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Redbadge's Solo Skull and Shackles

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First Post
JHIV (Undine Druid/Rogue 1)

[sblock=Level One]Joseph Gault
Male Undine druid/rogue
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lbs Age: 72 years Hair: Deep Blue Skin: Blue Eyes: Blue
Favored Class: druid/rogue Religion: Besmara Alignment: Neutral

Strength: 11 (+0) [13 (3 points) - 2 (racial)]
Dexterity: 18 (+4) [16 (10 points) + 2 (racial)]
Constitution: 10 (+0) [10 (0 points)]
Intelligence: 12 (+1) [12 (2 points)]
Wisdom: 18 (+4) [16 (10 points) + 2 (racial)]
Charisma: 14 (+2) [14 (5 points)]

Initiative: +4 [+4 (dexterity)]
Speed: 30 ft. [30 ft. (base racial)], Swim 30 ft. [30ft. (base racial)]
Senses: Darkvision 60ft. (racial)Languages: Common (racial), Aquan (racial), Druidic (class)

Hit Points: 8 [1d8 (max rogue HD) + 0 (constitution)] Hit Die: 1d8 (rogue)
Armor Class:
16 [10 (base) + 4 (dexterity) + 2 (leather)]
Touch: 14 [10 (base)
+ 4 (dexterity)]
Flat-footed: 12
[10 (base) + 2 (leather)]

Fortitude: +2 [+2 (class) + 0 (constitution)]
+6 [+2 (class) + 4 (dexterity)]
Will: +6 [+2 (class) + 4 (wisdom)]

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0 [+0 (base attack bonus) + 0 (strength)]
Combat Maneuver Defense: 14 [10 (base) +0 (BAB)
+ 0 (strength) + 4 (dexterity)]
Base Attack Bonus: +0 [+0 (rogue 1)] Space: 5 ft. Reach:
5 ft.

Rapier: Critical 18-20 (x2); Piercing damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6 + 0
[0 (strength)]
Sap: Critical (x2); Bludgeoning damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6 + 0 [0 (strength)] (nonlethal)
Dagger: Ranged 10/20/30/40/50 ft.; Critical 19-20 (x2); Piercing or slashing damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+4 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d4 + 0 [0 (strength)]
-Ranged Attack (10 ft.): +4 [+4 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d4 + 0 [+0 (strength)]
Shortbow: Ranged 60/120/180/240/300/360/420/480/540/600 ft.; Critical (x3); Piercing damage; Load (free action)
-Ranged Attack (60 ft.): +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6

Skill Ranks: 10 [(8 (rogue) + 1 (intelligence) + 0 (racial)) x 01 (level) + 1 (favored class)]
Max Ranks: 1 (level) Armor Check Penalty: -0 [-0 (leather)]

Acrobatics: +10 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity)
+ 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 2 (Sea Legs)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill)
+1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, class skill, untrained)
Bluff: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Climb: +6 [+1 (ranks) + 0 (strength) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 2 (Sea Legs)] (Strength, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Craft ( ): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, class skill, untrained)
Diplomacy: +6 [+1 (ranks) + 2 (charisma) + 3 (class)] (Charisma, class skill)
Disable Device: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, trained only, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Disguise: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Escape Artist: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Fly: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Handle Animal: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Heal: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom)] (Wisdom, class skill, untrained)
Intimidate: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Arcana): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Engineering): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only)
Knowledge (Geography): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (History): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Local): +5 [+1 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 3 (class)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill)
Knowledge (Nature): +3 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 2 (Nature Sense)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Nobility): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Planes): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Religion): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Linguistics: +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Perception: +9 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 1 (trait [Besmara's Blessing])] (Wisdom, class skill)
Perform ( ): +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Profession (Sailor): +9 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 1 (trait [Besmara's Blessing])] (Wisdom, trained only, class skill)
Ride: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Sense Motive: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom)] (Wisdom, class skill, untrained)
Slight of Hand: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, trained only, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Spellcraft: +5 [+1 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 3 (class)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill)
Stealth: +8 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill)
Survival: +10 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 2 (Nature Sense)] (Wisdom, class skill)
Swim: +15 [+1 (ranks) + 0 (strength) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 8 (racial) + 2 (Sea Legs) + 1 (trait [Shackles Seafarer])] (Strength, ACP, class skill)
Use Magic Device: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, trained only, class skill, untrained)

