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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


Well, I've been busy as hell with job searching and wrapping up my dissertation (defending on the 18th - woohoo!), but I managed to make enough time to write up the climactic battle. Enjoy ...

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“Luna, become an elemental now—the largest you can be,” snaps Nameless, beginning to cast a spell. As the magic takes hold, he says, “I wish…”

Beside him, Gareth hurriedly casts a protective spell, the paladin’s shape transforming into a stone body, while Six activates the wand inside his metal arm, using a haste on all of the Guardian Angels. Korm calls on the abilities he has drawn in from the various aberrations he has fed on, a cloaker’s wings sprouting from his back even as his hide thickens like a delver and an athach’s poisonous fangs fill his mouth.

None of the changes are as impressive as Luna’s. The druid begins to grow, her body enlarging dramatically and turning into a stony form that stretches ten, twenty, thirty, forty and then fifty feet. Now she towers as high as the tallest of elder elementals, but then Nameless’ wish takes hold, allowing Luna to surpass even the tremendous potential implanted in her by Mordain the Fleshweaver. In seconds, the equivalent of a small hill, a full hundred feet tall and proportionately broad, towers over every combatant on the field, including the dragons. Only Mual-Tar is far larger, but the Chaos-Serpent remains motionless. Luna roars and smashes the huge boulders that pass for her fists onto the ground. “This … is … AWESOME!”

Even the daelkyr lord pauses at the sight, before swiftly sheathing himself in a series of magical protections. His forces do not, however, thousands of aberrations (and tens of thousands of them outside the city surrounding the ziggurat) flying, running, slithering and hopping forward towards the ziggurat.

Near the Angels, most of the befuddled trolls babble in confusion, but two raise their swords and prepare to attack. Luna promptly interposes herself, allowing their blows to bounce harmlessly off her rocky hide. Most of the dragons cast protective spells of their own, but Bhirali opens her mouth to breathe, her insanity causing her to see those near her as her foes. Just as she is about to, the huge gold dragon staggers, Essirise leaping on her and temporarily bearing her down. Bhirali snaps at his attacker and struggles mightily, but Essirise holds on for the moment, though clearly having difficulty. “Do something!” she calls out, “I can’t hold her!”

Gareth tries a break enchantment on Bhirali, but Antaratma’s enchantment is too powerful for the paladin, resisting even Nameless’ swift use of the same spell an instant later. The alienist instantly uses his mastery of destiny to catch the fading magic and alter the probability of its success, but to no avail*. The gold dragon roars in maddened rage, managing to roll Essirise over, pinning her down.

But then, just as hers jaws are about to close on the silver dragon’s now exposed neck, Korm’s hand slaps against Bhirali’s side. The Gatekeeper channels a heal, instantly ending the dragon’s madness. Bhirali blinks once and then hurriedly flings herself off Essirise, babbling apologies in draconic.

“No time for that,” says the relieved silver dragon as she rises. “Get the daelkyr!” she snaps quickly at the Guardian Angels. “We’ll buy you some time!”

“Yes!” growls the clearly embarrassed Bhirali. “Dragons, follow me—for Argonnessen!” She leaps into the air, followed by the other dragons.

Watching them go, Nameless glances at the still confused trolls and says quickly, “Luna, keep them off me for a moment.” The gigantic elemental nods, raising her gigantic fists, but before she strikes, Gareth completes a swift spell, casting a calm emotions that causes the trolls that were trying to attack the alienist to halt and lower their weapons.

“Oh,” says Luna, sounding disappointed, before looking at the daelkyr lord. With a pleased laugh, the giant elemental flows forward, to and up the ziggurat, once more raising her mountainous arms.

Behind her, Six wraps himself more closely in the shadows seeping from his harness. The warforged’s form enlarges dramatically, leaving him standing well over a dozen feet tall. He sweeps his proportionately large spiked chain in a huge arc, ensuring that none of the other trolls can threaten Nameless.

Seizing the opportunity, Nameless completes the modified version of a gate that he had prepared for this moment. Normally, it would not work within the Mournland, but the combination of the daelkyr’s ritual, Nameless’ own connection to this land and to Xoriat, and, most importantly, the subject that he is focusing on has the effect he hoped for. The giant gray hunk of the Madstone that the Angels had stowed away in the icy wastes far to the north of Khorvaire now reappears, embedded in the ground at Nameless’ side.

Antaratma, who had been preparing for Luna’s assault, blinks in first surprise and then rising fury. “You … dare?!” Invisibly and unnoticed by the others on the battlefield, the alienist feels his mind reach out and seize control of the warpstone—or try to, until a mental riposte from Nameless knocks it away**, momentarily claiming control of the warpstone for himself. “Tsk, tsk, Aunty! You know very well by now,” Nameless smiles, “There is very little that I don’t dare.”

As he speaks, the alienist hears a chorus of screams behind him. The dragons, flying parallel to each other, have reached the front row of the advancing aberrations and they breathe all at once. A three hundred foot wide swathe of fire, cold, acid and electricity strikes the creatures. The aberrations are aided by the fact that they are well spread out and gaining substantial cover from the various structures that make up the ring-shaped city around the ziggurat but, even so, the attack instantly kills scores and leaves others critically wounded. Only the combination of a natural resistance to mind-affecting effects and magical protections provided by their masters keeps most of the aberrations in the battle, but many dolgrims throw down their weapons and flee in abject terror.

However, the numbers are utterly against the dragons, and their foes have many weapons at their disposal. While the barrage of missiles which envelops them has little effect, the streams of acid, cones of coruscating sound and other strange attacks are more damaging, as are the magical attacks that dozens of enemy casters unleash. Despite their resistance to magic and other natural (and magical) protections, wounds appear on all of the dragons. The bronze dragon Vorelakun screams and falls out of the air, smoke leaking from the sockets where its eyes had been.

On the ziggurat, Antaratma snarls in frustration at Nameless’ action and then steps forward, his whip lashing out. It strikes Luna’s stony exterior, seeking to drain her life force, but her protective spells and new form protect her. However, there are certain things that she cannot protect herself against. Luna feels the sensation of an instant transformation, some of her natural vitality being changed into an increased agility*** that feels particularly odd in her giant shape.

Even more troublingly, the flying mind flayer members of the Seven—the generals of Antaratma’s forces—are now close enough to use their most powerful spells. Four horrid wiltings explode among the Angels. Even with all their protections, all of them are wounded. The comparatively unprotected trolls are far more badly hurt, only their tremendous vitality preventing any of them from dying instantly.

