didn't work. A combination of confusing physics/distances and brevity made that kinda feel like an aside. I felt nothing. The super weapon was the film's weakest point, and never had the resonance or threat of the Death Star. It was just a McGuffin, though. It wasn't the point of the film.

I mostly liked the movie, but also thought the super weapon was a weak point. It didn't fit very well in the decent character story happening in the other parts of the movie. And it looked a bit silly. And made no sense. Walls hundreds of miles high holding back magma at pressure ...



Mod Squad
Staff member
New question! How does Starkiller Base work?

Inefficiently. But, that's to be expected. It's designed by someone on the Dark Side. While destructive power is important, even more important is the showmanship - for generating fear. The Dark Side *loves* fear.

Is it able to move to another star system to drain a new sun? And if so, does it really need to shoot planets if it can drain stars?

Presumably, it can move. And yes, you want to still shoot from a distance. Notice that the thing was taken down by a bunch of fighters - not a single capitol ship in sight! If you bring it in-system to eat the star of your real target, well, it's pretty darned vulnerable.


Mod Squad
Staff member
From my personal moral standpoint, I agree 150%. But if Anakin is a glowy knight at the end of RotJ, then I guess screenwriter Lucas and the Force have a different perspective.

Here's a thought: The Force is not so much like D&D alignment, judging the moral character of what you've done over your whole life. The Force is about your internal emotional and psychological state. For most of his life, Anakin was given over to pain, fear, and anger. When he decided to save Luke, that wasn't about pain, anger, or fear any more. It was about love of his child, and compassion.

Also, Palpatine was the root cause of pretty much *all* the pain and suffering throughout the galaxy in the original trilogy, and another war in the prequels. Giving up on his own power and life to get rid of him is kind of a big deal.

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