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Pathfinder 1E Spell to Protect Command Words


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For a campaign I'm putting together, I needed a way to ensure that low level magic couldn't overcome some critical elements, specifically, simply "murderhoboing" or stealing a particular item and then learning the command word via detect magic or something similar. The PCs need to be incentivized to approach the situation with a little more tact than this. I don't want this topic to go off the rails about how this forces the PCs onto rails. Besides, there are still lots of options as to how to go about this part of the campaign despite this, I just don't want the whole segment to be skipped because of a first level spell.

I couldn't find anything in the written rules to do this. As a GM, you can always just say "it doesn't work," and say you don't have to explain yourself, but that's often not well received. Anything an NPC can do, the PCs should be able to learn to do (hypothetically), as well as vice versa. In that spirit, I wrote my own spell to do what I needed, found in the spoiler below.

However, I have two requests of the forum if anyone is willing to help. If there is already something that will accomplish these goals that already exists that I have not been able to find, please point me in that direction. If not, please review my custom spell. One thing is, I have great trouble with brevity (as this post probably also indicates), and with custom rules, I try very hard to make it as "air tight" as I can so it doesn't have to be "errata'd" later. If you can evaluate and critique the spell for its effects, it's levels, classes, how it works, etc., that would be great, but also, any tips on how to convey the same rules in briefer wording would be appreciated.

Thank you for reading!

Edit: Moved "process note" edits to a spoiler... it was getting crowded in here.

Spell text:

Obscure Utilization
School abjuration; Level bard 6, cleric 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, F (an unsolved puzzle or a high quality lock, and crushed onyx worth half the standard price of the item (minimum 2,500 gp)), DF
Range touch
Target one touched object and one touched creature with Intelligence 3 or greater
Duration permanent
Saving Throw none or Will negates; see text Spell Resistance no

You obscure the way a single object or device, magical or mundane, is utilized. Only intelligent objects or an attended object possessed by an unwilling creature receive a saving throw.

When you cast this spell on the target object, you also target one creature to designate as being exempt from the negative aspects of the spell. The caster of the spell may remove this spell in a ritual taking 10 uninterrupted minutes if both the target object and creature are again present and the target creature is willing.

Any attempt to cast this spell on an item already possessed of an obscure utilization effect fails. However, if this item can be used in multiple distinct ways, this spell may be cast on the item once for each different distinct use. This applies to situations where a magic item has different command words, or a device has multiple, entirely distinct functions.

For the purposes of this spell, a double weapon, shield, or weapon with multiple damage types (merely to list some examples) does not count as having "different functions"--in such cases, the "function" in question would be "use as a weapon."; attacking, bracing or readying, blocking, or any use of the object as a weapon all count as "one type of use," in this case, as a weapon. Some valid examples for multiple uses would be a rope, in that it could be used to climb or to restrain, or a magical item with multiple command words for different effects.

Any attempt to use the object for its intended purpose as outlined below by anyone other than the target creature fails with no appreciable results.

The object may still be used to make an attack action as a melee or thrown weapon if this would otherwise be possible, but despite if the intended use of the object is as a weapon, it is then treated as an improvised weapon and its damage dice are reduced by one size category. These penalties cannot be reduced or removed by any means, including but not limited to, the Catch Off Guard feat, even if the item is normally intended to be a weapon. When used this way, only a single attack may be made, not iterative, and no feats or special attacks may be applied to it, such as, but not limited to, Vital Strike, Cleave, or Arcane Strike.

If the item is magical, its magical effects do not take place unless they are purely automatic, as in the case of a +1 enhancement bonus, a cursed item, or an item already and still activated. If the item requires a spell completion, spell trigger, or command word to use, it is impossible to use or discover these by any means, magical or mundane, even if directly observing the designated creature doing so or directly instructed. Using the item correctly "by accident" is also impossible and will never occur.

Any creature not attempting to use the object may find the failures of one trying to do so befuddling or worthy of ridicule, perhaps knowing how to use it while merely observing, but will be unable to communicate how to properly use the item when referencing that specific item even though they retain the ability to use other similar items, and too will still find themselves suddenly under the effects of this spell if they then attempt to use the item.

Magic such as detect magic can detect if the item is magic, but the same spell or similar magic such as identify cannot overcome any effects of this spell. This spell may removed by miracle or wish. The spell cannot be removed by dispel magic or remove curse, but if used successfully on both the effect on the object and the target creature in the same casting, greater dispel magic can. If the target creature or the caster is dead, the spell does not become dispelled. Instead, the means to remove the spell without dispelling as outlined above are now lost.


Process notes:
Edit: I realized an unintended possible abuse of this spell, and added a prohibitive gp cost to mitigate that.

Edit the second: Also realized you could still just kill the poor soul to get around it... fixed.

