• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Raiders of the Overreach



PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 17​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 11​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 16/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 17​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 17​

Game Session Date: 26 January 2022

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The five heroes talked among themselves. It wasn't every day they could ask freely any questions they wanted of five gods, even if said gods were in the form of eggs waiting to be reborn. "They might know about the locations of the other Writhing Gates and how to get there," mused Cramer. He pulled out the notes he had written down about the ten Writhing Gates, studying them to see where they were still lacking information. Marlo and the two dwarves looked over his shoulder - rather easily, as the gnome was the shortest member of the team.

But Jhasspok - who couldn't read in any case - didn't need to study any notes to know what he wanted to ask. He was worried about two of his friends, especially about the reception they had received by the god-eggs, who didn't even want to be touched by Marlo or Utred, whom they termed "Unclean Things." Before any of the others could stop him, Jhasspok blurted out his question: "How can my friends Marlo and Utred stop being Unclean Things?" The lizardfolk didn't quite understand what all being an Unclean Thing was but it didn't sound good.

<ATONE, AND CAST AWAY THE GIFTS OF THE DYING ONE,> responded the voice of the god-eggs in the minds of the five heroes. Marlo and Utred each frowned, knowing that to cast away the gifts of the Dying One meant a significant decrease in spellcasting ability in the case of the sorceress and a major lessening of the barbarian's ability to ignore wounds in battle.

Khari was the next to ask his question. "How do we get to the Gate of Rylethek?" he asked, knowing from their notes that this Writhing Gate was supposed to be underwater somewhere. The problem was, there was a lot of "underwater" covering the planet and there was no real easy method of searching below the water in any case.

But the god-eggs had the answer to that one as well. <SEEK THE MERFOLK OF YONDALL'S BAY, FOR THEY CAN LEAD YOU TO WHERE YOU NEED TO GO.> "Yondall's Bay - we know where that is!" remarked Cramer, jotting notes in the margins of his sheet of parchment to update the information they had about the various gates.

Utred's question was of a more personal nature, based on the information he had just received as a result of Jhasspok's question. "Can I atone without losing the increased toughness I rely upon in battle to allow me to keep fighting for the benefit of the whole world and everyone on it?" the dwarven barbarian asked. He hoped by phrasing it in that fashion it might make it more palatable for him to be allowed to maintain his heightened constitution. But the answer he got was the shortest one of the bunch.


Marlo was on the same wavelength as Utred, hoping to find a way to keep the enhancements they had each received from the Dying One - by secretly agreeing to serve the illithid Elder God, even though the five of them had been prophesied to fight against Him and prevent Him from destroying the world with His return. "Just out of curiosity, what would happen if the two of us decided to remain 'Unclean Things,' as you put it?" she asked. If the only downside to maintaining her additional spellcasting power was being called names by a bunch of reincarnating gods from the other side of the world, she personally could live with that.

<YOU WILL BE MORE VULNERABLE TO CORRUPTION FROM THE OUTSIDE.> Marlo's frown only intensified, realizing "the outside" was the god-eggs' term for the Far Realm. And the numerous tentacles sprouting out of the body of her toad familiar Truffles was enough of an indicator of one potential fate of Far Realm corruption to make it less than appealing.

Finally, Cramer voiced his question. "How do we get to the Gate of Svulbiss?" he asked, zeroing in on the Writhing Gate they had determined was likely on the top of a cloud island somewhere. Similar to the problems of locating the underwater gate, finding it among all of the clouds in the skies would be problematic at best.


The heroes left the chamber in which the god-eggs had been deposited. "You are welcome to spend the night in the temple," offered Kitsu, one of the fox hengeyokai serving in the shrine. The heroes took her up on the offer, knowing they'd need to find the Gate of Sardegon in the morning, the Writhing Gate under the palace of the Emperor.

"Any ideas on how to go about getting to the Writhing Gate underneath the Emperor's throne?" asked Cramer. "I don't know if just asking nicely will be enough incentive."

"You basically have three approaches," suggested the hengeyokai Tsune. "The first is to start a revolt against the Emperor and sneak into the palace while the main force protecting it is occupied."

"I think we'll probably pass on that one," the gnome replied.

"The second option is a full-frontal assault" - and here Utred perked his head up and gave the young woman his full attention, for "full-frontal assault" were two of his favorite words strung together - "against the troops guarding the Emperor's palace. You are probably capable of overcoming his forces, but to do so would retroactively prove the Emperor's fears against outside countries and reunify Jakura against the outside world. This was the reason they joined with the forces attacking Greenvale in your part of the world."

"Not a real big plan of that option, either," Khari commented. Utred just glared at his fellow dwarf, surprised that anyone would be against a full-frontal assault - the best kind of fun!

"Your third option is to fill the role of Greenvale's envoy once more and broker a formal end to the war, with access to the Jade Door as part of the peace terms." Tsune looked at the group expectantly.

"I think I like that one best," Cramer admitted. He looked over at Marlo. "You up to being our spokeswoman again?"

"Of course," replied the sorceress, tapping her circlet of persuasion. Even without the Dying One's blessing, she had already seen to increasing her persuasiveness through magical means. "I'll need a tongues spell so I can speak to the Emperor in his own language."

"You got it," promised the gnome.

And thus it was the following morning the five heroes from halfway across the world came knocking at the door of the Jade Palace. Upon being granted entry and an audience with the Emperor, the Jakuran leader was convinced to sign a treaty ending hostilities with Greenvale. It was an easy enough decision, especially since they had been beaten back so readily upon their attack and these envoys indicated Greenvale had no desire for retribution. Granting the five strangers access to the Jade Door was also an easy concession to make, especially after the Emperor's own spellcasters confirmed the truth that the five could easily destroy the evil locked away behind the Jade Door, which was the whole reason this palace had been built where it was. Cramer was presented with the Jade Key, which felt fine in his hands; for Marlo and Utred, it seemed uncomfortably warm - perhaps another indicator that there were heretofore unseen disadvantages to the Dying One's enhancements.

With a clap of his hands, the Emperor summoned a pair of attendants who escorted the five strangers to the Jade Door, then fled for their own safety before it was opened to the evil lurking behind it. "Let's buff up," advised Cramer and Marlo cast the standard Rary's telepathic bond spell that linked the five together telepathically. She then cast three stoneskin spells on the men (other than Utred, who claimed he didn't need it), already protected herself by a similar effect from the brooch of petrified flesh she wore pinned to her robe of eyes.

<Ready?> asked Cramer over the link.

<Ready!> confirmed Marlo as Jhasspok gave a startled cry of alarm at the sudden voice in his head - he'd never get used to that spell! Then Cramer used the Jade Key and opened the door.

To his surprise, there were three people standing on the other side of the door, having been trying to pick the lock from the other side. They were all drow dressed in black leather armor, with House insignias indicating they were from a Lesser House of Overreach allied with House Bel'vior, whose most recent Matron Mother had been none other than the Mortal Queen herself. Before anyone else could react, the gnome cleric cast a quickened searing light spell at one of the drow, who dodged the ray at the last moment, followed by a flame strike spell that caused a column of holy fire to drop down from above. But of the three drow rogues standing immediately before him, two of them managed to maneuver themselves out of the way of the cascading flames and the third was entirely unaffected thanks to the inherent resistance to spells enjoyed by members of the dark elf race. Having had all of his impressive spellcasting negated entirely, Cramer dodged to the side, hiding behind the impressive bulk of Utred Butterflinger.

Utred charged forward and cut the first drow down with a solid overhand blow of his Elderwood flaming greataxe. Without missing a beat, he yanked the weapon out of the slain dark elf and sent it backhanding into his neighbor, not managing to kill the second drow but coming fairly close to finishing that particular job. Staggering back, the drow managed to fill his hands with a rapier and a short sword and went stabbing forward with both weapons against Utred. The third drow, a bit further back than the others, shot at Utred with a poisoned hand crossbow and then turned and raced down the stairs behind him, calling out in the Drow tongue to others further down the stairs. But both Marlo and Cramer understood Drow fully and translated over the telepathic link for the others: <He's saying, "The Jalamir slaves are here!">

<Nice to be recognized,> smirked Utred.

Marlo cast an empowered maximized scorching ray spell, sending two gouts of flame at the drow fighting Utred (which killed him outright) and the third chasing after the drow rogue fleeing down the stairs. Khari rushed in, saw the slope of the spiraling steps leading down, and used his earthglide warhammer to take a shortcut through the stone floor. Jhasspok had no means of taking a shortcut in that fashion and so dedicated himself to racing down the winding stairs as fast as he could go, his battleaxe held at the ready in his shield hand and his flaming spear - his go-to ranged weapon - held in his right. As soon as he saw the fleeing rogue he threw the spear with all his might, catching the drow in the shoulder and toppling him forward. The lizardfolk could hear the sounds of booted feet clambering up the stairs, some distance below him.

At the bottom of the winding stairs stood a much larger chamber, in which was the now-familiar sight of a Writhing Gate. But none of the heroes had made it far enough down to see it yet and there were no light sources down there in any case by which to see it. But sitting in one of the seats before a collapsed tentacle was a drow cleric who began the casting of a forbiddance spell. The spell took some time to cast, but she had full faith in the five drow fighters rushing up the steps to head off any threat to their leader. Her main bodyguard, an anti-paladin from her same House, cast a magic circle against good spell, unaware that the only one of the five intruders it would affect was Khari Hammerslammer.

Cramer dashed forward, his speed enhanced by the longstrider spell he had cast before entering the Jade Door, and positioned himself such that his holy aura spell could encompass all five of the heroes. Utred raced past the gnome, focused on slaying the drow rogue Jhasspok's flaming spear had sent tumbling, but by the time he reached his target the drow had regained his feet. The dwarf tried grappling with the drow but the rogue danced nimbly away, stabbing at Utred with his blades. But with the holy aura spell now in full effect, the few scant drops of blood his blade drew from Utred's skin was paid for by a permanent blindness covering the attacking drow's eyes. He cried out in alarm, but already he was too blind to see Utred's wide grin at the predicament of his current combat foe. The hapless roguee stabbed ineffectually at the barbarian, unaware he had just been targeted by Marlo with an empowered magic missile spell which had failed to penetrate his own spell resistance. But then Khari knocked him senseless with a solid blow from his dwarven warhammer and he fell to the ground, bleeding out.

Jhasspok snatched up his flaming spear on his way down the stairs and was the first to meet up with the five drow fighters running up the stairs to meet the intruders in battle. He swung at the nearest with his battleaxe as the ironsilk-clad fighter raced past the lizardfolk, catching him a good one but without enough power behind it to slay the drow outright. Then he was past the lizardfolk and it was all Jhasspok could do to keep the longswords swinging at him from all directions from penetrating his own scaly hide. Once again he was grateful for Marlo's stoneskin spell, for without it there was no way he could fight off all five of these foes by himself, even just for long enough to allow the others to catch up with him and add their own attacks to the reptile's own. On the plus side, two of the five fighters were struck blind after having attacked a foe under the protection of a holy aura spell.

The drow cleric could see the light from Jhasspok's slave-light cloak through the open doorway connecting the stairs to the Writhing Gate chamber and frantically continued her spellcasting. The drow anti-paladin cast a bull's strength spell upon himself, not in the least bit concerned for the fighters battling the enraged lizardfolk within view; that, after all, was the purpose of lesser combatants. Cramer got within sight of the drow fighters piling on Jhasspok and cast a mass inflict moderate wounds that had some effect on most of them. Utred, having activated his winged boots in order to speed even faster down the stairs, slammed into the closest of the drow fighters and let loose with his greataxe. And then Marlo appeared from the curve of the stairs, casting another maximized empowered scorching ray spell, only to curse in unladylike fury as the drow spell resistance completely negated each and every ray.

Khari took another through-the-wall shortcut and found himself directly behind one of the drow fighters attacking Jhasspok. But while that particular drow seemed to be blind, the one standing next to him wasn't - and was bringing his weapons to bear against the Hammerslammer dwarf! Activating his innate psionic abilities to boost his own attacks, Khari sent his warhammer's head crashing into the drow's side, crushing a rib or two in the swing. The five drow were now up against Jhasspok, Utred, and Khari and between the three of them they finished the dark elves rather handily, considering most of them were blind by the end of the battle.

There was now nothing keeping the intruders at bay any longer. The drow cleric continued her spellcasting, hoping to get the forbiddance spell into effect before being interrupted by the Jalamir slaves. The drow anti-paladin cast a divine favor spell upon himself and started to step forward to place himself as a living barrier against anyone trying to get to the cleric behind him.

Jhasspok was the first to enter the lightless chamber. Since he couldn't see anything inside, he did what he normally did in such circumstances: used his great speed to run straight forward, altering course when he found someone to attack. The anti-paladin was well outside the illumination from the lizardfolk's slave-light cloak, so Jhasspok soon found himself face to face against the female drow, who snarled in fury at the possibility of having to abandon her forbiddance spell due to the interruption; hopefully it wouldn't come to that! She took a step back as the lizardfolk got his bearings, facing her in the light from his magic cloak.

