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[Shop] di Senzio's Magical Shop


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"It will be 5 gp to tells which items are magical. Another 5 gp to identify the potion and another 5 gp to decipher the scroll and 110gp for each item to identify the magical property. If you have pearls with you, I can use them and identify the items for 10 gp." tells Jemeny.

Eanos nods his agreement that the prices sound more than fair.

"The detect magic and scroll and potion identification will be on me." tells Rinaldo

"A gentleman as always, Rinaldo. I'm much obliged," Eanos thanks him.

A man appear in the doorway. He wears an dark brown robe. Eanos easily identify him as Hogarth, the priest of Gundar they have found under the volcano. "Someone spoke my name? Good day, sir Eanos." His common seems quite good now.

"Well met, Hogarth. Good to see you alive and well. And having picked up common so well."

Jemeny reverse the bottle before putting in back in position. He open it and taste the cap. "Blur spell." He tells as a fact. "Do you want me to identify the wand and the pipes?"

"I could offer 180 gp for that potion" tells Rinaldo

Then to Eanos he says, "Blur Potion?I like to would buy it from group bitta."

Eanos shrugs easily. "Seems we'll have more than enough to reduce your share by the 180 gold Rinaldo would offer, so it seems fair to me."

To the wizard, Eanos nods. He pulls a handful of platinum pieces from his haversack. "I know we can't use the wand, and magic pipes with an unknown magic just worry me. Let's identify them both."

[sblock=OOC]Prices all sound cool to me. :)

No pearls on us that I'm aware of. Eanos has the funds to cover the Identify spells, though it may be simpler math in the end to just deduct the price of the identify spells from what Rinaldo finally pays out for the items. I have no real preference, which is why I had Eanos pull out the coins.[/sblock]

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Knight Otu

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Another man, tall, with grey eyes and black hair, enters the shop as the identification is in progress with a bit of a sheepish look. "I'm late? Sorry, I wasn't sure of the time. Semabin ai Harudan, I'm with Eanos and Pendrake. he nods, addressing his last sentence at the shopkeepers.


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Oops, I was forgetting something here...[/SBLOCK]

"Thank you. But I must confess it is mainly because I remembered it from another life." He removed the helm which transform back into a flashy hat. Hogarth appearance change into an elven woman. She has a savage look with a muscular body and with some tattoo decorating her skin. The elven woman hands the hat to Rinaldo who put it on his head and the hat turn into something more sober.

"Thank you Hogarth."

Hogarth get bump by a young boy, which have in his hand the pipe. "Look what I found. I wonder if it play well." He take a deep breath and befoe Rinaldo is able to stop him, he starts to play some music with it. "Salavdor!" says angrily Rinaldo. He grabs the pipe and takes it from the boy, but the music continue to play. "Wait a second..." The kid starts to laugh while a young woman come out from the back store. "Ghost Sound" she simply say.

"Sir Eanos, I present you Salvador, my son. A little comic. And this is Opale, my cousin, an illusionist. Never trust her. Never trust an illusionist." tells Rinaldo.

"He is right, illusionist are as trustable as greedy merchant. Please to meet you." replies the young woman.

"And this is Semabin and Pendrake, his traveling companions."

"Welcome, travelers. Your friends travel in good looking company." she tells, staring a moment at Semabin. She take out the wand from her sleeve. "Jemeny told me that wand was good to delay poison. 15 uses left. And the pipe create a fear effect. Limited use per day, but the magic is restored every day. But you need to know to play that instrument."

"No need to use his magic to scare someone." replies Rinaldo. "I'll offer you 810 gp for the wand and 3600 gp for the pipe. Let's say I buy you everything except the potion for 5000 gp."

[SBLOCK=OOC]One potion: Blur, list price 300 GP / 180 GP
One well-sculpted trumpet with gem inlay: not magical, just very nice (200 GP / 125 GP)
One scroll: Divine, spells Snare; Command; Magic Circle Against Good -- 550 GP / 330 GP
Wand of Delay Poison (15 charges): 1350gp / 810 gp
Pipe of Haunting: 6000 GP / 3600 gp

Everything but the potion: 5000 gp (that's 135 gp over each item sold individualy).[/SBLOCK]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Und if Semabin ist goot fur me to buy potion, i buy potion from group. Semabin, ok wit you, Ja?"

((ooc)) if it is ok, then pendrake could buy the potion for 181 to make the number evenly divisable by 3, the the total of 5181 / 3 = 1727 gp per pc.
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Eanos, human monk

"Thank you. But I must confess it is mainly because I remembered it from another life." He removed the helm which transform back into a flashy hat. Hogarth appearance change into an elven woman. She has a savage look with a muscular body and with some tattoo decorating her skin. The elven woman hands the hat to Rinaldo who put it on his head and the hat turn into something more sober.

"Thank you Hogarth."

Eanos' eyes widen as Rinaldo's hat of disguise reveals Hogarth's new true form. He cocks his head to the side a moment, opens his mouth to speak, then closes it, simply smiling politely.

"Seems life's been quite eventful for you since we left the island," he says.

"Sir Eanos, I present you Salvador, my son. A little comic. And this is Opale, my cousin, an illusionist. Never trust her. Never trust an illusionist." tells Rinaldo.

"He is right, illusionist are as trustable as greedy merchant. Please to meet you." replies the young woman.

"An honor to meet you both," the monks says, bowing his head to both Opale and Salvador.

To Rinaldo he adds, "A lovely family. I can see why you miss them on the road."

"No need to use his magic to scare someone." replies Rinaldo. "I'll offer you 810 gp for the wand and 3600 gp for the pipe. Let's say I buy you everything except the potion for 5000 gp."

"An excellent bargain, Sir Rinaldo," Eanos says. He glances to the other two to make sure no one objects, then makes the exchange.

[sblock=OOC]I think the split technically has to be made 6 ways? Officially we got the loot with the three retiring characters, but that's something we can figure out outside the shop if need be, and doesn't really affect the transaction with Rinaldo.[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]5000 gp + 180gp (for the potion) - 220 gp (for identification) = 4960 gp.

Divide evenly between 6 person: 4960 gp / 6 = 826gp each and you have 4 gp left to give to the charity.[/SBLOCK]

Knight Otu

First Post
Semabin, not quite certain about the magics displayed in front of him, simply says "I'm not really good at instruments, I've had barely the occasion to exercise with the flute I won at the Tournament.", not quite realizing that the man in front of him organized said tournament. "I have no problems with you getting the potion, Pendrake, and 5000 gold does sound fair." he continues, failing to conceal that he doesn't have much experience with the value of magic items anyway. He also looks about whether any of the merchandise strikes his fancy, but doesn't find anything.


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"By the way, as I am here at the moment, I could find you any magical item you may seek. Name it, and I'll probably be able to find it at a price you couldn't get on the open market" tells Rinaldo.

[SBLOCK=OOC]If you want an item, I can buy it at 90% and sell it back to you at 95% of the market value. Not much, but still 250 gp could be saved on your 5000gp.[/SBLOCK]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"It sounds fair to me" Says pendrake, His accent not being too thick, but forced to sound that way.
To Hograth:
" I am having confusion, but with out goblin to make confusion. Hograth ist man's name, but you ...*Sigh* U Aare Elvin vrouw. Ik ben verward mush ..."
It is apperent that poor Pendrake is confused


First Post
"I must tell I haven't understood everything that happen during that trip, but essentially, I have been reincarnated into an elven woman. It is suppose to be the body of a previous." tells Hogarth.

"Ironically, we found him ready to die under that volcano and now he has at least a few century to live." adds Rinaldo.

Voidrunner's Codex

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