Traits: Besmara's Blessing, Abendego Spellpiercer, Shackles Seafarer
Feats: Weapon Finesse (level 1), Sea Legs (rogue [pirate])
Weapon Proficiencies: Druid (club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear), Rogue (simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword)
Armor Proficiencies: Druid (padded armor, leather armor, or hide armor), Rogue (light armor)
Human Features: Undine (all included in statistics), Alternate Racial Traits (Amphibious, Hydrated Vitality)
Druid Features: Hit Die, Class Skills, Skill Ranks, Weapon and Armor Proficiency, Nature Bond, Nature Sense (Weather Domain), Orisons, Wild Empathy
, Spells, Archetype (Storm Druid)
Rogue Features:
Hit Die, Class Skills, Skill Ranks, Weapon and Armor Proficiency,
Sneak Attack +1d6, Archetype (Pirate)

Druid Spells Known: All
Spells Per Day
1st-Level Druid Spells:
3 per day (Prepared spells, Domain spell, Obscuring Mist) Save DC: 15 [10 (base) + 1 (spell level) + 4 (wisdom)]
0th-Level Druid Spells: At-will (3 Prepared Orisons) Save DC: 14 [10 (base) + 0 (spell level) + 4 (wisdom)]
Caster Level Check: +1 [+1 (druid level)] Concentration Check: +7 [+1 (druid level) + 4 (wisdom) + 2 trait (Abendego Spellpiercer)]

Storm Burst (SP): As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two druid levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability 7 times per day (3 [base] + 4 [wisdom]).

Starting Wealth: 240 gp (max, 4d6 x 10 gp)
Explorer's Outfit (10 gp (free), 8 lbs)
Leather Armor (10 gp, 15 lbs, +2 armor, +6 max dex, -0 ACP, 10% arcane spell failure, speed 30 ft.)
Rapier (20 gp, 2 lb, 1d6 damage, critical 18-20/x2, piercing)
Sap (1 gp, 2 lb, 1d6 damage, critical x2, bludgeoning, nonlethal)
Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb, 1d4 damage, range 10 ft., critical 19-20/x2, piercing or slashing)
Shortbow (30 gp, 2 lbs, 1d6 damage, range 60 ft., critical x3, piercing)
20 Arrows (1 gp, 3 lbs)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Backpack, Masterwork (50 gp, 2 lbs)
Small Steel Mirror (10 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Fishhook (1 sp, - lbs)
Tools, Thieves' (30 gp, 1 lbs)
String/Twine (1 cp, 0.5 lbs)
Sprig of Holly (divine focus) (-,-)
Mineral Prism (divine focus) (-,-)

Coins: 8 pp, 4 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp (0.5 lb) Gems and Other Wealth: None Equipment Value: 155.11 gp Total Wealth: 250 gp
Total Weight: 34.0 lbs Light Load: 0-43 lbs [11 (strength), Masterwork Backpack]
Medium Load: 44-86 lbs Heavy Load: 87-130 lbs
Overhead Lift: 130 lbs [max x 1]
Ground Lift: 260 lbs [max x 2] Push or Drag: 650 lbs [max x 5]
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance and Personality]Jhiv stands 6’2” tall and is slender as a reed. He is very nimble and gracefull in his movements. Jhiv is fairly easy to spot as his skin is a rich blue color reminiscent of the deep oceans after a storm has passed and his hair is a darker inky blue shade of the night sky over the open sea. Jhiv has human features and a swimmers build with the exceptions of his ears being normal sized but with a slight fin shape to them and webbing of a paler blue color on his hands and feet that doesn’t quite reach the first knuckle.

