D&D 5E Rise of the Necromancer OOC


The sky has darkened and the lightning strikes light up the night, the bonds of friendship are being stretched as the old alliances crumble. The golden age of Dakar is fading and a dark force is arising out of the east.

“The alliance was built on secrets and lies. Tonight, tonight, you my friends will start to show the world the truth. Tonight is the start of Dakar’s rebirth.” – Lord Severus

The world of Dakar has had peace for almost a century, the Kingdom of Men has learnt to live alongside the many different races of the world. As men have prospered in peace the gods of old have faded from sight and fewer and fewer men are able to channel their power. With the power of the clerics fading a dark presence has risen in the east. The dead have begun to rise and serve in the armies of the Necromancer King.

It is in Crevasse City, the fortified mountain pass that serves as the gate way to the east that you have been summoned by Lord Severus, a mysterious figure that is rumored to be in the service of the Necromancer King.

I am looking for 4 to 5 players for an evil campaign in Dakar, my homebrewed world. The setting is low to mid magic. Clerics and Paladin’s are rare and most arcane magic users aren’t trusted. All published WOTC options are allowed and I will review any UA or third party, generally I’m pretty open. The campaign will be evil but the focus will be more on the character’s, their flaws and motivations. There should be plenty of combat but also a lot of social interaction and exploring. Looking at a start date somewhere in the first week of June or so.


[sblock=Races of Dakar]
The subjects of the Lizardmen, the Slythirn serve as servants and provide most of the labor in the swamps and marshes of North West Dakar. The Slythirn have spent centuries as the servants of the lizardmen and are just now starting to build and organize a resistance. Slythirn are a tall, thin, snake like race with a head that contains strong serpent features. Slythirn have a long tail and razor sharp claws on their hands and feet.
[sblock=Slythirn Traits]

Your slythirn character has certain characteristics in common with all other slythirn
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increase by 1.
Age. Slythirn reach maturity at the age 10 and can live up to 140 years.
Alignment. Slythirn are a highly organized yet ruthless people, yet those Slythirn characters that have left the Empire tend towards a neutral alignment.
Size. Slythirn are tall and thin, they range from 6 to 7 feet tall and weigh 100 to 150 lbs. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet; in addition you have a swimming speed of 30ft.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Slythirn Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Slythirn teeth and claws. Your teeth and claws are natural weapons you can make a 1d4 finesse attack on a creature within 5 feet of you.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Slythirn.[/sblock]


The foot soldiers of the Dragon Empire, Draconics are fierce in battle and fiercely loyal to their master, the Dragon Queen Dalinda, an ancient Red Dragon. Dalinda and the other red dragons have ruled over the Dragon Empire for many years as the other races of Dragons have served under them. There are rumors of a coup brewing.

Draconic are known for their skill with the blade, their military organization and for having a silver tongue.


Kobolds inhabit the lowest rung in the Dragon Empire, and are often dismissed as cowardly and weak. Kobolds are not without their uses and are respected by the Draconic for their cleverness and ability to work together to overcome their physical limitations.

Kobolds are second only to Dwarves in their ability to create tunnels and mines and while they may have constructed the great Draconic cities that grace the surface of Dakar, they have built their own, even more expansive cities under the Dragon Empire. To this date the Kobold have managed to keep the size of their underground cities and of their civilization a secret from the Draconic and the Dragons.


The proud rulers of the northern swamps the Lizardmen rule over the Slythirn despite being fewer in numbers. To outsiders the Lizardmen’s emotions seem as cold as their blood; Lizardmen are not know to show emotions often if ever.

