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Spycraft new OOC thread

Game Control

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Re: Taking the Steam Train

Codename: GhostFox said:
All I wanted to do is make a useful contribution IC and OOC. I'm throwing out suggestions. Ghost COULD have gone on her own but I did not want her to be a lone ranger and alienate the rest of the team but making suggestions and hanging back to see where the team goes achieves the same effect.

Try coming up with plans that play to your strenght while also involving as many of your buddies as possible. Then try to sell your plans to them.

This goes for everyone, BTW. Always try to see how your buddies can enhance what you are doing. Spycraft classes are designed in such a way that they always have a Achille's heel. There are always crucial things that the can't do along.
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It seems that things are coming to a head sooner then expected. I was under the impression that we had a day to do some preliminary recon, then the following to take action. Hence why I was hoping on detaining our friend in Harare for 48 hours. But it seems we have been made.

I would agree, we seem have one person head off, hoping that others would follow and play the role that the first person thought of. It happened at the African Dream, and I did the same thing for MSF. We seem to go and see what happens, and not realy try to set objectives.

Each sceene should have a leader and clear objectives. Then once a leader is presented and objectives stated, the leader calls the shots for that sceene.

We live an learn.

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First Post
Re: Re: Taking the Steam Train

Game Control said:

Try coming up with plans that play to your strenght while also involving as many of your buddies as possible. Then try to sell your plans to them.

This goes for everyone, BTW.

I guess that includes me as well... well right not I think Ghost and them should head over to the MSF and try and sneak in and find out any cool stuff while Luddite and myself distract and play cards with Gournay... then tommorow... well if there is a tommorow... we nail N'gambe to the wall...
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Re: Re: Taking the Steam Train

Try coming up with plans that play to your strenght while also involving as many of your buddies as possible. Then try to sell your plans to them.

This goes for everyone, BTW.

Noted. I will shed my naivite since the players and the PCs aren't going to be broken in gently. ;)

Thanks for spreading the hurt, GC. But it seems like that the vitriol was being directed to GhostFox I just don't want to be scape goat IC or OOC for this impending SNAFU. :(

Aaaahhh... freck.. the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.
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Ghost is good at intrusions so this should be good... for now.. and maybe some back up in case things get rough... hence Kareem and Ken... and Luddite and Toki can do the face work... well Luddite can gather info while I beat the pants off of Gournay... I have a feeling N'gambe is going to come to us...
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Oh wait I'm not completely clueless... Next time I see an opporunity I'll have GhostFox go off on another thread... but I dont want to stretch the story over 3 or more concurrent threads.


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Well my hope was we would get a quick glance at the Labs. Then report to Ghost. Gournay and friends would come out for cards, ghost would go in and get more interesting info.

Lets see if we last that long.



First Post
Codename: GhostFox said:
Oh wait I'm not completely clueless... Next time I see an opporunity I'll have GhostFox go off on another thread... but I dont want to stretch the story over 3 or more concurrent threads.

Going to three or more threads is not as bad as it seems. Considering how fast things go here, It would seem easy enough to deal with three or more groups. But that is up to GC.


Let's hope the team lasts that long, Luddite.

What is the most entertaining part of a spy movie? Many possible answers, but a common one is: When the spies pull of an amazing plan and daring plan.

Aye - there's the rub. GC has awarded action points for cleverness, style and daring.

I'm sure the GC feels a bit frustrated as well that the team (or some of it's members anyhoo) are more reactive than

Upon more reflection I know, sure I have treaded the more cautious path (I can get into the maaany reasons why but I digress) and apparently that's not the way to go.

Carpe diem! Sieze opportunity by the throat and plant a dirty kick where it hurts!

Hopefully, by being daring and taking initiative the GC and the die roll gods don't leave us twisting in the wind.
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First Post
I say we press with the "plan" get more dirt on the MSF place via the cat-burglar skills of Ghost-Fox... while we entertain and allow Kareem and Ken to play backup... ready to make a diversion if need be... hmm any thoughts to just taking Gournay in... kidnapping him?
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