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Pathfinder 1E Savage: Legacy of Fire


Chapter Twenty Six: Welcome to the Jungle

"So let me get this straight..."
Nadiyya says, "Not only are we now trapped inside a piece of magic paper, we also released a power hungry warlord and his army of vengeful djinn back into our world?"

"That's an accurate summary of recent events,"
Misfar replies, glowering at Fuk, "And since someone who shall remain nameless decided to mess with the relic while everyone else was resting, we haven't even got all of our equipment."

Each player was allowed to pick two items from their character sheet that they carried with them into Kakishon. Nadiyya picked her sword and her armour. Misfar picked his new staff and his spellbook. Zain picked Tempest and his holy symbol. Fuk picked his bow and his armour.

"What's that in the water?" Zain says, peering toward a dark shape moving toward the beach, "Ready your weapons!"

Seven serpentine heads rise from beneath the tropical surf; each head is connected to the body of a single monster by a long, scaly neck. The hungry beast looms over the party as it splashes clumsily through the shallows.

Nadiyya projects a cone of fire at the hydra, catching three of the seven heads in the burst. Those three heads hiss as their scales blacken and turn to ash, the other four heads turn toward the young woman. Fuk shoots two of the unharmed heads, drawing their attention away from Nadiyya. Zain can't reach the heads, so he focuses on the torso. He swings Tempest into the hydra's flank, hard enough to crack a few ribs. The hydra's many heads snap at the heroes, one exhales a gout of flame over the party. Misfar is severely scorched by the beasts' burning breath.

Fuk shoots one of the heads between the eyes, piercing its thick skull and killing it dead. The head dangles limp and listless as an old man's wrinkly bell-end. The goblin disables another head - and because he isn't severing them, they don't regenerate. Misfar unleashes an empowered Burst at the hydra. He rolls snake-eyes!! Misfar suffers Backlash and a level of Fatigue. Zain delivers a mighty blow to the monster's chest, crushing several important monster organs and finally slaying the beast!

Before the dying hydra has stopped thrashing, the heroes hear a soggy clapping sound and spot a giant sea turtle applauding their victory. The turtle looks very old and very wise. It coughs, as though clearing its voice before saying something thought-provoking, but instead retches up a golden scroll case entwined with lengths of partially digested seaweed.

"Gross." Nadiyya observes, "I'm not touching that."

Misfar gingerly collects the slimy message;

'Greetings and welcome to the Serpent Isles, great hunters!
'Here, you will find a challenge to satisfy your thirst for adventure! Your task is simple, you must hunt down the Golden Ram and claim its horn. The islands of the Kakishon archipelago contain many wonders, but you will need a ship to ferry you between them. Blowing the golden horn will summon such a vessel.
The Imprisoner is gone now, but his world remains - a world that we created. You have only just arrived and we don't yet know whether you are allies or enemies. Complete the hunt and we will have more tasks for you. Present the egg to the boatman and he will bring you directly to us. We have much to discuss.'

"What egg?" Misfar asks.

More retching from the turtle. It vomits up a large blue egg marked by brown spots.

Fuk grabs the egg greedily; that's his breakfast sorted. Misfar takes the egg off him.

"Maybe these mysterious world builders know of a way to escape Kakishon." the wizard suggests, "Completing their tasks might be the quickest way out of here."


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Chapter Twenty Seven: Shelling Out

In order to secure an audience with the mysterious world-builders of Kakishon, the heroes have accepted a challenge to hunt the golden ram. The only member of the party with any survival skills is Fuk and it takes the better part of a week to track the beast, but food and fresh water is abundant throughout the islands.
While the heroes hunt their quarry, they share the same recurring dream every time they put their heads down to rest. In the dream, they are standing in a quiet, mist-shrouded graveyard. A skanky-looking feline observes them from its perch atop a weathered tombstone. The cat swaggers away, leading the party to the steps of an ancient bronze mausoleum. A ghostly figure emerges from the tomb and hovers beside the unperturbed animal.

"Find me on the Isle of the Dead," the spectre commands - then, before they can respond, the heroes all simultaneously wake up.

"Did you...?" Misfar asks. The others nod. "Well, that's interesting."

