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Religious Lore


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
This is a work in progress expect change.
The Betrayer -
God of Destruction, Madness and Strife

The Betrayer was once an angel to another god, but he rose up in revolt and lead other angels to kill their god, but once the task was finished other angels tried to take the power from him, they failed but all that remains of the betrayer is an eye and a mouth cast into stone on a barren rock in the astral sea. From there he commands a legion of demons and devils, wisphering dark orders across the reaches of space. Followers of the Betrayer are reluctant to give their real name to anyone.

The angel of death
God of Death and Protection

Echrodaskimhon was a loyal servent of the old gods one of their angels. But he was lost in their destruction. Awakening thousands of years later without memory but with a sense of purpose, destroy the imposter gods. He appears as a metalic suit of armor with no one inside, and huge metal wings, the armor, wings and his sword are all wreathed in flames at all times. He captures dead souls before they go to Tynat, and slings them into the void in hopes to empower his dead gods. Followers of Echradaskimhon venerate the holy number 7 in all it's appearances.

the black beast
God of Wilderness, Earth, Storm, and Moon

Furlos is a great black beast who roams the forests and dark places of the world, often depicted with the body of an ape, and the head of a wolf or bear, with fur made from obsidian. It is said that Furlos has a tongue the size of a tree, with the strength of ten men it wraps and grabs. Furlos is a fierce and wrathful god. Furlos is said to be trapped by his lust, seeking to be free and achieve enlightenment. Those that worship Furlos relieve his lust by proxy, and savour every experience of pain they receive for their god cannot feel pain.

the great Fir
God of Life, Creation, Sun, and Spring

In the Long Hills stands a gigantic Fir tree which glows with an inner light, under the bough of this tree it is never night, it is never winter. This is Harliv the great Fir. Those that touch the flesh of the great can feel the warmth, and the voice of the great tree god. Harliv commands all that hear it’s voice to honor nature and protect all life, plant and animal alike. The followers of Harliv have built a temple complex around it’s base and they are required to make passage to the god once every ten year.

the Shade Wyrm
God of Change, Darkness, and Trickery

A crafty Dragon whose body is formed from the stuff of shadows, Kais is known to fade between this world and the next never truely in either. Kais may appear as large as the mountains or as small as a mouse, always in the shadows just out of the corner of your eye. Always watching. A sly creature who delights in the everchanging world in difference to the dullness of the Shadow realm especially change he causes himself Followers of Kais must always wear gloves when they are in public.

The sea beast
Goddess of Sea and Winter

Kixocy is an enourmous Kraken, her tentacles stretch across the deep ocean, reaching every coast. She stirs the waters creating the waves and the storms, she brings ice from the north, bringing winter each year. Fishermen and sailors offer a blessing to her before heading out to sea, and it is considered bad luck to kill a squid in your catch.

the morals champion
God of Hope, Justice and Civilization

Ortin is the hero of mankind and all the moral races, for he was once a mortal warrior who with his dying act slayed the terrible god The Tyrant who had ruled over the mortal races as a emperor for 5000 years. However Ortins death was not the end for him. Absorbing the Divine power he became a god in death. The nature of his accension meant that he may never take physical form on the mortal plane though. His followers hold a monthly bond breaking ceremony.

the shrouded Goddess
Goddess of Arcana, Knowledge, and Love

Say'ena was once a mortal woman, priced for her beauty, she was known as the most beautiful woman in the world. But fear ruled her life. Fear that she would lose her looks to the ravages of age. She studied magic, purchased every knowledge she could find, and over time becoming known as one of the wisest in the land. Learned wizards would seek her out for her knowledge. But she still quested for her prize, the knowledge of eternal life. Finally she found a formula, provided by The Betrayer, who promise he could make her never age. Since many years had passed and her looks had already begun to fade she snapped at the chance. But as his nature, The Betrayer deceived her, the formula made her immortal but transformed her face to a twisted ever changing mass. Her suitors were gone revealing their true desires, all but one. A pauper who had followed her since they were both children. He continued to profess his love for her and protected her from those that attacked her out of fear. They continued for many years as he continued to age she remained unaging. One day she heard a noise and slayed her presumed attacker before realizing it was her mate aged. As she collapsed in tears she ascended, never to return to the mortal realm. Her followers wear shrouds over their faces in religious functions and never look at mirrors.

the blood hawk
Goddess of Freedom, Summer, and Skill

Tor’os is a powerful bird, a red hawk that flies between the planes. She typically does not interact with mortals, relishing her freedom, she only becomes involved when she can be of help to restore the freedom of others. She took the Domain of Summer from Tyllpos the frog god when she tore him to bits after he attempted to trap her. Her followers always wear the color red, and offer blood sacrifice to their goddess.

The spider goddess
Goddess of Autumn, Death, and Fate

Tynat appears as an enourmous blue spider, She lives in the dark places and deep caves of the world, and all life withers ages and decays around her, and mushrooms sprout in her path. She is a weaver of time and fate. Hanging the souls of the dead in her webs, she tends to them like precious gems. The dark elves venerate her attempting to turn her favor, however she hates them and refuses to hang them in her web choosing to leave their souls to fade. Her followers and the drow wear facial tattoos, and piercings.

The stone god
God of Earth, Luck, and Srength

Warros is seen in many different forms, a man, a giant, a bull, a bear, a turtle, elephant and others, all of these forms formed from stone. Warros is known to appear to those in need of his strength and offer a game of chance, if he loses he helps the person in need, if he wins, he hinders the process. Followers of Warros settle disputes over a game of chance.

Lost Gods.

There are several former gods who are no longer around.

The old gods, it is said the old gods were those that created the mortal races in their own images, but their names and history is lost to time.

Most Noteable lost god is The Tyrant, a terrible demonic figure who spent 5 millenia on the mortal realm ruling over all the moral races as their emperor. He was finally killed by Ortin 100 years ago.

Tyllpos the frog god, was slain by Tor'os

Alee the moon goddess was eaten by Furlos

There are other gods, both living and dead who are not known to the common man.

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