Cramer moved forward, still outside the Writhing Gate chamber, activating his ring of invisibility as he did so. Behind him, Utred literally flew into the room, the wings on his boots granting him extra speed. He saw the anti-paladin at once with his darkvision and angled his way, but the drow was amazingly quick and got in a couple of one-two swings with his longsword. Utred had fully expected to ignore the blows - he very rarely even noticed his battle-wounds until the fight was over - but these had a familiar life-draining aspect to them that the barbarian recognized all too well. <Guy's got a bloody sword of life stealing!> Utred warned the others over the link. But then the anti-paladin cried out as well, not because the dwarf had managed to hit him - he hadn't, not yet - but because his own attacks against the dwarf had rendered him blind. Cramer's holy aura spell was turning out to have been the best possible avenue of protection the cleric of Fharlanghn could possibly have prepared.

Marlo, standing beside Cramer, targeted the blind anti-paladin with another empowered maximized scorching ray and once again failed to penetrate the dark elf's inherent spell resistance. "I hate drow!" she cried out in frustration, not bothering to use the telepathic link to get her message across. Her verbal outburst echoed across the cavern for all to hear.

Khari, in the meantime, started running toward the anti-paladin but sank into the stone cavern floor as he did so, only to pop up behind him and send his warhammer crashing into the back of the drow's head. Further back in the cavern, Jhasspok advanced to attack the cleric and was surprised when she stopped whatever spellcasting she had been trying to do and whipped out some sort of short staff with five wiggling tentacles at one end of it. The tentacle rod missed him - which caused her to swear in the Drow language, only some of the words recognizable to the lizardfolk - and then he attacked her with fury, his blade catching her in the side, on the elbow, and on the thigh in rapid succession. Jhasspok gave it his all, especially now that he knew beyond any doubt that this was an evil drow he was fighting, for he recognized a few of those words she was cursing and no good person would ever use words like that!

The drow cleric faked a sprint in one direction and then doubled back in the other; Jhasspok managed to get in one good hit against her but then she was out of his range, fleeing to the potential safety of being at the anti-paladin's side. She had been hoping to get close enough to him to cast a mass heal spell on them both, but he was too far away; a heal spell on herself would have to suffice for now, then. She smiled as the wounds inflicted by Jhasspok's axe sealed themselves back up, restoring her to her full power. And she was now far enough away from the lizardfolk to be outside of the radius of his cloak's illumination, so he couldn't see exactly where she had gotten to.

But that didn't last long, for Cramer cast a daylight spell on a copper piece from his belt pouch and flipped it onto the stone floor, the spellcasting not actually an attack and thus preserving his current invisibility. But the entire cavern was now visible to all, not just the drow and dwarves gifted with darkvision (and Marlo, who saw quite well through the eyes of her magic robe). The sorceress dropped a hand to the gnome's shoulder and tried to dimension door the two of them into the chamber, only to find the entire room had been protected with a dimensional lock spell prohibiting such spells from working. This was definitely not Marlo's day for successful spellcasting!

Utred attacked the anti-paladin again, with the drow reaching out blindly at the dwarven barbarian and casting a corrupting hands spell at him. Khari swung his warhammer into the drow, eliciting a grunt of pain from the anti-paladin. But now that Jhasspok could see the foul-mouthed drow cleric perfectly well, he raced in a bee-line at her and used his new tail-band of the raptor to engage in a frenzy of attacks upon reaching her, his blade slicing into her flesh as he brought his mouthful of sharp teeth snapping at her neck, drawing blood.

The blind anti-paladin didn't have a whole lot of fight left in him at this point. He swung his evil blade at Utred again but the barbarian easily dodged the blow and then struck him with the full might of his own greataxe. Marlo finished him off with an empowered lightning bolt spell, crying out in surprised joy when the spell made its way through the drow's spell resistance. "Did you see that? I got him!" she cried exuberantly, once again forgoing the use of the telepathic link to hear her own words aloud.

Khari moved up to flank the drow cleric with Jhasspok, who held a chunk of her flesh in his mouth, her blood spilling out from between his teeth. She stumbled past the dwarven fighter, taking a solid whack in the side from his hammer, just so she could cast a time stop spell that she hoped would give her the advantage, now that she was facing five-against-one odds. In the scant few seconds where she was the only one capable of movement, she cast the mass heal spell she'd hoped to use earlier (overkill, but you played the hand that was dealt to you), as well as an invisibility spell on herself that she hoped would keep her safe from being targeted as she raced to the open doorway, knowing full well from past experience the dimensional lock spell wouldn't allow her to teleport out of the chamber.

But she hadn't counted on Marlo's robe of eyes. The sorceress wasn't sure how the drow spellcaster had somehow made it all the way across the chamber seemingly in a split second (for that was how things appeared to her after the drow's time stop spell had run its course), but she called out to Cramer over the telepathic link. <Cramer! She's invisible, about ten feet to your left!>

Cramer responded by casting an antimagic field spell, draining all magic in a radius around the drow cleric. Her invisibility spell was instantly suppressed, revealing her to everyone in the light of the daylight spell cast upon the gnome's copper piece. Jhasspok and the dwarves were on her in an instant, their weapons no longer magical but the sharpness of their blades and the solidity of Khari's hammer unaffected by the gnome's spell. Armed only with her tentacle rod, the cleric didn't last long against the onslaught.

"That it?" Utred called, looking around the room for more enemies to fight - there could be some hiding behind the collapsed tentacles, perhaps. But no, there was nobody else alive within the chamber but the five former slaves, so Utred unwrapped his Null Axe and got to work. Before too long all ten tentacles had been severed, their stubs withdrawing back into the Far Realm and the extraplanar holes sealing up behind them.

"Another one down!" Cramer smiled, updating his parchment of notes. "That only leaves three more to go!"

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We gained enough XP for us each to level up to 18th level at the end of this adventure. And now Vicki and Joe are giving serious thought about having Cramer cast atonement spells on their PCs, it finally having been driven home that accepting gifts from the Elder God you're trying to kill is probably not a good thing. That means Marlo losing 6 points of Charisma and Utred losing 6 points of Constitution, but that probably beats sprouting tentacles all over your body, which at this point is still a distinct possibility.
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 18​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 12​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 17/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 18​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 18​

Game Session Date: 2 February 2022

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"Well," said Marlo nervously as her teleport spell brought her and her four companions across the miles. "Here we are."

They stood in a clearing, the ruins of ancient buildings all around them. This, according to the diviner Lauren back in Greenvale, was the entrance to the Halls of Redemption, a place where those wishing to atone for their past actions could be redeemed. And Utred and Marlo both had some atoning to do, having learned that their ill-considered bargain with the Dying One for increased personal power could have some serious consequences in the future. Having each been designated "Unclean Things" by the neophyte Jakuran gods awaiting rebirth, they wished to be forever parted from their alliance with the illithid Elder God, even if it meant giving up the additional power each had received from Uboros and which had had lingered on undiminished after His recent death.

"We'd better prepare for combat," Cramer advised, not knowing what to expect; Lauren had no details of what they might see within the Halls of Redemption, only the location of the place and that the other three adventurers would be allowed inside to aid their friends in their redemption. Marlo cast stoneskin spells upon all but herself and Cramer and then cast the traditional Rary's telepathic bond. Cramer cast his own standard spells on himself: longstrider, moment of prescience, and spell turning. Khari focused his mind and activated his offensive prescience power, the better to aid the strikes with his earthglide warhammer. "Thank you, Marlo," Jhasspok said, always grateful to be included in the protective spells that time had taught him was often that kept them all alive in their combats.

"So now what?" asked Utred. "Where exactly is this Hall?"

As if in answer to the dwarven barbarian's question, two constructs stepped out of a crumbling wall, passing through it as if it were no more substantial than a mirage. Their helmeted heads swiveled and focused on Marlo and Utred. Speaking in unison, they said, "We have been warned of your impending arrival. We shall waive the traditional challenge of entry that we will not be impaired should the retrieval of your bodies be necessary."

"Well, that's comforting!" grumbled Cramer under his breath. He was starting to wonder if maybe he shouldn't try taking his argument back up about casting atonement spells himself on the two "Unclean Things," despite Marlo's continued insistence she didn't want to be in the little gnome's debt. But the two constructs stepped aside and gestured for the group to enter the Halls of Redemption as the illusory walls hiding the entrance faded from between them. "What can we expect inside?" Cramer asked the guardians, hoping to learn as much as he could beforehand, hopefully before they went too far along a path the gnome cleric was starting to think might not have been the wisest one to follow.

"You will have to purge your inner demons," replied the two constructs in unison. "Two of you are in need of redemption, the others are encouraged to aid them as well, cleansing yourselves of your own inner demons as you do so."

The group stepped inside, the doors closing and sealing shut behind them. The entire building was one great hall, with a red carpet going down the middle to a set of empty thrones at the far end. On either side, the walls held four alcoves apiece containing full-length mirrors. Light was provided by flaming torches set in sconces at equal intervals around the hall.

But that wasn't all Marlo could see. With her robe of eyes, she saw perfectly well the invisible figure seated in one of the thrones and watching them with an expression of calm interest. "Are you in charge of this place?" Marlo asked, causing her companions to look around in confusion at who she might be addressing. "What must we do to atone?" Then, seeing her friends' confusion, she explained telepathically, <There's an invisible celestial sitting in one of the thrones. Or I assume so - he's got feathered wings, in any case.>

Her answer came back telepathically - and to all five of the adventurers at once. <I am indeed a celestial,> he explained. <I address your attention to the mirrors on the sides of the hall. You have but to step forward and look into one of the mirrors for your 'inner demon' to step forth.>

<Each of us?> asked Cramer. He didn't feel like he had any particular atoning to do.

<Each of you,> confirmed the celestial. <For the two seeking redemption, their conquest of their inner demons made flesh will provide the release they seek from their bargain with the Dying One. For the rest of you, you will have earned either knowledge or power: the answer to one question or an increase in the power of one of your weapons.>

"Okay, let's plan this out," suggested Cramer. "Marlo and Utred step in front of a mirror and activate their inner demons. Then Utred high-tails it back by me, I cast a silence spell on him, and he goes after Mirror-Marlo. That way, she won't be able to cast any spells!" The little gnome cackled in glee, thinking how easy this was going to be.

But Jhasspok was confused, admittedly not entirely an unusual state for the lizardfolk to be in. He didn't know much about magic other than all of its seemingly arbitrary restrictions made little sense to him, but he did know fighting one enemy at a time was better than fighting two. "Why would we fight both Utred and Marlo?" he asked.

"That's the whole reason we're here," scoffed Cramer, ignoring the silly lizardfolk's input. Seriously, when would the reptile ever learn to keep his mouth shut when they were strategizing? It wasn't as if his staggering reptile intellect actually provided anything of use to any conversation - and it was fortunate he usually pestered Utred for answers to his questions, as the gnome had little patience for such idiocy. "Okay, off you go," he said to Marlo and Utred, bringing the words to the silence spell to the forefront of his brain.

Utred stepped off the carpet to the right as Marlo stepped off to the left, each standing before a mirror. Their reflections warped and rippled, then took solid form as they stepped through the mirror and into the Halls of Redemption. But as they stepped forth into solid form, the others could see these were no true reflections of the original but perhaps warnings of the pair's future if redemption were not attained. The Mirror-Utred wore minimal armor but had multiple weapons hanging on his belt and a familiar greataxe gripped in his hand whose weapon-head flickered with green flames. But his body was covered with writhing tentacles and his flesh puckered out in multiple locations, each extrusion sporting an extra eye which darted back and forth, examining the area. Marlo's mirror-self was no better, for the limbs visible extending from her robes were stringy as if composed of fused-together tentacles and her head had expanded into a fleshy mass covered in a myriad of eyes. She wore no robe of eyes as the true Marlo did, but neither was she lacking in that capacity.

Utred and Marlo each gave an involuntary cry as their mirror-duplicates stepped out into reality, for they each felt the "gifts" granted by the Dying One being ripped from their bodies - and crossing the room to enhance their hideous inner demons. The tentacle-covered false Utred's already muscular body expanded in even more vitality and the glow behind the false Marlo's countless eyes increased in illumination. But despite this, Utred lurched away from his mirror-duplicate and raced to attack the fake Marlo. The real Marlo was stepping back onto the red carpeting, likely more from horror at the sight of her inner demon than anything else.

Utred's hideous duplicate raced after his original, Elderwood flaming greataxe swinging at the barbarian. Marlo stabbed at him with her arcane blade but the tentacled dwarf looked like he could take just about any amount of damage without even feeling it. Marlo knew from past experience that was certainly true for their own Utred - and this one seemed even more inured to pain! Regardless, Khari spun to face the mutant dwarf and struck him with his earthglide warhammer to little effect.

