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Salvatore's Demon Wars - do they improve? (spoilers)


So, I've just finished 'The Demon Awakens' (unemployment does strange things to a man), based on the theory that as it wasn't a D&D novel, it had to be better than his FR stuff. I was right...to a point. But now I'm left with the decision: pretend that it was a standalone novel, or finish the series.

I think that one of the things that frustrates me so much about Salvatore's stuff is that you can look at it and see the potential - and all the things that would be so easily fixed that drag it down.

I almost didn't get past the first scene with the dactyl, but after that the book improved, and I enjoyed it and the characters until about halfway through it.

Then, there was a certain gap of a couple of years in the story. When it starts up again, we've got an interesting, introspective, thoughtful character (Avelyn) who has inexplicably become a fat buffon with a two-word vocabulary. The constant repetition of "Ho, ho, what!" had me nearly ready to throw the book across the room. It's like someone going from Saint Augustine to Friar Tuck without a word of explanation.

I managed to grit my teeth through the scene where the demon repeatedly referred to another character as his "stooge" (note: do not call people 'stooges' unless you are a gangster in the roaring 20s, or their names are Larry, Curly, and Moe.)

So, I guess what I'm asking is, are the next two books more like the first half of this one, or the second half?

needs something to read until his library gets March to the Stars in.

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I managed to grit my teeth through the scene where the demon repeatedly referred to another character as his "stooge"...

Just pretend that the Demon is doing this to annoy everyone in a tiny almost subliminal way. He's a being of ultimate evil, so even this petty evil brings him a miniscule joy. It would bring him that more more joy if you'd actually become angry enough to throw the book. ;-)

I've never read Salvatore so I can't address the question of whether he sucks more or less in the remaining books.

I read Demon Awakens, Demon Spirit, and Demon Apostle. The second two were both nice, but nothing phenomenal. There were some cool scenes, true, but I don't feel much enriched for reading it. I think I liked the first one best, and when I finished it I wasn't expecting there to be a trilogy, let alone some sort of crazy 7-part cycle.

Now that you mention it, I did like the beginning of the book Avelyn much more than the later-on Avelyn.

John Crichton

First Post
Okay, I'm a big RAS fan, so let me get that out of the way. I think the Demon Wars series is his best work to date (with the exception of Homeland). The first book is quite good. However, the middle 200 pages of the second book are dreadful. The beginning is good and the ending is good (still talking about the second book) but those middle pages are not. If you can get through them better things are to come. The 3rd book in the first trilogy was a good read and much better than the second book.

The follow-up book 'Mortalis' was excellent. RAS wrote it right about the time his brother died so it is pretty dark and has a good deal of emotion in it. It was my favorite of the 7 book series.

The second trilogy was entertaining as well. There are no slow parts like the middle of the second book in the original trilogy which is good. The first book is great and made me really look forward to the second book. However the second book featured different characters than the rest of the series which took some getting used to. But in the end it was a fun read and quite worth it. I just read the final book of the series very recently so it's hard to comment on it. I liked it but at the same same had a few issues with it. However, it did not diminish what came before it.

In closing - If you liked the first book and can get through the second book you have the real meat of the series in books 3,4 & 5. I highly recommend giving them a shot. :cool:


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It was very difficult to get me to read these books. I do actually like RAS dark elf books, although it is a love-hate relationship. I love many of the scenes and plots he comes up with; I hate a lot of the characters (esp Cattie-Brie, Wulfgar, and most good NPCs). He does evil guys great (in the dark elf books, imo).

So my friend finally convinced me to read this series because he was done and he thrust all 3 upon me. Another book about a ranger...bleh. But it turned out to be pretty cool. I love the gem-magic and church control of it. I also loved old-school non-santa Avelyn. Also, I think he ended the 1st trilogy in such a way that you almost feel he could have done that with another of his series.

At any rate, I must agree with John. Parts of the second book dragggg, and not in a good way (if there is a good "dragggg"). That being said my favorite book is Mortalis, the 4th book (and the only one that isnt part of a trilogy). While at first it was very boring for me, its a very in depth political novel which manages to scratch off a lot of the outer layers of the world, revealing an interesting underbelly. The female lead is also the only female good-aligned character I've ever connected with (possible exception: Danica from Cleric Quintet).

If you have some time and spare cash, I would recommend reading the first trilogy, the 4th book (Mortalis) and the 5th book. I havent started on the 6th yet, but am hesitant due to the change of perspective. Overall, the gem-magic and villains will see me through.


John Crichton

First Post
Re: .02

Technik4 said:
If you have some time and spare cash, I would recommend reading the first trilogy, the 4th book (Mortalis) and the 5th book. I havent started on the 6th yet, but am hesitant due to the change of perspective. Overall, the gem-magic and villains will see me through.
If you can get past the major character change you are in for a treat in the 6th book. It's just as good as the 5th in the end. :)

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