After tracking the golden ram across the island, Fuk shoots it and Nadiyya saws off its horns. One horn can be used to summon a Nexian galley to any of the fast travel points spread across the archipelago. The second produces a golden draught that grants magical protection to the drinker (the horn has 10PP that do not replenish, once the points have been expended the horn loses all of its magical properties).
The party return to the beach where they first appeared on Kakishon. Hundreds of crabs swarm greedily over the hydra's corpse, meticulously picking the flesh from the monster's bones. Zain wades into the warm ocean and blows the golden horn.
A few minutes later, a black sailed galley cruises into view and drops anchor at the end of the stone pier. Despite the long oars protruding from either side of the ship, the benches are devoid of rowers and the rigging is empty of crew. In fact, the only figure on board is a muscular bronze golem with a bull's head, stationed expectantly at the ship's helm.

"If I understand this correctly, this fine vessel will ferry us anywhere we want to go - within the boundaries of the demiplane." Misfar says. "Should we accept the invitation of the world-builders, or take a detour to the Isle of the Dead?"

The party vote to seek the world-builders of Kakishon, before they go ghost hunting. Misfar hands the weird egg over to the silent helmsman and the galley casts off for parts unknown.

Nadiyya is anxious, after checking her character sheet and remembering she cannot swim. Fortunately, the ocean is as placid as the sky is blue. Misfar does not share her fears, he stands at the prow with the balmy wind blowing his long grey ponytail behind him. Kakishon's temperate weather seems to agree with the wizard, he has recovered from the wounds incurred battling the hydra in a matter of days. Zain strips down to his underclothes to better soak up the sun's sacred rays, while Fuk scours the galley's hold for ratty stowaways to feast upon. He is disappointed to find the Nexian galley is vermin-free.

"That's strange," Misfar mutters, shielding his eyes from the sun's glare, "Was that island there a moment ago?"

That's no island! It's the armoured shell of a gigantic dragon turtle, rising ponderously from the depths of the depths of the ocean to defend its territory!! Waves violently buffet the galley as the monstrous turtle surges forward in a cloud of scalding spray.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+8, Vigour d12
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Stealth d6
Pace 8", Parry 6, Toughness 24 (8)
Special Abilities;
⭕ Bite (Str+d8)
⭕ Fear-2
⭕ Hardy, not wounded from second Shaken result
⭕ Heavy Armour +8, can only be penetrated by Heavy Weapons
⭕ Size +8 (+2 wounds, +4 to hit)
⭕ Scalding Breath, Burst template, 3d6, Agility-2 to evade

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Misfar knows that regular attacks are only going to tickle the beast bearing down on them. Fortunately, he can add the Heavy Weapon property to his spells by expending extra Power Points. Misfar brandishes the Polar Staff and sends an icy spear hurtling toward the terrible turtle. The spear pierces the shell and the dragon turtle roars in fury, as it is Shaken (but not wounded) by exploding damage.

(That one spell consumed a quarter of Misfar's total Power!)

Fuk emerges from below deck, bow in hand. He nocks an arrow and takes aim at the turtle's eye, planning to loose on his next turn.

"My friends, avert your eyes!" Zain cries, "Beast, gaze upon the glory of Sarenrae!" He casts Solar Flash to blind the monster.

The dragon turtle lunges, hoping to capsize the galley and drown its troublesome passengers. The deck bucks beneath their feet as the hull scrapes loudly along the turtle's shell, but the ship remains seaworthy. At the end of its turn, the dragon turtle recovers from being Blinded.

Having taken the extra time to line up his shot, Fuk fires arrow into dragon turtles left eye, permanently blinding it on that side! The dragon turtle roars again and exhales a cloud of scalding steam over the gunwale. The heroes hit the deck to avoid taking damage and the bronze helmsmen seems to be immune. When the steam clears, the dragon turtle has submerged. Minutes pass and the beast does not return, it has been driven back to its lair on the ocean floor.

The galley sails onward, away from the island cluster and further out into open water. As they travel, the bright colour and fine details seems to drain from their surroundings, until the sea below and the sky above are both indistinct, grey and featureless. Only the heroes themselves seem unaffected by this curious bleaching effect. The rhythmic splashing of the oars falls silent and the galley continues to glide forward of its own volition.

