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Rel's Faded Glory III: Glory Reborn (FINAL UPDATE 6/22 - SHE'S DONE, BABY!!)


Liquid Awesome
Oh, one other thing that's been bugging me is an error that I made when writing up the story. I'm not going to go back and correct it now because it is easily explained below:

When the party learned about the Emorian invasion of the Fodor Valley, the number of Legions invading was not two, but SIX. That puts the number of Imperial troops encamped near the mouth of the Fodor at more like 15,000 than 5,000. If this strikes you as overkill compared to the 500ish able bodied warriors among the whole of the Fodor Tribes then you're correct.

But that doesn't mean that Flavius is a fool by any stretch. First remembering that he has absolutely no clue that an army of Orcs is descending upon him then consider:

- He's been building up the military for some time and has the spare troops to mount this invasion and still keep a firm grip on the Sythian border.

- The fierce naval campaign that the Imperial Navy (returned to some of its historical might thanks to his own programs) has waged against the Corsairs of the Crescent Sea has made the trade lanes to the northern continent safer than they've been in a hundred years. Keeping his troops supplied will be easy and he'll be able to quickly ship home large quantities of slaves and raw materials (mostly furs but also high quality timber and medicinal herbs not found in Emor). Thus the invasion will pay for itself fairly quickly.

- His enemy in this invasion is comprised of troops who are highly skilled at living off the land, know it like the back of their hand and are used to using guerilla tactics to good effect. Trying to hold the Northlands with a smaller body of troops is just asking for some small garrison to get masacred by roving bands of barbarians.

- Even after the invasion is complete, he's going to have to withstand years of occupation with partisan attacks on patrols and such. Better to invade with a huge force that can destroy as many potential partisans in the first engagement as possible.

- A sound military victory that brings home lots of slaves with a small cost in the lives of his soldiers will make his confirmation at the next Emperor upon the death of his father a mere formality.

- He is not blind to the dangers of the Blackpeaks. He knows full well that they are rife with evil humanoids and that a thousand-strong army of Orcs invaded the Fodor Valley just last winter. He will need troops on hand to defend the area once it is his.

- Once the invasion is done, he'll want to shift some of these troops to re-occupy the towns of the Lost Northern Provinces (Notably Glynden and Aquae Sulis at this point) to encourage an influx of pioneers. Having the Empire spant the northern continent from the Dragon's Tail to the Blackpeaks puts a VAST amount of raw resources in his hands that will make his reign as Emperor the one where the Glory of the Empire is Reborn.

I will also note that the players widely regarded Flavius as a real bastard for launching this invasion. But that's not how I feel about him. Sure, he's opportunistic and ruthless for hitting the Fodor tribes while they're down. And he is unwittingly playing into the hands of the Banites (who he thinks are all but destroyed). But he is doing what he thinks is best for his people and stands to increase the holdings and security of the Empire by an enormous ammount with little risk (so he thinks). Unfortunately he doesn't have all the facts at hand that the PC's do and his "low risk invasion" is about to turn into a major debacle...

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I just read the whole thread. I reiterate that the story hour rocks. :)

Actually, I usually do not hang out in the story hour forums. I have attempted to read this thread since I met Rel at NC Gameday III, but one thing or another always kept me from getting on track.

Although I did post in the thread way back towards the beginning. :)

Anyway, keep it up. I am thoroughly enjoying it all.


First Post
Rel said:
I'm not going to attempt to badger these folks out of lurkerhood, though I am happy to have them post if they'd like and I'm thrilled that they are readers of mine. But I would be interested in hearing from the "regulars" as to how many times they pop in per day. Do you just check in when there might be an update (i.e. a post by me that shows up in your "Subscribed Threads" list)? Or do you check it each time anybody posts to read their comments? Or do you simply pop in some arbitrary number of times per day, week or month and see if the story has progressed?

I usually pop in when I visit ENWorld (1-2 times a week) if there are new posts in the thread.



Liquid Awesome
Thank you all for your kind words. I really appreciate that you took the time to post them and I certainly hope that you continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds. As always, please feel free to ask any questions or make any comments that crop up. I'm never sure if the story is as clear and cohesive to others as it is in my mind when I'm writing it.


Mini-game day

You can't argue with such a great story hour.

As for the mini gameday, it was a blast. I had no idea that Rel would show up and that made for a pleasant surprise. I am hoping to badger the kind ladies at the store to have more like it. I know that a few other GMs wanted to do the same and I think that could really help out their store.

In any event, I have the best party for the game. We have one kid who was playing for the first time and had a phenomenal night with the dice and 3 experienced players who made GMing a joy. It was the perfect amount of both RP and combat and I came out of the game happy with the way things went.