Ignoring his wounds, Nameless attempts to use the Warpstone to affect the ritual, but this time the swift mental contest goes to Antaratma, who parries the alienist’s mental attempt. The smile which begins to appear on the daelkyr’s face is wiped off an instant later, when Nameless casts a sphere of ultimate destruction, causing a featureless black globe to appear atop the ziggurat. The sphere strikes one of the four pillars and begins to disintegrate the material, incredibly hard though it is.

A moment later, one of Luna’s huge fists smashes into Antaratma. The wounded daelkyr snarls and again strikes the giant elemental, causing her to groan as he further reduces her vitality****.

“Help her, Gareth,” snaps Korm, casting a swift stone to mud spell on Gareth, which substantially heals the paladin’s not-stony form. “I’ll keep the mind flayers off you,” says the Gatekeeper, taking to the air. He charges one of the aberration generals, hacking into its side with the meteoric blade. Just as Korm had hoped, his target and many of the other aberrations in the area focus on him, causing him to smile grimly. For as long as I can.

Behind him, Gareth complies with the command, the angelic wings extending from his armor sending him soaring up the ziggurat’s steps. With a loud cry, the Endless Blade crashes down on the daelkyr, inflicting a deep wound. Even though it begins healing quickly, Antaratma staggers backwards at the impact.

Simultaneously, more horrid wiltings and other spells explode among the Angels clustered at the ziggurat, while Korm, slightly separated from his companions, finds himself defending against multiple magical and physical assaults, that leave the Gatekeeper badly wounded. Some of the trolls go down and so does another dragon, though her three compatriots continue battling on. Despite the tremendous power they can bring to bear, it is clear that the sheer volume and resources of the enemies will overwhelm the small group of attackers at any moment. Especially since most of the aberrations have not even managed to join the battle, particularly those whose teleportation into the area had been hindered by Nameless’ greater anticipate teleportation until now.

Or so it seems, until Six dramatically evens the odds. Figuring that there will never be a more opportune time, the warforged reaches into his backpack, produces the Gate Ring and activates it.

A tremendous wave of arcane power ripples from the artifact, palpable to even the most magically unaware of the combatants on the field. A golden point of light appears some five hundred feet from Six, which rapidly expands into a huge gate, a thousand feet in width, translucent in color and roughly shaped like the outline of a dragon with outspread wings. Smaller portals of a similar shape appear closer at hand, each only a hundred feet away, forming the corners of a square around the Angels and the ziggurat.

Through the giant magical portal one can dimly see the staging area for the troops waiting in Thrane, which promptly begin to pour through. At their head are three figures that the Angels immediately recognize—Cedric in the lead, followed by the Karrnathi bone knight Maddox Kaminaar to his left and their former companion Corven to his right. Behind them hurry hundreds of troops drawn from the Five Nations. For the first time since the beginning of the Last War over a century ago, the forces of Aundair, Breland, Karrnath and Thrane fight side by side against a common foe. Beside them stand goblinoid mercenaries from Darguun, soldiers of the Deneith Blademark, warriors from House Tharashk and Cannith artificers.

Four distinctive figures step through the four smaller gates. The largest of them all hefts her greataxe and looks around, licking her lips in anticipation. Diagonally across from Sora Maenya, a much smaller, robed figure also looks around, though her hood veils her face. Out of the Angels, only Six recognizes Madra Sil Sarin. The third figure is known to all the Angels, the scout Prine from Argonnessen, who smiles worriedly and hurriedly draws his twin blades. So too is the fourth, though he is not one they had expected to see. Tall and muscular, dressed in dark red plate armor and wielding a wickedly serrated blade, King Kaius III of Karrnath salutes the Angels and then lowers the front of his helm into place.

Having done its part, the magical ring in Six’s hand, crafted painstakingly by the most skilled of draconic arcanists in the depths of Argonnessen, crumbles away. So too does the giant gate, but as it breaks apart, some two dozen fragments from it break away to land elsewhere on the battlefield, where they continue to shimmer brightly.

The entire process takes only seconds and then the roar of voices and the clash of arms echoes across the battlefield. The newly arrived troops rip into the clearly stunned aberrations around them. Cedric shouts a command and begins to hack his way towards the ziggurat, the troops behind him following suit while trying to form a broad wedge. Maddox angles slightly away with another contingent, covering one flank, while Corven does the same on the other. Trying to clear a path, Corven triggers a wand, only to have the magic fizzle uselessly. Despite the situation, the artificer half-laughs as he swears and then shouts at the Angels, “You do this to me every time!”

Despite their initial shock, the aberrations quickly fight back, their numbers still substantially dwarfing the five hundred or so troops that the gate let through. The mind flayer generals shout commands to their troops, turning their attention away from the Angels and towards the newcomers. All except the one facing Korm, that is. While Sora Maenya, Kaius and Prine all attack the nearest foes, Madra Sil Sarin disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears in mid-air behind the flying illithid. Before it can even detect her presence, she stabs her short sword right into its skull and hangs on. The mind flayer struggles feebly, clawing at the air before it, but it seems unable to speak or cast any spells.

Antaratma screams in rage and then shouts, “Mual-Tar! Awake!” The Chaos Serpent, however, makes no movement and the only response is Nameless’ harsh laugh as he sends his sphere of ultimate destruction smashing into the same pillar.

The daelkyr glares at the alienist and, once more, engages mentally with him over the warpstone. As he does, however, Nameless completes casting a limited wish, using it to bolster his own intellect, and pushes off Antaratma’s mental grasp. With a swift effort, Nameless unleashes the warpstone’s aberrant power. The stream of silver light that had been calmly flowing up the ziggurat and to the four pillars intensifies in brightness, before swinging wildly like a cracked whip. It strikes a second pillar, causing a spiderweb of deep cracks to cover it.

“Luna—forget Antaratma! Get the pillars!” At Nameless’ command, the druid turns and hammers into the same pillar that the light hit, smashing chunks away and causing it to list to the side.

Antaratma leaps towards Luna, whip and claw raised, but Gareth swiftly interposes himself, hacking into the daelkyr again and again. Foiled, Antaratma strikes the paladin instead, failing to drain his life force but transforming away his vitality too.

Korm, having been given a moment by Madra’s attack, swiftly heals himself and charges an unsuspecting mind flayer nearby. The meteoric blade bites deep, but the illithid is still alive. As it desperately tries to cast a spell, the Gatekeeper fixes it with a stare. To his inordinate pleasure (and surprise), his gaze has its supernatural effect, causing the mind flayer’s eyes to close. It plummets to the ground below, instantly breaking its neck. “Yes!” shouts Korm, “Finally!”