"I don't want to alarm anyone," Misfar calls, from his position at the prow, "But it seems we are running out of ocean."

Up ahead, the very fabric of the existence ends so abruptly it is almost as though it has been severed by a blade. All that lies ahead is an endless expanse of empty, white nothingness. Without realising it, the heroes have reached the End of Eternity.

"Stop this ship!!" Nadiyya screams at the bull-headed helmsman, but the silent golem does not respond. There is no turning back from this course.

Without further ceremony, the Nexian galley sails off the edge of the world.



I'm going to take a break from Legacy of Fire in order to write some homebrew adventures. Hopefully, I'll return to this thread at some point in the future.


Chapter Twenty Eight: Meet your Makers

There is an unpleasant sensation of weightlessness as the ship sails into the void. The ship isn't actually falling, but nor is there anything below to support its weight. A dense, white mist climbs up the hull of the galley and begins to creep across the deck. Visibility is severely hampered beyond the reach of one's own arm, yet strange shapes and half-formed figures whorl amidst the deeper fog.
Up ahead, a familiar landscape begins to take form. It has been months since any of the heroes last saw it with their own eyes, but they all recognise the distinctive domed roof of the Victory Market in Kelmarane. At this distance, the scene appears as a crude, pencil sketch of the town they know, but as they draw near, colour begins to bleed into the monochrome landscape.

The Nexian galley stops alongside a stone jetty jutting out into the void. This strange version of Kelmarane is eerily silent. Warily, the party disembark.
The party pass through the gates of the Victory Market and find a pair of familiar faces waiting for them. Reclining on a plush divan is Princess Almah Roveshki, standing beside her is her grim-faced and silent major-domo.

"I greet you, heroes from outside this reality," says the princess, "I am Lahapraset, although I have assumed a form I hope will put you at your ease.
"I am a spirit of creation and I wish for you to become my champions. I hope that business with the golden ram did not vex you overmmuch, but I needed to see that you could handle yourselves. Please, sit with me, for we have a great deal to discuss."

Unsurprisingly, the heroes have questions. Like, so many questions;

Q: "Where are we?"
A: "Nowhere... and anywhere. Your journey has bought you to the Isle of Not. Once we finished building this demi-plane for the Imprisoner, we were banished here, beyond the edges of the map. The nature of this entire plain is malleable. My fellow spirits and I can shape it to our whims, so we fashioned a place you would recognise and feel comfortable."

Q: "Who is this Imprisoner you speak of?"
A: "The wizard-king who trapped us here. In your material plane, he was called Nex."

Q: "What do you really look like?"
A: "You would find our true forms distressing to look upon."

Q: "Do you know how to leave Kakishon?"
A: "Kakishon is collapsing. The relic was not designed imprison a force as volatile as Jhavul. His recent escape has further weakened the fabric of reality holding this plane together. In the next few hundred years, the islands will crumble and the seas will turn to dust. When this happens, anyone not native to Kakishon will be ejected back into the material plane."

Q: "We can't wait that long! We need to stop Jhavul! Is there another way?"
A: "While we created this plane, the Imprisoner forged four great runes to anchor it to the scroll you used to get here. Each of these runes is guarded by a colossus. If you slay all four guardian beasts and destroy all four runes, Kakishon will become untethered from the relic and you will be able to escape.
"Atop the frozen peaks of Aliskiren, the winged froc protects the rune of air.
"Somewhere on the seabed, a fearsome dragon turtle lies in wait for those who would seek the rune of water."

"Yeah, we've met."
Nadiyya says.

"On the desert island of Khandelwa, the earth rune is guarded by the mighty oliphant.
And finally, in the deepest jungle of the Serpent Isles, a terrible lizard from a bygone age devours all who seek the rune of fire."

Q: "So all we have to do is systematically eliminate all four legendary monsters, then we're free and clear?"
A: "That's about the size of it."

Q: "What help can you give us in this task?"
A: "We have some power over the forces of creation, within the boundaries of Kakishon. We can temporarily adapt your forms to make it easier for you to find and fight the four colossi."

Lahapraset provides the heroes with 4x Potions of Water Breathing and 4x Potions of Flight.