[sblock=Lizardmen Traits]

Your lizardmen character has certain characteristics in common with all other lizardmen
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom and Strength scores increase by 1.
Age. Lizardmen reach maturity at the age of 10 and can live up to 80 years.
Alignment. Lizardmen are highly organized but look out mostly for themselves they tend towards lawful evil

Size. Lizardmen are slightly shorter but much bulkier than the Slythirn. Lizardmen stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, and weigh anywhere from 175 to 225 lbs. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet; in addition you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath underwater for up to 30 minutes
Poison Resistance. Lizard men have resistance to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against poison
Natural weapons. Your teeth are natural weapons; you can make a bite attack for 1d6 damage. This attack relies on strength and has a reach of 5 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Slythirn.[/sblock]

The boogey-men that haunt young would be travelers or adventures dreams the Bugbears are as fierce and savage as their reputation. Brutally strong and as stealthy and nimble as most jungle cats Bugbears are one of the most feared warriors on the planet able to strangle and opponent in the dark unseen, or stand toe to toe with a Orc or Half-Troll.
While their reputation as a fierce and savage warrior is well earned in battle, out of battle Bugbears are known to be lazy and lack ambition, they have no greater plans; they take what they need when they need it and live off of lesser beings.

At the bottom of the Goblinoid Empire rest the Goblins. Weaker than their Bugbear and Hobgoblin brothers the Goblins find themselves in a life of servitude, doing the grunt work for the Great Goblinoid Empire. Goblins are cunning and cruel, relying on their quick wits and reflexes in battle and in life. While not cowards, Goblins are quick to admit defeat and are not above groveling to try to work their way out of tricky situations.

Stronger than Goblins and smarter and have more ambition than Bugbears, it is the Hobgoblins that stand atop the Goblinoid social pyramid. Hobgoblins believe in an orderly society and in the honor of battle. The Hobgoblins hold themselves to their own code of honor; they have no qualms taking land or property from others as long as it is done in a strait up fight.

Hobgoblins live in a militaristic state, where the law is held high and punishment is swift and severe. The whole of Hobgoblin culture is war and the telling of its exploits, victories and defeats.

The life of the Orc is one of violence and death, while a few famous Orc shaman have been known to live to the age of 60; it is the rare Orc warrior that sees the long side of 40. Orcs from their birth are raised for conquest and war, but this is their culture not their nature. Orc children, and half-Orc children that are raised in other cultures have no problems adapting to a more peaceful or civilized society.


The name Half-Troll is a misnomer as while Half-Trolls do have a troll ancestor they are at most a quarter Troll. Tall and longed limb, Half-Trolls have sharp angular features and green or brown tinted skin but for the most part resemble humans. Half-Trolls are found scattered amongst most of the Kingdoms of Dakar, but their most populous and advanced societies are still located in the Troll Marshes of the Southwest.
[sblock=Half-Troll Traits]

Your half-troll character has certain characteristics in common with all other half-trolls.
Ability Score Increase. Your constitution score increase by 2 and your strength score increases by 1.
Age. Half-Trolls reach maturity at the age of 10 and can live up to 100 years.
Alignment. Abused by Trolls and feared by other beings Half-Trolls tend towards the Chaotic Neutral alignment; shunning society and doing whatever is best for themselves.
Size. Half-Trolls stand between 6 to 8 feet tall and weigh 250 to 325 lbs. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Reach. Do to your long limbs you can add an additional 5 feet of reach to any melee weapon.
Regeneration. You regain up to your constitution modifier of hit points at the start of your turn if you do not take damage your troll ancestor is susceptible to, you or your DM can chose between, fire, acid, cold or lightning damage. Your character does not fall unconscious unless it starts its turn with 0 hit points and does not regenerate.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Giant.[/sblock]


With their strong ties to the clan, gnolls are most likely to take to adventuring having been raised from a pup by a mercenary or someone of a similar life. Gnolls raised by a clan may find themselves alone if the clan is wiped out, or if they are banished for a betrayal, and might be forced to interact more peaceably with other races to keep their belly full. Gnolls retain a strong instinct to physically dominate others, even those they are allied with, to work out a hierarchy. Despite this, they are fiercely aggressive of their established ‘clan’, even non-gnolls, and see an insult or an attack on any ‘clan mate’ as a personal one. They tend to be impulsive, with a strong predatory drive which may lead to them to engage or pursue an enemy even when it may not be the best tactical choice. Most gnolls continue to collect trophies from their kills, although they tend to avoid body parts while in more civilized company if it is against the will of their ‘clan mates’. (Gnoll information courtesy of Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde)

[sblock=Gnoll Traits]

