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Redbadge's Solo Skull and Shackles (IC)


Part I: The Wormwood Mutiny
by Richard Pett

Important Links:

[URL="http://www.enworld.org/forum/rogues-gallery/326789-redbadges-solo-skull-shackles.html#post5975327"]Link to Rogue's Gallery.[/URL]

Campaign Start

Date and Time: Wealday, 18 Desnus, 4712 AR (06:57:18)
Location: Unknown Ship, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion
Developments: Pirates take whatever they please, whether it be ships, plunder, or people! The undine sea druid Jhiv wakes to find himself press-ganged into the crew of the pirate ship Wormwood, the vessel of the nefarious Captain Barnabus Harrigan. He’ll have to learn how to survive as a pirate if he's to have any hope of weathering rough waves, brutal crew members, enemy pirates, ravenous beasts, and worse. Will fortune turn to his favor, or will he be keelhauled before voyage's end? It’s up to the aspiring buccaneer to decide whether he’ll remain the pirate’s swab or seize control and set sail for adventures all his own.

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Current Level: 2
Current XP:
1700 XP
XP for Next Level: 3300 XP

Infamy Score: 3
Maximum Infamy: 8
Disrepute: 2

Loot: Explorer's Outfit, Coin Purse (199 gp, 20 sp, 9 cp), Sprig of Holly, Mineral Prism, Leather Armor, Rapier, Sap, Dagger, 20 Arrows, Shortbow, Belt Pouch, Masterwork Backpack, Small Steel Mirror, Fishhook, Thieves' Tools, Fishing Twine, Footlocker, Lock, and Key, Darkwood Buckler, Tanglefoot Bag, 2 Tindertwigs
Plunder: None
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Part I: The Wormwood

[sblock=The night before...]Last night, you went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid in search of your fate. Your not sure how many drinks you had, but they quickly went to your head, and you passed out on the table before you found your destiny - unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you have found your destiny afterall...[/sblock]
Wealday, 18 Desnus, 4712 AR (06:57:18)
Unknown Ship, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

For some reason, the floor is moving. That sensation almost seems normal, however, once you open your eyes and can see that the low, dark ceiling is spinning.

As you slowly awake, you try to think past the nausea and deduce where exactly you are, and how exactly you came to be here.

The night begins to come back to you... the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of richly stewed meat, spiced rum, and perfume lingering in your nostrils.

This morning, however, is a different story. Varied unpleasant sensations overwhelm your senses... a pounding headache, the sickly taste of cheap wine in your mouth, the hard floor, a rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if you are still drunk. You roll over on your hands and knees and begin vomiting uncontrollably. A small lump you hadn't noticed before grunts and rolls out of the way of your retching. The taste on your tongue is not a pleasant one...

[sblock=DC 10 Perception]You discern the aftertaste of oily nutmeg on your tongue. The spiced rum must have covered up this taste last night.[/sblock][sblock=DC 15 Craft (Alchemy) or DC 10 Knowledge (Nature)]...[/sblock]
Once you've finished, you can look up and clearly see that you are not the only one in this strange predicament. You are accompanied by a bald, shirtless dwarf with a wiry black beard, a bruised cheek, and a black eye; an attractive young woman with short-cropped hair, but whose clothes have been torn to rags; and a grey-skinned hulk of a man sitting quietly in the corner, but who otherwise appears none the worse for wear.

The room you share is lit only by a single dim lantern hanging from the ceiling, swaying with the room. A number of wooden pillars support this spacious hold, with hammocks tied between them and the walls. Though the room is empty of cargo, numerous footlockers line the rounded walls. There are no windows or portholes in this part of whatever ship you've been dragged to.

Noticing the condition the others are in, you suddenly realize that you have none of your possessions, and a small panic sets in. Though you have your sturdy boots, leather breeches, and shirt, you are missing your gloves, cloak, and other clothing accessories, along with your weapons and gear. As you begin to move about, however, you discover a small object still concealed inside your clothes. Whoever kidnapped you must have missed it!

Before you've had a chance to think much more or say anything to the other prisoners, you hear several pairs of heavy footsteps come down the stairs at the far end of the dim room. A group of men enter the hold, and the harsh light of a bullseye lantern painfully spears your eyes.

Once your eyes adjust, you see a menacing figure of a man with a black beard, long overcoat, and well-worn whip, who is accompanied by six shirtless, rough-looking pirates armed with saps. The man seems somewhat familiar...