"Additionaly, an azer smith called Artel Norrin resides on the volcanic island of Salenax. He created many magical weapons for the Imprisoner. If anyone on Kakishon can provide you with arms powerful enough to threaten the colossi, it is he."

Q: "What do you know about the Isle of the Dead?"
A: "The Imprisoner raised a grand mausoleum there to act as his tomb, but now he is gone and the island is deserted."

The heroes decide not to mention their strange dreams. Lahapraset and the other spirits teleport the party back to the last waypoint they visited, the stone jetty on Serpent Island.



Chapter Twenty Nine: The Great Forgemaster

The party decide their first port of call should be the island of Salenax, home to the azur weaponsmith Artel Norrin. They've already witnessed first-hand the power of one colossi and hope Norrin can provide a weapon capable of bringing it down. Zain blows the golden horn to summon their ride. Another Nexian galley appears on the horizon, practically flying across the waves - or perhaps it is the same one as before? It has the same black sails and the same bull-headed helmsman at the wheel, yet there is no damage to the hull from the fight against the dragon turtle.
The heroes board the ship. The bronze helmsman waits silently for direction.

"Take us to Salenax!" Nadiyya commands. The golem complies.

The voyage takes many hours. Curiously, the position of the sun does not change and day does not transition into night. It seems the laws governing time in the material plain do not apply in Kakishon.

Salenax is a large, smouldering rock, dominated by the peak of an active volcano. A plume of ashen smoke rises into the sky and falling embers fill the air, thick as fireflies.

"Look there!" Misfar cries, pointing skyward as the volcano spits forth a cluster of flaming meteors. They are falling towards the galley! The bronze helmsman seems to neither notice or care, as he sails headlong into the shower of certain death. It is up to the heroes to defend the ship from destruction!

This was a Dramatic Task, to destroy or divert the flaming debris before it wrecked the galley. The four PCs have three rounds to accumulate fifteen successes.

"There!" Fuk yells, gesturing frantically at the burning sky, "No, there!! No, there!!!" (Fuk rolled a Critical Failure on his Notice roll to support the others.)

"Stop yelling, we see them!" Nadiyya snaps, trying to ignore the goblin and focus on her gift. She uses her power to control flame to nudge the fiery comets off course. From the corner of her eye, Nadiyya notices Zain is carefully positioning himself directly below one of the falling rocks.

"What are you doing?!" she screams.

"I'm going to catch it." Zain answers.

"You're going to WHAT?!"

"I'm going to catch it!"

Nadiyya casts Elemental Protection on her friend. Moments later, a flaming rock plunges towards the deck! Zain catches it in his bare hands, screaming as his skin blisters, spins and hurls it over the side, to splash harmlessly into the ocean. Without Nadiyya's aid, he would likely have lost the use of his hands.

"Idiot!!" Nadiyya yells, as the big man blows on his smoking fists.

"It worked, didn't it?"

Misfar raises the Polar Staff and unleashes a barrage of icy bolts towards the descending firestorm, freezing a dozen comets and causing them to fall short of the ship. The last of the meteors splash down harmlessly and the mountain quietens, its fury spent.

The galley draws up alongside a jetty formed by volcanic glass and the party disembark onto the hellish shores of Salenax. The entire island slopes up towards the volcano. Misfar spots a cave entrance halfway up the smoking mountain. It is the only landmark in sight and the party head toward it.

Inside the cave mouth, the party find a pair of large metal doors, glowing red with heat from the volcano's core. Nadiyya recasts Elemental Protection on Zain and the big man pushes open the heavy doors. Beyond lies a long hallway lined with racks of assorted weapons. A doorway to the west opens onto a wide balcony overlooking the volcano's smoking crater. An iron bridge arches over the lake of bubbling magma to a small island, where a ruddy skinned dwarf with flaming hair strikes a hammer against an enormous, glowing anvil.
Only Nadiyya can stand to cross the lake of magma, the intense heat causes the others to suffer a level of Fatigue.

"Excuse me!" Nadiyya yells, struggling to be heard over the ringing of metal, "Are you Artel Norrin? We need to speak with you!"

"Da, I am the great forgemaster Artel Norrin. What do you want with me? Be quick - I am a busy man."