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Gnolls mature rapidly, reaching adulthood by three or four and growing old at 40.
Alignment. Outside their own clan, gnolls care little for order, tending towards a chaotic disposition. Beyond this, they imprint strongly on those that raised them and usually reflect their values.
Size. Gnolls range from six to eight feet tall, and are heavily muscled, especially around the neck and shoulders, and you weigh between 200 and 250 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. As part of your bestial heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bite. Your jaws are a natural weapon, and you can bite as an unarmed strike, dealing 1d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit, instead of the normal damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 8th level and 1d8 at 14th level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Gnoll and one other language of your choice. Gnoll has no formalized written component of its own, and is nearly impossible to transcribe (though attempts have been made), consisting mostly of guttural grunts and piercing howls.

Subraces. The three main types of gnoll are the gutter, plains, and rock. Choose one of these subraces.

Gutter Gnoll
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Opportunist. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. Sewer Dweller. You have advantage on saving throws against poisons and diseases, and you have resistance to poison damage.

Plains Gnoll

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 40 feet. Sprinter. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move up to half your speed.

Rock Gnoll
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Lookout. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Cave Dweller. While in rocky terrain, you are considered proficient in the Stealth skill. [/sblock]


[sblock=Nations of Dakar]

[sblock=Atraria Alliance]

The Atraria Alliance is a loosely bound alliance of the major human city states of Dakar. While the Halflings have no formal say in the Alliance’s government and pay no taxes to the Alliance, the Alliance considers them to be under their protection.

The Atraria Alliance is ruled by a governing council that is currently ruled by High Councilor Witold Ortwin. The Alliance council governs the standing army of Atraria and also resolves trade disputes, for almost everything else the City-States govern themselves.

Swan Rock

Corruption: low to moderate
Qualities: Academic, trading center, historical site, Magic school
Government: council
Population: 15,000 (85% Human, 10% Halfling, 5% other)

Notable NPCs
Witold Ortwin, High Councilor of both Swan Rock and Atraria
Hildrun Alrun, Headmaster at the Swan Rock school of Magic
Bertille Sunna, head of the Commerce Guild

Swan Rock, isolated on its own island is the home of Witold Ortwin and is currently the capital of the Alliance. When the race of men first sailed from the east this is where they made their home and it is seat of Atrarian culture, and the most refined of all the city states.

Crevasse City

Large City
Corruption: low
Qualities: Military academy, precious metals
Government: Monarchy
Population 20,000 (95% Human, 3% Halfling, 2% other

Notable NPC’s
Baron Drako Von Crevasse, current ruler of Crevasse City and leader of its renowned army
Dominus Hego Von Crevasse, leader of the intelligence network of Atrarian, also rumored to be head of the secret police of Crevasse City
Patrician Erfried Volker head Military Training School

Built into a mountain pass and with fifty foot walls defending the city, Crevasse City is the seat of the military power of the alliance. It is ruled firmly but fairly by the Baron Von Crevasse, and is well renowned for its training programs.


Huge City
Corruption: Record Breaking
Qualities: Trade, Gambling, debauchery
Government: Monarchy
Population 50,000 (Human 60%, Halflings 5%, Goblinoids 5%, Kobold 5%, Orc 5%, Elf 5%, Troll Kin 5%, other 10%)

Notable NPC’s
Duchess Lena Hogan ruler of Gao
Crazy Maximilien main gambling contact and owner of Crazy Maximilien’s Lightning Half-Sphere
Thorin Strongbow – leader of the Satar Crime Syndicate
Beatrice Longfuse – owner/manager of the Ugly Goat Tavern

Gao is the largest city-state in the alliance, a hot bed of trade. Gao is a mix of all races and cultures mud huts sit across the road from decadent temples. Crime is high in Gao where almost anything can be found and everything can be lost.


Large City
Corruption: Low
Qualities: Trade, shipbuilding, artesian crafts

Government: Elected Counsel
Population 25,000 (80% Human, 10% Goliath, 10% other)

Notable NPC’s
Isabella Cromey, recently elected first citizen of Stayhan
Archibald Leeper head of the Alliance Navy and head master at its sailing school.
Thomas Pickart, head of the Stayhan Commerce Guild.