[sblock=DC 10 Intelligence]...[/sblock][sblock=Master Scourge]
An expression that might be mistaken for pain, but which is clearly an attempt at a smile, bruises the mans face as he lets fly with the whip and screams at the lot of you.

"Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On yer feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"
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First Post
Jhiv heads up on the deck to report for duty. Along the way he notices that he still has his coin purse that was secreted along the inside of his waistband.[sblock=Current Status]Jhiv Viratek (Male undine druid/rogue 1)
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Str 11 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 14

Key Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +2, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +9, Profession (Sailor) +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +15

Init +4 Spd 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +9
AC 14, touch 14, FF 10 HP 8/8 Temp HP 0
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +6 CMB +0 CMD 14
Hero Points 3/3

Melee Attack Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3/x2) [nonlethal]

Currently Wielding Nothing (hands free)
Current Armor None (Explorer's Outfit)
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, straps, pockets, etc.) [8 pp, 4 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp]
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, belt pouches, saddle bags, etc.)
Current Encumbrance 8.5 lbs (light load) Medium Load 44 lbs Heavy Load 87 lbs Max 130 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells:
1/1 (Cure Light Wounds/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Goodberry/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Obscuring Mist)
Cantrips: ~/~
(Create Water, Light, Mending)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Storm Burst
Combat Options: Charge (full round action), Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm (Weapon Finesse), Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder
(Weapon Finesse), Trip (Weapon Finesse)

Defensive Abilities
Cold Resistance 5 (racial)

Situational Modifiers
Shackles Seafarer, Fast Healing 2 (Hydrated Vitality)

Current Effects and Conditions:
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"You'll be back to clean that mess up, Fish-man." says the man with the whip, motioning towards your puddle of vomit, and adding an unpleasant scowl. "Let's go." You and the others file in behind the pirates, who usher you up the stairs into the middle hold, then through another flight of wooden stairs ascending sharply into a cramped deck cabin, and finally out into bright sunshine and the smell of salted air.

You can see that the ship is a three-masted sailing ship that is about 100 feet long from stem to stern and about 30 feet wide amidships. The ship is currently under sail in the middle of the ocean, far from any land. Port Peril and the mainland of the Shackles is just an ochre haze many miles astern.

The ship is a hive of activity, with men and women of many species and demeanors working the lines, climbing through the rigging, rolling barrels, and hauling rope. Four figures stand apart from the main crew, a male and female human, a halfling woman, and a male gnome, and from the looks of them, they've been on board only a bit longer than you have. They stand clustered around the mainmast, looking up at the higher deck on the stern, where two imposing men stand.

One of them is a broad, muscular Garundi man with a shaven head, a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eyepatch - clearly the captain.
[sblock=Captain Barnabas Harrigan]
The other is a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, wearing a long coat and carrying a well-used cat-o'-nine-tails.
[sblock=Mister Plugg]
The captain turns to address the crew, "Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for ‘volunteering’ to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule—don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like your talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine.

“Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone. Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em.”



Wealday, 18 Desnus, 4712 AR (07:04:00)
Main Deck, The Wormwood, Jeopardy Bay, 10 Miles Offshore from Port Peril, The Shackles, Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

At the end of his speech, the captain turns and walks away, leaving only Mister Plugg, the Wormwood's first mate. He looks down at you and the other impressed captives and smiles unpleasantly. "Aye, Captain."

Mister Plugg walks down from the poop deck to join Master Scourge and the other pirates on the main deck. "The first thing I need is a new rigger. Master Scourge, if you would be so kind as to get these dogs in line for the rigger test."

"Aye." Master Scourge steps towards the "recruits" and begins making demands and snapping his whip.

"Time for a race, me scallywags. Humans and giant-man, you'll stand here. The rest of you to the port side rigging. Move!"

The man begins looking around wildly,
"Patch?! Patch! Get over here!"

"Aye, sir!"
A female gnome with a cruel and devious look about her pops up out of nowhere. Her colorful clothing is a mish-mash of scarves and patches.

"Take to the nest, girl. You'll be judging the winner if the race is close."

"Aye!" Patch climbs quickly and nimbly up through the rigging and into the crow's nest 60 feet above the deck.

*Crack* The boatswain gives one final crack of the whip, before coiling it up and turning to the first mate. "All's ready to race, Mister Plugg."

"Thank-you very much, Master Scourge." Mister Plug turns towards the new crewmembers once more, "The rules are simple. First one to the top is my new rigger. The rest will have to make due as swabs." Finding the two groups still staring at him, the mate makes a sign at Master Scourge.