Jhiv is fairly easygoing and tries not to let the depravities of others ruin his day. He has understood from an early age that the world is not fair and people often don’t get what they deserve so he tries to enjoy the simple pleasures in life when he can. Jhiv does not believe in a fixed fate but he does not spend much time planning out his future, rarely giving much thought to anything more than a few months down the road unless it is momentous. Jhiv believes that one should make the most out of today and the actions and choices before us now instead of worrying about a future that is as fickle as the seas. Jhiv rarely starts a fight unless provoked but will not hesitate to defend himself and his own if the need arises. [/sblock][sblock=Background]Joseph Gault is the son of Renet Gault, owner of Renet's Steel. Joseph has lived in town his whole life and works at his father's smithy as well as being a member of the town guard. Joseph is one of the few members of the town guard that does not dislike Wisslo as he believes that discipline is necessary to work and life. He stays disciplined at the smithy as well as when on guard duty, accepting the somewhat boring nature of the shifts as the price for peace and security in the town.[/sblock][sblock=Current Status] Joseph Gault (Male human fighter 1)
LN medium humanoid (human)
Str 18
Dex 13 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 10

Key Skills Acrobatics -3, Bluff +0, Climb +4, Diplomacy +0, Escape Artist -3, Handle Animal +4, Heal +1, Intimidate +0,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, Stealth -3, Survival +5, Swim +4

Init +1 Spd 20 ft. Senses Normal vision (bright light); Perception +1
AC 16, touch 11, FF 15 HP 11/11 Temp HP 0
Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +1 CMB +5 CMD 16

Melee Attack greatsword +5 (2d6 + 6/19-20) [honed, +1 damage with first strike]
Melee Attack morningstar +5 (1d8 + 6)
Melee Attack dagger +5 (1d4 + 4/19-20) [honed, +1 damage with first strike]
Melee Attack sap +5 (1d6 + 4) [non-lethal]
Ranged Attack dagger (10 ft.) +2 (1d4 + 4/19-20) [honed, +1 damage with first strike]
Ranged Attack shortbow (60 ft.) +2 (1d6/x3)
-Arrows: 20/20

Currently Wielding Nothing (hands free)
Current Armor Scale Mail
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) Greatsword, morningstar, dagger, dagger, sap, shortbow, 20 arrows, Belt Pouch, Belt Pouch
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.) Flint and Steel (Belt Pouch), Whetstone (Belt Pouch), 11 gp, 3 sp, 2 cp (Belt Pouch)
Current Encumbrance 55 lbs (light load) Medium Load 100.01 lbs Heavy Load 200.01 lbs Max 300 lbs

Active Abilities
Combat Options:
Charge (full round action), Power Attack (standard action), Cleave (standard action), Quick Draw (free action)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder, Trip

Current Effects and Conditions: Flat-footed
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First Post
[sblock=Current Status]Jhiv Viratek (Male undine druid/rogue 1)
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Str 11 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 14

Key Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +2, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +9, Profession (Sailor) +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +15

Init +4 Spd 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +9
AC 16, touch 14, FF 12 HP 8/8 Temp HP 0
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +6 CMB +0 CMD 14
Hero Points 3/3

Melee Attack Rapier +4 (1d6/18-20)
Melee Attack Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)
Melee Attack Sap +4 (1d6) [nonlethal]
Ranged Attack Dagger (10 ft.) +4 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged Attack Shortbow (60 ft.) +4 (1d6/x3)
-Arrows: 20/20

Currently Wielding Nothing (hands free)
Current Armor Leather Armor
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) Rapier, Dagger, Sap, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Sprig of Holly, Mineral Prism, Masterwork Backpack, Belt Pouch
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.) Belt Pouch (Small Steel Mirror, Fishhook, String/Twine, Thieves' Tools, [8 pp, 4 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp]), Backpack (Nothing)
Current Encumbrance 34 lbs (light load) Medium Load 44 lbs Heavy Load 87 lbs Max 130 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells:
1/1 (Cure Light Wounds/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Goodberry/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Obscuring Mist)
Cantrips: ~/~
(Create Water, Light, Mending)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Storm Burst
Combat Options: Charge (full round action), Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm (Weapon Finesse), Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder
(Weapon Finesse), Trip (Weapon Finesse)

Defensive Abilities
Cold Resistance 5 (racial)

Situational Modifiers
Shackles Seafarer, Fast Healing 2 (Hydrated Vitality)

Current Effects and Conditions:
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First Post
[sblock=Appearance & Personality]Jhiv stands 6’2” tall and is slender as a reed. He is very nimble and gracefull in his movements. Jhiv is fairly easy to spot as his skin is a rich blue color reminiscent of the deep oceans after a storm has passed and his hair is a darker inky blue shade of the night sky over the open sea. Jhiv keeps his thick, straight shoulder-blade length hair tied back to stay out of his face while fighting or swimming. Jhiv has human features and a swimmers build with the exceptions of his ears being normal sized but with a slight fin shape to them and webbing of a paler blue color on his hands and feet that doesn’t quite reach the first knuckle.