Edit the third: Cleaned up some stuff... sorry, always find more mistakes after sharing.

Edit the many: I also realized that this could be spammed to make an entire city unable to be used, every door, every fork, etc., since the cost of these items might be so low... this is not the intent, and despite that magic is meant to do wacky things, this is a bit ridiculous and is beyond what a level 4 spell should do, even in multiple castings. So, I made the cost have a minimum gp cost of the lowest value the cheapest permanency effect costs to make this still theoretically possible, but extremely prohibitive use.

Edit the very many: I changed the section about the designated creature being able to cancel the spell so that only the caster and the target (they might be different creatures) are present and willing. The whole point was to not allow low level magic to bypass things, and I realized that previously, this would be able to be done with enchantment magic quite easily. This way, if a powerful caster gave this effect as a boon, the party would have to deal with that creature to remove the effect, not the potentially lower-level recipient. This is much more in line with the intent.

Edit the are you serious: I changed the ability for dispel magic and remove curse to deal with this spell. These are actually too low level for the intent of the spell. Greater dispel magic still works, if both targets are dispelled in one casting. This seems much more appropriate for what I'm trying to accomplish. High level casters should still be able to overcome this, not an issue, just low level magic bypassing entire quest chains is what I want to eliminate. I never expected it to be this complicated...

Edit again: I changed the spell level to 6th. I realized that this spell was similar in power level to forbiddance, which is 6th level, and that in making it so that only greater dispel magic works on it, and that if the necessary parties are dead that wish level magic is now the only way to ever learn the secrets of the item, this is too powerful for a 4th level spell. I am fine with this spell being higher level, as long as it can theoretically be made use of by anyone in the game world provided they have the means, and that it foils low level spells simply "win buttoning" use of key magic items or obscure technologies.

Edit once again: I realized I didn't list that the creature needed to also be in touch range, and then it occurred to me that this could also be used on an animal or non-sentient creature as written, which is not the intent, so I added an Intelligence requirement for the target as well. I didn't make the spell simply [mind-affecting] because it isn't actually, it is an abjuration on the object, not strictly an enchantment on every other creature in the universe besides the exempted one trying to use it. The spell just requires that the exempted creature actually theoretically CAN use the object, or the spell fails to exempt them, and therefore fails entirely.
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Sorry but what is the problem?

That the heroes murderhobo their way to success?

Sorry, but you're playing the wrong game if "if it bleeds, you can kill it" is inappropriate to your story...

Sent from my C6603 using EN World mobile app


I'll be honest and didn't read the wall of text spell you posted.

Putting that aside, remember that Emulating a Class Feature is a DC 20; Emulating a race is a DC 25; and Emulating an alignment is a DC 30.

Imagine your players kill an officer of you BBEG and find a +2 Flaming Long sword. Sure they got the command word when they identified it, but in addition the sword checks to see if you are Chaotic (DC 30), Evil (DC 30), and an Elf (DC 25). That mean for each condition the person doesn't have, a Use Magic Device (UMD) check is needs to be rolled. Fail any one and the item doesn't activate.

For the general grunts, the conditions should be generic enough that any of them should be able to use it freely. As you equip the higher ranked minions and specialized squads, the more exclusive those checks should be.

Beyond what is already in the rules, you could create additional conditions the magic items checks for. The best one I can think of is each member of the BBEG's organization bears a cursed magical tattoo (hidden by a permanent Magic Aure) that allows those of higher ranks to bypass the Will save on spells like Scrying, Detect Thoughts, etc. Now the players can choose to either get the tattoo themselves and deal with all the risks that entails or add another check. I'd personally treat is like a class feature for a DC 20 UMD.

Other possible conditions the items could check for are the user' s sex, age, hair and/or eye color {DC 15};if there is fresh blood on item (min 1 damage to target or self for the blood) {DC 15}; in a certain area (specific castle/town, a particular mountain range or in the kingdom of _____) {DC 20}; worship a particular god {DC 25}.

Last but not least, from D&D 3.5's DMG 2 (pg 45 & 46) include the use to trapped weapons. Modify the trigger to activate once any of the checks fail when attempting to activate the magical weapon. Weapon falls apart, dealing no damage to intended target. In addition, spikes pop out where hands are normally placed to hold/use the weapon. [CR 2; mechanical device; touch trigger; repair reset; spikes (2d6 damage, Reflex DC 20 negates;) Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 3,000 gp]


First Post
Sorry but what is the problem?

That the heroes murderhobo their way to success?

Sorry, but you're playing the wrong game if "if it bleeds, you can kill it" is inappropriate to your story...