Stayhan is the most prominent city-state on the west coast of Dakar, and is home to the Alliance Navy, and its sailing school. Some of the best craftsmen in the country can be found here. [/sblock]


While you can find bands of wood elves with small settlements in most of the major forests of Dakar, the High Elves stick to the nation of Lachuinia at the Southern tip of Dakar. Elvish society is one storied in history, but also one that is fading from the present. There is a sickness that has been spreading and slowly diminishing the elves numbers. At the moment there is no known cause.

Alwin Ianhorn is the long ruling King of Lachuinia, he has been on the thrown for several centuries and until the recent plague he was held in high esteem by the citizens of Lachuinia and Dakar as a whole.


Corruption: non existent
Qualities: Academic, Magic, Culture, Artisan Arms
Government: Monarchy
Population 10,000 (50% Elf, 30% Half-Elf, 20% Elf-Orc)

Notable NPCs
Alwin Ianhorn ruler of Lachuinia
Shalendra Ulaxisys leader of the Elvin Army
Mladris Daero, royal historian

Frostport is the oldest know city in Dakar and its architecture is admire by all. Stunningly built castles, keeps, cathedrals and walls are the envy of all. Due to its climate Frostport does not produce much beyond its schools, and artisan arms and crafts.


Small City
Corruption: Low
Qualities: Culture, fish
Government Monarchy
Population 5,000 (40% Elf, 40% Half-Elf, 20% Elf-Orc

Notable NPCs
Princess Alais Ianhorn, ruler of Lastwater
Dakath Wynhice, Captain of the Lastwater guard
Vulmar Adjyre, head of Lastwater Trading Guild

Lastwater is mostly known for its fish, and its trading guild. The population of the city has been rapidly falling as its inhabitants have taken ill, or moved to the capital.


Corruption: moderate
Qualities: Northern most Fort of Lachuiania, gateway to the underworld
Population 2,500 (40% Half-Elf, 20% Elf, 20% Elf-Orc, 10% Orc, 10% other)

Notable NPCs
Duke Jandar Holatoris ruler of Heartspire
Claire Vawynn, Half-Elf Captain of the Heartspire Guard
Aenwyn Leocaryn head of Heartspire commerce guild

Heartspire is the Northern most city of Lachuinia on the border with Triunga, and the gateway to the large collection of underground caves known as the Underworld. As the plague has spread amongst the elves more and more half-elves, elf-orcs and even orcs have risen to prominent positions of power.[/sblock]

[sblock=Dwarven Nations]

The Dwarves of Dakar do not have a nation, but instead live in three large mines/cities. On occasion the rulers of the Three Dwarven Nations of Dakar to form alliances to further the greater good of Dwarven society.


Corruption: non-existent
Qualities: Steel and Iron, high quality armor
Government: Monarchy
Population 50,000 (99% Dwarf, 1% other)

Notable NPC’s
Eristrer Oakhand ruler of Zubril
Bromdun Dimbelt, leader of the Zubril army
Grakruck Lavacloak, head of mining guild

Zubril nestled in the heart of the western mountains is the newest of the three Dwarven nations and is known for the
high quality armor that it crafts along with its output of steel and iron.


Corruption: non existent
Qualities: Gold and silver,
Government: Monarchy
Population 75,000 (99% dwarf, 1% other)

Notable NPCs
Hurfaehilde Whithood ruler of Plietan
Osuil Greyarmour leader of the Plietan armed forces
Skaleal Hornminer leader of the mining guild.

In the mountains near the eastern shore of Dakar lies Plietan and expansive Dwarven Empire that produces most of the fine metals and some of the best crafted jewelry of the realm.


