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Seeking input on new spell - also, question on spell research


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I've run this spell by my GM and we're pretty much in agreement, but I figured I'd see how close we got to The Wo/Men On The Street's Opinion regarding overall power, concept, and spell level. :)

My question regarding research is targeted at sorcery. Given that sorcerors learn new spells automatically at each level, and cannot learn new spells any other way, do sorcerors need to research custom spells in order to learn them?

The answer supported by the rules would SEEM to be 'yes,' since nowhere do I see an exemption for sorcerors under the various sections on spell research. However, I avail myself of the collective wisdom/rulesmongery of the Board to solve this interesting puzzle. And lest anyone think of saying it; yes, I shall also inquire of my GM. :) I'm just curious if it's spelled out one way or another in an FAQ or obscure product somewhere.


Now for the spell.

Charismatic Aura
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] [Fear]
Level: Brd ?, Sor/Wiz ?
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Target: Personal
Duration: 10 min/level
Saving Throw: Partial, Will negates (see description)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see description)

By means of this spell a caster can greatly magnify the 'force' of her presence, allowing her to easily command the attention of others. While there is no actual physical transformation involved, onlookers will perceive the caster as being somehow larger than life, a king or queen among paupers. Because this spell doesn't modify actual charisma, but only apparent charisma, it adds a +2 circumstance modifier to Diplomacy and Intimidation rolls for the duration. This effect has no saving throw, nor does SR apply.

Additionally, the caster can take a standard action within the spell's duration to assume a terrifyingly grand visage of righteous (or unholy, as preferred) wrath. Creatures within Close range must make a Will save or be Shaken for 1 round per caster level. This application ends the spell immediately after the visage is assumed (though the effects of the visage will persist as usual). SR applies to the frightening effect.


It's kind of confusingly worded, but basically, within that 10 minutes per level, you can choose to blow out any remaining long term duration in favor of a big scary effect that, if successful, scares people for 1 round per level. The scare effect is kind of instantaneous, so it can't be dispelled, but any effect that can mitigate or end fear effects will still work.


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Without having a PH in front of me, I'd say it's close to a Fear spell...but less powerful. Perhaps 2nd level?

Remove the text about "apparent Charisma". There is no such thing, and it just confuses the issue. Instead:
By means of this spell, a caster increases his personal presence, allowing her to more easily command the attention of others. While there is no actual physical transformation involved, onlookers will perceive the caster as being somehow larger than life, a king or queen among paupers. This spell grants a +4 circumstance modifier to Diplomacy and Intimidation checks.

Simple and concise. No need to mention "no save necessary", as this spell just affects the caster.

The second paragraph seems fine to me.
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First Post
I made spell called Imposing Presence that had the same effects as the second part of yours (think of Gandalf and Bilbo in the movie Lord of the Rings), and it was 2nd level.
Sorcerers having to research spells: Yes, they should. Just because they can cast spells on the fly and have a closer tie to the magical weave doesn't mean they can't create new spells on the fly as well - that would make them a bit too powerful, IMO. The time might be reduced slightly because they have a greater insight into the ways of magic and can thus find something that works a little more quickly than a wizard, but that's the only benefit I would give them.

Lily Inverse

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Erm, I disagree about the idea that Sorcerers even CAN 'research' spells to be honest. Their spells develop as a result of shaping their internal relationship with their magic. They might require time to discover their maigc, and significant amounts of it spent in meditation. But to say they "research" their spells implies they rely entirely on the libraries and alchemal apparati that wizards do. Which goes entirely against the "flavor" of the class.

A Sorcerer might require the same time to develop their spells as a wizard, but they should be able to figure out new spells from anywhere, even on the road far from civilization or some moldy old library. That's not TOO much of an advantage.

the Jester

I like to encourage pcs to make new spells so I'll generally allow a wizard or sorcerer to take custom built ones that I approve as "level-up" spells without researching them. It's one of the only bones I throw to pcs.

About your spell, Shayuri: I'd say the second part is pretty powerful in that it inflicts a -2 to basically everything for everyone within close range; I'd call it, hm, 2nd level as well, I think. Add to that the first part (essentially a partial eagle's splendor) and I'd say third level overall. Remember, versatility counts for as much as raw power does!


First Post
Thanks for all your input!

I included the bit about no saves and SR for the skill modifiers mainly to avoid confusion about whether or not those skill modifiers "affected" other beings. Since the Save and SR lines of the spell were a bit complicated (referring to the description), I figured it'd be better to spell it out rather than to leave it up to individual interpretation.

Regarding apparent Charisma, you're correct of course...the description was/is a bit awkward. I'm still looking for a nice way to say what I mean. :) The idea is that the spell doesn't actually raise one's charisma (as the Transmutation spell Eagle's Splendor does), but rather enchants onlookers into thinking/acting as if the caster's charisma had been raised. Hence the circumstance bonus to a few Charisma skills (specifically the skills I felt were tied in most closely to the caster's "force of presence"). But yeah, I agree that I need to find a better way of putting it.

I believe my GM and I settled on 4rth level for this spell, but this version is a bit toned down from the original (the fear effect used to be invokable at will by the caster, as often as she liked during the spell's duration). Perhaps I'll bring it to his attention and see what he thinks.

Regarding spell research, I've seen some interesting takes. Ms Inverse's suggestion in particular is intriguing...

For myself, I think a sorceror might do spell research. The PHB does note that sorcerors can "learn" previously unknown spells from scrolls or spellbooks. Not the way a wizard does, clearly, but that a "nonstandard" spell that is discovered can then be added to a sorceror's reporatoire on leveling (assuming a slot of appropriate level is thereby added, naturally). This, combined with their class skills in Knowledge Arcana and Spellcraft suggest to me that spell research is potentially just as fruitful for sorcerors as for wizards.

Individual flavor may vary, of course. The bookish sorceror (like what I play :) ), might research very similarly to a wizard; in books and libraries, with a laboratory full of bubbling things. The idea being that the sorceror is learning more about magic. Experimenting with her innate powers in controlled ways to bring about an entirely new effect. A more shamanistic sorceror might go forth into the wilderness, unarmed and unclothed...to fast and meditate (and smoke the Holy Weed ;) ) until inspiration is granted.

Mechanically there's no difference. It's all in the flavor. Moreover, I see no reason that a sorceror couldn't pursue multiple paths to enlightenment. Perhaps one spell she stumbles onto on a scroll, deciphers it, and figures out how to copy it using her natural magic (as per PHB). Another spell she makes up herself, over a long study of existing spells that are similar to the effect she wants, and many experimental trials as she learns to shape her powers to create that new effect. And then later, perhaps she searches for a new spell through personal ordeal, or any of the other countless methods one might use to inspire oneself. A sorceror might have a favorite method...but I see no reason that only one method could ever be used...

Anyway! Thanks again, all of ya.

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