Battle rages across this patch of the Mournland. The new arrivals are badly outnumbered, especially as the giant ring of incoming aberration forces reaches and bolsters those that were already present around the army of the Five Nations. They are, however, in a compact formation and were fully prepared for this moment, unlike their foes. Veterans of the Last War fire a withering hail of bolts into the approaching aberrations, each of them magically enhanced ahead of time by the artificers. A row of Brelish warforged raises tower shields in place, deflecting the bolts that dolgrims fire in return, before stepping aside to let a troop of Dhakaani hobgoblins charge through, spiked chains scything through the enemies. Aundairan mages and Cannith artificers launch fireballs and lightning bolts, leaving Karrn and Thranish heavy infantry to mow down the wounded. While many powerful aberrations threaten to break the soldiers’ lines, small elite groups—Tharashk half-orcs and Deneith Blademarks—combine to take them down. Maddox Kaminaar’s distinctive bone armor marks him as he engages an athach single-handed, while Corven marshals the lines on either side, keeping the formation intact as best he can.

Despite their efforts, the soldiers might have been swiftly overwhelmed, if not for the incredible feats being performed near them by some of the mightiest warriors present in Khorvaire today. The odd couple of Cedric and King Kaius stand back to back, reaping the foes that surround them, the rude quips and battered armor of one contrasting with the silent fury and gleaming red full-plate of the other. Prine leaps here and there, blades slicing through enemies and moving on almost before they fall. Madra Sil Sarin is invisible most of the time, only appearing to land a killing blow against one particularly powerful enemy after another. None of the new arrivals are as eye-catching, however, as Sora Maenya. The hag is in her element, roaring in fury and scything through all enemies within reach, a mound of corpses steadily growing around her. Only the three remaining dragons, now rampaging through the aberration ranks with fang and claw, arguably cause as much damage.

Most importantly for the Angels, the appearance of their allies dramatically diminishes the amount of foes they have to deal with. Two of the mind flayer generals are dead or dying, while the others are trying to form their troops into some sort of order to deal with the interlopers, so the only attackers that remain for the Angels to deal with are those few that have reached the ziggurat. These enemies are uncoordinated in their assault and, considering their opposition, very unlucky.

While Nameless continues his mental tussle with Antaratma over the warpstone, Six’s scything chain keeps enemies away, killing some and tumbling others off their feet for the remaining trolls to take down. Korm, having flown back to the others, hovers protectively over the arcanist, utilizing blade and spell to bring down anything which comes within reach. Atop the ziggurat, Gareth and Luna battle Antaratma, pausing every few seconds to take down some aberration that has made its way up there as well.

For some moments, the fight at the ziggurat is at a stalemate. Neither Nameless nor Antaratma succeed at taking full control of the warpstone, lightning-quick psychic attacks meeting instant ripostes. The sphere of ultimate destruction continues inflicting damage to the pillars, though the daelkyr lord manages to repair some of it with a wish from a ring on his hand, undoing much of what the magical creation and Luna have inflicted. Mual-Tar has not moved yet at Antaratma’s call, which would be reassuring if not for the fact that it indicates the ritual is still in progress.

Meanwhile, the glowing fragments of the vanished gate have been pulsing slowly where each fell, seemingly with no effect on the aberrations and Khorvairan warriors passing through them. Now, suddenly, each of them expands visibly. Simultaneously, each of the Angels feels an odd sensation in their mind, as various faces and names rise unbidden to the surface, some familiar to them and others of relative strangers that they have almost never thought of. The distracting sensation momentarily causes Nameless to falter in his psychic duel. Antaratma cries out in triumph and seizes control of the warpstone.

And then the glowing shards of the gate disappear, each leaving behind a figure in its place, one that the Guardian Angels had encountered at some point in the past. Morran Shasharaat, a Maruk Ghaash’kala warrior, looks around in evident surprise at a scene far from his homeland in the Labyrinth leading to the Demon Wastes, and then grabs at his sword, burying it in the head of an even more surprised dolgaunt. Near him Balan Cord, warden of the Blackened Book in Sharn, hurriedly draws a wand and activates it, before rising up into the air and shouting at the Angels, “What did you do this time?!”

Elsewhere, an unfortunate gnoll, one of the members of the tribe that had encountered the Angels while they were riding to meet Mordain, appears and dies in seconds, as does a goblin guard who had survived the Angels’ failed attack on the drug den. Some distance from them, Gareth’s former apprentice Bodo throws himself adroitly aside, dodging a pair of crossbow bolts. The missiles bury themselves to the fletching in the chest of the short figure that had appeared near Bodo. Thurian Davandi, better known to the Guardian Angels as Killian, looks down with a horrified expression and then collapses. From the top of the ziggurat, Luna roars, “Yes! We finally got that b*stard!”*****

Luna’s enthusiasm waxes even greater as she spots two very divergent figures on the battlefield. The smaller one, another gnome like Killian but far more flamboyantly dressed, adroitly parries a dolgrim’s swords with the thick book he is carrying. Kessler, Sharn’s most famous and controversial playwright and satirist, dances backwards, swiftly reciting a poem that causes his attacker to stop with a befuddled expression and then move to defend him instead. The other figure is more conventionally martial, his gleaming cutlass slicing through first the tentacles and then the throat of a dolgaunt. Luna waves her giant arms and shouts, “Look, it’s my gnome and my boyfriend! Yoohoo!” Prince Ryger ir’Wynarn of the Lhazaar Principalities, throws the giant elemental a faintly horrified glance. Then he focuses on attacking the foes around him, perhaps not coincidentally heading away from the ziggurat.

Across the battlefield, a slim, armored figure slashes her blade across the throats of two dolgrims and then cuts down an onrushing runehound with a swift blow. Behind her, a dolgaunt silently raises its tentacles, and then collapses silently. The elderly woman standing behind it drops the now crumpled tea-tray that she had been holding and then says quickly, “Young lady, I suggest you look behind you. Now can I borrow an extra weapon?” As the other woman quickly proffers a shortsword, both of them glance at the ziggurat and say simultaneously, “Gareth!” The paladin stares across the battlefield at his fiancée and grandmother, thinking that he had imagined this scene a little differently. He opens his mouth to shout a warning, when a ring of electricity incinerates the enemies around them. A third woman, inhuman eyes crackling with power, rises into the air. Titania, high lady of the eladrin, is on the field.

Closer to the ziggurat, a huge globe appears in midair, bobbing gently up and down. For all of a moment, before an errant missile strikes it, causing a loud roar to emanate from it, as well as volley of rays from the various stalks that leap up. Ek’aankh, the ancient beholder from Yarkuun Draal, is both awake and crotchety. A flying mind flayer drops out of the air as Ek’aankh’s antimagic gaze strikes it. Struggling to its feet, the illithid screams as an oddly shaped missile smashes its eye. The boy who threw it pulls another rolled newspaper from his shoulder bag and hurls it, hitting a dolgaunt behind the knee and bringing it down.