"We have all heard tales of the skill and craftsmanship of the great forgemaster Artel Norrin,"
Nadiyya continues, hoping that compliments will stoke the flames of Norrin's ego, "We seek to hunt the four legendary colossi that roam these islands and need powerful weapons to bring them down. We heard that only the great forgemaster Artel Norrin is capable of forging weapons capable of such a feat."

"Da, these rumours are all true,"
Norrin agrees, "My weapons are the best, but I do not work for just anyone. If you want me to do this thing for you, then you must first do a thing for me."

"What do you want us to do?"

"On the island of Khosravi, lie the bones of a behemoth from a bygone age. It was called the Devourer of Magic and even dead, its bones still suppress all aspects of the arcane. A black crystal grows on the skeleton. Fill your packs with shards of this black crystal and bring them to me. Once I have the shards, then we can talk about your weapons."

"Yay, another fetch quest."
Nadiyya groans, adding it to the mission log.



Chapter Thirty: The Lovely Bones

The heroes are only too happy to leave Norrin's workshop and return to their ship. Nadiyya orders the helmsman to set a course for Khosravi.

"I've read about the Devourer of Magic," Misfar says, "It was created by Nex's arch-enemy, the necromancer Geb, to hunt and destroy powerful mages. It must have been sent here - to Kakishon - to kill Nex. If its bones await us on Khosravi, we can assume it failed in its mission."

"So what happened to Nex?"
Nadiyya asks, "Lahapraset said his tomb lies empty. Is he still alive, somewhere on Golarion?"

"Nobody knows,"
Misfar explains, "At least, nobody who I know of. He disappeared during a sorcerous battle against his great enemy. Perhaps his body was utterly destroyed, or perhaps he retreated to another demi-plane, similar to this one, to gather his strength for a final battle with Geb. Scholars have been arguing the point for almost as long as Nex has been missing. It might be that we will never know for sure."

The galley reaches Khosravi, a blasted and barren land of rock and gravel. Nothing grows here, as though the bones of the Devourer have sucked the very life out of the ground. The rest of the island is littered with shattered siege engines and broken towers.
An immense spike of sheer, solid rock with narrow grooves spiralling up its entire length protrudes from the ground, driven deep into a hilltop in the centre of the island, reaching 100ft into the sky.
As the heroes approach, they realise the spike impales the rib cage of an enormous, draconic skeleton. The entire island has an eerie and oppressive atmosphere - and the heroes can't shake the feeling they are being watched....

"Let's get this done," Zain says, "It'll be quicker if we spread out."

"Are you nuts?"
Fuk says, "Even Fuk knows not to split the party! We stick together!"

The heroes pass the huge, horned skull of the skeletal behemoth, looking out for growths the of black crystal so covetted by Norrin. Both Misfar and Zain spot a few small shards protruding from cracks in the ancient bones, while Fuk stumbles upon a cluster of obsidian shards bigger than he is.

"Over here!" Fuk calls out excitedly, "Fuk find the motherlode!"

The others hurry over to begin harvesting the black crystal - suddenly, they are overwhelmed by a gut-curdling carrion stink. (Fuk is Fatigued.)

"Urgh, what is that stench?" Nadiyya asks, struggling not to gag.

"Not Fuk! Don't look at Fuk!"

And that's when the ghasts attack with surprise!

- - - - -

💀 Winged Ghast
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigour d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace 6", Parry 6, Toughness 8
Special Abilities;
⭕ Claws, STR+d4 and Paralyzing Touch
⭕ Flying, pace 8"
⭕ Paralyzing Touch, anyone Shaken/Wounded by the ghoul's claw attack must resist with Vigour-2 or be Bound (Vigour-2 to break free)
⭕ Undead traits

- - - - -

Two ghasts attack Nadiyya, their long filthy talons tearing deep gouges in her leather armour. Misfar is not so well outfitted, their claws scythe through his flimy gown and cut into his flesh. Misfar tries to cry out, but finds he has been paralyzed by the toxins coating the ghast's claws. Zain and Fuk fend off their own undead antagonists. Fuk gets to Counterattack and shoots one of the winged ghouls in the shoulder (Shaken). He follows up with a second shot to the monster's head killing it outright. The ghast drops to the ground, clawing at the broken shaft impaling its skull.