"Well what are ye awaiting fer!" screams Scourge, brandishing his whip once again. "Ye heard him! CLIMB!" *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

GM: Roll initiative!

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First Post
OOC: What the check we need to make is will change what I want to do. If it is a climb check with a DC of 0 for being rigging I might use a hero point to go first and take a 10 on an accelerated climb check (+6 modifier) (DC 5) to go half my speed up the rigging.
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Wealday, 18 Desnus, 4712 AR (07:05:00) [Round 1]
Main Deck, The Wormwood, Jeopardy Bay, 10 Miles Offshore from Port Peril, The Shackles, Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

The gnome, halfling, dwarf, and woman in tattered clothes hit the rigging with vigor, but it is apparent that in their eagerness to win the race, they are being a bit too reckless. The gnome slips the first time before regaining his footing and deciding to proceed at a much more cautious pace, while the dwarf and human actually become entangled in the rigging on their first attempt, and must take time freeing themselves. Only the halfling seems to have any real affinity for the ropes, and she begins shooting up them like a monkey, much faster than you thought halflings could be.
[sblock=Race Rules]Everyone starts at the very bottom of the rigging, and the finish line is 60' up. As normal, you get a move and a standard action on your turn, which will primarily be used to make climb checks (you could also theoretically seek to hinder the other climbers). The DC to climb the rigging is DC 10. If you succeed you climb 1/4 your speed for that action. Alternatively, you can make an accelerated climb at DC 15 to move half your speed.

If you fail by 4 or less, you make no progress. Narrate accordingly.

If you fail by 5 or more, you must make a DC 20 Reflex save or fall. If you are already on the ground, you instead become entangled in the rigging. Narrate accordingly.

You must use one of the two actions on your turn to stand up from prone or to untangle yourself from the rigging.[/sblock][sblock=Race Status]
Init  Character  Ft.Up   HP
19    Conchobar  5'      14/14
13    Rosie      25'     17/17
13    Marina     0'      7/7
07    Elias      0'      11/11
06    Jhiv       0'      8/8
06    Queepod    0'      15/15
04    Cog        0'      19/19
04    Sandara    0'      20/20

GM: Jhiv is up. Let's see what he can do!
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First Post
OOC: Since it's just a climb race I want to use a hero point to go first (as mentioned in the previous post) and take a 10 on two accelerated climb checks for a 16 each time to double move up the rigging.
Edit: this probably counts as distracted, the hell with it.
Jhiv doesnt get off the ground at all.
OOC: I think I need to change his backstory to show that he is terribly snakebit and should be dead by now.
[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Climb
Move Action: Climb[/sblock]
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Wealday, 18 Desnus, 4712 AR (07:05:06) [Round 2]
Main Deck, The Wormwood, Jeopardy Bay, 10 Miles Offshore from Port Peril, The Shackles, Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

Suddenly, Jhiv leaps into the action, and grabs the ropes just before Rosie begins her dizzying ascent. He too, however, slips up in his eagerness to win.

Mister Plugg laughs at the lot of them, Jhiv in particular, "Ha-ha, Fish-man. I guess they don't do much climbing in the water?"

By now, the others are on the ropes as well, though they start out at a much more leisurely pace. The red-headed woman in particular doesn't seem interested in the game at all, much to the ire of Mister Plugg. "Come now, Scourge, encourage her."

Master Scourge looks at the woman with a villainous glint in his eye and begins uncoiling his whip, but hesitates for a moment for some reason. She has started walking towards you, saying "Nevermind about me. I'm more useful in other ways." Once she has reached you, she whispers in you ear, "Don't worry about them. Let the 'Pirate Queen' guide you." This act absolutely infuriates Master Scourge, who lashes out at you with his whip. "Ye'll have no pets on this ship, Sandara!"

[sblock=Sandara Quinn]
[/sblock][sblock=DC 5 Knowledge (Religion)]The ebony holy symbol around Sandara's neck is that of Besmara, the Pirate Queen.[/sblock][sblock=Race Status]
Init  Character  Ft.Up   HP
19    Jhiv       0'      8/8     [I]Bull's Strength [/I](30/30)
19    Conchobar  5'      14/14
13    Rosie      25'     17/17
13    Marina     0'      7/7
07    Elias      0'      11/11
06    Queepod    15'     15/15
04    Cog        7.5'    19/19
[COLOR=Gray]04    Sandara    0'      20/20[/COLOR]
GM: Jhiv has command at the start of round 2!
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