“See?” says Nameless, indicating the paper boy, “I knew there was a reason they can survive delivering papers in Sharn!” As he speaks, the alienist feels Antaratma’s mental grasp on the warpstone slip, the daelkyr lord again momentarily distracted by the new arrivals. Seizing the opportunity, Nameless psychically reaches out, smashing through his foe’s defense. “Now!”

Korm rockets up the stairs, ignoring a lashing tentacle, and hacks into Antaratma, driving him back. Six appears in a puff of smoke behind Antaratma, chain wrapping around the daelkyr lord’s leg and pulling, just as Gareth smashes the Endless Blade down on his head. Incredible defenses or not, Antaratma tumbles to the ground.

Unseen tendrils of aberrant power leap out from the warpstone, but this time Nameless turns them inward, a mighty mental effort redirecting the energy to act upon its own source. The giant chunk of warpstone rises into the air and then soars upwards. “Luna!” the alienist shouts, “Use this!”

Simultaneously, Nameless directs the sphere of ultimate destruction to strike the same pillar that he has been targeting, causing part of it to disappear and the entire column to list sideways. Before the structure can recover or Antaratma intervene, two misshapen hunks of rock close on the flying warpstone. Wielding it like a gigantic club, Luna smashes it with all her titanic might into the damaged pillar. With a tremendous crack, the pillar snaps off at its base.

The daelkyr lord’s scream and the sounds of the battle are drowned out at the tremendous explosion that follows. The broken pillar vaporizes before it can hit the ground, each of the others disintegrating similarly. The warpstone similarly melts away. Streams of silver energy shoot in various directions like lightning, most of them rising vertically into the air to strike the slowly-expanding tear between Eberron and Xoriat which was hanging above the ziggurat. The rip in the planar fabric twists and jerks like a living thing and then drops, enveloping the ziggurat.

To the Guardian Angels, it is as if the landscape around them (and the creatures it contains) suddenly shoots out and away from them, retreating swiftly and becoming dimly translucent as it recedes, till they are floating in the middle of a mile of open space. Surrounding them is the scene within which they stood moments ago, but overlaying it is a nauseating, mind-bending vista of colors and layers that is unsettlingly familiar, especially to one of them.

“Is this …,” begins Korm, flying back towards Nameless, sword raised warily as he sees Antaratma floating to his feet. Incredible rage is writ large across the daelkyr lord’s face, but of greater concern is the slow movement of the gigantic shape behind him, Mual-Tar slowly uncoiling itself from the ziggurat that hangs in the center of the dark sphere within which the group is.

“Yes,” rasps Nameless, “This is Xoriat.” Then, as realization dawns, the alienist adds, “The heart of Xoriat, to be precise, the kuch-naa … the ultimate nothingness!”

* Rolled a 3 on the opposed caster level check and then used a Fatespinner ability to reroll and get an 8.

** From this point on, Nameless and the daelkyr were making opposed Intelligence checks as a free action each round to control and use the warpstone for a round.

*** Antaratma can shift some of an enemy’s physical ability scores from one to another. In this case, he lowered her Con by 7 and raised her Dex by 7.

**** Luna was down 14 Con by this point.

***** Even if they had to use an aberration army from Xoriat to do it!

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First Post
Across the battlefield, a slim, armored figure slashes her blade across the throats of two dolgrims and then cuts down an onrushing runehound with a swift blow. Behind her, a dolgaunt silently raises its tentacles, and then collapses silently. The elderly woman standing behind it drops the now crumpled tea-tray that she had been holding and then says quickly, “Young lady, I suggest you look behind you. Now can I borrow an extra weapon?” As the other woman quickly proffers a shortsword, both of them glance at the ziggurat and say simultaneously, “Gareth!” The paladin stares across the battlefield at his fiancée and grandmother, thinking that he had imagined this scene a little differently. He opens his mouth to shout a warning, when a ring of electricity incinerates the enemies around them. A third woman, inhuman eyes crackling with power, rises into the air. Titania, high lady of the eladrin, is on the field.

I recall, when this happened, I was like "aww man, don't kill grand mom and my fiancee'"


LOL - that sounds like an awesome session, complete with the Unexpected Shilsen twists :)

Can't imagine running a combat that huge - the mind boggles!

Mister Shilsen, all the very best of luck with your dissertation defense. What was it all about again? Something appropriately erudite IIRC... :)


LOL - that sounds like an awesome session, complete with the Unexpected Shilsen twists :)

Well, it was one of my last opportunities to work them in for this campaign, so I had to make it a doozy! Plus one of the recurring themes in my game(s) is that the ways in which PCs interact with the world, and especially people, around them makes a big difference to their eventual success. This was as emphatic an illustration of that principle as I could pull off.

Can't imagine running a combat that huge - the mind boggles!

The only part of it that I had to run at the table was the actions of the Angels, the trolls, Antaratma and some of the more powerful aberrations that attacked them. The rest of it was a combination of flavor and/or things I'd rolled out beforehand, so it wasn't too much extra (which is a good thing, since the amount of stuff the PCs were throwing out, esp. with the warpstone in play, was quite enough for me).

Mister Shilsen, all the very best of luck with your dissertation defense. What was it all about again? Something appropriately erudite IIRC... :)

Thanks. Hopefully I shouldn't have any real trouble with the defense, but I'll have to wait and see. My area is Renaissance drama and I'm studying the use of metatheater during the period, examining (1) the way it derives from the context in which Renaissance drama arose and functioned and (2) its influence on the stage-audience relationship.


Finally--here's the next update. Apologies for the insane amount of delays and thanks to anyone who's still reading...

* * * * * * * * * *

Nameless’ words, as usual, mean far more than the other Guardian Angels understand, and he realizes what they do not. Though they can see some of the endless layers of Xoriat around them, strangely overlapping the hazy sight of the battling armies within the Mournland, the alienist realizes that this area is separated from all that surrounds it. The other layers of Xoriat do not impinge on this area, though they flow all around it. There is nothing here. Absolutely nothing. Nameless and his companions are in a place which exists (and the word seems wildly out of place here), or was supposed to, only in the fevered dreams of the greatest alienists. This is the heart of Xoriat, where all of creation achieves perfection by becoming utter nothingness. This is a spot where even the denizens of the Plane of Madness—however powerful they might be—do not, or cannot, come. It is anathema to all that uneducated minds hold to as reality. The best analogue to it, Nameless thinks, in the limited parlance of mortal language, might be to call it a gigantic sphere of annihilation. Which may explain why, an instant later, what remains of the ziggurat crumbles away, leaving only the Guardian Angels, Antaratma and Mual-Tar, floating in the perfection of utter emptiness.

