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Sorceror PrC: Opinions?


My major questions for this are:

1.) Are the required spell levels for the Globes, and Sphere Travel too high?

2.) Should the Alyssarhi get "+1 Level of Existing Class" at every level? Few levels that are already indicated?

My fervent and heartfelt thanks for your time and consideration!



The school of thought practiced today by sorcerors known as Alyssarhi was the brainchild of a young human only a few short years ago. It is said that this man eventually drove himself to insanity trying unlock the secrets of the multiverse through his formulas. No one today truly knows the fate of the man named Collin Alyssar. It is also said that a candle burning twice as brightly lasts only half as long. And Collin’s candle burned oh so brightly.

The Alyissarhi build their beliefs on a few simple but fundamental principles: 1.) Mathematics is the language of reality. 2.) Everything can be represented and understood through numbers. 3.) If you graph these numbers, three patterns emerge: Circles, Spirals, and ultimately, perfect Spheres. Therefore: There are spheres everywhere in the multiverse. Using a combination of these therories and honing the innate magics of the sorcerors themselves, Alyssarhi are capable of defying the laws of magics and expanding the use of their powers in infinite ways.

Hit Dice: d4

A deep understanding of the laws of reality requires a disciplined and focused mind, one that is experienced in the ways of shaping magic, altering the many variables of magic, and specializing particularly in one school’s laws and natures. Also, Alyssarhi masters will not train evil sorcerors who may warp the spheres for their own twisted ends.
Spells: Ability to cast 4th level spells spontaneously
Feats: Any 2 metamagic feats and Spell Focus: Any school
Skills: 10 ranks in Knowledge(Arcana) and Knowledge(The Planes). An Allysarhi is also required to place one additional skill point in any two knowledge skills in order to raise to the next prestige class level.
Alignment: Any non-chaotic and non-evil.

1st-------+0-----+0-----+0-----+2-----Scion of the Sphere---+1 Level of Existing Class
2nd------+1-----+0-----+0-----+3-----Impervious Globe---+1 Level of Existing Class
3rd------+1-----+1-----+1-----+3-----Potency Sphere +1
4th------+2-----+1-----+1-----+4-----Unravelling Globe---+1 Level of Existing Class
5th------+2-----+1-----+1-----+4-----Alyssarhi Master---+1 Level of Existing Class
6th------+3-----+2-----+2-----+5-----Potency Sphere +2---+1 Level of Existing Class
7th------+3-----+2-----+2-----+5-----Sphere Travel
8th------+4-----+2-----+2-----+6-----Vengeful Globe---+1 Level of Existing Class
9th------+4-----+3-----+3-----+6-----Potency Sphere +3---+1 Level of Existing Class
10th-----+5-----+3-----+3-----+7-----Alyssarhi Elder---+1 Level of Existing Class

Class Skills
The Aylissarhi’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills) (Int), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.

Class Features

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: Alyssarhi do not gain any new proficiencies in any weapons, shields, or armor. Their attacks and defenses are entirely based on their magics.

Spells Per Day: When a new Alyssarhi caster level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an Alyssarhi, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Scion of the Sphere: After intense study of the laws of magics and reality, Alyssarhi are capable of conjuring a small sphere approximately eight inches in diameter which hovers near them. The sphere is a physical manifestation of the variables changed by any metamagic feat the Alyssarhi knows. By casting a spell through the sphere, the variables of the spell are altered by the sphere itself and thus the caster does not have to change them as the spell is being cast. In game terms, the Alyssarhi is able to apply whichever metamagic feat he chose without paying the additional casting time. He must still use a higher level spell slot, however. Initially conjuring the sphere costs a number of spell levels equal to the metamagic feat’s level adjustment. Only one sphere can be mainatined at any given time. The sphere lasts for a number of rounds equal to Alyssarhi’s Charisma modifier or until dismissed (a free action).

Impervious Globe: Globes are identical to spheres except for their function and their size. A globe is a seven foot diameter sphere around the Alyssarhi. The Impervious Globe grants Damage Reduction 15/+5 against outside physical attacks. When conjuring this globe, the Alyssarhi pays 5 spell levels.

Potency Sphere: Spells cast through this sphere have enhanced power. Add the listed bonus to spell DC’s and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. Conjuring these spheres costs a number spell levels equal to twice the Potency value. Sphere potency stacks with Spell Power effects such as that granted by the Archmage prestige class.

Unravelling Globe: By unravelling magic passing through its walls, this globe grants those within it Spell Resistance equal to 20 plus the Alyssarhi’s prestige class level. This globe costs six spell levels to conjure.