Sent from my C6603 using EN World mobile app

Perfectly fine if they do kill the BBEG, in fact, they probably ultimately would, but if they do so before figuring out how to use the item in question, the next leg of their campaign will be much harder. Without this particular item, which is not something they would have the means to reproduce given the other factors in the campaign setting, they will have to take the round about way to their next major stop, and that is a very unpleasant prospect. If they just steal the item or kill the guy before figuring out a way to remove the abjuration, then a level 1 spell completely removes all difficulty in obtaining this very precious commodity. They are free to kill him without going through this process, but there are intended consequences to this that I don't feel a level 1 spell is appropriate to circumvent.


First Post
I'll be honest and didn't read the wall of text spell you posted.

Putting that aside, remember that Emulating a Class Feature is a DC 20; Emulating a race is a DC 25; and Emulating an alignment is a DC 30.

Imagine your players kill an officer of you BBEG and find a +2 Flaming Long sword. Sure they got the command word when they identified it, but in addition the sword checks to see if you are Chaotic (DC 30), Evil (DC 30), and an Elf (DC 25). That mean for each condition the person doesn't have, a Use Magic Device (UMD) check is needs to be rolled. Fail any one and the item doesn't activate.

For the general grunts, the conditions should be generic enough that any of them should be able to use it freely. As you equip the higher ranked minions and specialized squads, the more exclusive those checks should be.

Beyond what is already in the rules, you could create additional conditions the magic items checks for. The best one I can think of is each member of the BBEG's organization bears a cursed magical tattoo (hidden by a permanent Magic Aure) that allows those of higher ranks to bypass the Will save on spells like Scrying, Detect Thoughts, etc. Now the players can choose to either get the tattoo themselves and deal with all the risks that entails or add another check. I'd personally treat is like a class feature for a DC 20 UMD.

Other possible conditions the items could check for are the user' s sex, age, hair and/or eye color {DC 15};if there is fresh blood on item (min 1 damage to target or self for the blood) {DC 15}; in a certain area (specific castle/town, a particular mountain range or in the kingdom of _____) {DC 20}; worship a particular god {DC 25}.

Last but not least, from D&D 3.5's DMG 2 (pg 45 & 46) include the use to trapped weapons. Modify the trigger to activate once any of the checks fail when attempting to activate the magical weapon. Weapon falls apart, dealing no damage to intended target. In addition, spikes pop out where hands are normally placed to hold/use the weapon. [CR 2; mechanical device; touch trigger; repair reset; spikes (2d6 damage, Reflex DC 20 negates;) Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 3,000 gp]

There are other spells in the core rulebook that have a significant amount of text. This is a level 6 spell after all. However, thank you for the other ideas. Something along the lines of the cursed tattoos is intriguing as it gives another avenue of risk and reward for the players to consider travelling down.


I find my players almost never use magic items they find, selling them to get the gear they actually need. So I rather want to encourage the PCs to use what they find. Then again, my players are very far from being murder hobos.

There is a spell that does something like this http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/aura-alteration/

Obscure Utilization works as written, but the cost should make it rare - you don't put a 2,500 gp lock on a magic item worth 1,000 gp. A somewhat cheaper spell that only conceals command words would seem a better solution in my book.


First Post
Thank you for the recommended spell and the feedback. I lost track of this thread because I was not happy with the results of the first attempt at it. I'm not sure if I'm missing where in aura alteration it conceals command words.

I still like the idea of concealing more than the command word, but making it apply to mundane objects too for various reasons. I still think the original spell was not much longer than some spells in the official materials, but it is longer than the average spell. Also, I think I was pushing it to 6th level because I needed it to be permanent, but instead I think it's better if it has some text describing it's properties when made permanent by a permanency spell, and given a 1 day duration normally, without a prohibitive cost.

Also, I admit, it wasn't just the length of the 1.0 version, but also the complexity... I was trying to manage too much in there, especially how the item might be used as a weapon, or giving text about how characters might role play regarding it... I changed some mechanics to be simpler... more severe in a way, but way more straightforward.

Edit: removed some stuff still leftover from version 1 regarding needing greater dispel or miracle/wish... this is pointless and out of balance since that was just to prevent low level casters from getting rid of the permanent effect, but now it needs a separate permanency effect anyway, so this makes more sense for the standard spell to be able to be dispelled by normal means.

So, here is my 2.0 version:

Obscure Utilization
School abjuration; Level bard 4, cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, F (an unsolved puzzle or a high quality lock), DF
Range touch
Target one touched object
Duration 1 day
Saving Throw none; see text Spell Resistance no

This spell prevents an item from being utilized by anyone but the caster.

This spell cannot be cast on an artifact or on a cursed item. The caster is immune to all other negative effects of this spell.

Any spell completion, spell trigger, or command word for this object is impossible to use or discover by any means, including detect magic or identify.