For a split second, Nameless is uncertain how and why they are able to exist here, but the answer comes swiftly to him. The Angels and their two foes are glowing brightly with silver light, long ropes of which connect all seven of them. Each individual present is currently suffused with the soul energy of thousands of living creatures. No, the alienist quickly realizes, tens or hundreds of thousands, if not millions. The soul energy of not only all who died on the Day of Mourning but most of the power that once flowed in the Silver Flame, and who knows what other sources that Antaratma had harvested to begin his ritual. That combined energy now fills the Angels, Antaratma and Mual-Tar, warding them from the deleterious effects of the place that they are in. The silver light flows between each of the seven, linking them all in a bond which Nameless realizes is currently indissoluble.

While the other Angels do not realize all that Nameless does, the one thing that they similarly notice is the sensation of power. At various points, they have all been empowered by conventional spells and supernatural boons, by the modifications of Mordain and by the blessing of the Silver Flame. This feeling, while similar, occurs at a completely different level. Energy drawn from the lives of who knows how many creatures fills them, far too much to retain safely within them, crying out to be released and relinquished. At this moment, each of the Angels realizes, they are suffused with more power than they have ever possessed—the energy to destroy and the ability to create, simply by willing things into or out of existence. This must be what it feels like to be a god.

The power suffusing the Angels and their enemies also has some additional manifestations. The most obvious one appears to be the translucent ‘window’ onto the Mournland which surrounds them. Multiple tiny tendrils of the silvery light extend through the borders of the kuch-naa and out to the ‘window’, keeping the Angels still connected, if in the most tenuous manner, to the world that they have so recently left. Gesturing at it, Luna asks, “Can we get out of this place?” Nameless gestures at the vista and says, “I think so, using the soul energy. But first ….” He jerks his head, as Antaratma and Mual-Tar both begin to move, and then hurriedly says, “Now we do this as we planned—as a team.”

Six, as usual the quickest to act, thinks of using his wand. What is not usual, however, is the next occurrence. As soon as the warforged conceives of the action, the silver energy surrounding him pulses, a tiny fragment of it dissipating while all of the Angels are promptly hasted. Not only does Six’s wand remain unused, but the action occurs instantaneously, far quicker than using the magic item is.

Availing of the opportunity, Six swiftly readies his spiked chain to attack, while saying, “That was not the wand. I think the silver light let me do it … by thinking of it.” If any more confirmation was needed of the Angels’ changed circumstances, even before he completes the words, his companions hear them inside their heads.

“So the energy lets us do … whatever we wish to?” asks Korm, the question again communicated instantly to his companions.

“Probably not anything we could wish,” replies Nameless cautiously. “Try drawing on it as Six did, to replicate spells we know of. And then we can try more.”

“Good! Anything which lets me blow those two up,” says Luna, the mental communication occurring in the druid’s characteristic growl, “and go home works for me! I’ve had it with them!”

“Me too!” agrees Gareth. The paladin concentrates on the energy around him, trying to replicate an enervation effect. As with Six, there is a pulse, but—whether due to Gareth’s connection to the Silver Flame or through pure happenstance—this time it is dramatically stronger. What shoots from the paladin’s outstretched gauntlet is not only a spell that would normally be beyond his capabilities but one functioning at a level beyond what even Nameless could have achieved on Khorvaire.

The empowered energy drain shoots forward, seemingly covering far more distance than it normally should, and strikes Antaratma squarely. Unfortunately, this is to no avail, since the daelkyr lord is immune to such effects, as the smile on his face indicates.

Antaratma’s expression changes rapidly as the paladin switches tack. More than the others, Gareth feels a strong connection to the energy surrounding them, sensing it dramatically enhancing the abilities which the Silver Flame had granted him. Now he calls on one of these, a rarely used skill provided via his training as an exorcist. On Khorvaire, the paladin’s action would have been intended to purge the souls from a possessed individual. Here, with Gareth brimming over with the power of the Flame, it has a dramatically different effect. Streams of silver light fountain out from Antaratma’s body and the daelkyr lord convulses in agony.

“Nice one, Gareth!” shouts Luna, transforming into a giant elemental as she speaks, the action far swifter than it has ever been for her. The druid raises a flaming arm, causing a maximized polar ray—its crackling cold contrasting oddly with the fiery limb it emanates from—to shoot out. The ray successfully strikes Antaratma, further wounding and freezing the daelkyr lord, thanks to the diminishment of his normal resistances by Gareth’s timely attack. Emitting a triumphant chuckle, the druid swiftly follows with a greater dispel magic that suppresses the daelkyr lord’s ring of three wishes.

“My turn!” Seeing the cloud of silver motes that left Antaratma’s body still floating nearby, Korm attempts something different, trying to suck them in. Comprehending and clearly concerned at the possibility, the wounded daelkyr lord hurriedly ripostes mentally. A tentacle of silver light shoots from each of them at the cloud, meeting and slashing violently. After an instant of abortive struggle, the Gatekeeper growls his disappointment and gives up. Instead, hefting his meteoric blade, he shoots forward.

Korm is only trying to get closer to Antaratma, since the daelkyr lord appears to be a couple hundred feet away from him, but as he moves what seems to be a dozen feet from his position, he disappears—and reappears instantly next to his target. Not bothering to question the situation, the Gatekeeper shouts an inarticulate battle-cry and brings the sword down. Still suffering from reduced defenses thanks to Gareth’s attack, Antaratma shrieks in agony, his entire torso laid open. Where bones and organs would be visible on a human being, the Angels see only malformed lumps of purplish-green flesh, from which more silver motes stream.

Unfortunately, the wounded daelkyr lord is not the only enemy present. While he staggers and attempts to mount a defense, there is a tremendous roar. Mual-Tar rushes forward. Like Korm, the Chaos Serpent initially appears to be far from its targets, but it is instantly on top of the Guardian Angels. Not even bothering to use its giant maw, Mual-Tar simply smashes through the Angels, bowling them out of its way. On Khorvaire, the impact would have left most of them crippled. Here, they are mostly just badly bruised.