Alyssarhi Master: Extensive knowledge of reality’s laws and expereience with the spheres allows the Alyssarhi Master to conjure and maintain two spheres and/or globes simultaneously.

Sphere Travel: The Alyssarhi’s grasp of the world around him allows him to jump short distances across the spheres instantly. This functions exactly as a Dimension Door spell and costs five spell levels to perform.

Vengeful Globe: After extensive practice with his Unravelling Globes, the Alyssarhi is able to shape incoming magics and possibly redirect them. Turning the spell requires opposed caster level checks. Spell Power, Spell Focus (when applicable), and Spell Penetration apply to this roll. If the Alyssarhi bests his opponent, the spell is redirected at whomever he pleases. Conjuring this globe costs seven spell levels.

Alyssarhi Elder: By now the Alyssarhi has achieved the highest level of mastery of both his own magics and how they apply to the nature of reality around him. He is able to effectively pool his entire magical supply and use it as he chooses. In game terms, he is now able to use lower level spell slots to power higher level spells. For example, if Collin wished to cast an 8th level Incendiary Cloud, he could choose to power it with 8 first level spells, 4 second level spells, 2 fourth level spells, or any other combination adding up to 8. This ability is also conferred when applying metamagic feats, as long as the total effective level is not higher than the highest level spell the Alyssarhi can cast.
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First Post
The Scion of the Glode and Alyissarhi elder abilities are far too powerful. There is no way, IMO, to balance either ability as they are written.

Scion of the globe removes all of the penalties for sorcerers using metamagic when compared to wizards at no cost (wizards have to pre-prepare spells with feats). Compare this to the spelldancer in Magic of Faerun (if you have that supplement) where they can only do something like that a limited number of times per day .... for them it takes time (even more) but doesn't raise the level of the spell however. On top of all that there is no cost to summon the globe in the first place.

The Alissarhi elder ability gives sorcerers the biggest advantage of the scion at no cost. Psion powers cost levelx2 +1 for this reason, and (although I've never calculated) I assume they get less points for using their powers than a sorcer can cast spell levels per day, as the cost of their flexibility.

Also, are you aware that knowledge: the planes (as well as all knowledge skills except knowledge: Arcana) is cross class for Sorcerers. So with a requirement of 10 ranks in that skill, they PrC will not be available until 17th level ((10-2) x2 +1) for a single class sorcerer.

Finally, although the flavor text is very well done, I think that if you read it again it just cries wizard rather than sorcerer. Wizards study, while Sorcerers do (for the most part). It would be a rare sorcerous school (well, they would all be rare, but stick with me on this one) that focused on mathmatical formula.


Lots of good points in that! Thanks for your input, Seraphael. Based on your comments, I have the following replies:

1.) The "Scion of the Sphere" ability is the foundation for the PrC. It does actually have a cost mentioned ("Initially conjuring the sphere costs a number of spell levels equal to the metamagic feat’s level adjustment") It is written as a spell-like ability, meaning that it will cost the Sorceror a standard action to conjure. Further, it has a limited duration, and will likely not apply to all the spells the sorceror will cast.. These spells "must still use a higher level spell slot". So all he really gains from it is the decreased casting time. I guess this wasn't clear in the description. I know there was a lot of info crammed into it.

2.) Very good call on the Knowledge:planes thing. That hadn't even occured to me. :/

3.) I had orginally thought to balance the "Alyssarhi Elder" ability with the "+1 Effective CL", (and by extension the whole class, since this was the final "uber" ability most PrC's get for 10th level), by effectively taking away enough spellcaster levels that the character would never cast 9th level spells. For the Sorceror, especially with the Elder ability, this would mean the loss of quite a few spell levels with which to pool from. So, going back to one of my original questions, I should probably back off a few of the "+1 Effecting CL".

4.) Finally, the orignal idea for the PrC was for a Sorceror trained by a Wizard and stooped in education. Through his extensive studies, he masters the inherant abilities within himself in the same way as a Psion. Is it powerful? Oh yes, very powerful. And only the most rigorous of mind, and pure of heart may be trained.

Thanks again for your thoughtful insights! Even more are very welcome.


First Post
It is intersting concept, but I agree it seems more wizard then sorcerer. I also expected to see knowledge Math prerequite. Why a knowledge Planes? This doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the planes? Perhaps you can require a skill focus : Knowledge to make the prerequites tougher. That will balance out the power of the class. The Elder power does seem to be a bit to much. Perhaps have the lower level spells total the spell being cast +2 or something like that. The scion of the sphere can be used as often while they last and can be summoned as many times per day as the person wants? You might want to limit it a bit. Maybe once a day per character level or something.