Attempting any action with the object other than simply picking up or carrying it is a standard action which results in dropping the item if possible, otherwise simply wasting time dumbfounded.

This spell can be made permanent with a permanency spell expending 2,500 gp worth of crushed diamond. To dispel permanency on this spell, the caster must be of a higher level than the caster level of caster of the permanency spell at the time of casting.

The spell may be voluntarily dispelled by the caster at any time, but this cannot be done if the spell has been made permanent until the permanency is first dispelled.

If the caster dies, the spell does not immediately end. Instead, the spell continues to apply to the item for the remaining duration of the spell (or permanently if the spell has been enhanced with permanency).
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If this is some special item the BBE has, you can always make that item an artifact. Artifacts can have a lot of quirky activation conditions. As it is, what you have done is added a sideq uest to find a caster level of high enough level to dispel this.

"Any spell completion, spell trigger, or command word for this object is impossible to use or discover by any means, including detect magic or identify."

This part should be limited to magical means. Otherwise, overhearing the owner using the command word would somehow not work. As the item cannot be used even if you do know the command word, it doesn't matter much. I think you can simply cut this part.

"If the caster dies, the spell does not immediately end. Instead, the spell continues to apply to the item for the remaining duration of the spell (or permanently if the spell has been enhanced with permanency). "

Unless you have house rules that make it work otherwise, this part is redundant; spells don't generally end when the caster dies. Can also be cut.

Finally, the way you've written this, it doesn't help if the players engage with the item, treating it as a mystery to overcome. No amount of investigation or scrying the past will let them use the item. It is down to a simple dispel check. Not much of a story hook.

Reading back on the OP it seem you want to force your players to barter with the owner of the item. For this to work, they have to be aware that the item is so protected.
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On a tangent, there is an item any spellcaster skilled in Use Magic Device can use to greatly increases their caster level: Strand of Prayer beads (karma). This increases the user's caster level by 4 for 10 minutes. It only works for a divine caster, this is where Use Magic Device comes in. I see it has also been made much more expensive than it was in earlier editions.

Strand of prayer beads.


First Post
Thank you very much for your interest in helping with this.

I added the clause about the caster dying to be very clear that the spell effect is on the item and not actually contingent on the caster even though it affects the caster differently... but hopefully that is clear without that paragraph because the target of the spell is the object only now, so I'll take it out.

Also, taking your advice about learning how to use the item being separate from being able to apply that knowledge in practice. The spell affects the item, not the rest of the universe, so allowing knowing how or learning how to use it makes sense, but restricting actually applying that knowledge.

As for how this fits into the campaign, I do want the PCs to interact with either the owner of this item or the higher level caster who gave him the boon of permanency, or both. I simply don't want it to be as easy as killing him or stealing the item. I know that sounds like railroading, but the item is simply too valuable to allow this to be an easy option. The PCs will be given ample opportunities in the campaign prior to this to learn that the item is extremely important, and that it is protected by this abjuration. I could handle it with an artifact I suppose, but I think this version of the spell bellow has finally got it. The spell can be compelled to be suppressed, but the PCs will need to keep this item around for weeks, so just enchanting the BBEG into letting them use it would not be a practical solution.

My hope is that the PCs are enticed to use diplomacy with the BBEG, and he's not really THAT Evil... just a BBNG really. So, making him an ally and having him use the item on their behalf is an option. Barring that, then yes, they would need to find a way to dispel the permanency if they choose to brute force it. Brute force is still an option, but it will require some additional leg work to find a way for a low level party to dispel a permanency then. I don't want to share the exact details of the campaign beyond how much I've already done so here, but I really don't think it would feel like railroading. If the PCs decide to ignore this item entirely, they can do that too... but it means a much longer and more dangerous next leg of the campaign for their travel plans.

In any case, here is the modified version now:

Obscure Utilization
School abjuration; Level bard 4, cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, F (an unsolved puzzle or a high quality lock), DF
Range touch
Target one touched object
Duration 1 day
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell prevents an item from being utilized by anyone but the caster.

This spell cannot be cast on an artifact or on cursed items. The caster is immune to all other negative effects of this spell.

Attempting any action, including activation or triggering of a magic effect, with the object other than simply picking up or carrying it is a standard action which results in dropping the item if possible, otherwise simply wasting time dumbfounded.

This spell can be made permanent with a permanency spell expending 2,500 gp worth of crushed diamond. To dispel permanency on this spell, the caster must be of a higher level than the caster level of caster of the permanency spell at the time of casting.

The caster may also choose to suppress the effects of this spell at any time, even if the spell is permanent, and restore the effects of the spell if currently suppressed. If the caster is compelled to suppress the effects through magical means, the effects resume immediately after the magic effect that compelled this action ends.
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