However, before Cramer could cast his silence spell or Jhasspok could bring his battleaxe to bear against Utred's inner demon, the mutated mirror-duplicate of Marlo Pendragon screamed out a wail of the banshee spell. Khari dropped his hammer and fell to the ground, clutching his ears in pain as his heart stopped. Beside him, Marlo slumped to the floor of the Hall of Redemption, slain at once by the version of herself she now feared above all else. The mutant Marlo looked over at her handiwork and likely would have smiled had her bloated face been capable of such an expression, then began fading from view, her task completed. She took several steps backwards into the mirror, fading further with each stride.

Seeing his silence spell would now serve no purpose, Cramer switched strategies and cast a shield of faith spell on Utred, hoping to buoy up his defenses against his powerhouse duplicate. He took a strike from the Utred-thing's greataxe as he cast the spell, then another as he tried scampering away to use Jhasspok as a living shield. For his part, Jhasspok gave it his all against Utred's inner demon, each blow from his greataxe slicing off a handful of those tiny tentacles that covered the dwarf's body. He also opened up rents in the mutant barbarian's flesh, causing blood to spill out from each wound, which the Utred-thing didn't even deign to notice. Instead, he focused all of his considerable anger at Utred, attacking him for all he was worth. Utred's combat training was stretched to the limit as he found himself under attack by a more powerful version of himself. He tried trading blow for blow against his mirror-duplicate, but more of the thing's axe-blows were connecting with Utred than the true dwarf's attacks were striking the inner demon. Utred let the fires of his rage burn brightly, to add fuel to his strength and determination to rid himself of this despised version of himself.

Cramer's next spell attack was an energy drain that struck the mutant dwarf and siphoned off a bit of his vitality - not that he didn't have plenty more to spare. Jhasspok continued his attacks, although it seemed like trying to fell a tree with a dagger. But for all the mirror-duplicate cared, the others might not have even been in the room with him, for his attention was focused solely on Utred Butterflinger. As his continued blows struck true, Utred was grateful to note they no longer had quite as much strength behind them; Cramer's energy drain had had some effect, in any case.

Cramer converted his most powerful spell into a mass heal, sealing up the few wounds he and Utred had received in the battle thus far. It was a tactical move on the cleric's part, not because either hero was in particularly desperate need for healing at that moment but because he knew he'd soon be bringing his own mirror-duplicate into existence and he didn't want his own twisted reflection to have access to a spell that powerful. And Utred and Jhasspok continued attacking the mirror-Utred from opposite sides, slowly cutting him down. Jhasspok finally brought down the overpowered barbarian with a final blow from his battleaxe, only to have the creature fade from view, taking his weapons with him. Utred swore aloud; he'd hoped to add his mirror-duplicate's weapons to his own already extensive collection.

"We should go," advised Jhasspok, leaning down to pick up the slain figure of Marlo. He didn't know a whole lot about magic, but he did know that of the five heroes Cramer was the only one capable of bringing Khari and Marlo back to life; if anything happened to the cleric in a subsequent fight against these mirror-duplicates, Jhasspok had no idea how they'd get everyone resurrected.

"Hold on," countered Cramer. "We came here for a reason - we should stick to the plan. We've already gotten Utred redeemed, after all."

"But Marlo is dead," Jhasspok argued. "How can we bring her inner demon back out of the mirror now? And what about Khari?"

<It would seem you have no way to complete your original goal,> interjected the celestial. <Would you continue to seek redemption for Marlo Pendragon, if such were made possible?>

"How do you mean?" demanded Utred.

<If you are determined to finish what you started, I have the means to return your two slain friends to life.>

Jhasspok didn't need any time to think it over. "Yes," he said. "Do it. We will continue the fight."

Marlo's body started to glow in Jhasspok's arms; Khari's did likewise on the floor at Utred's feet. The glow faded and the two stirred, blinking their eyes and looking about them in confusion. "What happened?" asked Khari.

Cramer filled them in and then Jhasspok started asking questions of Cramer. "If you wanted the other Marlo to be inside a silence spell, why didn't you cast it on her when she stepped out of the mirror?"

"It isn't that simple," snapped the gnome. "If you cast it on a person, there's a chance they'll be able to resist the effects. That would negate the whole point of casting the spell in the first place."

"Then why didn't you cast it on a coin and throw the coin over by the mirror? And why did you have Utred bring his double out all the way over there and Marlo bring hers out way over there, if we were going to fight them both at the same time? And why did we fight two of them at once, when we could have--"

"Okay, okay, point taken," grumbled Cramer. "Maybe we should plan how we're going to do things a little better this time." That seemed eminently practical to Jhasspok. Cramer once again took point in outlining the plan forward, only this time incorporating the lizardfolk's suggestions into his strategy. And thus it was that when Marlo stepped forward to activate her mirror-double once again, there was not only a coin with a silence spell on it on the floor at the base of the mirror but also Utred standing on one side with his Elderwood flaming greataxe poised to strike; having already called forth and defeating his own inner demon, the dwarven barbarian's reflection could do no further harm. Marlo was positioned such that she could be seen in the mirror but was just outside the radius of the silence spell so she could still cast spells while her hideous duplicate could not.

The mirror's image wavered and pulsated and the lumpy-headed, eye-filled version of Marlo stepped out of the mirror. But before Utred could even bring his axe crashing down upon her bulbous head, the real Marlo cast a maximized disintegrate spell upon her mutated duplicate. The Marlo-thing exploded silently into a fine dust.

"That's two down," crowed Cramer as if he'd been personally responsible for the deaths of both foes. "I'll go next." He stepped forward, bringing forth his own mirror-duplicate into the hall. However, he was surprised at the figure that stepped forward, for while it was indeed a gnomish cleric of Fharlanghn, rather than looking like Cramer Appleknocker it bore the semblance of Honeycomb Buzzwort, Cramer's erstwhile mentor in the church of the God of Travelers. Honeycomb wore the tight-fitting leathers of a male pleasure slave in the direct employ of the Matron Mother of House Jalamir, a role he was rumored to have been performing back in Overreach since his capture.

Utred didn't care what the gnome looked like or what he was wearing; he brought his greataxe down upon what could only be an enemy to be vanquished. After a moment's shock at the "duplicate's" appearance, Cramer cast the miracle spell he'd had prepared, using it to spoof a destruction spell he had not had the forethought to prepare that morning. However, there were other factors he hadn't taken into consideration, the first of which being he'd activated his mirror-duplicate while protected by a spell turning spell and thus the figure stepping out of the mirror was likewise so protected. Cramer's destruction spell hit the enemy gnome and a resonation field formed between the two gnomes as the spell leaped back and forth between the two of them, eventually reverberating into nothingness. Buzzwort cried out in surprise, noticed he made no noise while doing so, deduced he was in the radius of a silence spell, and then used a piece of Cramer's duplicated equipment (that the little gnome had completely forgotten about) - namely, a rod of silent spells. With it, Buzzwort erected a blade barrier straight through Jhasspok, Marlo, and Utred. Then the little mirror-gnome was off in a sprint, trying to get out of the radius of the silence spell so he could use his more powerful spells, those which could not be channeled through the metamagic rod.

But as fast as the little gnome was, Jhasspok was even faster. He charged forward out of the blade barrier spell and leaped at Buzzwort, catching the little gnome in a flurry of axe-swings and snapping at him with his mouth full of sharp teeth. However, unnoticed by the lizardfolk, a second figure emerged from the mirror behind Buzzwort, this one looking suspiciously like Jhasspok himself. This version also wore a tailband of the raptor and put it immediately to good use, ripping through Jhasspok's scales with his own battleaxe and biting at his twin with his own razor-sharp teeth.

Utred charged forward, attacking the second Jhasspok to give the original time to recover from the unexpected attack. Marlo cast a maximized disintegrate spell at Buzzwort, which didn't slay him outright as she had hoped but had him stumbling to stay upright on his feet. Khari had instinctively leaped behind the blade barrier and feared if he raced forward to help his friends he'd only bring his own mirror-duplicate into the fray, so he pulled out his frost shortbow and shot at Buzzwort. Sadly, his arrows were deflected by the whirling blades of force dancing about as part of the leather-clad gnome cleric's initial spell.

Cramer, seeing Jhasspok's many wounds, realized he needed to take out the current foes as quickly as he could. He cast a mass inflict critical wounds spell which slew Buzzwort and severely hurt the reptilian newcomer to the fight. Jhasspok slammed his battleaxe into his twin, releasing the vampiric touch spell Marlo had loaded into it the day before; the spell stripped some of the duplicate's life energy and sent it flooding into Jhasspok's body, doing a small part in healing the massive amount of damage he'd taken thus far. But the mirror-Jhasspok, true to form, had no eyes for any foe but his own twin and his battleaxe cut into Jhasspok again, undoing much of the vampiric healing he'd just employed. Fortunately, Utred was there to finish off the enemy lizardfolk on Jhasspok's behalf.

Khari circled around the blade barrier spell - somewhat irritated that the hall's worked floors made earthgliding impossible - preparing to activate his own mirror-duplicate now that the others had been dealt with. Cramer belatedly noticed how close Jhasspok was to toppling over from his many wounds and hurriedly cast a heal spell to restore him to his full health and vitality.

When the mirror-Khari stepped out of the mirror, glowing in psionic runes (for this version of Khari seemed to have devoted himself exclusively to the ways of the psychic warrior), he was almost instantly disintegrated by Marlo, who had cast another maximized version of the spell.

<Very nicely handled,> said the celestial in the throne. <Once again, teamwork and friendship find a path to success. Utred Butterflinger and Marlo Pendragon, you have both been purged of the taint of Uboros. As for the rest of you, you may ask of me a single boon: knowledge or power. Khari Hammerslammer, what is your wish?>

"Power," replied the dwarf, holding up his earthglide warhammer.

<Then so shall it be: your weapon will now strike true against ghosts and other beings without a corporeal form. Cramer Appleknocker, what is your wish.>


<Ask away.>

"Honeycomb Buzzwort - the real one, still back in Overreach - is he content with his lot in life? I had originally planned to rescue him, but I've been hearing stories he's actually kind of enjoying his current status."

<He is content - extremely so. Jhasspok, what is your wish?>

"Power, please." He held up the spell storing battleaxe he'd used in combat today.

<Then so shall it be: your weapon has been further enhanced to guide your strikes and add power to its blows. You are now free to go.> At the back of the Hall of Redemption, the doors were swinging open, seemingly of their own accord. The five turned to go.

<One last thing before you leave,> added the celestial. <Although fully purged of the taint of Uboros, none of you are fully immune to the corruption you will face on the Unchartable Isle, home to the sundered Gate of Zarbugak from which the Outside leeches into Shadreath. You have been warned.>

Now worried once again, the five heroes turned and exited the Halls of Redemption.

- - -

Man, are we ever our own worst enemies or what? That was particularly poor planning (or more properly, lack thereof) on our part, rushing into the Halls of Redemption without much of a plan. Dan almost immediately jotted down three monsters he wanted Cramer to summon and passed them to me on a scrap of paper, asking if I could whip up their stats. They were a celestial badger, a fiendish wolf, and a celestial griffon, meaning I not only needed to jot down their core stats but then apply a template on top of each of them. And I was surprised at this strategy in any case, as we were 18th level and he wanted to summon...a 6-hp celestial badger? Even the griffon wouldn't be anything more than a speed bump up against the foes we'd likely be meeting in the Halls of Redemption (and any mirror-duplicate would be focused solely on his or her "original" version to the exclusion of all other foes in any case). But I didn't feel like arguing how others should run their PCs and by the time I had finished up the stats we had Mirror-Utred in our midst and we were all rolling Fortitude saves against Mirror-Marlo's wail of the banshee. What a fiasco! Logan took pity on us and gave Khari and Marlo free true resurrection spells to get us back on track.

But Khari now has a +5 ghost touch earthglide warhammer and Jhasspok has a +5 icy burst spell storing battleaxe, so we made out okay.
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 18​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 12​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 17/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 18​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 18​

Game Session Date: 9 February 2022

- - -

The sending spell didn't contain a whole lot of information - it was, after all, merely two words long - but it had recognizably been cast by Matron Jalamir, the head of the drow Noble House to which the five former slaves now belonged and it was just as long as absolutely necessary: <Return immediately.> That left no room for ambiguity, so Marlo gathered everyone together and cast a teleport spell that returned the group to the confines of the drow city of Overreach.