Jhiv is fairly easygoing and tries not to let the depravities of others ruin his day. He has understood from an early age that the world is not fair and people often don’t get what they deserve so he tries to enjoy the simple pleasures in life when he can. Jhiv does not believe in a fixed fate but he does not spend much time planning out his future, rarely giving much thought to anything more than a few months down the road unless it is momentous. Jhiv believes that one should make the most out of today and the actions and choices before us now instead of worrying about a future that is as fickle as the seas. Jhiv rarely starts a fight unless provoked but will not hesitate to defend himself and his own if the need arises.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Background]Jhiv Viratek (Zjheeve Veeratekh) was born to the seas and the seas recognize him as their own. Jhiv was born in the region known as the Shackles and has been in and around the ocean his whole life. Born during the worst hurricane in living memory, Jhiv was washed overboard from the ship his mother was on and found by merfolk who delivered him to a druid that they had become familiar with. This druid would come to be one of Jhiv’s mentors and role models.

In between lessons with his mentor Jhiv spent his time in the nearby small towns, always being drawn to the docks and the sea. Jhiv’ s blue skin and fin-like ears guaranteed that he was noticed but his quick wits and agile ways kept him from being the target of too much trouble. Just the same, Jhiv picked up some habits and skills while running with the street rats and dock urchins that are hard to get anywhere else.

Jhiv was noticed down in the docks for more than just blue skin. The water itself seemed to recognize him whenever he was near it, with larger than normal waves cresting over the docks just to lap at his feet. It was not at all uncommon to see a an otter gamboling along in his wake or a great shark that had no business in a port break the surface and stare around with the dead eyes of a killer before spotting Jhiv and swimming over to be petted.

With his knowledge of both the unforgiving depths of the sea and the ways of the salted docks it was a surprise to no one that knew him that Jhiv would answer the call of the sea. As Jhiv has an intense bond with the sea and is fairly useful to have on a ship he has traveled extensively throughout the area in his 72 years, from Ilizmagorti, Hyrantam and the Black Flow in the north to Eledar and the edges of the Laughing Forest in the south.

Jhiv does not concern himself with the affairs of the gods on a normal basis, but he is aware of the connection people continue to make between him and Besmara. Sea creatures do tend to react to him more strongly than can easily be explained by just being a druid and his connection to the water is particularly strong even for an undine. Jhiv does not offer praise to Besmara or carry her symbol with him but he has a healthy respect for the goddess and is aware that he may yet play some part in her plans. Jhiv does not worry about this overly much because even if he wanted to there is nothing he can do that would dissuade a deity that has made up her mind.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Level One]Jhiv Viratek
Male Undine druid/rogue
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lbs Age: 72 years Hair: Deep Blue Skin: Blue Eyes: Blue
Favored Class: druid/rogue Religion: Besmara Alignment: Neutral

Strength: 11 (+0) [13 (3 points) - 2 (racial)]
Dexterity: 18 (+4) [16 (10 points) + 2 (racial)]
Constitution: 10 (+0) [10 (0 points)]
Intelligence: 12 (+1) [12 (2 points)]
Wisdom: 18 (+4) [16 (10 points) + 2 (racial)]
Charisma: 14 (+2) [14 (5 points)]

Initiative: +4 [+4 (dexterity)]
Speed: 30 ft. [30 ft. (base racial)], Swim 30 ft. [30ft. (base racial)]
Senses: Darkvision 60ft. (racial)Languages: Common (racial), Aquan (racial), Druidic (class), Polyglot (intelligence, regional)

Hit Points: 8 [1d8 (max rogue HD) + 0 (constitution)] Hit Die: 1d8 (rogue)
Armor Class:
16 [10 (base) + 4 (dexterity) + 2 (leather)]
Touch: 14 [10 (base)
+ 4 (dexterity)]
Flat-footed: 12
[10 (base) + 2 (leather)]

