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Ravnica Available To DMs Guild Creators From Today!

Ravnica is joining Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Ravenloft, as a setting available for creators on the Dungeon Master's Guild from today, November 20th.

Ravnica is joining Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Ravenloft, as a setting available for creators on the Dungeon Master's Guild from today, November 20th.


WotC made the following brief announcement last night:

"Intrepid DM's Guild creators! Ravnica will be added as a setting on Dungeon Masters Guild tomorrow Nov 20th! (We will be coordinating day-of updates of the Ravnica setting filter and updating the FAQ. Please be patient if these aren't up quite yet if you upload early!)"

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I just think it is a damn shame that they've opened up a setting from another game while still prohibiting content created for actual D&D settings like Dark Sun and Greyhawk.

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Juomari Veren

So, the only burning question I have is whether or not I can convert cards from the past and future Ravnica block sets into D&D creatures/items/spells. The book covered a lot of them but I want to go the extra mile and flesh them all out because I'm a maniac who likes freedom of choice. I just want to know if I'm gonna get in trouble for doing so on there.



For those wanting to create using the playground of another companies IP, but complaining when they can’t and or not buying the product until it’s opened up for their benefit....that is my issue...we all have different desires, mine don’t line up with that line of reasoning, that’s all :)

all opinions are obviously legitimate, and I obviously respect yours even if I have different ones :)

please, just consider that having settings open for development on dms guild is not only for authors' 'benefit', wotc gets 50% share of anything sold on the guild, and also with a very limited effort apart from IP licensing. IP that comprises a large amount of products not created by them at the beginning (e.g. Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft). I think dmsguild is a small thing for them, but a thing that has a very limited number of drawbacks on their side.


I just think it is a damn shame that they've opened up a setting from another game while still prohibiting content created for actual D&D settings like Dark Sun and Greyhawk.

Completly agree with this. I really want them to get Greyhawk open again. It would have also been nice to have a setting book as well but I suppose that isn’t where their interest lies. Not saying we can’t have Ravnica, but would love to see some older D&D settings opened up first on DMs Guild.

I just think it is a damn shame that they've opened up a setting from another game while still prohibiting content created for actual D&D settings like Dark Sun and Greyhawk.

The catch being, if they open up everything right now, what will they do in a year or two or four? Staggered releases bring new eyes continually to the DMsGuild.

Plus, opening everything at once will only hurt the sales of everyone. People only have so much money to test out material. People will forget the cool DMsGuild options they passed on at the time. Spreading it out means people will continually go to the Guild with money again and again. Plus, releasing things all at once will mean the Greyhawk stuff might be buried under mass of Dragonlance and Dark Sun releases, having less time in the spotlight.

(Also... realistically, what content is missing from the game in order to play Greyhawk?)


(Also... realistically, what content is missing from the game in order to play Greyhawk?)

Well, Anna Meyer has expressed interest in producing detailed regional maps, and Joe Bloch has apparently got gazetteers for both the Flanaess and the lands to the West. He's also done work on making the original D&D adventure path (Temple, Giants, Drow) into a coherent Tharizdun-focussed whole.

The thing about the World of Greyhawk is that the politics of each area add distinctive flavor, and if your group decides to go off somewhere you're not expecting it would be nice to have some non-generic adventure modules that incorporate those elements to borrow from.

With regard to releases being buried, I don't see that being an issue. If you're running a Dark Sun campaign, you'll be looking for that material, same with any other setting. That's what the sort feature is for.


(Also... realistically, what content is missing from the game in order to play Greyhawk?)

Monsters, mostly. However, I can see some wanting to do subclasses for certain organizations or whatnot. Also, Greyhawk-specific adventures. Maybe revisiting various Living Greyhawk material. Also setting-focused supplements. That's just off the top of my head.

I know that there are several people over at Canonfire that are chomping at the bit to put Greyhawk material on DMsGuild.


First Post
Edit: I posted this to the wrong thread :erm:

I want more dungeons.

Kinda like 4e's Dungeon Delves, a book with 30 minidungeons, one for each character level. But in the spirit of 5e, I'd want the dungeons to be a lot less rigid in their encounter balancing. Like design them for Tier 1, Lower Tier 2, Mid Tier 2, etc rather than for specific character levels.

I'd also want them to be significantly longer with more exploration (and socialization, too).

More Dungeons of the Mage, essentially.

Well, Anna Meyer has expressed interest in producing detailed regional maps, and Joe Bloch has apparently got gazetteers for both the Flanaess and the lands to the West. He's also done work on making the original D&D adventure path (Temple, Giants, Drow) into a coherent Tharizdun-focussed whole.

The thing about the World of Greyhawk is that the politics of each area add distinctive flavor, and if your group decides to go off somewhere you're not expecting it would be nice to have some non-generic adventure modules that incorporate those elements to borrow from.
Firstly, Anna Meyer's Greyhawk maps already exist. That's how we know who Anna Meyer is:

And the politics and flavour of each Greyhawk kingdom are different, what's stopping you from doing that right now? That content all already exists. You don't need a new book to cover that.

Even if you are allergic to PDFs and simply must have physical products, both the 1e Greyhawk folio and the 2e City of Greyhawk product are available as Print on Demand.

Monsters, mostly.
Are there many Greyhawk specific monsters that can't be covered with generic D&D books?
Can't you already effectively post those on the Guild?

However, I can see some wanting to do subclasses for certain organizations or whatnot.
Faction based subclasses are so-so design, because it locks content that could be for all players behind membership in a faction.

I know that there are several people over at Canonfire that are chomping at the bit to put Greyhawk material on DMsGuild.
Sure. And that's a good reason to open it up eventually.
But the question was "what is missing to play Greyhawk right now?"


Firstly, Anna Meyer's Greyhawk maps already exist. ...

No kidding, really? I had no idea.

Of course I already frolicing know about her maps. In her patreon discord channel, she mentioned wanting to do detailed regional maps at 100 ft per pixel resolution.

Instead of pointing me to PDFs that likely every Greyhawk enthusiast already has, take a moment to note the complete absence of a folio detailing Eastfair, or Torrich. Perhaps Ekbir could use a dedicated product.

Quite frankly, nothing is missing to play in any setting right now. Even the various Magic the Gathering worlds are perfectly well ready to set D&D games or campaigns in. There's nothing stopping anyone from playing anywhere at all. The point, which you so willfully ignore, is that those of us who are playing in Greyhawk (and Dark Sun, etc.) would like to use the DMs Guild to share our creations and to support the creative folks who can enrich our games. It's not an issue of something "missing," it is an issue of new quality stuff.

I mean, your whole question of "what is missing to play Greyhawk right now?" is incredibly dismissive, to the point of being asinine. What's missing to play D&D in the Forgotten Realms right now? Do you think there will be more products set there, and do you think that a game in the FR can be enriched by 3rd party products bought from the DM's Guild? How about Ravenloft? Do you think there is any value to the various DM's Guild offerings set there?

I think the more interesting question is "What the hell do you have against people putting Greyhawk material up on the DM's Guild?" You seem to hold the position that Greyhawk should remain forbidden territory on the DM's Guild at the moment, so how about you justify that?

Edit: Here's another question for you: If there is no value to updating and exploring material from the World of Greyhawk, why is it that so much of WotC's D&D 5e product line has been focussed on stealing people, places, and things from Oerth and relocating them to the Forgotten Realms?
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