After having been led to an audience chamber before Matron Jalamir, the head of the Noble House explained why she had brought them here. "We have continued attempting to scry upon any remaining survivors of the now-disbanded House Bel'voir," she informed them. "Our attempts have finally borne fruit: we have discovered a group who had relied upon temporary wards against scrying and we were finally able to pick them up between applications of their anti-scrying spells." She gestured behind her and a familiar form stepped forward. It was Honeycomb Buzzwort, Cramer's friend from his surface gnomish city of Revin. "Honeycomb was present when we detected the survivors," she advised the group. "He will be able to help you home in on their present location, so they can be eliminated. I want them all slain."

Honeycomb, a fellow cleric of Fharlanghn, began casting an illusion spell that brought an image floating before the group. "It was an enormous, dark chamber, occasionally lit by brief flashes of lightning," the gnome said. "There were five drow of House Bel'vior, sitting on a ring of motionless tentacles lying spread out on the ground."

"The Writhing Gate on the cloud island!" exclaimed Cramer. "Or inside a cloud island, perhaps," he amended, recalling the fact this was inside a large cavern. He turned to Marlo. "Do you think you can teleport us there, given this image to go off of?" he asked.

Marlo examined the details of the image intently. "Yes, I think so," she finally decided.

"Then let's get our prep spells cast!" Cramer enthused, raring to go. He cast his traditional longstrider, spell turning, and moment of prescience spells on himself, then added a few new ones: spell immunity to protect him from a select group of spells, as well as a daylight spell he cast upon a copper piece, which he then placed inside an empty belt pouch. That, he knew, would be a powerful tactic when fighting the light-hating drow. Marlo, in the meantime, cast stoneskin spells on her friends, a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the whole group, and then used her wand to cast an invisibility spell on everyone but Cramer, who could do the same for himself with his magic ring. At Utred's suggestion, Cramer also cast a protection from energy spell on everyone which would shield them from electricity damage, since the barbarian was leery of being hit by lightning while inside a giant cloud. Khari activated his psionic offensive prescience power and declared himself ready for combat.

Cramer used his ring to render himself invisible and then Marlo cast the teleport spell which transported the group directly inside the ring of limp tentacles at the center of the now-inactive Writhing Gate. Despite everyone being invisible, most of the group wore their slave-light cloaks so the Writhing Gate was illuminated by light with no apparent source. There was nobody else in the immediate vicinity and Marlo used her robe of eyes to look throughout the vast chamber. <Nobody's home,> she told the others over the link.

<I'm sinking,> Jhasspok told the group, looking down at his taloned feet which were sinking slightly into the soft cloud-stuff. <This is like that white rain stuff that's cold.>

<Snow,> prompted Utred.

<Yeah, that,> Jhasspok agreed. Having had only a few experiences with snow on the surface world, it was a word which hadn't stuck in the lizardfolk's reptilian brain.

A low rumble of thunder rolled from the top of the chamber. Cramer recognized it as speech as his magic helmet automatically translated the words from their Auran origin: "More mortals to disturb us...."

Cramer translated the statement over the mental link for the benefit of the others. Marlo peered at the cavern's ceiling, some 100 feet or more above their heads. <I don't see anything up there,> she said.

<Invisible?> suggested Khari, looking up at the ceiling with his own innate darkvision and seeing nothing.

<I'd still see it if it was invisible,> Marlo replied, knowing the abilities of her magic robe. <Unless it's naturally invisible...like an invisible stalker!" She had read of such creatures, who had no visible form. Still, they appeared as roiling clouds of vapor when viewed through a see invisibility or true seeing spell, and she couldn't see anything like that at all....

"We mean you no harm!" Cramer called up to the ceiling, irritated that his helm of comprehend languages and read magic did nothing to translate his own words into other tongues.

<Wait! I saw some movement up there!> Marlo warned the others. She called forth an empowered maximized fireball ready to be cast if anything came down to attack them.

<I thought we were here to kill drow,> Jhasspok interjected. <Where did the drow go?>

<Maybe the invisible thing up at the ceiling ate them,> suggested Utred. Jhasspok peered at the ceiling as best he could but couldn't see any invisible thing.

<Let's see if this brings them out of hiding,> suggested Utred, pulling the Null Axe from its protective wrapping. The anti-magic weapon immediately nullified his invisibility and everyone could see him as he started hacking the axe blade through the nearest Writhing Gate tentacle, beginning to chop it free from the cloud's bottom.

"They are enemies of Svulbiss, they must be destroyed," came the sounds of Auran from the general vicinity of the ceiling, which Cramer quickly translated for the benefit of his friends. Then two creatures came surging down from the roof of the hollow cloud-chamber and Marlo quickly realized why she hadn't been able to see them clearly before: they were air elementals whose bodies were made of nothing more than wind! These, however, were much larger than any air elemental the sorceress had ever seen before, and flashes of lightning skittered across their airy bodies and arced from their eyes as they dropped down for the attack.

As Utred was the only one of the five currently visible, he was the initial target of both of the lightning-infused elder air elementals. But on the way down Marlo's empowered maximized fireball exploded around them, which turned the sorceress visible as well. As such, both she and Utred became the initial targets of electrified fists made of whirling air. Fortunately, the protection from energy spells stripped the lightning of its threat and the stoneskin spells pretty much did the same to the punches the elementals threw at the two heroes. "That all you got?" scoffed Utred, burying the blade of his Null Axe into the root of one of the limp tentacles and pulling out his Elderwood flaming greataxe from the weapon locker on his back.

Jhasspok and Khari attacked the elemental fighting Utred, losing their own invisibility in the process. Marlo, while fighting the air elemental before her, was still able to see in all directions through her robe of eyes and noticed a male, black-skinned face pop up from the floor at the far end of the cloud-cavern. The drow was too far away for any of the others to have seen, so she warned them over the telepathic link. But the warning came too late, for as he ducked back down out of view another drow stepped up from where she had been crouching in a dip in the floor's surface, covered in wispy cloud-stuff, and cast a firestorm spell that encompassed all five of the heroes - even Cramer, who was still invisible at this point, if only because she shaped her spell to cover the area between the two elementals and he happened to be standing right there. Marlo didn't fail to notice the drow cleric had made sure not to encompass the elementals in the area of effect of her spell, leading her to believe they were allied with the drow.

Cramer pulled the copper coin from his belt pouch and flipped it in the direction of the drow spellcaster, illuminating the entire cavern with the power of his daylight spell. The female cleric and her drow fighter companion - who had just popped his head back up from the concealing layer of cloud-stuff flowing across the floor - cried out in pain and futilely tried shielding their sensitive eyes from the sudden blast of light. Cramer then cast a mass bear's endurance spell on the group, boosting their ability to take damage from their foes, for he recalled Honeycomb had seen five drow and Cramer had no doubt there were still three around here somewhere who they'd be fighting before too long.

With four foes now visible before them, the elementals struck out with their channeled-air fists, blasting a zap of electricity with each blow as they made sure each of the four interlopers felt their power. But once again the protective spells covering the heroes kept them from feeling too much of the blows' effects.

Marlo cast an empowered disintegrate spell at the elder elemental she'd been fighting, who managed to resist the worst of the spell's effects. Worse, Marlo had failed to anticipate the reach of these massive creatures, both of which pummeled her while she was casting her spell. She took a moment to take a step back, putting her out of reach of at least the air elemental primarily focused on Jhasspok and the dwarves.

Utred activated his winged boots and charged through the air in the direction Marlo told him the drow spellcaster was standing; as he got closer he was able to see his foe for himself. Jhasspok was right behind the dwarf, relying not upon any magical boots but his own long-striding legs, his tail sticking straight out behind him for balance. Activating his tail-band of the raptor, he brought his battleaxe down upon the drow cleric time and time again, while snapping at her unprotected neck with his sharp teeth. She cried out in pain as the reptile practically bowled her to the ground with the force of his attack.

Then three more drow fighters popped up from their prone hiding positions, the floor of the cavern being somewhat "hilly" and providing them with cover in the form of obscuring cloud-wisps that covered the floor like a fog. Squinting in irritation from the sudden bright light of Cramer's daylight spell, they all went after Utred, the closest to their current positions. The cleric and the first fighter to have popped his head up were still dazed by the bright light, unable to act - although in the cleric's case the inability to act may well have been because a good deal of her life's blood was flowing down her neck from the rent in her throat where Jhasspok had just ripped out a chunk of flesh.

Khari continued attacking the elder air elemental he'd been fighting along with Jhasspok and Utred - and which he was now facing alone. But he knew he couldn't earth glide through cloud-stuff and wouldn't have wished to even if it were possible - who wanted to take the chance of tunneling out through the very bottom of a cloud? - so he concentrated on taking out the foe at hand. His warhammer crashed into the elemental's body, but it was difficult to see how badly the blow had damaged a creature made of whirling air, who showed no wounds and dripped no blood. Still, the doughty dwarven fighter carried on, confident in his combat abilities and certain he'd wear this massive foe down in time.

With all five drow now visible, Cramer re-entered the visible light spectrum himself as he cast his first combat spell, an insect plague spell that sent swarms of locusts covering the dark elves as he ran forward, away from the reach of the elder air elementals. They split their attacks evenly between Khari and Marlo, one elemental focusing on each hero. Marlo took another step back and cast an empowered maximized scorching ray spell at her foe, missing with one gout of flame but the other two striking spot on. The elemental roared in pain and fury, its wide-open mouth spraying arcs of electricity.

With a battle roar, Utred brought his greataxe swinging in a sideways slice that completely severed the head from the drow cleric's damaged neck and then buried itself into the side of the skull of her closest ally. The barbarian had to tug his blade out of the drow's head as the dark elf dropped to the floor of the cloud-chamber, his dead body covered by a layer of wispy fog, as had been that of the headless spellcaster. Jhasspok swung his own axe-head into the side of another drow fighter, failing to slay him but causing him a great deal of pain as the blade cut through ironsilk armor and a rib or two. Blood spilled from the lips of the drow as he tried his best to reciprocate the attack with fingers that could no longer feel the hilt of his sword. Still covered in locusts, the wounded drow tried running sideways out of the range of the spell effect and Jhasspok was given another opportunity to cut him down - and cut him down he did, leaving only two drow fighters and the electricity-infused elder air elementals on the field of battle to oppose the five heroes.

But the two drow had seen enough to see how this battle was going to end. Dropping their weapons in unison, they backed away from the cloud of locusts and prostrated themselves on the ground, calling out "We surrender!" in the drow language which only Cramer and Marlo could understand. Jhasspok and Utred looked over at the cowering warriors, the dwarf barbarian with a look of disgust and disdain, the lizardfolk with a puzzled expression - why weren't they continuing to fight when there was always a possibility they could still pull off a win? Then they shrugged and ran back the way they'd come, to aid Marlo and Khari in fighting off the air elementals, who at least had the good grace to continue to fight.

Not that it did them any good in the long run, for up against all five heroes at once they were soon vanquished, Utred and Jhasspok each striking the killing blow to one of them. "I didn't get to kill anything!" griped Khari, after realizing the dwarven barbarian and the lizardfolk had been responsible for all the final blows against their enemies that day.

"You can go kill those two," Utred suggested, pointing over to the cowering drow fighters.

"But they've surrendered," Khari pointed out.

"Oh yeah, good point," replied Utred, wrenching his Null Axe out from the root of a Writhing Gate tentacle and handing it to his fellow dwarf. "Well then, you wanna give a go at chopping down these tentacles? No reason the fun should always go to me, just 'cause it was my grandpa what made the axe."

"Sure!" enthused Khari, stowing away his earthglide warhammer and picking up the Null Axe. He approached the nearest tentacle, held the weapon above his head, and let it come swinging down with all of his might. The dead flesh of the illithid elder god parted before the blade and in two more swings it had been severed completely the way through, the stump falling away through the floor of the cloud-chamber and the extradimensional hole through which it had emerged from the Far Realm sealing up. Khari grinned with pride and moved over to the next tentacle, wondering if he could sever it with only two blows this time.

With their dwarven fighter so engaged, Utred and Jhasspok walked over to the two drow cowards. "Matron Jalamir said we're supposed to kill them," Jhasspok pointed out.

"So she did," Utred said, decapitating one with a single blow from his magic greataxe before the prisoner could even cry out. Jhasspok clamped his teeth around the back of the other one's neck and worried him back and forth until the bones gave way and the lizardfolk had chewed completely through the drow's flesh, dropping his head beneath the covering layer of cloud-wisp.

"Is that everyone?" Cramer asked Marlo as he consulted his notes on the Gate of Svulbiss. There was supposed to have been an illithid "saint" here, the creator of this particular Writhing Gate. Marlo searched with her robe-enhanced vision and eventually unearthed a set of ten ripped-up robes that had been discarded in a depression beneath the obscuring layer of cloud cover. The robes each bore an emblem of Uboros and would easily have fit a mind flayer; Marlo theorized the drow had turned on the illithid cultists after the gates all lost power, slaying them and possibly even using them as a food source as they waited in their cloud chamber for further orders from the Mortal Queen which never came.