Fortitude: +2 [+2 (class) + 0 (constitution)]
+6 [+2 (class) + 4 (dexterity)]
Will: +6 [+2 (class) + 4 (wisdom)]

Hero Points: 3 [max 3]

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0 [+0 (base attack bonus) + 0 (strength)]
Combat Maneuver Defense: 14 [10 (base) +0 (BAB)
+ 0 (strength) + 4 (dexterity)]
Base Attack Bonus: +0 [+0 (rogue 1)] Space: 5 ft. Reach:
5 ft.

Rapier: Critical 18-20 (x2); Piercing damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6 + 0
[0 (strength)]
Sap: Critical (x2); Bludgeoning damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6 + 0 [0 (strength)] (nonlethal)
Dagger: Ranged 10/20/30/40/50 ft.; Critical 19-20 (x2); Piercing or slashing damage
-Melee Attack: +4 [+4 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d4 + 0 [0 (strength)]
-Ranged Attack (10 ft.): +4 [+4 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d4 + 0 [+0 (strength)]
Shortbow: Ranged 60/120/180/240/300/360/420/480/540/600 ft.; Critical (x3); Piercing damage; Load (free action)
-Ranged Attack (60 ft.): +4 [+0 (BAB) + 4 (dexterity)] Damage: 1d6

Skill Ranks: 10 [(8 (rogue) + 1 (intelligence) + 0 (racial)) x 01 (level) + 1 (favored class)]
Max Ranks: 1 (level) Armor Check Penalty: -0 [-0 (leather)]

Acrobatics: +10 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity)
+ 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 2 (Sea Legs)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill)
+1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, class skill, untrained)
Bluff: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Climb: +6 [+1 (ranks) + 0 (strength) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 2 (Sea Legs)] (Strength, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Craft ( ): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, class skill, untrained)
Diplomacy: +6 [+1 (ranks) + 2 (charisma) + 3 (class)] (Charisma, class skill)
Disable Device: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, trained only, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Disguise: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Escape Artist: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Fly: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Handle Animal: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Heal: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom)] (Wisdom, class skill, untrained)
Intimidate: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Arcana): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Engineering): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only)
Knowledge (Geography): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (History): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Local): +5 [+1 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 3 (class)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill)
Knowledge (Nature): +3 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 2 (Nature Sense)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Knowledge (Nobility): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Planes): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Knowledge (Religion): +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, untrained)
Linguistics: +1 [+0 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill, untrained)
Perception: +9 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 1 (trait [Besmara's Blessing])] (Wisdom, class skill)
Perform ( ): +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, class skill, untrained)
Profession (Sailor): +9 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 1 (trait [Besmara's Blessing])] (Wisdom, trained only, class skill)
Ride: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Sense Motive: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom)] (Wisdom, class skill, untrained)
Slight of Hand: +4 [+0 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, trained only, ACP, class skill, untrained)
Spellcraft: +5 [+1 (ranks) + 1 (intelligence) + 3 (class)] (Intelligence, trained only, class skill)
Stealth: +8 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (dexterity) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP)] (Dexterity, ACP, class skill)
Survival: +10 [+1 (ranks) + 4 (wisdom) + 3 (class) + 2 (Nature Sense)] (Wisdom, class skill)
Swim: +15 [+1 (ranks) + 0 (strength) + 3 (class) + -0 (ACP) + 8 (racial) + 2 (Sea Legs) + 1 (trait [Shackles Seafarer])] (Strength, ACP, class skill)
Use Magic Device: +2 [+0 (ranks) + 2 (charisma)] (Charisma, trained only, class skill, untrained)

Traits: Besmara's Blessing, Abendego Spellpiercer, Shackles Seafarer
Feats: Weapon Finesse (level 1), Sea Legs (rogue [pirate])
Weapon Proficiencies: Druid (club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear), Rogue (simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword)
Armor Proficiencies: Druid (padded armor, leather armor, or hide armor), Rogue (light armor)
Human Features: Undine (all included in statistics), Alternate Racial Traits (Amphibious, Hydrated Vitality)
Druid Features: Hit Die, Class Skills, Skill Ranks, Weapon and Armor Proficiency, Nature Bond, Nature Sense (Weather Domain), Orisons, Wild Empathy
, Spells, Archetype (Storm Druid)
Rogue Features:
Hit Die, Class Skills, Skill Ranks, Weapon and Armor Proficiency,
Sneak Attack +1d6, Archetype (Pirate)