More troubling is the time it gives Antaratma, who promptly uses the soul-energy to activate a mass heal on himself, closing most—though not all—of his wounds. Rejuvenated, he follows with a chained dispel magic attempting to strip their protections from the Angels. Nameless’ greater counterspelling ring flares to life immediately, the alienist hurriedly feeding in additional soul-energy to enable it to absorb the spell. With a frustrated snarl, Antaratma locks eyes with Nameless, ignoring the smack of Six’s chain, which appears to have shot out two hundred feet before it strikes him. The alienist feels an incredible pressure on his body*, attempting to crush and morph him into a helpless form, but—after a tremendous effort—he fights off the attack.

As Antaratma floats backwards, preparing for another attack, Korm too recoils, once more disappearing and reappearing closer to his allies. “What’s with the weird distance thing?” he asks, readying his sword.

“Distance doesn’t actually exist here,” says Nameless, before smiling slyly. “Nor time, for that matter.” Seemingly without moving or taking any action, the alienist is suddenly right beside Antaratma. Something flickers in the darkness and time simply stops for everyone besides the two of them, making the other Angels and Mual-Tar appear to be frozen in place. “My friend...,” Nameless begins, before cocking his head to one side and pausing for a moment. “Actually, you are in a real sense, my oldest friend. You were there when I was ‘born’ and at least a fragment of you will be there when I die.”

“And this,” Nameless looks around, an oddly beatific smile on his face, “this is beyond ... words, beyond what even one such as I could imagine or comprehend. Xoriat ... is even more glorious than my experience could ever have prepared me for and I see now that you can offer this to me in ways I can only dimly comprehend. So, finally, I’m willing to throw in with you and lend my strength to you against my ‘compatriots’.” The alienist sneers, glancing at the other Angels.

“But there is one thing, just one thing that I need from you first.” Suddenly, from nowhere, Nameless whips out a sheet of paper on a board with a stylus. “I need you to fill out this survey.”

Antaratma has dealt with the Angels multiple times, facing their inherent chaos, which has sometimes baffled even such an incomprehensible entity as a daelkyr lord, but he has steadily grown more prepared for their odd actions. However, this non-sequitur is too much for even him. A look of stunned incomprehension flashes across the perfect features. Reflexively, almost of its own volition, his hand reaches out for the survey.

And then, just as his fingers close, there is something else in Nameless’ grasp, the alienist having moved so quickly that it isn’t even a motion.** Antaratma’s hand closes on an enormous gem, one lovingly and oh-so-carefully prepared by Nameless during long nights in Khorvaire .... with the dweomer trap the soul.

A look of belated realization appears on Antaratma’s visage and he opens his mouth, but before he can speak a word, his form turns misty and is sucked into the gem.

“YES!” Nameless holds aloft the gem and shouts loudly, “I alone have done that which was last done millennia ago, requiring all of the Gatekeepers combined! I have bound a DAELKYR LORD!” The alienist peers into the gem, as if he might be able to see the prisoner within. “What do you think of that … Auntie?”

The space around him shimmers again, the incredible power which had temporarily frozen time now ending.

Which is instantly accompanied by a loud splitting sound.

Nameless glares at the crack which runs across the gem in his hand, the powerful magical enhancements which lace it providing little protection as the deleterious influence of the kuch-naa now reasserts itself. A faint mist begins to seep out of the crack.

“Ah, bugger!”

With time reasserting itself, Mual-Tar once more flows inexorably forward. Attempting to slow it, Six disappears and reappears, over and over, so quickly that it seems there are half a dozen warforged present, circling and slashing at the moving Worm with his chain. An instant later, Luna unleashes a meteor swarm. The fiery explosions smash into the onrushing behemoth, only a second ahead of Korm, who hurtles in with blade swinging, carving a slash twice as long as his body into its flesh. Gareth, meanwhile, attempts to purge the soul-energy from the Chaos Serpent as he did from Antaratma moments ago. He is again successful, but the streams of silver light seem inconsequential in comparison to the huge amount of soul-energy limning the gigantic Worm’s form. Similarly, though the attacks of the other Angels leave their marks on Mual-Tar’s body, it appears only marginally hurt.

Not slowing down, their gigantic foe smashes into the Guardian Angels one more time, hurling them about the strange battlefield. Nameless is almost critically wounded by this second assault, the magical gem tumbling from his hand as he floats in mid-air.

“Hang on!” Luna shouts, swiftly using soul-energy to heal the alienist. “Anyone got any suggestions?”

“I could,” says Korm, “just let the damn thing eat me and try to cut it open from the inside. That may distract it and give the rest of you a chance to take it down. Until I die, that is.” The Gatekeeper readies himself to charge, his expression far less dour than should be the case for someone planning to use suicide as a tactical option.

“NO!” Four voices ring out simultaneously, the other Angels hurriedly explaining at once—with unusual unison of purpose—that they need to work together and concentrate their abilities to win this.

“And,” Nameless concludes, “I have another option.” He speaks a single word—and Khat’van’ga appears.

For those who have not experienced the things that the Angels have, the Horror is a terrifying sight at the best of times. Now, in the very heart of the plane of which it is born, Khat’van’ga’s shape defies description, an amorphous amalgamation of tentacles, claws, eyes and elements for which no mortal tongue has words. Khat’van’ga’s central mass now stretches fully a hundred feet, its tentacles more than doubling this length.

Despite its increased size, Khat’van’ga is still far less than half the length and bulk of the Chaos Serpent, but it does not hesitate, flowing forward to attach itself to Mual-Tar’s size. Tentacles, claws, suckers and fangs rip into the Worm’s hide, ripping away its flesh and sending streams of silver energy flowing out. Mual-Tar flagellates in evident agony and then spins around, trying to bite at Khat’van’ga and wrap a coil around the smaller creature.

As the two titans attack each other, a soft susurrus permeates the area, a sibilant and wordless whisper that smacks of fascinated appreciation. The source—or sources—of the sound are a variety of shapes that have silently appeared out of the layers of Xoriat over the last few seconds. They are a variety of large shapes, all situated just outside the limits of the kuch-naa, some hovering in place while others float back and forth. All of them are a combination of translucence and transparence, and do not seem aware of—or at least not responding to—each other’s presence, some of them actually flowing through each other as they move.

Nameless smiles as he spots one of the largest of them, a gigantic eye that floats in space, a nest of tentacles moving idly beneath the unblinking orb. Cyaëgha! “They are the Great Old Ones,” he says quickly. “Don’t worry—they’re not actually here. They must have been attracted by our presence here and come to see,” a note of pride is evident in his voice, “what could trespass where even they cannot go.”

“Great!” Korm grunts, “Even our peanut gallery is amazing!”

“Look,” Six’s pragmatic voice cuts in, “he’s back!”