Still, Jhasspok agreed with at least part of their plan. "Meat is meat," he said, nodding his head approvingly.

- - -

Logan had come up with what he thought was a cool mechanic for the cloud chamber's interior: each round, it would gather up an additional 1d6 points of electrical energy and each round there would be a cumulative +10% chance from the last burst that it would discharge into a random potential victim. However, he had also included in his notes that any magical protection from electricity made you "invisible" to the discharges, and since none of us completely used up our protection from energy spells (and the drow had been similarly protected), there was nothing for the lightning to discharge into inside the chamber, so it just did so on the exterior of the cloud. We also all learned Logan has a terrible poker face, as evidenced by his horrified expression when Joe suggested his dad's PC should cast a protection from energy spell on each PC to protect them all from lightning before they teleported in.

The elder air elementals were advanced to a full 48 HD each and given 1d8 points of electricity damage to each slam, but with our various protections in place they ended up just being big bags of hit points that we gradually took down; they were unable to do much to us at all. But that's the way it goes sometimes: a DM never knows what tactics his players will (or won't) employ when he designs his adventures and all he can do is run them through them in a reasonable fashion.

We figure we're probably down to four more adventures in this campaign. We all made it to 19th level at the end of this adventure, so we'll likely be sliding into 20th right as we finish up the whole shebang.
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 19​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 13​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 18/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 19​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 19​

Game Session Date: 23 February 2022

- - -

Marlo cast the spell and the five heroes teleported to the beach of Yondall's Bay, a place they had been to once before when tasked with rescuing the diviner Lauren from the people trying to kill her. It was windy, the wind whipping the hair of those who had such, which included all but Jhasspok the lizardfolk. But it did include the bearded man standing ankle-deep in the ocean's surf, clad in nothing but a kilt. His hair was dripping wet as if he'd just been swimming and he looked over at the five newcomers as if having been waiting there for them.

Marlo called over to him. "Were you expecting us?" she asked.

"Aye - it's one of the benefits of having a leader skilled in the arts of divination," replied the man. "I have been sent to fetch you and take you to her."

Jhasspok looked up and down the beach, seeing no one but themselves. There were also no recent footprints in the sand indicating where the man might have come from. "Where is she?" the puzzled reptile asked.

"Under the sea," replied the man in the kilt. "Follow me." And he turned back to the ocean, diving into an approaching wave.

Cramer cast a quick series of spells upon himself before he followed: longstrider, moment of prescience, and tongues, then cast a water breathing spell upon all five heroes. "Okay, let's go," he said, striding purposefully into the ocean. Jhasspok needed no prompting, eagerly leaping into the water; the others followed with slightly less enthusiasm. But once underwater, the lizardfolk was puzzled again almost immediately, for the kilted man had somehow lost his legs and now had the back half of an enormous fish somehow attached to his waist.

"Ssssssssssssss," hissed Jhasspok, letting a long, slow breath out of his muzzle as his eyes widened in surprise and shock. The others, walking along the ocean floor behind him, weren't sure what he was on about until he finally burst out into his more standard reptilian laughter: "Ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss!"

"What's so funny?" asked Khari.

Jhasspok could only point helplessly at the merman swimming before them, making sure he wasn't moving so far ahead his guests couldn't keep up. Between snickers, Jhasspok explained, "That man! He's half human and half food!"

"That's a merman, Jhasspok," Marlo explained. "That's how they're built. They all look like that."

"Ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss! Why hasn't anybody mentioned this before? Are there people who are half human, half potato? Or half human, half loaf of bread? Ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss!"

"It's not polite to laugh at others," Marlo chided. "We're here because one of the questions answered for us said the merfolk of Yondall's Bay knew the location of the underwater Writhing Gate. If you make fun of the way he looks, he may not help us!"

"I'm sorry, Marlo," Jhasspok replied, properly chastised. He knew how important it was for them to be able to sever the connections between all ten of the Writhing Gates and the Material Plane, so the Dying One couldn't return to the world and destroy it in the process. They'd already taken out eight such gates, with just these last two left to go. But then he got another look at the merfolk's fish-tail and started snickering to himself again.

Fortunately, the trip wasn't very long and by the time they made it to a coral structure grown to look like ruins, Jhasspok had pretty much gotten his snickering under control. Floating at the center of this coral structure was a female covered in a white robe.

"Welcome," the woman said. "I must apologize, for the other two Diviners are busy with other duties for the village and are not available to greet you." Then a current lifted the bottom flap of her robes away from her lower body, revealing the green scales of a mermaid's fish-tail.

"Ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss!"

The mermaid Diviner frowned at the group. "Is there something wrong with your...lizard?"

"Please ignore him," pleaded Cramer. "We are here because we understand you may have information about the location of an underwater Writhing Gate." He described what the gate would look like, explaining the tentacles would now be inert since the Dying One had been slain and would take a decade or two to fully reform. He also emphasized how important it was that they be allowed to take the two remaining Writhing Gates out of commission.

"I know of something fitting the description," the mermaid admitted. "However, having only just met you, I'm not sure you're entirely...trustworthy." She looked over at Jhasspok in irritation, who had both hands over his muzzle and was helplessly letting out a long, sustained "Sssssssssssssssssss" as he tried to stifle his laughter at the sight of the "food-lady."

"It really is very important," pleaded Marlo. "Is there something we can do to prove what we say?"

The Diviner thought it over. "I'll tell you what," she decided. "There is a sunken ship at the edge of town, straddling a trench. It has recently become haunted by a crew of ghosts. I would see the ghosts put to rest. Do that and I will lead you to the Gate of Rylethek."

She indicated the direction of the sunken vessel and the group headed that way, following a coral pathway more or less pointing the way. "Nice one, Jhasspok!" grumbled Cramer. "Now we're off on a fool's errand because you couldn't stop laughing at merfolk!"

"I'm sorry, Cramer," Jhasspok apologized. "But they're food people! How can they even resist eating each other's tails?" Try as they might, they couldn't get the concept of merfolk being born that way across to the lizardfolk, especially once it became apparent he had interpreted the merman's magic kilt - which allowed him to transform his fish-tail into a pair of human legs when out of the water - as the merman being able to remove his own legs somehow and slap on the back half of a fish. Jhasspok couldn't figure out where the other half of the fish was, and where the merman had put his legs in the meantime. Utred finally put the matter to an end by informing him, "It's magic, Jhasspok."

"Oh," Jhasspok said, understanding immediately - magic was weird.

They approached the trench and sure enough, there was a sundered ship sitting atop it, one half on one side of the trench and the other slightly askew on the other side, the whole thing looking as if the ship had been sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor when a giant axe had cleaved the ship in two, cutting a deep rent in the ocean floor beneath it.

<I count eight,> Marlo informed the group after having cast a Rary's telepathic bond upon them all so they could communicate amongst themselves telepathically.

<Eight what?> asked Cramer.

<Eight ghosts. Four look to be archers, the other four look to be armed only with swords, including the one up in the crow's nest.>

The men in the group peered through the clear water, trying to see what Marlo had described. <There's nobody there,> Utred observed. <And there's no crow's nest - there isn't even a mast on the ship.>

<She's looking into the Ethereal Plane with her eye of robes,> Cramer surmised. <None of the ghosts have manifested yet onto the Material Plane.>

Marlo cast stoneskin spells on the others while they decided their plan of attack. She then cast a magic circle against evil spell on herself, while Cramer cast the spells detect evil, spell turning, and death ward on himself. Utred asked the gnome to cast that latter spell on himself using one of his last three such scrolls, but when the cleric opened the waterproof scroll case the ink was washed away before he could make sense of the contents and the scroll was wasted. Marlo grabbed each of the two by their collars and used her boots of levitation to pull them back up to the surface so Cramer could cast a death ward spell on Utred using a scroll without it being destroyed in mid-casting. By the time they returned to the sea floor, Khari had activated his psionic offensive prescience and was ready for the attack.

<We still can't see what we're attacking,> Utred pointed out.

<I'll flush them out!> Jhasspok promised, darting forward through the water, powered by strokes from his reptilian tail. He swam directly over the trench, into the 10-foot gap between the two halves of the sundered vessel, up at the level of the ship's upper deck. Not wanting to miss out on any fighting, Utred activated his winged boots and flew along behind the lizardfolk. Each of the two had their primary axes out and ready for combat, as soon as any of these ghosts made themselves visible. Khari followed behind at ground level, pretty sure his earthglide warhammer would allow him to burrow beneath the seabed floor but realizing that wouldn't actually get him anywhere when the ghosts were all up on the top deck of the sunken ship. But he smiled at the thought that he'd be getting to try out the recent ghost touch enhancement to his warhammer very soon now....

<They're starting to react!"> Marlo warned over the link as four of the ghosts - the archers, who had been looking out for danger, three at the front of the ship and one at the rear - started to manifest onto the Material Plane. Four arrows went whizzing past Jhasspok and Utred, the arrowheads buzzing with jolts of electricity. One of the four actually passed harmlessly through Utred's body, leaving behind a momentary feeling of chill as it flew through him. Such, it seemed, were the vicissitudes of dealing with ethereal creatures.

Marlo targeted one of the ghosts who had yet to materialize and shot it with an empowered maximized magic missile spell, knowing full well the force effects would be able to reach into the Ethereal Plane and harm her foe. She had more powerful spells at hand, but casting any of them at a ghost meant a distinct possibility of having the spell be as useless as that arrow that had pierced Utred without actually making contact at all.

Cramer moved forward and cast a mass bear's endurance on the assembled heroes while they were all still clumped together close enough for him to catch everyone in the radius of his spell. That, he knew, would give each of the five a bit of additional "staying power" in the fight to come. Khari felt the additional power surge through his body as he climbed up the side of the ship's back half and scrambled on deck.

Just then the other four ghosts - all of them elves, just like the archers - joined the combat, phasing in from the Ethereal Plane. One swung a blade at Jhasspok's head, but the lizardfolk dodged it easily. Then he went all-out at the offending ghost, snapping his teeth at it and swinging his battleaxe back and forth through the ghost's body. Jhasspok couldn't sense any rhyme or reason to it, but about half of his attacks passed harmlessly right through the spirit while others connected as solidly as if the ghost had been fully alive. He just assumed it was some sort of weird magic effect and pressed on with the attack. At his side, Utred did likewise against another ghost who had tried attacking him with his own curved sword - a cutlass, if the barbarian wasn't mistaken.

Then the ghosts shifted their tactics, with two of the archers using a corrupting gaze against the three melee combatants on the back half of the broken ship while the other two continued firing their arrows. Fortunately for Utred, Khari, and Jhasspok, none of the attacks had any effect on them whatsoever. Then Marlo fired off another of her supercharged magic missile spells at the ghost rogue she'd been attacking, hitting it full-on in the chest.

Cramer cast two spells in rapid sequence: a blade barrier that sprang up through four of the ghosts followed almost immediately by a quickened divine power spell he cast upon himself. Two of the three ghost rogues caught in the spell's effect dodged out of the barrier while the archer and the other rogue weren't quick enough to respond in time, and as a result the force-blades chewed through their insubstantial bodies to full effect.

The first of the elven ghosts to fall was the rogue that Khari Hammerslammer had been beating upon with his ghost touch earthglide warhammer. Upon being slain, his immaterial body lost full cohesion and he dissipated like a dust cloud in a wind storm. Two other rogues stepped up and tried to flank the dwarven fighter, but Khari was having none of that.

Jhasspok took a moment to look about him and realized while the dwarves could easily deal with the ghosts fighting on the ship's deck, he was best suited to deal with the one up at the top of the ethereal mast, in the crow's nest. With a kick of his powerful legs, he leaped above the heads of the ghost rogues near him - they reacted too slowly with their blades to tag the lizardfolk as he flew past them - and used his tail to spur him higher and higher. At the level of the crow's nest, Jhasspok activated his tail-band of the raptor and went full-out dinosaur rampage on the ghost up there, snapping with his teeth and slicing madly with his battleaxe. Down below, Utred slew one ghost rogue he'd been fighting and brought his Elderwood flaming greataxe slicing into the other one nearby.

Then the archers changed their tactics again. Two of them leaped from the front half of the ship to the back half and tried using their draining touch attacks on Utred - but they had chosen their victim poorly, for the dwarven barbarian was protected by the death ward spell Cramer had cast upon him from the scroll. Another swam up to Jhasspok and managed to get past the reptile's defenses to successfully drain off some of his vitality, but he didn't lose as much as Cramer had magically enhanced in the lizardfolk's body earlier with his mass bear's endurance spell. All in all, it was a rather ineffectual attack - about as successful as the arrow the fourth archer sent whizzing past Khari's head.

The heroes were faring much better, especially Marlo, who literally couldn't miss with her maximized empowered magic missile spells. Another such casting took out one of the archers, exploding his body into a fine mist which quickly dissipated in the ocean currents. With all of the ghosts readily engaged with one or the other of the heroes, Cramer took the opportunity to crawl up onto the ship's deck.

