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Running adventures in systems that they were not designed for.


Front Range Warlock
So, I was wondering what adventures you have run in systems that they were not designed for. For example, I plan on running WTF's Witchburner in Fantasy Games Unlimited's Bushido sometime in the near future. The two seem like they were made for each other (even though they specifically weren't). Similarly, in the past I've used Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes to run a short campaign in the GURPS Reign of Steel setting. I'm interested in your "this with that" mashups!

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I have run many Call of Cthulhu scenarios under GURPS without difficulty. The games' similar attribute and hit point ranges make this quite easy, even when I'd adapting on-the-fly during a session.

I have played the first four parts of the PF1e version of the Kingmaker adventure path under GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, with the GM similarly mostly adapting on-the-fly. I get the impression we did it rather differently from the usul Pathfinder style, but that was partly because we were emissaries of a Lawful Good realm, and not murder-hoboing it at all.

I’ve run three chapters of Masks of Nyarlathotep in Savage Worlds.

I ran the Zalozhniy Quartet for Nights Black Agents in both GURPS and Savage Worlds

I’ve run 3.5 era Necromancer Games stuff in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy.

I’m gearing up for a Blades in the Dark game using Savage Worlds.

I guess I like universal systems. I hate hit point grind. I tend to convert games to systems my players and already know rather than trying to learn a bespoke system for each game.


Oh, I do that a lot. More than the right way around, honestly.

I once ran a campaign that used MEGS DC Heroes for the mechanics, Champions for the adventures, and Shadowrun for the setting.

In my current PF2e campaign, I'm rescuing a homebrew setting that I originally intended for Rolemaster, and have run the players through both Sunless Citadel and B1.
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Front Range Warlock
I forgot! I also want to explore the Myth setting (Bungie Software/GURPS) with Band of Blades. These two properties seem like a match made in heaven!


My one-shots tend to match up better, primarily because I use whatever intro adventure comes with the rules. The exceptions come when I use a "weird" rule-set to model some media. Like the Scion rule set to run a a game based on Love Hina.

Anima's Ki system would also work surprisingly well for Ranma 1/2 and DBZ. And PF2e's kineticist seems to actually be intended to model Avatar:The Last Airbender.


Ran War of the Burning Sky in Accursed (Savage Worlds). That was a lot of fun and not as big of a change as I expected. The oddest mix I did is nearly 2/3 of the way through the Age of Worms campaign in 3.5 I had to bring it to an early end due to some real life demands that needed attention. A few years later most of the same group returned to the adventure path, but I ran it in Dresden Files via modern day Chicago. The new PCs were all echos of their earlier selves. Given how PC driven that game is I cannot say it followed the adventure path exactly, but I did keep using it to help me develop obstacles for the group to overcome. Sadly we never got to play the final session due to more real life issues so now my Dresden campaign had Kyuss ruling Chicago....


Not an adventure, but a setting.
I've no interest in Blades In The Dark's rules... but I have adopted its setting (what there is of it) to use in Mythras.

I have run a lot of D&D adventures from every edition using GURPS (both 3e, 4e, and Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game). Off the top of my head, these include, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Desert of Desolation, White Plume Mountain, Sunken Citadel, Phandelver, the GDQ series, Isle of Dread, Den of the Slavetakers, Elves of the Valley, a bunch of Al-Qadim adventures, The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, and bits from most of the 5e hardcovers.

I've also used a fair amount of material from MERP and CoC in GURPS.

And, although I play other systems (D&D, CoC, Traveler, Fate, Savage Worlds), I rarely convert things into them.

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