Ah yes, more good input!!

1.) Knowledge Planes was originally something I had because the of the concept of a sorceror who has studied the nature of the world around him so extensively. But, no, I hadn't ever thought of Knowledge: Mathematics and I should change that. Good idea!

2.) With the 3 feat prereq it's already got on it, I think the minimum ranks in those knowledge skills should fit the bill. Sorcerors only get 2 + INT at each level (same with this PrC), and will continually be required to spend 2 of those in a knowledge skill every level of the PrC as well.

3.) "Initially conjuring the sphere costs a number of spell levels equal to the metamagic feat’s level adjustment", so the "Scion of the Sphere" ability can be used as long as the Alyssarhi has spell levels to keep conjuring it. Also keep in mind that most high level encounters are decided merely by who wins initiative (or worse, who has surprise). So if the Alyssarhi wishes to spend one of those precious partial actions bringing up a Sphere of Sculpt Spell, it's just one less defensive spell or offensive spell he could have used to save himself from his opponent. Also, until 5th level of the PrC, he can only have 1 Sphere OR 1 Globe operating at any one time. At 5th, that only goes up to 2 at a time (1 sphere and 1 globe, or 2 spheres, or 2 globes)

4.) When I get home, I'll count up the number of spell levels a Sorceror with 18 CHA will have at 19th level (the earliest a character could reach 10th level of the PrC) and see if it's less than, greater than, or comparable to the number of powers per day a Psion could use at 19th level. (I'm a school right now so I don't have that with me.) Ideally, I hope it will be comparable to the Psion because that's the idea of the PrC.

Keep em coming! This is all very very useful and I hope will make this truly a PrC to remember!


Ok, got my handy dandy PHB and PsiHB here next to me and I've done the math. Here's how it turns out.

Note: I'm dropping one of the "+1 Effective CL" from the PrC. This limits the Alyssarhi to never being able to cast his own 9th level spells. (He loses 3 spellcaster levels with this PrC, maxing him out at 17th CL (10 sorceror + 7 effecive from Prc))

Method: The earliest a character could aquire the Alyssarhi Elder ability is 18th character level. He would have taken the PrC at 9th level, having met the prereqs to cast 4th level spells at 8th level. So taking 1st level of PrC at 9th, means he's 10th level PrC at 18th character level. Comparing the Alyssarhi Elder to an 18th level Psion, we find the following:

Total Pooled Sorceror Spell levels (18 CHA):
6+12+18+24+30+36+28+10(Bonus spell levels) = 154

Total Pooled Psion Power Points (18 primary score):
147+16(bonus PP's)= 163

Though the Psion could manifest 9th level power by this point, the Sorceror could only cast 7th, so we will compare the casting/manifesting using 7th level spells/powers.

Alyssarhi Elder:
7th level spell / 154 total spell levels = 22 7th level spell per day

7th level power / 163 power points = 12 7th level powers per day

So we see that the Alyssarhi absolutely annihilates the Psion. To take the example further, an identical comparison was made using 20th level characters casting/manifesting 8th level spells/powers (because this is the highest the level the Alyssarhi can cast):

Alyssarhi Elder:
8th level spell / 210 total spell levels = 26 8th level spells per day.

8th level power / 199 power points = 13 8th level powers per day.

Using the given data, I can hypothesize a simple solution:

One the Alyssarhi Elder has honed all of his casting abilities into a single, large spell pool, he must then pay twice the level of the spell he wishes to cast in spell levels in order to cast it. So a 7th level spell would cost him 14 spell levels to cast, and a 6th level spell would cost him 12 spell levels to cast and so forth. Using this rule, the classes balance much more readily:

18th level Alyssarhi Elder:
7th level spell (costing 14 spells levels) / 154 total spell levels = 11 7th level spells per day.

18th level Psion:
As above, can use 12 7th level powers per day.

And in the 20th level comparison, the comparison is even:

20th level Alyssarhi Elder:
8th level spell (costing 16 spell levels) / 210 total spell levels = 13 8th level spells per day.

20th level Psion:
As above, can manifest 13 8th level powers per day.

So the goal of making an "arcane psion" is reached, IMHO, while keeping with the balance of the two classes.


First Post
That looks like a workable solution ... I'm not convinced yet, but the "arcane psion" does have less flexibility as well (they cannot, as far as I recall, use a 5th level spell slot to cast a 2nd and 3rd level spell, while the psion more or less can). Hmmm .... I'm not sure what to say.

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