As the warforged warns, the cloud of mist that has been seeping out of the abandoned gem has now reformed into a slightly confused and utterly enraged-looking Antaratma. The daelkyr lord throws one quick glance around the changed battlefield and hurriedly unleashes a blast of soul-energy. The motes transform into razor-sharp shards of diamond which rip into the Angels, further wounding them.

Antaratma smiles triumphantly and raises a hand. “And now, I wish…”

Luna emits a loud chuckle. “No, you don’t!!”

Expressions of surprise and outrage, followed instantly by shock and horror, flash across the daelkyr lord’s face as he look at his hand—and the ring on it. What Antaratma has, fatally, forgotten is that while time may have appeared to pass for him within Nameless’ magical gem, he was held in stasis, as was everything and every effect on him. His wounds still remain—as does the effect of Luna’s previous dispelling of his ring.

Before Antaratma can recover from his error, Six’s chain smashes squarely into his left eye, propelled unerringly thanks to a swift, soul-energy-fuelled true strike. The daelkyr lord screams in pain and fury, reaching up toward his face, but before he can touch it, Korm is once more upon him, crossing space and time within an instant. Antaratma dodges backwards but the Gatekeeper stays on him, their actions causing the pair to flash in and out of existence around the blank sphere, appearing here and there, but always right next to each other.

Ignoring the odd sensation of seeing his allies and the battling titans appear and disappear constantly, Korm focuses on the target before him and brings the meteoric blade down. The silver motes limning its blade flash as it falls, neatly severing first the tentacle-whip attached to Antaratma and then the arm beneath it.

Streams of silver spray from the wound as the daelkyr lord howls, still trying vainly to backpedal from the Gatekeeper, but there is no respite for him. A bombardment from Luna smashes him off his feet, causing him to momentarily pinwheel in the gravity-less void and, before he can recover, two beams of light touch him. One, glowing brightly of mingled argent and azure, is a maximized bolt of glory from Gareth, while the other, dark green shot through with streaks of purple, is an empowered maximized disintegrate from Nameless.

Antaratma explodes, all which is left of his form being a cloud of silver motes which float where he had so recently been. Another loud susurrus of excitement accompanies his passing from the watching Great Old Ones, perhaps the only creatures in existence which had seen a daelkyr lord die before this moment.

The Guardian Angels do not, however, have time to relish the victory. Turning their attention back to Mual-Tar and Khat’van’ga, they find that the battle has inevitably turned against the latter. The Chaos Worm has managed to grab the smaller creature in its coils and now it squeezes, slowly crushing the Horror. Nevertheless, Khat’van’ga fights on, adding to the significant wounds that it already has inflicted.

Using the opportunity created by the Horror, the Angels strike hurriedly, spells and weapons ripping into Mual-Tar. The soul energy connecting all the combatants evidently allow the attacks to bypass the Worm’s considerable resistance to damage and to magic, allowing them to be dramatically more effective, but Mual-Tar is far from critically wounded. Its gigantic maw opens wide, revealing the myriad rows of huge teeth within, and then snaps shut. Khat’van’ga convulses as fully half of it is bitten off and then goes limp, slowly beginning to fade away.***

Nameless cries out, feeling an odd—and excruciating—sensation within him, as if part of his very being had been ripped away. As he does so, the Worm drops what remains of its late enemy and charges, the huge bulk arrowing straight at him. Mual-Tar ignores the other Angels as they desperately attack, trying to slow it down, its gigantic maw opening once more. The alienist hurriedly retreats, but he is too slow and—with distance being meaningless in the kuch-naa—far too close. As the others watch in awed horror, the Chaos Serpent’s jaws close around his comparatively tiny form.

Or at least they seem to. At the very last moment, there is a pulse of magical energy where Nameless was and the alienist disappears, having folded time in on itself to return to a spot he had occupied seconds ago****. Instead of the Chaos Serpent swallowing him whole, Nameless is only shoved aside by its bulk, which leaves him badly wounded, but at least not forever consumed.

“Now!” the alienist shouts as Mual-Tar hesitates for just an instant, having realized that its quarry has escaped. “Hit it with all you have!”

As he speaks, Nameless goes through a series of gestures, simultaneously calling on the soul energy and his own dwindling life force. Blood pours out as streaks of flesh rip off his arms, the droplets coalescing as they fall into tiny orbs of energy. With a motion, the alienist sends them shooting forward, morphing as they do so into a large, crackling globe. When it impacts with Mual-Tar’s head, the globe explodes, ravaging the Worm’s flesh with waves of acid, fire, electricity and sonic energy. The result also leaves Nameless critically wounded, but the access to the soul energy allows his companions to swiftly heal him while they follow his lead.

Six’s spiked chain impacts the same spot as Nameless’ hellball, powered by a soul energy-fueled limited wish and ripping free gobbets of weakened flesh. It is followed by a huge comet of flame from Luna, maximized in its effectiveness, which causes the gigantic Worm to shudder.

And then Gareth and Korm streak in together, like two smaller comets, the Endless Blade and the meteoric sword held in advance. The Gatekeeper’s sword crackles with necromantic energy, a maximized vampiric touch healing Korm as he smashes a deep wound in Mual-Tar’s flesh, while the paladin’s weapon erupts in flame as he smites the Worm with all his might.

Despite the damage it has suffered, enough to have laid low a battalion of the dragons of Argonnessen and then some, the Chaos Serpent is not yet done. Streaming gore and torrents of silver light from its myriad wounds, Mual-Tar turns for another attack.

But Gareth is not done either. Drawing on a rarely used gift from the Flame, the paladin channels the energy of his attack into a boon for his allies and sends a stream of light flowing to Korm.

The Gatekeeper feels his movements speed up dramatically for a few moments. Ripping his sword free, he leaps up, twirling in mid-air. And then smashes down with all of his might, pouring as much soul energy as he can into the strike and calling on every last iota of power in his weapon. He hits with an impact so powerful that the sword disappears entirely into his target, Korm momentarily standing buried to both knees and elbows in Mual-Tar’s flesh.

Even the greatest craftsmen of the Gatekeepers, painstakingly forging the meteoric blade from the heart of a fallen star, centuries ago in the depths of the Shadow Marches, would not have expected it to avail against such a foe as Mual-Tar. Certainly, on Eberron it would have had only limited utility against the Worm. But ironically, in the heart of the Plane of Madness, with its foe so badly wounded and Korm empowered beyond the mightiest champions of the Gatekeepers, things are different.

The meteoric blade explodes.

And so does the Chaos Serpent, the hitherto-immortal eater of worlds.