The battle didn't last very much longer, nor did the tides turn at all in the ghosts' favor. One by one, they were taken out, either immediately by Marlo's spells or Khari's ghost touch warhammer or more slowly by the weapons of Jhasspok and Utred, whose attacks occasionally passed harmlessly through the ghostly spirits. But eventually all eight were slain, the deck empty of all enemies. The group was already starting their celebratory congratulations to each other over the telepathic link when Cramer suddenly remembered something he'd been taught about ghosts back when he was still studying at the Temple of Fharlanghn in Grover's Comb: ghosts often come back days after having been "slain" unless either whatever it was that had kept them from finding their final rest had been dealt with or a full exorcism was performed. <Guys, not so fast,> he warned them, then filled them in on his suspicions.

<I'll go check the lower hold,> offered Jhasspok, activating his slave-light cloak and swimming into the lower level of the front half of the ship, looking for anything that might have upset the ghosts. The rest of the group opted to search the back half of the ship, since that's where they were all standing at the time. While Jhasspok did a quick scan in the front and found nothing suspicious, Marlo opened the door to the captain's quarters.

That was quite illuminating - in both senses of the word - for the open doorway allowed the sunlight drifting down to the ocean floor to light up the room and it showed Marlo the three elven figures standing there, arguing. She could tell they were all three still fully on the Ethereal Plane for despite their mouths moving no sound reached her ears; her magical robe of eyes allowed her to see into the Ethereal Plane but she couldn't hear across planar boundaries. From what she could see, though, the first figure was dressed as a ship's captain; the other male was garbed in pirate's clothing, as had been the eight ghosts outside on the deck; and the woman standing between them, seemingly trying to stop them from coming to blows, was dressed in a flowing gown that accentuated her slim figure.

<Three ghosts, still ethereal,> Marlo told the others over the link as they noticed her noticing them. They could also see the other three male heroes beside Marlo, but none of them was making eye contact or indicating in any fashion that they could see the three elven ghosts as Marlo obviously could. Still, warned by the sorceress of their presence, Khari gripped his magic warhammer tight, ready to strike out at any ghosts that might manifest in the small cabin.

Jhasspok gave the rest of the front hold a thorough look before heading back towards the others, since he'd gathered the room with the three ghosts was rather small and the other four heroes were already crowded around the doorway. Utred threw caution to the wind and entered what appeared to him to be an empty room. At once, the three ghosts manifested all around the dwarven barbarian; entering the Material Plane allowed their voices to be heard - they spoke Elven, with the captain's voice picking up in mid-sentence, "--trying to mutiny while allowing vermin to board the Stormsea!" The captain wore what looked like a robe made of a thundercloud over his nautical clothing and an expression of distaste at the sight of a dwarf on his vessel.

Now that there were visible targets for his warhammer in the cabin, Khari squeezed in and brought his weapon crashing down upon the closest figure: the elven pirate ghost. Marlo cast another empowered maximized magic missile spell at the same figure, the captain's erstwhile Second Mate and leader of the attempted mutiny. Captain Lethad Stormsea started fading away, vanishing not only from the sight of Cramer and the dwarves but also of Marlo, whose magical vision reached all the way to the Ethereal Plane. Whatever he was doing, it was more than just a return to the plane from which he'd just come....

Cramer cast an ethereal jaunt spell on himself and entered the room talking, his words being translated into Elven by his still-active tongues spell. "I hope you already realize this, but your ship is broken into two pieces and lying upon the ocean floor, you're all dead, and you're probably all doomed to stay here in this undead state unless we can help put you all to rest! Now, what exactly is it that's keeping you all here?"

"I won't rest until we've wrested the ship from Lethad here and put him to the sword!" snarled the Second Mate. "Same goes for all of my men above - we've sworn to make this ship ours!"

"Well, we've already slain your men above - four archers and four with cutlasses, yes?" replied Cramer. "All dead."

"They'll rise again, and we'll take the ship then!" promised the Second Mate, stabbing a shocking rapier at Utred. "In the meantime, I'll have my vengeance upon you!" A hand crossbow fired a bolt at Utred's face, hitting the dwarf right in the eye - and passing harmlessly through his body, as was (fortunately for him) often the case when fighting immaterial foes.

Iliana Stormsea, the Stormsea's First Mate (in more ways than one, for she was married to Captain Lethad) attempted to possess Cramer's body, but the seasoned cleric was able to fight off her mental attack. Then Khari's hammer took out the Second Mate and he dissipated away to nothing in the same way his men had done on the decks outside the cabin. By this time, Jhasspok had returned to the back half of the ship and he swam over Cramer's head and fully entered the room, bringing his battleaxe crashing down upon Iliana. Utred followed suit, slashing at her with his own axe-head. Marlo hit her with a supercharged magic missile spell, causing the elven ghost to stagger in pain and then Cramer, sensing she was about at her limit, hit her with the one-two punch of a mass heal spell - which had the added benefit of closing up the various wounds he and his friends had sustained thus far as well as harming the ghost couple - followed by a quickened cure serious wounds spell guided by his moment of prescience to guarantee Iliana's death.

That left only Lethad. <What's up with the Captain?> Marlo wanted to know. <He's not on the Ethereal Plane - I can barely make him out.> Talking rapidly among themselves over the link and using their shared knowledge of arcane and divine spellcrafting, they deduced Lethad was somehow only a fragment of a soul - not the full "self" that normally became a ghost. Cramer determined an exorcism would force him to return to the Material Plane, where they would be able to take him out with Marlo's empowered maximized magic missile spells, which would automatically hit him and deal the most amount of damage to him in the quickest time.

<Do you know how to perform an exorcism?> asked Marlo.

<It's been awhile, but yes.>

That seemed to do the trick. Once forced back into manifesting, Marlo was there waiting for him and she blasted him to smithereens. "There we go!" approved Cramer. "With him gone, the other ghosts should be put to rest as well - they no longer have anyone to stop their silly mutiny!"

"What was this whole thing even about?" asked Khari, looking around the room for possible treasure and seeing nothing of interest in the cabin - although there were a few signs that someone had likely been living there recently: a real person or persons, not just ghosts. (They'd later find out the three mermaid oracles had made the ship their home until they'd been driven out by the ghosts.)

"Who knows?" answered Cramer. "Why do elf pirates do what they do? Bottom line, we cleared out the ghosts like the Diviner wanted, and now she should be willing to tell us the location of the Gate of Rylethek. Good job, guys - let's get back."

As the others walked back the way they'd come, Jhasspok swam over by Utred to ask him a question. "Diviner?" He couldn't remember who that was.

Utred thought a moment to try to recall the name Jhasspok had used for her. Oh yeah: "The 'food-lady,'" he told him.

"Oh. Her," Jhasspok replied. Then, recalling what she looked like, he couldn't help but snicker, "Ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss!"

- - -

So, Logan built this whole adventure upon a back story he'd intended to use for one of the PCs in his previous campaign, "The Durnhill Conscripts." Joe, who runs Utred in this campaign, ran an elven wizard named Daleth Stormsea in that campaign and gave him almost no back story at all. So Logan had come up with something elaborate: Captain Lethad Stormsea was a noted pirate who dabbled in the arcane arts and had performed a magical ritual that was to have saved him from death when the time came; however, something went a bit wrong and when his crew mutinied and tried to kill him, he was reincarnated with no memories of his previous life. This reincarnation was, of course, Daleth Stormsea. Daleth was led to believe this "Captain Lethad" was his grandfather or something and he ended up gaining the man's "robe made of a thundercloud" towards the end of that campaign. (Now it turns out he was just reclaiming it from his former self.) But that's why Lethad's "ghost" was only part of a spirit; most of the rest of him had already been reincarnated into a new body.

None of this is known to any of the "Raiders of the Overreach" characters; I just mention it to fill in some gaps that didn't come out in the adventure itself. (Logan explained it all to us afterwards.)
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 19​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 13​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 18/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 19​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 19​

Game Session Date: 27 April 2022

- - -

"And what exactly are we to do with these?" asked Utred, looking at the pair of starfish the mermaid Diviner had just handed to him. Other merfolk were distributing them to the other heroes as well, two to each. Each of the heroes was currently under the effects of a water breathing spell, allowing them to breathe and speak freely beneath the ocean.

"Place them directly on your skin," the Diviner replied. "They will provide you with protection against the crushing pressure of the lower depths." She further explained the depth adaptation starfish were a type of living magic item developed by the wizards among the merfolk tribe. "But do not take them out of the water," she warned the heroes. "We will need them back before you return to the surface."

"And we need these why?" asked Cramer, although he had a sneaking suspicion he already knew the reason. He loosened his robes and armor enough to place a starfish on each shoulder. Tightening his garments back up, his oversized shoulders made him look somewhat fiercer than his three-and-a-half-foot frame normally did. Utred plopped his on either side of his neck, where they'd be out of the way. Khari's starfish ended up on his forearms, where they gave the appearance of some exotic, undersea bracers.

"The Gate of Rylethek lies upon a ledge about 3,700 feet down from here," said the diviner, pointing down over the edge of the continental shelf by which the heroes stood. "Without proper protection you would be crushed to death before reaching your destination."

"I don't have skin," Jhasspok pointed out, holding a starfish in each hand. Marlo noticed the hungry look in the lizardfolks' eye.

"Don't eat them, Jhasspok!" she chided. "They should work attached to your scales just as well as on skin." She took them from him and spun him about, placing them high up on his back beneath his slave-light cloak. With any luck, he couldn't reach them on his own; she didn't trust the foolish reptile not to try to pry them off and take a bite if he got hungry enough. Jhasspok shrugged each shoulder in turn, trying to see if they would hinder his movements any, while Marlo applied her own starfish in a more traditional place.

"I fear your...toad will need to stay up here with us," the Diviner added, looking with mild distaste at Truffles's numerous tentacles swaying in the ocean currents. "We do not have any starfish scaled to his size." Marlo nodded her understanding and passed Truffles over to the Diviner, who hurriedly passed him on to one of the other merfolk attendants.

"It'll be dark that far down," Cramer mused. "The dwarves both have darkvision, as does Marlo with her robe of eyes, but Jhasspok and I will need a way to see in the dark."

"We have our cloaks," reminded Jhasspok, activating his own so it appeared to burst in harmless flame. He was surprised the gnome cleric would have forgotten something so basic.

"We don't want to attract the attention of every predator down there," the gnome chided. He turned to the merfolk. "Would any of your wizards be able to supply the lizard and I with a darkvision spell?" Two merfolk wizards swam forward and cast the requested spells upon the gnome and the lizardfolk. "Thank you, Food Man," Jhasspok said, deactivating the light from his cloak. The merman scowled in confusion while the other four heroes just shook their heads in disbelief. Still, at least Jhasspok had stopped laughing at the very sight of creatures with the upper torsos of humans and the lower bodies of fish, or "food" by the lizardfolk's way of thinking.

"Straight down there, huh?" asked Cramer, looking over the ledge down into darkness. "Okay, guys, buff spells." He cast a magic circle against evil spell on himself, following it up with longstrider, moment of prescience, and spell turning. Marlo cast a magic circle against evil spell upon herself, a Rary's telepathic bond spell on the whole group, and then a stoneskin on each of the others - she had a brooch of petrified flesh that performed the same function for her.

And then, as one, the group stepped over the edge of the continental shelf and dropped down into the darkness below.

The slope was fairly steep, but not too steep to make it too difficult to maneuver. Marlo kept leaping forward off into open water and letting her boots of levitation lower her down at a steady rate until she met back up with the descending cliff face. The dwarves, neither one particularly appreciating an aquatic environment, kept their faces to the cliff and scrambled down backwards, eager to get to the bottom and a solid floor once again. Cramer sat at his accustomed spot atop Utred's backpack, only facing behind the dwarf so he could get a better view of what lay before them. Jhasspok, of course, was in his element, his strong crocodilian tail sweeping back and forth as he happily swam ahead of the rest of the group, staying just close enough to the cliff wall to keep his friends in sight so they wouldn't get separated.

The magical vision provided by Marlo's robe of eyes granted her a view of twice the distance that of what her male companions could see, so she was the only one to see the crystal obelisk rising up from the seabed floor when they finally got to the bottom of the cliff. Disturbingly, the obelisk was ringed with literally dozens of undead bodies, each standing relatively motionlessly - their limbs and hair occasionally swaying in the ocean currents, but that was about it - as they stared in rapt attention at the crystal shaft before them. Marlo estimated the obelisk rose up from the seabed for a good 50 feet before tapering to a point for the last 10 feet.