Druid Spells Known: All
Meditation Time:
1 hour before dawn
Spells Per Day

1st-Level Druid Spells:
3 per day (Prepared spells, Domain spell, Obscuring Mist) Save DC: 15 [10 (base) + 1 (spell level) + 4 (wisdom)]
0th-Level Druid Spells: At-will (3 Prepared Orisons) Save DC: 14 [10 (base) + 0 (spell level) + 4 (wisdom)]
Caster Level Check: +1 [+1 (druid level)] Concentration Check: +7 [+1 (druid level) + 4 (wisdom) + 2 trait (Abendego Spellpiercer)]

Storm Burst (SP): As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two druid levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability 7 times per day (3 [base] + 4 [wisdom]).

Starting Wealth: 240 gp (max, 4d6 x 10 gp)
Explorer's Outfit (10 gp (free), 8 lbs)
Leather Armor (10 gp, 15 lbs, +2 armor, +6 max dex, -0 ACP, 10% arcane spell failure, speed 30 ft.)
Rapier (20 gp, 2 lb, 1d6 damage, critical 18-20/x2, piercing)
Sap (1 gp, 2 lb, 1d6 damage, critical x2, bludgeoning, nonlethal)
Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb, 1d4 damage, range 10 ft., critical 19-20/x2, piercing or slashing)
Shortbow (30 gp, 2 lbs, 1d6 damage, range 60 ft., critical x3, piercing)
20 Arrows (1 gp, 3 lbs)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Backpack, Masterwork (50 gp, 2 lbs)
Small Steel Mirror (10 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Fishhook (1 sp, - lbs)
Tools, Thieves' (30 gp, 1 lbs)
String/Twine (1 cp, 0.5 lbs)
Sprig of Holly (divine focus) (-,-)
Mineral Prism (divine focus) (-,-)

Coins: 8 pp, 4 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp (0.5 lb) Gems and Other Wealth: None Equipment Value: 155.11 gp Total Wealth: 250 gp
Total Weight: 34.0 lbs Light Load: 0-43 lbs [11 (strength), Masterwork Backpack]
Medium Load: 44-86 lbs Heavy Load: 87-130 lbs
Overhead Lift: 130 lbs [max x 1]
Ground Lift: 260 lbs [max x 2] Push or Drag: 650 lbs [max x 5][/sblock]


Here is the mock-up for your NPC crew:
Point Buy: 25 point buy.
Starting Wealth: Average.
Traits: 2 traits.

Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1

Male Half-giant Sea Reaver Barbarian 1

Female Human Aquatic Bloodline Sorcerer 1



First Post
Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1
[sblock=Current Status]Elias (Male Dwarf Gunslinger 1)
N medium humanoid (dwarf)
Str 12
Dex 18 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 10

Key Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +0, Climb +4, Diplomacy +0, Escape Artist +3, Handle Animal +0, Heal +2, Intimidate +0,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Engineering) +5, Perception +6, Profession (Sailor) +7, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +3, Survival +2, Swim +4

Init +6 Spd 20 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, FF 13 HP 11/11 Temp HP 0
Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +4 CMB +1 CMD 15

Melee Attack Cutlass +2 (1d6 + 1/18-20)
Melee Attack Dagger +2 (1d4 + 1/19-20)
Ranged Attack Dagger (10 ft.) +5 (1d4 + 1/19-20)
Ranged Attack Blunderbuss (10 ft.) +5 (1d8/x2) [Spread]
-Bullets: 10/10
-Pellets: 10/10

Currently Wielding None (Hands Free)
Current Armor Studded Leather, Explorer's Outfit
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) Blunderbuss, Cutlass, Dagger, Buckler, 10 Bullets, 10 Pellets, Powder Horn, Backpack (Masterwork), Belt Pouch
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.) Belt Pouch ([5 pp, 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp]), Backpack (Gunsmith's Kit)
Current Encumbrance 52.5 lbs (medium load) Medium Load 51 lbs Heavy Load 100 lbs Max 150 lbs