Corruption: non existent
Qualities: Mithril, fine armor
Government: Monarchy
Population 100,000 (99%Dwarf, 1% other)

Notable NPCs
Baghack Giantcloak ruler of Estil
Toreloid Warhelm leader of the Estil armed forces
Armebena Windbrew leader of the mining guild

Estil is the oldest and largest of the Dwarven Kingdoms in Dakar. Nestled in the lone mountain range on the south western island, Estil is known far and wide for its great halls and its underground castle. Of course it is also known far and wide for the Mithril it produces and the fine armor and crafts its master smiths create. However, Estil has not been heard from for over a year.[/sblock]

[sblock=Gnoll Territory]

The varying tribes of Gnolls that roam the territory are ever changing, there are no known settlements.
[sblock=Great Northern Woods]
The tribes of Beastmen and animal races that inhabit the northern woods have never been accurately counted. There are no widely known permanent settlements.

[sblock=Southern Marshes]

The Southern Marshes are home to most of the Trolls and Troll-Kin of Dakar. They have no widely known settlements and tend to roam the Marshes either in pacts or by themselves.[/sblock]


While called a nation Triunga is for all intents and purposes one large Orc Horde. It has one permanent city. Darkwich which is the partially repaired ruins of an old Elvish stronghold.


Corruption: rampant
Qualities: none
Government: Despot
Population: varies between 2,000 and 50,000 (50% Orc, 30% other (prisoners/slaves) 10% Half Orc, 10% Elf-Orc

Notable NPCs
Mahk ruler of Triunga
Urghat Warlord of the Armies of Triunga
Dulug High Priestess of Triunga

Darkwich is the only permanent settlement in Triunga and thus the seat of its limited government. Once a great Elvish stronghold Darkwich is now just a ruin, with animal skins filling the gaps of what used to be roofs and walls. [/sblock]

[sblock=Dragon Empire]

Located on the Northern Border of Dakar between the swamps and marshes of the Yaploutho Empire and the Great Northern Woods, the Dragon Empire is an Empire based on strength and military discipline. The land of the Empire is mostly dry plains land with mesa’s and plateau’s.


Corruption: moderate
Qualities: Military Instruction, Magic
Government: Dictatorship
Population 100,000 (60% Kobold, 30% Dragonborn, 7% other, 3% Dragon

Notable NPCs
Dragon Queen Dalinda ruler of the Dragon Empire
High Minister Zezkus leader of the Draconic Army
High Priest Udkeodag leader of the Cult of the Dragon

Built deep into the face of a plateau Fearvault stretches for miles underground. The never ending work of further expansion keeps the Kobold workforce moving around the clock


Large City
Corruption: moderate
Qualities: minerals, precious metals, gems, trade
Government Dictatorship
Population 75,000 (65% Kobold, 30% Dragonborn, 3% other, 2% Dragon

Notable NPCs
Xiedruss, The Chosen, ruler of Kilbay and the Dragon rumored to be next in line for the throne
Rocgox First Citizen of Kilbay, runs the day to day operations
Eskizi Captain of the Kilbay Guard
Stholgie leader of the trading guild in Kilbay

One the northern coast Kilbay is the trading hub of the Dragon Empire exporting the many minerals and gems that are mined in the creation of the cities of the Dragon Empire. [/sblock]

[sblock=Goblinoid Empire]
Stretching from the western coast of Dakar to just over thewestern mountains is the Goblinoid Empire, consisting of Hobgoblins, Goblins,and Bugbears. The Hobgoblin cities are efficiently run, while the Goblin citiesrun a little less smoothly and the Bugbears, well the Bugbears leach off of whateversettlement they are near
Large City
Corruption: moderate to high
Qualities: trade
Government: Military Dictatorship
Population: 125,000 (60% Goblin, 30% Hobgoblin, 5% Bugbear,5% other)
Notable NPCs
Slerd military ruler of Grimeslan
Ogmyk civilian leader of Grimeslan
Brahdat leader of trading guild
Grimeslan located in the northeast section of the GoblinoidEmpire is its main trading hub, trading with the nations of the north on aregular basis. Grimeslan is also the head of the foreign intelligence wing ofthe Hobgoblin army and most spy’s and scouts hail from here.
Medium City
Corruption: Moderate
Qualities: Magic School Mining
Government: Military Dictatorship
Population 50,000 (40% Goblin, 40% Hobgoblin, 10% Bugbear,10% other)
Notable NPCs
Ret military leader of Brittenest
Gnuird civilian leader of Brittenest
Claabeerd head of School of magic
Druhzux head of trade guild
Tucked into the western mountains Brittenest is the home tothe only school for magic in the Goblinoid Empire, so almost all Goblinoidswith any magical inclination end up here. Due to its natural defenses and dueto its large percentage of magical citizens Brittenest is the most secure, andcomfortable city in the Goblinoid Empire.
Corruption: moderate
Qualities: Military Training, military history, trade
Government: Military Dictatorship
Population 100,000 ( 60% Hobgoblin, 30% Goblin, 5% Bugbear,5% other)
Notable NPCs
Strord military leader and ruler of the Goblinoid Empire
Kligz civilian leader of Steephost
Ikx leader of Steephost trade guild
Location near the center of the Goblinoid Empire, Steephostis its seat of power, with the bulk of the Goblinoid army located in a war campjust a few miles away. Steephost is the newest of the major Goblinoid city andwhile the military is close by there are not many other defenses.