After describing what she saw over the telepathic link, Marlo centered a sunburst spell at the top of the obelisk. A flash of brilliant light momentarily lit up each of the undead forms ringing the obelisk, then their bodies were disintegrated by the power of the sorceress's magical light. Darkness once again overtook the scene. Unseen even by Marlo's enhanced vision, the guardian of the Gate of Rylethek scampered out of the circle of the Writhing Gate beyond the crystal obelisk and slid over the edge of yet another cliff ledge leading further down in darkness.

<Surely those zombies weren't guarding the Writhing Gate,> interjected Khari. <They weren't much of a defense.>

<I doubt it,> Marlo agreed, walking forward past the upthrust shaft of crystal. She could see the Writhing Gate just ahead, the ring of ten dead tentacles lying motionless against the seabed floor. <There's the Gate, though - and it looks like a pile of coins and gems heaped up in the middle of it!>

<Kind of suspicious,> pointed out Utred.

<Illusion?> suggested Cramer, looking over to Marlo, whose magical vision didn't include true seeing but which enhanced her visual acuity to such an extent she was often able to tell the difference between illusory items and the real thing.

<Looks legitimate,> she said.

<I'll check it out!> offered Jhasspok, swimming forward and circling the Writhing Gate in a counterclockwise direction, the others moving slower behind him as they walked along the ocean floor. Then Utred activated his winged boots and used them to "fly" forward underwater. Cramer followed suit, casting a fly spell on himself and darting forward, leaving only Marlo and Khari walking upon the ocean floor. As Jhasspok got to the far side of the Writhing Gate he could see over the edge of the cliff, and there he saw an unusual sight: an enormous form, built like a squid but much, much larger than any squid the lizardfolk had ever seen. It clung motionlessly to the side of the cliff by the tips of several of its many tentacles, while a few others swayed around in a practiced fashion.

And then memories flooded into Jhasspok's brain: this was a kraken - in fact, this was his good friend Rylethek, who had looked after Jhasspok every time the lizardfolk went fishing underwater for the drow of the Overreach back in his fisher-slave days. Then a sudden worried thought crossed Jhasspok's mind: his friends were probably going to think his good friend Rylethek was dangerous! He'd have to make sure nobody did anything stupid, like attack the kraken for no good reason - you never could tell with these silly mammals!

Jhasspok spun around, battleaxe in hand in case he had to fight off his friends from the surface - and was immediately encompassed by an enormous hand composed of mystical force. Jhasspok struggled to free himself from the Bigby's grasping hand spell, to no avail.

<Jhasspok's just fallen victim to a charm monster spell!> Marlo warned the others over the link, after making sure her Bigby's grasping hand spell was keeping him from attacking them. <There's a kraken on the other side of the ledge!>

<Kraken?> asked Khari as he raced forward, activating his offensive prescience psionic ability now that combat seemed imminent. <What's a kraken?> The dwarf had spent most of his life in the Underdark and had never heard of such a beast.

Neither had Utred for that matter, but whatever it was it had taken out Jhasspok with a single spell - although that was easily fixed. Flying forward by the power of his winged boots, the dwarven barbarian snagged Cramer as he passed and dragged him along for the ride. As soon as they got within ten feet of the struggling lizardfolk, Cramer's magic circle against evil spell temporarily blocked the kraken's charm monster spell, leaving Jhasspok's mind - such as it was - free of outside influence. Cramer made the effect permanent by casting a protection from evil spell on the lizardfolk. <He's good!> Cramer announced over the link and Marlo allowed the giant, magical hand to open up and release Jhasspok from its grasp, then redirected it to try to grab one of the kraken's tentacles.

Jhasspok took off like a shot, battleaxe raised to deliver a crippling blow to the kraken perched over the edge of the lower cliff-side. But one of the kraken's many tentacles darted out, wrapping around the lizardfolk's waist and extending down to encompass his legs and tail. But that didn't matter to Jhasspok, for he now had a tentacle in his immediate reach and he brought his axe-blade down to cut into the kraken's flesh. Rylethek reacted by crushing the lizardfolk in his grasp, tightening its grip on him until Jhasspok hissed in pain.

Marlo levitated 30 feet or so up above the seabed floor, until she could see the kraken crushing Jhasspok. Then she cast a disintegrate spell at the aquatic monster, hoping if the spell didn't outright kill the beast it would at least deal him a considerable amount of damage. She was very much surprised to see the spell bounce right off the creature and come right back at her. I hope I haven't just killed myself! she thought miserably as the disintegrate spell started ripping apart her body. But though it was a close call, she managed to tough it through the spell, gasping at how closely she'd come to fatally falling victim to her own spellcasting. She vowed to stick to spells that couldn't be "bounced" back her own way for the rest of this fight, not sure how many such spells the kraken's spell turning spell would be able to affect.

Hearing Marlo's cries of pain over the telepathic link, Utred grabbed up Cramer again and flew up to the sorceress, releasing the cleric to cast a quickened cure critical wounds spell upon her. After having tended to the worst of Marlo's wounds, Cramer cast a divine power spell upon himself, increasing his own combat power.

Jhasspok gritted his teeth against the pain of feeling his lower half getting crushed and put all of his effort into cutting into the tentacle that was trying to squish him like a bug. Again and again his blade cut deep into the thing's rubbery flesh, but there seemed to be something preventing his weapon from dealing its normal amount of damage - and sure enough there was, for the kraken had had time to cast a stoneskin spell upon himself after having seen his sea zombies taken out in a flash of blinding light from Marlo's sunburst spell. But each of Jhasspok's axe-strikes whittled away that much more protection from the kraken's hide and eventually they would overcome it entirely.

The lizardfolk felt himself being dragged laterally through the ocean as the tentacle grasping him was repositioned to the kraken's side. This was so Rylethek could send forth a blast of freezing energy from a cone of cold spell without catching his own tentacles in the area of effect. The other four heroes were all caught in the blast, to varying effect. Marlo responded almost immediately by summoning an elder water elemental to attack the kraken from behind, its watery fists pounding into the giant cephalopod's hardened shell. Khari, meanwhile, sank into the ocean bed using the power of his earthglide warhammer and only popped back up when he was past the creature's tentacles. Then he swung his weapon directly into the kraken's mouth. Utred swam directly at the kraken as well, barely avoiding a constricting tentacle and bringing his Elderwood greenflame greataxe slicing into its flesh.

Cramer decided to cast a summoning spell of his own, calling forth a fiendish dire shark. The great fish snapped at a passing tentacle but didn't manage to deal much in the way of damage, its razor-sharp teeth not even piercing the creature's rubbery flesh.

Jhasspok continued his barrage of weapon strikes, noticing the moment when he finally overpowered the kraken's stoneskin spell, for each swing of his battleaxe now penetrated deeper into the creature's flesh. Rylethek responded by casting forth a mass suggestion spell that those attacking him drop their weapons and immediately surrender to him; he was less than pleased to see none of his attackers paid any heed to his mental command.

Marlo, still hesitant to cast any spells directly upon the kraken until she knew for certain they wouldn't bounce back to affect her, used her staff of transmutation to cast a mass enlarge person spell upon the group, doubling everyone's size. Jhasspok screamed aloud at the transformation, for that only meant the tentacle imprisoning his legs and tail gripped him that much more tightly - but it also meant all five heroes could deal out more damage with their larger frames and double-sized weapons. Khari's warhammer now crashed down upon the kraken with more force behind the blow, as Utred used his greataxe to sever the tip of a rather unusual-looking tentacle indeed; this one had some sort of band of metal around it. (Unbeknownst to the dwarven barbarian, this was actually a ring of spell turning; Marlo would be perfectly safe casting spells against the kraken now, had she only realized it.)

Enjoying his new size but still slightly irritated he was still smaller than his companions, Cramer cast a righteous might spell upon himself and finally reached the same height as Utred, the raging dwarven barbarian he occasionally used as a riding mount. The gnome gripped his mace in his hand, ready to dish out a bit of physical damage to their enemy himself.

Rylethek sent a mind blast rippling out at all five heroes, hoping to at least prevent Jhasspok's continued attacks from dealing him any further damage. He failed in that regard - Jhasspok continued his axe-strikes as if nothing had happened, and even snapped at the kraken's torn flesh with his muzzle of sharp teeth - but both dwarves froze up immediately, so the attack had at least had some benefit to the kraken.

As the elder water elemental and the fiendish dire shark continued attacking the kraken, Marlo took a chance and cast a spell at it. She knew from Cramer that a spell turning spell had a limit as to how much spell energy it could redirect back at the caster before being used up - in that fashion, it was much like a stoneskin spell - and she knew the power of the disintegrate spell she'd cast at Rylethek earlier should have used up over half of its potential power. So she reasoned if she threw a maximized disintegrate spell at it, even at worst less than half of the spell's energy would be sent back at her, with the majority affecting the kraken as anticipated. And she was fairly certain she could handle a portion of her spell's effects if it came down to that.... Steeling herself for the possibility of a sudden influx of pain, she cast the spell - and was amazed and relived to find none of the spell's energy bounced back her way. But then she was disappointed to see the damn kraken had managed to shrug off the worst of the spell's effects in any case. Still, she'd at least learned its spell turning effect was no more, so she hurriedly informed the others about her findings; Cramer would be interested to know it was now safe to target the beast with direct-fire spells.

As indeed he was. Once he'd been notified it was now safe to do so, the gnome cleric wasted no time firing off a harm spell that greatly weakened the kraken. And then Jhasspok finished it off, getting in a flurry of axe-strikes close to the creature's eye as it mistakenly moved the lizardfolk within range with its tentacle. As it died its muscles relaxed, releasing Jhasspok from its rubbery grasp. The lizardfolk staggered out from the constricting tentacle, standing awkwardly on his feet with legs that didn't seem to want to support him for a moment.

As for Rylethek, his spirit was shunted back into the crystal obelisk where the real body of Saint Rylethek - in his true illithid form - was preserved in stasis. The crystal not only kept the mind flayer's body alive without needing sustenance, it also allowed him to use a magic jar effect to project his consciousness into the bodies of those nearby. Cursing the loss of the body of the fearsome kraken, an opportunity that had been too good to pass up when the massive cephalopod entered the range of effect of the obelisk's magic jar abilities, Saint Rylethek focused his attention on the only member of the surface folk not currently protected by either a protection from evil spell or a magic circle against evil spell, both of which prevented such body-dominating magic from taking effect. Khari Hammerslammer's dwarven form was certainly not as powerful a body as that of a kraken, but beggars couldn't be choosers and it would have to do.

<Guys!> Khari called out to his friends as he felt a presence in his mind, trying to take over. <I'm under psionic attack!>

It didn't take a genius to figure out from which direction a psionic attack would be coming, given the presence of a 60-foot-tall obelisk of crystal rising up like an antenna from the seabed floor. Two castings of a maximized disintegration spell later and Marlo had blasted a hole in the side of the column, revealing the body of the illithid held within.

<Stop - you don't know what--!> began Saint Rylethek, telepathically pleading for his life before his body imploded from the water pressure all around him now that his crystalline protection had been blasted asunder.

<You okay?> Cramer asked Khari, who had felt the psionic assault stop at the same moment the illithid's body had been crushed to a bloody pulp.

<Yeah, I'm fine,> he told the gnome cleric. <And so is all of this treasure! It's real, isn't it, Marlo? Tell me it's real!>

<It's real all right,> Marlo assured him, pulling out the bag of holding so they could start transferring the kraken's treasure hoard into its extradimensional space. Utred, in the meantime, had removed the Null Axe from his back but then was faced with a dilemma: if he removed the outer wrapping which kept its powers at bay, then as soon as he started wielding it all magical effects upon him would be temporarily negated - which would include not only the water breathing spell that allowed him to breathe but also the two depth adaptation starfish on the sides of his beefy neck that were preventing him from suffering a quick and violent death like Saint Rylethek had just experienced. And yet the Null Axe was needed to chop each of the ten tentacles that made up the Writhing Gate at their root, permanently deactivating the link to the Far Realm. However, a few moments of serious thought revealed a solution: Utred pulled the special wrapping from the Null Axe and then wrapped it around the weapon's shaft so he could pick it up without actually touching it. The special anti-magic properties of the wrapping prevented the Null Axe from undoing any of his own ongoing magical effects. He started chopping away at each of the tentacles in turn and by the time he was done the others had finished stuffing the kraken's treasure into the bag of holding for transport back to the surface. Marlo folded it back up and returned it to her belt pouch.

<Alright, back up we go!> announced Cramer. Jhasspok was off like a shot, his powerful tail propelling him forward and up the side of the cliff. Utred and Cramer each still had their magical means of flying, and the barbarian pulled his fellow dwarf along as Khari climbed up the side of the cliff. Marlo used her boots of levitation to rise directly upwards and Jhasspok was more than happy to give her a gentle push closer to the cliff face as they rose in elevation above the seabed floor.

<I'll bet Truffles will be glad to see me again,> Marlo said over the link.

