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Sell Me On The Psychic Warrior, Or Not


We're switching to a fantasy campaign and the GM is using the newest version of the Psionics Handbook, and this is the first time in 25 years I've ever played with a GM that allowed psionics. I was considering it, and looking at the Psychic Warrior. It's a lot of new info to take in and I was wondering what people thought about the class - and the new psi rules - before I take the plunge and read all the psionics rules. How does it stack up against a traditional fighter?

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The new (XPH) psionics rules are a vast improvement over prior editions, and not over- nor under- powered too much. For me, the rules were tough to get my head around to start with but after seeing them in action by one of my players last campaign I was pleased with what the XPH has done for them.


It stacks up pretty well against the traditional fighter -- which is an improvement, since I think in the old version, they gave the Psychic Warrior a bit too much of the fighter's goodies (like specialization). Now, it is more distinctive. You really do sort of rely on your powers (and psionic feats) the same way the fighter relied on their feats to let you shine in combat, and the psionic focus things makes it so you actually get a chance to use your feats.

Whether or not that gives you a flavor you are looking for it an exercise for the reader.


I really like the 3.5 PsyWar. In play its seems like a Melee cleric in that you really need a few rounds of buffing if you want to be at your peak, and If you Know that there will be only one fight - you can really burn off all but 1 psp - and really have nice abilities. The highlevel power dispelling buffer is mandatory, and if you can find a mentor, getting a power stone (scroll) of it could be a godsend in a midlevel fight vs a spellcasting BBEG. They make high impact archers, by dumping the defensive powers and firing 1 arrow per round at +2-4d6 extra damage. (feats)
and they can take personal mobility powers - to keep from getting outmanuverd by more agile foes.

Fav Buffs:
Exspansion (3psp)
Bite of the wolf (at large size) (1psp) 2d6 bite as secondary attack +1d8 if 5th lvl+
Off. Prescience (1psp) +2 dmg
Force shield (1psp) +4 AC (shield bonus)
this can be done for 1 fight at 4th lvl and the Bite will last 4 hours.


First Post
Although the PsiWar only gets a d8 for HD, you should look into taking the Psionic Body feat as soon as possible (if you're human, it makes a great extra feat). It adds +2 hp for every Psionic feat you already have or take afterwards. And you should consider taking many psionic feats, like Deep Impact, Psionic Weapon (regular and Greater), etc.

The Psi-War makes for a great "spellcasting warrior" type, IMHO.

I have played two psychic warriors, both spiked chain specialists. They are the only class with enough feats to compete with a fighter using the chains. Having the scaleable power Metaphysical Weapon and the other weapon powers allows them to self buff the weapon so they are not as dependant on magic items as fighters. A very good class if you are the not the type of player who prefers support rolls. No match for a bard, cleric or wizard in supporting the party.


John Morrow

First Post
WayneLigon said:
We're switching to a fantasy campaign and the GM is using the newest version of the Psionics Handbook, and this is the first time in 25 years I've ever played with a GM that allowed psionics. I was considering it, and looking at the Psychic Warrior. It's a lot of new info to take in and I was wondering what people thought about the class - and the new psi rules - before I take the plunge and read all the psionics rules. How does it stack up against a traditional fighter?

They probably start out a bit weaker but With the use of the Expanded Knowledge feat, they can become a fairly self-contained fighting jack-of-all-trades at higher levels in a way that a fighter can't (e.g., they can heal themselves, give themselves darkvision, teleport themselves, use ranged blasting powers themselves, etc.). Make sure you have a high enough Wisdom score to have lots of psionic points to work with and use Expanded Knowledge to add as many power options as you can, pulling in some of the ranged Energy powers and other powers from the Psion at higher levels. Also remember that psions, in general, tend to burn very brightly and burn out quickly in my experience. The nice thing about a Psychic Warrior, unlike a Psion, is that they can still be effective after they psionically burn out (i.e., use up all their points). Another cool aspect is that a Psionic Warrior can walk around a city unarmed and unarmored and arm themselves as needed.


First Post
Psychic Warrior is a decent class. It's main drawback is Base Attack Bonus (like a cleric). I'd suggest multiclassing and going for one of the psionic prestige classes that has full BAB. A PsW/Ftr can actually get more feats than a fighter could normally. The PsW powers are really nice, and give you abilities that other fighters could only get through other spellcasters or equipment.


Staff member
I personally prefer the soulknife, but the XPH psi-war is pretty cool and has the potential to be one of the better butt-kickers out there.

My personal preference on a Psi-War build right now is a Half-Giant using 2 weapon style with Improved Shield Bash. Give him the biggest 1-handed weapon you can (possibly even something exotic, like a Dwarven Waraxe, maul, Dire Pick or Warmace), and spiked shield. The Half-Giant's Powerful Build attribute (which lets the PC use a weapon 1 size larger than usual) + the eventual enchanting of the shield with Shield Bash will have him dealing out better than standard Bastard sword damage with every strike.

(Note: a few levels of the Pyrokineticist PrCl greatly improves the damage output and combat flexibility of any melee-oriented Psionic PC.)

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