If the explosion of Antaratma released a flood of soul energy, then Mual-Tar’s dissolving form sets forth a small ocean, the Angels momentarily unable to even see each other as they are enveloped in silver light. When their vision clears, they stand alone in the kuch-naa. Even the watching Great Old Ones are utterly silent and almost motionless, as if waiting avidly to see what these fascinating creatures do next.

“And that,” says Korm, surprise as strong as satisfaction in his voice, “I believe, is that!”

“And none of you got yourselves killed! Yeah!” Luna exults.

Smiling from ear to ear, Gareth opens his mouth to say something, then pauses and clicks his fingers, causing the Endless Blade to disappear—along with its loud, triumphant, and expletive-ridden babbling. “So—shall we go home?”

Six, never one to make assumptions without information, turns to Nameless. “Can we?”

The alienist, smirking victoriously as he gazes at the translucent shape of Cyaëgha, turns his attention to another area outside the kuch-naa. Nameless gazes for a few seconds at the ‘window’ that looks onto the Mournland, to and from which tiny streams of silver light are flowing.

Finally, he speaks, his rasping tone betokening a combination of pride, fascination, and amusement, underlying all of which is something that the others have rarely, if ever, heard from him—contentment. “Possibly. But I shall not be returning with you.”

* Quickened polymorph any object.

** Natural 20 plus Sleight of hand + 28 (Fatespinner class skill) and Moment of insight +20. Poor Aunty never had a chance.

*** Mual-Tar auto-kills any target on a natural 19-20.

**** Got a natural 20 vs. Nameless, but he used a Fatespinner ability to cause Mual-Tar to reroll.


Luckily, we have automatic new post notification and this was a great surprise. My train journey to work started off very nicely, thank you!

And... Wow. Good grief! Is it really over? Can they finally have secured the victory they needed? Did they really _all_ survive? I bet they never expected that :)

Thanks for a spectacular update, Mr. S. Must disembark now!


Luckily, we have automatic new post notification and this was a great surprise. My train journey to work started off very nicely, thank you!

And... Wow. Good grief! Is it really over? Can they finally have secured the victory they needed? Did they really _all_ survive? I bet they never expected that :)

What Khat’van’ga doesn't count? Nameless almost died, if not for that class ability.

Thanks for a spectacular update, Mr. S. Must disembark now!

This is probably the penultimate installment of the SH. There's going to be at least one more and possibly some sort of a "10 Yrs Later" post, depending on how ambitious Shil feels for things.

I had three "cunning plans" AKA Baldric plans for that last fight.

1) The one which you saw, was the "trick aunty into accepting the trap the soul" object (no save or SR if that's the case). It went down pretty much as Shil wrote it, but I hadn't read the rules for the last fight closely enough as those sorts of spells wouldn't work in the kuch-naa, which Nameless would have known. However, it was just too good a scene to leave out.

2) Going Ouroboros on Mual-Tar

I thought this was one of my cleverer ideas, but I didn't have a firm idea on how to pull it off and ultimately Mual-Tar was simply too strong, even for Khat’van’ga's true form (aka re-skinned Tarrasque).

I figured since Mual-Tar was a creature of infinite hunger, if we could somehow get it to bite his own tail, it would simply eat it's self out of existence. At the time I was unaware that it's DR would not be functioning, so I didn't see any other way to take it down, with it's complete magic immunity, magic buff negating and high physical DRs.

3) My last ditch plan if we were losing would been to try and Wish myself out of existence, by wishing Edgar Thorne had been destroyed on the Day of Mourning. Since Nameless was integral to a lot of the plots and schemes we were the subjects of over the course of the campaign. I was dubious as to if Shil would even permit it, but figured it was worth a shot if things were going that badly.
Last edited:


Luckily, we have automatic new post notification and this was a great surprise. My train journey to work started off very nicely, thank you!

And... Wow. Good grief! Is it really over? Can they finally have secured the victory they needed? Did they really _all_ survive? I bet they never expected that :)

Thanks for a spectacular update, Mr. S. Must disembark now!

Heh! I didn't expect them to all survive this fight either. In large part, their success was due to the fact that this was one of the few times during the campaign that the PCs really coordinated their attacks and tactical choices. They did function at a pretty scary power level, so every time they did that they tended to be extremely effective. Sadly for poor Antaratma, who admittedly wasn't as tactically effective himself, since he totally was not expecting to get shunted back to Xoriat and shoved into the kuch-naa (which is Hindi for "nothing"), and was really furious at being thwarted one more time.

As Rackhir indicated, there'll definitely be one more update. If you think you've seen the Guardian Angels affect Khorvaire, you ain't seen nothing yet!


First Post
Prior to this event, Rackhir and I sat at my house one night trying to hatch the plans. There was no way we would be able to comb through the entire groups spell list and ability list to figure out what to do during session. I think Rackhir and I sat for 1-2 hours? (do you remember rack)? The biggest hurdle, however, was to get the entire group to work as a group and follow the plan. Everyone wants to shine and do something cool (aka hit with big numbers), and people hate to follow orders while playing games (we do it during work all the time). What seemed exciting in the story wasn't that exciting during game play. For example, while the story version of the exorcism that Gareth pulled out seemed cool and amazing, it was kind of boring for me to use that ability (we also had little idea what it would really do). Then again, one of Gareth's best abilities is his incredible crit range (improved crit + Falchion), but this was killed prior to the battle (we were informed that no critting would occur, though Maultars crit ability still functioned).
[MENTION=6694693]Rack[/MENTION] - That number 3 idea, did you get it from the Wishmaster (i believe 2) movie? In that movie the protagonist wished that the person who accidentally caused the genie lantern to be found never had accidentally found it. The person was drunk that day and that is how the lantern was found. If the person was never drunk, the lantern would never have been found. Kind of similar to if nameless was not alive, or nameless was not in the mournland when it happened the situation would not have occurred.


Prior to this event, Rackhir and I sat at my house one night trying to hatch the plans. There was no way we would be able to comb through the entire groups spell list and ability list to figure out what to do during session. I think Rackhir and I sat for 1-2 hours? (do you remember rack)?

Oh yeah - I totally forgot about that! That made a decent difference to the eventual battle, I think.

The biggest hurdle, however, was to get the entire group to work as a group and follow the plan.

True, but in the end you all ended up working pretty cohesively, which was a big factor in how effective the group was.

Then again, one of Gareth's best abilities is his incredible crit range (improved crit + Falchion), but this was killed prior to the battle (we were informed that no critting would occur, though Maultars crit ability still functioned).

Actually, that wasn't an element introduced for this battle. Antaratma and Mual-Tar had both always been immune to criticals. I just happened to mention it during the session so that nobody was wasting time trying to work out if they critted or not.

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