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Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

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Questo gioco mantiene tutte le promesse!

Questo gioco mantiene le promesse! Tutti abbiamo (me incluso) i nostri regolamenti preferiti da sempre, ma Savage Worlds rompe un po' le posizioni consolidate e gli stereotipi. Il supporto e' molto buono (ci sono un sacco di mondi molto originali, con i loro cicli di avventure dedicati), molti aspetti identificativi, partite che cominciano rapidissimamente (che per me oggi e' una necessita') e grande rapidita' di gioco, senza essere ossessionati da troppi dettagli sottoregoline e tabelle.
Decisamente vale la pena provarlo!
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5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

As the tagline goes, fun, fast and furious.Savage Worlds is a cheap, generic rule set that can be used in many different RPG genres. I'm generally not a fan of generic rules, but have played and used Savage Worlds a fair bit. What is great about it is that it comes at a very low entry price, is well written and clear, and can be played with little preparation. Importantly, there are also a huge number of settings released for SW, both by Pinnacle and other companies. These can range across the genres but popular ones include Deadlands Reloaded (weird wild west), Hellfrost (a Scandinavian-inspired fantasy from Triple Ace Games). Necessary Evil (super villains). Some of my favourites are Weird Wars Rome (ancient Rome + horror) and TAG's Daring Tales of Adventure (1930s pulp) and am eagerly awaiting my rewards from the recent The Last Parsec kickstarter.Really recommend picking up the base book and experimenting with it - and if like the feel, worth investing in some setting books and expansions.



5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

I'll admit it - I am now Savage through and through. I could wax poetically for hours, but lets get to the points.Here is a link to the design document - I remember reading this when my group was looking for a new system and it resonated with me! "Yes!" I thought - "these were the things I want a system to do!"https://www.peginc.com/freebies/SWcore/MakingofSW.pdf

So why try it?

  • You get a complete system for $10.
  • If your a rules mastery guy, you will love this system. No, its not a pile of crunch for crunches sake, but even after playing 5 years now I find little wrinkles and depths that I just did not immediately see when I first started to play. But the real reason is that this system will free you. I was trapped playing D&D because I had invested so much into the rules mastery. With this system, I can play any genre and know the rules. Its a blast to go to a convention and go from Supers to Modern Horror to Swords &Sorcery and not have to spend an hour figuring out what to roll next.
  • It allows a variety of play-styles to coexist at the table. This was huge for my group - it truly saved our game experience. A couple of us are rules masters (and I tend to powergame). Others are about the story. Others just want to throw dice at the GM. We were at our wits end with d20. Now, the stories just flow with this group.
  • Great support. As a player, you never need anything more than the core book (the review here). But for us hobbyists, there are tons of setting and companions for you to delve into. My personal favorites are 50 Fathoms (Pirates of the Caribbean meets D&D), Hellfrost (Winter is Coming meets Greyhawk), Deadlands (weird west), the Weird War series (Rome, WW1 (due out soon), WW2, Tour of Duty (Vietnam)), and East Texas University (akin to Buffy the Vampire Slayer of horror and humor). But there are tons more.
  • Nicest people on the internet - great support at their boards. And I have meet a good number of their people at gaming cons. I could not believe at I was sitting there playing Agents of Oblivion (Spies & the unknown - it can be X-Files to Men in Black) with the writer at one of the first Cons I went to after become a Savage
The biggest drawback is that you will not have anywhere near the time to run/play all that the system offers. Watching a movie or reading a book immediately gets your mind running on "Savaging It".


5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

Anyone who runs in RPG circles has generally heard of Savage Worlds by now. There are hundreds of other places that will give you detailed, in-depth coverage of the game's mechanics (skill-based rather than class + level, die step to represent proficiency, exploding dice, uses playing cards for initiative).

There's nothing I can add to what's already been said other than this:

It revolutionized my entire gaming paradigm.

If you're so caught up in D&D / D20 / Pathfinder that you couldn't possibly consider trying anything else, then don't waste your time. Your needs are infinitely served. For anyone else, you HAVE to at least give this game a shot. People always talk about "going back to the simpler, earlier days" of D&D, because they want the free-flowing, improvisational, off-the-cuff playstyle it engenders.

What they don't realize is that they can have all that, PLUS mechanical elegance, GM flexibility, and cross-genre compatibility with Savage Worlds.

One final word: this game is easy, almost stupidly simple to learn . . . but Savage Worlds' true power, flexibility, and elegance don't fully manifest themselves for maybe 3-5 sessions. Once the GM and players get in sync with what Savage Worlds has to offer, a whole new gaming paradigm opens up for you. Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition is easily, hands down, no questions asked the best $10 you can spend in gaming.


First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

I am not a fan of generic systems. I believe systems are better when designed with a setting in mind.Said that, I like Savage Worlds, I would give it a 5 if it would not be for one thing...SOAK! No no no no! Toughness based soak is a bad idea for most rpgs.


5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

I've played a lot of RPG's in my life but I keep coming back to Savage Worlds. d20 games leave me with a stale taste in my mouth usually, and just feel like a grind on hit points with combat after combat taking longer and longer to resolve. Savage Worlds fixes all of that. No hit points, no d20's, no boring classes that you have to shoehorn characters into. It's got everything you need to run fantasy, sci-fi, modern, horror, westerns, anything you can think of. The companion books let you fine tune the game into what you want, and there are dozens and dozens of Savage Settings out there as well as adventures. Plus $10 is all you need to get into it! You can't beat that!


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

Savage World has opened the door to one system GM'ing for me. I have used it to run anything from Fantasy to Sci-Fi and Super Hero's. I ran the A-Team (TV Show), District 9 and Sci-Fi version of Aladdin. Absolutely anything is possible in this system you just have to think it up. Table is never covered with books needed to look up effects or stat something. Players get to describe the craziest things from a simple role. Never again will I need to own 3 different books to run any game I can imagine.



5 out of 5 rating for Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer’s Edition

I have posted many times on these boards about awesomeness of the system. I am not going to repeat that here. I will give my thoughts on the product itself.

Something that continually amazes me about Pinnacle is how much information that can pack into a product. For $10, you get a complete system - it has
  • the main rules
  • guidance on how to GM the system,
  • the gear and the bestiary sections span a good number of genres
  • A race generating system
  • Powers, and sample Trappings to bring them to life
  • A number of subsystems that takes your game to another level: Mass Combat System, Dramatic Tasks, Social Conflicts, and Chases
  • Edges and Hindrances that set your PCs apart
  • There are a number of one-shot adventures in the back the show of the breathe of genres the system can cover.

The elegance of the system is what really makes this product shine. I would hate to have to try to intro a system then ask someone to go pay $50 to get just the players handbook. Here, they get the complete system for $10. Heck, I might buy it for them at that price.

The book has a "gamers talking to gamers" style that makes just reading the book enjoyable. Its not a technical manual yet its not prose that leads to rules arguments at that table. The art hits across a number of genres. Just flipping through the pages inspires games to play and PCs to make.

The downsize to all this is a consequence of the above - they are not going repeat stuff over and over to you. They are very deliberate in their phrases - so if something is not in a list, then its not in a list. For example, they might say they special maneuver from an Edge cannot be combined with Edges A and B. They are not going to go further and say "this can be combine with Edges C, D, and E." They saved that space to say something else (it all added up to add those adventures at the end, or added a few more races up front). The elegant framework system helps with this - I find as a GM even if I did not know a specific item I tend to come to the same answer that in the book.

Portable, Light, Affordable, Fast, Furious, and Fun!

(well, I guess I rated this once above - I would have presumed the system would not let me do that :))

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