Misfar rolls particularly well on his Vigour save and starts to restore control over his unresponsive body. The ghouls claw him again! A different ghast tears into Fuk and wounds the goblin, who also succumbs to its paralyzing touch. Zain sweeps Tempest around and cuts down the two ghasts flapping around him.

Nadiyya holds her sword aloft and calls upon her inner fire to enflame the blade. Nothing happens. Belatedly, she recalls that the bones of the Devourer suppress ALL arcane backgrounds, not just spellcasters.

"Damn it!!" she yells, taking out her frustration on the nearest ghast. The ghast glares at her reproachfully, as though to say 'Hey, it's not MY fault you don't pay attention to what important NPC's tell you!'

Nadiyya stabs him in the throat for being such a judgemental prick.

Misfar and Fuk are paralyzed and unable to contribute to the combat. The ghasts pick them up and prepare to launch into the air, hauling the helpless heroes up to their loathsome nest atop the stone spire! Zain has an instant to decide which of his friends he is going to help - he can't get to them both before the ghasts take wing! In the time honoured tradition of roleplayers everywhere, he rolls a d6! Zain goes to the wizard's aid, forsaking poor Fuk to be carried away! He kills the two ghasts grappling Misfar and slings the limp elf over his shoulder.

Nadiyya kills another ghast and switches to her bow. The last ghoul continues to ascend toward the nest, gripping Fuk tightly to its chest.

"I can't get a clear shot!" Nadiyya screams, "I might hit Fuk!"

"He'll forgive you, probably!"
Zain yells back, "Take the shot!!" (Zain rolls Persuasion to Support Nadiyya's Shooting roll.)

Her hands are slick with sweat, she nearly drops the arrow as she pulls it from her quiver. The ghast is some ways away (medium range) and Nadiyya is a middling marksman at best.

"You can do this." Zain says, encouragingly, "The goddess guides your arrow."

Nadiyya inhales, holds it in her lungs, then fires. The arrow flies true and clips the ghast's wing. It is Shaken and releases its hold on Fuk, who is now plunging 20ft toward the ground. Even with Misfar draped over his shoulder, Zain manages to cross the uneven ground and catch the falling goblin in his free hand. Nadiyya realises she is still holding her breath and exhales in relief. She is momentarily surprised by how deeply she has come to care for the little goblin.

Zain and Nadiyya break up the large crystal cluster and pack the fragments into their packs. They carry their haul - and their paralyzed companions - back to the ship and return to Salenax. Misfar and Fuk recover from the ghast's toxins on route.

The party return to Norrin's forge in the heart of the volcano, to hand over the crystal shards in exchange for colossi-killing weapons.

"Da! These will do very well, very well indeed!" the weaponsmith says, "If I grind these fragments down into a fine dust and smelt the powder into the steel, I will be able to forge mage-killing swords that suppress magic. Fun, da?"

"Yeah. Fun."
Misfar answers, deadpan.

"A deal is a deal, da? Come with me."

Norrin leads the heroes back through the room lined with weapon racks. He gestures disdainfully to a row of gleaming swords.

"These are your standard +1 weapons," Norrin explains, "Da, they get the job done, but if you are looking for something special, I recommend Zenzirad."

He directs the party's attention to a black longsword, the blade of which burns with an ebon flame.

"This, this is my baby. I made her special, to slay a genie warlord who ruled these islands. I hear he has left Kakishon, so I will never have the chance to wield it. Now I offer it you, in compensation for the black crystal."

"Genie warlord?"
Nadiyya asks, "Do you mean Jhavul?"

"Da! Jhavul. How do you know this name?"

"We are trying to escape Kakishon, to stop Jhavul and his army conquering our homeland,"
Zain answers.

"Then we are allies!" Norrin exclaims, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, da? You are strong! You will take Zenzirad and use it to fight Jhavul! Da, this is good!"

Nadiyya takes up Zenzirad, promising to drive the blade through Jhavul's black heart. Norrin laughs uproariously and claps her on the back.

Zenzirad +1 magical longsword (STR+d8+d6);
Anyone shaken or wounded by Zenzirad is set ablaze with ebon fire, suffering 2d6 damage per turn, Agility-2 to extinguish the magical flames.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Misfar says, "There's still the matter of four legendary monsters we have to attend to before we can go after Jhavul."


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