Regarding the Life of Threads


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
What I find remarkable about the necro'd threads is how stable the commentariat on this forum is.

Yes, the names change. But not as much as I'd expect!
Depends on the time frame. Sometimes, I see old threads from 15 years ago and am amazed at how many regular posters I remember but haven't posted in years.

Then I get morbid and wonder since I've spent 21 of my 42 years reading this forum, how many of those posters I've interacted with have failed their last saving throw. :(

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Depends on the time frame. Sometimes, I see old threads from 15 years ago and am amazed at how many regular posters I remember but haven't posted in years.

Then I get morbid and wonder since I've spent 21 of my 42 years reading this forum, how many of those posters I've interacted with have failed their last saving throw. :(

Your forum experience could buy you a beer.....


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'll state my preference in case it's helpful to someone who is trying to decide if they should revive an older thread or post a new one on a similar topic.

For me, it's really useful to see a larger array of responses all in one place.

I'll offer an example. Let's say as a DM I want to know people's thoughts on whether a feat is overpowered, and suggested changes to it to make it more balanced.

And let's say over the past year we've seen 10 different arguments for why the feat is not overpowered, 10 different arguments for why the feat is overpower, and 10 different variations on the feat to alter it for different preferences.

If all of that were in one thread, then one of the 10 of a particular category might speak best to my gaming preferences. However, if it's split into two different threads, there is a decent chance (a 50% chance in this rather simplistic example) I will miss out on that.

So, from a utility perspective, it's far better for my needs if it's all to be found in one place.

And I do think that is one of the most powerful things about a message board as opposed to places like Reddit or social media. The ability to refer back and collect opinions on the same topic over a longer period of time is highly powerful for a game discussion where people are coming to look up thoughts about a rule over a period of years. And I think a lot of that powerful utility is lost if that topic is always spread over a half dozen different threads which are much harder to gather and analyze in one place.

So, if you're trying to decide if you should revive an old thread or create a new one on an older topic, for me at least I would encourage you to revive the old one. Future readers may thank you.
I think perhaps the best compromise, and maybe best solution even disregarding compromise, is to link the old thread in the OP of a new thread.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Apparently, I said the exact same thing in this very thread in 2018!

You know what's better?

When you've been on a forum for a long time. And you post a comment in a necro'd forum.

And then you look back, and you realize ... that you took the exact opposite position several years ago., not that this has ever happened to me. Speaking for, you know, a friend.

Thomas Shey

You know what's better?

When you've been on a forum for a long time. And you post a comment in a necro'd forum.

And then you look back, and you realize ... that you took the exact opposite position several years ago., not that this has ever happened to me. Speaking for, you know, a friend.

I've seen the opposite, too, where I looked at an ancient post on a topic in a necroed thread and went "I didn't think that all the way through, did I?"

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