D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24


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The experience boxes, "Current" and "Next level" seems to be bugged. When you type a value in one of them, the other receives that value as well.
Hey guys.. sorry I've been absent recently. Lots of real life getting in the way! Here's a quick fix for this bug. BTW, thanks for doing the powers & rituals sheets that I never got around to finishing! At some point, I'd like to redo the form on the newer sheet, but I wouldn't expect it to be real soon. (I need to start gearing up for GenCon! :))


  • Shado-v11-form-v2a.pdf.zip
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I have no technical expertise with which to contribute to the sheet. I can however let you guys know that your work is appreciated by my entire group. We use the Shado form fillable sheet exclusively and check here constantly, hoping for a new and improved version. Keep up the good work, and many thanks!!

I know, I'm a bit late, but keep the landscape... it's the only character sheet we use in our games (3x) and ll think the are the best. We do our own math and are happy to do so. Only erk is the need for another page for personality stuff, portraits etc... .


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Thanks, Vesper and Valyar!

Shado's sheets are great but I'd been trying to maintain electronic copies of my players' characters using Foxit Editor! Way time consuming. Thanks so much guys for creating these forms, they make my life SO much easier.


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Awesome sheet, but short on powers

I love the sheets, Shado!

The one thing that I'm really struggling with, though, is the limited # of combat rows. Because you're sharing Basic Attack space with Power space, you do 2 rows of basic attacks and you only have room for 3 powers!

Whereas most of my characters only have 2 weapons, so they don't need 3 rows of weapons. Is there anything we can do to maybe eliminate one of the weapon rows in favor of squeezing in 2 more power rows?



First Post
Awesome sheet, but short on powers

I love the sheets, Shado!

The one thing that I'm really struggling with, though, is the limited # of combat rows. Because you're sharing Basic Attack space with Power space, you do 2 rows of basic attacks and you only have room for 3 powers!

Whereas most of my characters only have 2 weapons, so they don't need 3 rows of weapons. Is there anything we can do to maybe eliminate one of the weapon rows in favor of squeezing in 2 more power rows?


Awesome, exactly what I was after.
I run an NPC DBorn Pal as DM, and the players use cards but I don't have room for them! Your sheets are great, thanks :)


Knight of Solamnia
I spent some time this morning to make those very nice power and ritual sheets into forms. This is my first attempt to do such work, and I did some thing via "trial and error" method, please easy on the feedback :D

Here are the sheets, v.1.0 Hope you enjoy them!

Thank you, thank you!

I just wanted to say thanks to all involved for the beautiful sheet and the form-fillable version. This has got to be my favorite character sheet to date, beating out even Ema's (which I love, especially for powers).

I've been converting a few old characters for yucks, and this sheet has been a joy to work with. Especially since my handwriting is so bad!

Thanks! :cool:


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Shado's characther sheets translated in portuguese

Hello Shado,

Surfing over the internet, I've found your Characther and Power Sheets for D&D 4E (version 1.1) and liked it a lot. I'am part of team who supports a blog about RPG here in Brazil (URL on footer) and, following the terms especified on the Creative Commons, I've translated ur work to our language and posted it in our blog.

Except by some minor changes (on the power sheets, leaving some more space to write about the power effects), both sheets remains the same. I've made the changes using Illustrator CS3, but the files became a lot more heavy, coz a don't have the font files and I'll be very glad if u are willing to help sendind us these files (maybe version 1.2 already) to improve the portuguese files in some way.

However, this msg is not to ask u nothing, but more to tell u that ur work now have erupted international borders over the world. I've kept ur credits and included my ones. Hope u like our job, fell free to write me.

Congratulations and thanks since now!

Link to the article with the portuguese sheets:
d3system » Planilhas para D&D 4E em Português!

Have a look till the end of the text! =]


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