The Giants and Goliaths are mostly nomadic, the Giants oftenstay to themselves while the Goliaths are more tribal. There are no widelyknown permanent settlements.[/sblock]
[sblock=Yaploutho Empire]
Little is known about the great Lizardmen Empire in theNorthern Swamps and marshes, other than the fact that the Slythrin serve themas slaves.
It is believed that the Lizardmen have converted agenttemples into cities of some kind, with Highstar, Deadhall and Stoneshear beingthe most rumored amongst them. [/sblock]


[sblock=Organizations of Dakar]


Satar is the largest criminal syndicate in Dakar, and it has a presence in all the major Alliance cities along with having at least some level of a foothold in all of the civilized lands. Satar has chosen Gao as it’s headquarter and while everyone is aware of its location there, the law in Gao has turned its head due to the revenues it brings in.

Thorin Strongbow is the current leader of Satar and is a fifty year old human male. He runs the syndicate with a brutal and ruthlessly efficient manner. He is however fair in his dealings and honors his word whenever possible.

[sblock=Order of Verity]

The Order of Verity is an organization that is dedicated to keeping the balance of power in Dakar. Comprised mostly of monks with some clerics and paladins, Verity works to preserve the rights and freedoms of the common man, along with being order to the more chaotic realms of Dakar. [/sblock]


The Wardens are a loosely tied group of Druids and Rangers who try to preserve the natural elements of Dakar and fight against the encroachment of civilization. [/sblock]


There are rumors of a secret organization, that acts as an unsanctioned secret police. No government has officially acknowledged its existence but its victims will swear to its existence.



IC Thread http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?556023-Rise-of-the-Necromancer-IC&p=7136115#post7136115
Rogues' Gallery http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?555082-Rise-of-the-Necromancer-Rogues-Gallery

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I'm interested, that's for sure. I've played very good evil games before. I know quite a few tricks to it. One of them is to make sure you think of your characters as people. Usually, IMO, what makes someone "evil" is in their personality flaws. Evil games usually only fail when people play an evil caricature, not an evil character.


I’ve updated the OP with a spoiler sized description of the setting and the start of the adventure, and some photos to suggest tone/atmosphere.


We would be starting at level one. All the PHB races work well with the exception of Tieflings but they could be refluffed or be a one off type of being. The Volvo’s monster race options would work as at the moment Orcs can walk in human cities and vice versa, they may get some hard looks but there are no active wars at the moment. All of the Kobold Press Midgard/Southland races are also in play. If you have another beast/monster race I would most likely accept it as long as it isn’t too crazy, just run it by me.

There are 9 main countries in Dakar. The Humans have a kingdom and a few Halfling communities are spead within. The Elves have a nation to themselves, the drow do have a rather large underground city but they drop the standard drow baggage, they are just underground elves. The dwarves have a few major cities. Dragonborn and Kobolds have a nation under their red dragon queen. Lizardmen rule over the Slitherin(snake people) in the northern swamps. Goliaths live with the Giants in the West, and various races of beastmen and hybrid creatures live in the north. There is also a nation of trolls and trollkin in the south west. Last but not least there is the Gobliniod Kingdom with Hobgoblin’s, Bugbear and Hobgoblin’s.

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