So, big thank you to Rel, who plays a mean halfling rogue.
Last edited:


Liquid Awesome
Lazarius and Marius sat in an empty classroom, hunched over a broad desk covered in maps. Both wore grim countenances.

“I don’t see how it can take them longer than a month at the absolute most, barring horrible weather or them stopping somewhere along the way. And that assumes they are striking somewhere along the southern coast where the beaches are the best suited for a large landing. They could easily land at one of the west coast harbors. Those defenses were never strong to begin with and they were the first to be abandoned when things got bad during the Slave Wars.” Marius shook his head and started rolling up his maps, knowing that little more could be gained by staring at them.

“I think you’re right about the west coast. They will likely land there because that would be the furthest from any of the forces that could oppose them. Most of the Legions still in the Empire are either bunched up along the Sythian border or scattered along the north coast in preparation for being sent to the Northlands. That leaves only a couple of under-strength ceremonial Legions here in Emor and whatever Auxiliaries are quartered in the south coast garrisons keeping watch for pirates.” Lazarius was no more optimistic than the Imperial Explorer.

“Well if that’s where they’re headed then I’d say they will be there in under three weeks. How quickly can the Legions move to get there?” asked Marius

“They can march fairly quickly within the Empire. The roads and existing forts with stocks of supplies see to that. The real problem is going to get them moving in the first place. That will all depend on how convinced the Senate is of the dangerous nature of the situation.”

As if on cue, the door swung open and a young student addressed Lazarius with a quavering voice, “The Chancellors will see you now, Master Lazarius.”

The two Imperials looked at each other and Marius broke into a smile, “Better get going, Master Lazarius. I need to get on the street and see what I can find out for myself. I’ll meet you back here by morning.” He stuffed the last of the map cases into his Haversack and exited the room as Lazarius headed for his meeting with his former mentors.

They were seated in the Chancellors Audience Chamber, a room designed with great formality in mind. But Felix dispelled any notion that etiquette and procedure would reign when she abruptly addressed Lazarius without any formal introduction. “Sit down, Lazarius. I know you’re tired and we may be here for a while. I’ve already told the others the basics of your story but why don’t you run through it again so they have all the facts.”

Lazarius let out a sigh and recapped all he had learned about the City of Endless Summer, the Banites, the armada of ships and, of course, Bane being broken out of his prison in Hell. Both Evilada and Scapula sat quietly, not interrupting as he revealed this information as though they either didn’t quite believe it or couldn’t figure out what questions to ask.

As Lazarius finished, Scapula nodded. “Well that explains something else. I was at the Capital when I got the message to return here at once. As I was departing, I had just heard that High Priest Novanus of the Church of St. Cuthbert had called for an emergency session of the Senate this afternoon, that he may address as many of the Senators as were in town. That is probably going on right now.”

Evilada squinted his narrow eyes, “We must gather as much information on this fleet of ships as we can. Tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest, the Senate is going to be howling about why we didn’t know this sooner. I’d best get to the Scry Crystals and see what I can find. Titus Pontius Macer you said his name was?”

“That’s correct,” replied Lazarius. He continued, “We’ve got to get word to the Wizards among the Legions and tell them to get those men moving! If they intend to land along the western coast then we haven’t much time!”

Scapula replied, “Lazarius, you know as well as we do that the War Wizards answer to the Generals, not the other way round. And since we have no idea as to where they are going then it makes no sense to start mobilizing those troops anyway. The last thing we want is to leave the Border vulnerable without a plan for guarding it as we pull out those troops. And the Orcs must march and eat too. The Auxiliaries will hold them until we can get the troops there. If this army is no larger than you say then they can’t hope to win against us. They just don’t have the numbers.”

Lazarius stood and started to exit the chamber in barely contained frustration. He turned back as he got to the thick, rune-covered door, “What scares me is that they are smart enough to realize that.”


Liquid Awesome
BelenUmeria said:
In any event, I have the best party for the game. We have one kid who was playing for the first time and had a phenomenal night with the dice and 3 experienced players who made GMing a joy. It was the perfect amount of both RP and combat and I came out of the game happy with the way things went.

So, big thank you to Rel, who plays a mean halfling rogue.

That kid's dice were really on fire. It ALWAYS happens to the newbies, and a good thing too. I liked at the end when somebody asked him, "So, are you hooked?" and he said, "Oh yeah!" with a big grin on his face. Good stuff.

And I'll note that my Halfling Rogue for that game was not nearly as mean as the last couple I've played. I didn't stab anybody in their sleep or kill off any other party members.


Registered User
Rel said:
And I'll note that my Halfling Rogue for that game was not nearly as mean as the last couple I've played. I didn't stab anybody in their sleep or kill off any other party members.
Getting old and soft, eh ;)?

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