Active Abilities
Combat Options:
Charge (full round action), Spread Shot, Deeds (Grit 2/2)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder, Trip

Current Effects and Conditions: Medium Encumbrance, Flat Footed
[/sblock]He uses the buckler in combat but it does not provide armor bonuses when he uses the blunderbuss. It isn't factored in right now.
Ranks in: Acrobatics, Climb, Knowledge (Engineering), Perception, Profession (Sailor), Swim.
Traits: Reactionary, Buccaneer's Blood
Feat: Rapid Reload (Blunderbuss)
120/175 gold used
Saltbeard alternate racial.
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First Post
Human Sorcerer 1 (Aquatic)[sblock=Current Status]Marina (Female human sorcerer 1)
CN medium humanoid (human)
Str 11 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 18

Key Skills Acrobatics +3, Bluff +8, Climb +0, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Perception +0, Profession (Sailor) +4, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +3, Swim +4

Init +3 Spd 30 ft. Senses Normal Vision (normal light); Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, FF 10 HP 7/7 Temp HP 0
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +2 CMB +0 CMD 13

Melee Attack Quarterstaff +0 (1d6/20)
Melee Attack Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged Attack Dagger (10ft.) +3 (1d4/19-20)

Currently Wielding Nothing
Current Armor Nothing (Explorer's Outfit)
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) Quarterstaff, Dagger, Backpack, Belt Pouch, [5 pp, 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp]
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.) Belt Pouch (Acid [Flask]), Backpack (None)
Current Encumbrance 16.5 lbs (light load) Medium Load 38 lbs Heavy Load 76 lbs Max 115 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells: 4/4 (Mage Armor, Summon Monster 1)
Cantrips: ~/~ (Acid Plash, Drench, Detect Magic, Light)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Dehydrating Touch

Current Effects and Conditions:[/sblock]Ranks in Bluff, Knowledge (Arcana), Profession (Sailor), Spellcraft, Swim
Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning
Traits: Abendego Spellpiercer, Charming
Her primary attack at this level will probably be the acid splash spell. The flask will give her a +1 to damage
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First Post
Male Half-Giant Barbarian 1[sblock=Current Status]Queepod (Male half-giant barbarian 1)
N medium humanoid (human, giant)
Str 20
Dex 13 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 10

Key Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +0, Climb +8, Diplomacy +0, Escape Artist +0, Handle Animal +0, Heal +0, Intimidate +6,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Perception +0, Profession (Sailor) + 1, Sense Motive +0, Stealth +0, Survival +0, Swim +8

Init +3 Spd 30 ft. Senses Low Light vision (normal light); Perception +0
AC 14, touch 11, FF 13 HP 15/15 Temp HP 0
Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +0 CMB +6 CMD 17

Melee Attack Large Greataxe +6 (3d6+7/x3)
Melee Attack Large Throwing Axe +6 (1d8+5/x3)
Melee Attack Dagger +6 (1d4+5/19-20)
Melee Attack Large Brass Knuckles +6 (1d4+5)
Ranged Attack Dagger (10 ft.) +2 (1d4+5/19-20)
Ranged Attack Large Throwing Axe (10 ft.) +2 (1d8+5/x3)

Currently Wielding None (Hands Free)
Current Armor Studded Leather, Explorer's Outfit
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) Large Greataxe, Large Throwing Axe, Large Throwing Axe, Dagger, Large Brass Knuckles, Belt Pouch, Backpack
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.) Belt Pouch ([3 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp]), Backpack (Nothing)
Current Encumbrance 65.5 lbs (light load) Medium Load 168 lbs Heavy Load 534 lbs Max 800 lbs

Active Abilities
Combat Options:
Charge (full round action), Power Attack (standard action), Rage (free action)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm, Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder, Trip

Current Effects and Conditions: Flat Footed
[/sblock]Ranks in Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, Profession (Sailor) [non-class], Swim
Feat: Power Attack
Traits: Reactionary, Dockside Brawler
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Voidrunner's Codex

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