<I'll just bet the little fellow's enjoyed having a few moments not having to worry about Jhasspok making a meal of him,> Khari added. Jhasspok glared at Khari with a look of betrayal. How did he know? Jhasspok wondered to himself. I'll bet I can eat the toad when we're both underwater, so he won't be able to start on fire like the last time.

<Jhasspok!> scolded Marlo. <You're not eating Truffles!> Then, seeing the look of fear and incomprehension on the lizardfolk's face, she added, <The Rary's telepathic bond spell is still in effect - and you're thinking loud enough for all of us to hear!>

<Sorry, Marlo,> Jhasspok thought to the sorceress over the link, a note of dejection in his mental "voice." Stupid magic! Always messing up his plans!

<I heard that, too, Jhasspok.>

<Sorry, Marlo,> Jhasspok repeated.

- - -

It was great getting back into the game after a two-month hiatus. (One of our players was recovering from surgery.) Logan used a kraken toy that came with a "Pirates of the Caribbean" Lego-like playset he had when he was a kid as the kraken, which he had advanced to double its normal Hit Dice to make it a worthy foe against a quintet of 19th-level PCs. I also fished out (no pun intended) a shark toy that we use for Huge sharks in D&D when Dan decided he'd have Cramer summon a fiendish dire shark. (The silly thing was useless the whole adventure, though, not once making a successful bite attack against the kraken.)

The sea zombies surrounding the crystal obelisk were just there for "window dressing" - they weren't intended to be a threat to us, but in-game they were attracted by the psionic energies of the obelisk and were a handy food source for the kraken. These were "the drowned" in the adventure's title.

And now we're down to the last three adventures in this campaign, which means this will end up consisting of 58 adventures overall, pretty close to Logan's earlier 60-adventure "Durnhill Conscripts" campaign. After that, Dan will be running us through a campaign, the first one he'll have run in about 40 years.
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 19​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 13​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 18/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 19​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 19​

Game Session Date: 11 May 2022

- - -

"You realize," Marlo said as the group made their way through the various magic shops of Greenvale, "if what they're saying is true, this might be our last chance to purchase anything before we end up on the Island of No Return."

"If we can't return from the Island of No Return, this might be our last chance to purchase anything, ever," pointed out Utred. "I'm thinking I'll get the protective enhancements upgraded to my tower shield."

"I'm thinking I'd do well to pick up a magic shield myself," Cramer added.

"I'm getting low on dried dung beetles," admitted Jhasspok, checking his current stock. But after having made that particular purchase, Marlo guided him into spending the rest of his money wisely, on upgrades to his own protective gear: his gloves of dexterity, belt of giant strength, and his own magic shield.

"But now what?" asked Marlo, once the group was satisfied with their individual purchases. "We still don't have a way to get to the Unchartable Isle."

"We think we have found a way," interjected one of the wizardly advisors from Greenvale, a sunborn drow with bright orange hair. "Over in the Azure Glade, there is a ship's crew willing to take you to the Uncharted Isle."

"I'm sensing a 'but'," remarked Cramer.

"...But," added the wizard, "they are death row inmates scheduled to be executed tomorrow."

"What? Then we'd better hurry!" replied Marlo and, gathering everyone together in a tight group, teleported the five over to the Azure Glade's capital city, where they made their way to the central courthouse. There they were met by a strange, metal man - a kolyarut who introduced himself as Azure Delta Sigma.

"I have been apprised of your impending arrival," admitted the construct. "You wish a stay of execution of the eight-member ship's crew who have been sentenced to death."

"That's right," affirmed Cramer Appleknocker, quickly briefing the kolyarut on the Dying One, the Writhing Gates, and the importance of ensuring the last remaining link between the illithid Elder God and the world of Shadreath was severed, preventing the destruction of the planet and everything on it.

"Irrelevant," replied Azure Delta Sigma. "The eight have been sentenced to death."

"But we're tryin' t' save the damned world!" exploded Utred.

"Irrelevant," repeated the kolyarut. "If the world is fated to be destroyed it would be illogical to attempt to alter its fate."

"But...there's a prophecy about us, too!" interjected Marlo, who then further explained how the five of them were similarly fated to save the world from the Dying One. "What makes your prophecy outrank the prophecy about us?"

"Interesting," replied the kolyarut. "Very well. You will have an opportunity to prove yourselves against the Executors of Judgment for the release of the convicts."

"What, we'll get to argue our case before them?" asked Cramer. "Like, in a courtroom and everything?"

"No. You will fight to the death against the Executors of Judgment."

"And who are they?" asked Khari.

"I am one of them," replied Azure Delta Sigma, leading them into an arena where the eight prisoners stood, four to each side wall, hanging by chains and shackles around their wrists. They were a rough-looking lot and Marlo couldn't help but notice how they leered at her with open desire. She glared at them disdainfully, but they figured they were all going to die the next morning in any case so they weren't particularly concerned with their manners.

"The other two Executors of Judgment are Beryl Omega Gamma and Cobalt Beta Tau." As the kolyarut stated each Executor's name, the individual in question stepped out into the ring from a door in the back of the sand-filled arena. The first was a hulking humanoid figure wearing full plate armor, including a tall-crested helmet, but who wielded no weapons. Nonetheless, Beryl Omega Gamma was an impressive figure; the marut stood a good 20 feet tall and while nothing could be seen of his face his eyes glowed with a reddish determination from within his helmet. The other construct was built in the form of a centaur and was an equivalent size but made entirely of metal. Its arms ended in spiked chains in place of hands.

"The fight will be to the death: you five against the three of us." Azure Delta Gamma walked over to take his place among the other two inevitables. "But any deaths in the arena - yours or ours - will be only temporary, for this battle is merely to test the rightness of your cause. You are advised to fight without mercy, for you will receive none in return. Are there any questions before we begin?"

Utred answered by slamming the flat of his axe-blade against his chest, eager for the battle to begin. Khari mentally activated his offensive prescience psionic ability, further empowering his ghost touch earthglide dwarven warhammer. Marlo cast a mass enlarge person spell on the group, instantly doubling everyone's size and increasing their strength. Cramer cast a mass bear's endurance spell on the group and a quickened divine power spell on himself. Jhasspok just looked in confusion at Utred and asked the dwarven barbarian why they were going to fight the metal people.

"They're gonna try t' kill us," Utred explained. "So we're gonna kill 'em first." Jhasspok just shrugged and gathered his battleaxe in his hands, glad that it still held the vampiric touch spell Marlo had loaded into it the day prior. He still didn't understand exactly what was going on, but both dwarves seemed to know what was happening and they were going along with it, so the lizardfolk assumed the reasoning made some sort of sense.

"Then we begin!" announced Azure Delta Sigma, stepping forward and drawing a longsword from a scabbard at his hip.

Khari rushed forward, sinking into the sands of the arena as he did so. He popped back up right before the kolyarut, swinging his earthglide warhammer which had made his underground approach possible into the inevitable's face. It resounded with a healthy "clang!" as metal struck metal.

Cramer was unsure of the inevitables' specific powers and opted to test them out a bit in a way that wouldn't involve his personal presence. Calling out the words to a summoning spell, he brought forth a trio of fiendish tyrannosaurs, one directly in front of the marut and the other two flanking the zelekhut. Jhasspok approved of Cramer's choice in combat stand-ins, for the fiendish dinosaurs were built very much like his own reptilian frame, although their heads were proportionally bigger than the lizardfolk's and their forearms ridiculously small. Still, Jhasspok only got a glimpse of them as he sped past the closest one to make a flying leap into the fray against the marut, using his tail-band of the raptor to make a dazzling array of attacks at the end of his charge.

Marlo targeted the kolyarut with an empowered maximized scorching ray, which would have done a significant amount of damage to the humanoid construct - if it hadn't fizzled away to nothingness upon coming up against the inevitable's inherent spell resistance. But while Marlo was cursing her luck, Utred was spanning the distance between himself and Azure Delta Sigma, bringing his Elderwood greenflame greataxe crashing into the kolyarut's side.

But then the inevitables made their respective counterattacks. The marut ignored the dinosaur snapping at him - realizing it was merely a summoned creature who would disappear on its own in time - and sent its fists swinging at Jhasspok, striking the lizardfolk in a deadly one-two blow. Beryl Omega Gamma's massive fists of thunder and lightning didn't just pummel the reptile's body, their magical effects caused him to go instantly deaf and blind - and just like that, Jhasspok was pretty much taken out of the combat, for while he could feel the sand beneath his feet and the battleaxe in his hands, he could no longer see his foes or hear the sounds of combat around him. And the metal foes didn't even have much of a scent to go by.

The kolyarut, under attack by a pair of dwarves, stabbed his axiomatic longsword at Utred, cutting a slight gash in the barbarian's skin that Utred hardly even seemed to notice, so caught up was he in the fight at hand. The dwarven combatant was literally seeing red, allowing his rage to rush over him and lead his efforts in the combat to the death. And at his side, Khari swung his dwarven warhammer at Azure Delta Sigma, denting his armor with the force of his blow. Then the dwarven fighter felt a gnomish touch on his back as Cramer cast a shield of faith spell upon him, granting him magical protection against physical attacks.

Behind the kolyarut and the dwarves, the zelekhut attacked one of the fiendish tyrannosaurs biting at him. They, in turn snapped their jaws - with their rows of daggerlike teeth - at the constructs, not the least bit concerned that each bite snapped off a tooth or two.

Jhasspok didn't dare use his battleaxe against the marut, not while being unable to see the location of his friends! So he dropped his weapon at his side and lunged forward with arms outspread, hoping to grab the marut up in a bear hug. But although the lizardfolk had been doubled in size by Marlo's spell he was still overshadowed by the massive marut, who had no trouble fending off Jhasspok's grappling attempts.

Marlo targeted the kolyarut with an empowered maximized magic missile spell, thinking perhaps the fact the magic missiles unerringly hit their target would allow the spell to function where the more powerful scorching ray spell had failed. Whatever the reason, the magic missiles did the trick, overcoming the kolyarut's spell resistance and striking the construct in the chest. And now that she had gotten a bit of a feel for the construct's spell resistance, she felt more willing to attempt more powerful spells in her arsenal.

But she didn't get to use her newly-found confidence against Azure Delta Sigma, for Utred's blade cut down the first - and smallest - of the three Executors of Judgment. Then he was facing off against the marut, who had abandoned Jhasspok as no longer a threat and was charging at the dwarven barbarian. His fist of thunder missed Utred entirely, but the dwarf got clocked by the marut's fist of lightning. Fortunately, while the blow had Utred seeing stars for a moment he was able to overcome the blindness from taking effect and battled on. Jhasspok bravely pressed on but had no idea the marut was no longer in front of him; he tried grappling the air before him until he bumped into the leg of one of Cramer's fiendish dinosaurs; fortunately, the lizardfolk had the sense to know the difference between the feel of solid metal and the feel of a living creature's scales and stopped himself from blindly trying to grapple the leg of a towering tyrannosaur.

The zelekhut continued focusing its attention on the dinosaur causing him the most harm, allowing Utred to focus his own attacks on the marut, Beryl Omega Gamma. Khari joined his fellow dwarf in the fight, matching his warhammer with Utred's greataxe. They each dealt the construct a significant amount of damage before Cramer destroyed the inevitable outright with a destruction spell.

The zelekhut now found itself the sole focus of a trio of fiendish dinosaurs, not at all pleased that the metal centaur was not in fact edible. Then Marlo cast a maximized disintegrate spell at the zelekhut and blew it into dust. And just like that, the arena battle was over, the five heroes not having had any losses. "Kind of brings back memories of our first arena battle, huh, Jhasspok?" the sorceress called over to the lizardfolk, who was still flailing about with his arms, seeking a foe. But shortly Jhasspok's blindness and deafness both cleared up and the wounds the heroes had sustained in battle against the inevitables started magically healing up as well.

A group of gray-clad clerics entered the arena, the markings on their robes identifying them as belonging to the Church of Boccob, God of Magic. They approached the shackled prisoners, casting marks of justice upon them to ensure their cooperation and releasing them from their chains. The leader of the clerics stepped over to the heroes and provided the group with all the knowledge that had been gleaned from the previous expeditions to the Uncharted Isle.

"There is literally an army of elementals patrolling the area around the island," the head cleric informed the group. "They prevent anyone, or anything, from leaving the area - and the area seems to have been slowly expanding for centuries, perhaps longer. As you approach the island you will be warned away by the water elementals, but they won't prevent you from approaching if you desire - they just won't let you leave again."

"So wait - this is a one-way trip?" asked Utred.

"Perhaps...unless you are able to secure the rift between the Material Plane and the Far Realm that exists somewhere on the island. It is possible that once the rift has been closed the chaotic energies that have altered the lifeforms on and around the island will allow them to revert to normal and it will be safe for you to return." He handed a sealed scroll tube to Cramer. "Do not open this until you are ready to use it. It is a scroll containing the seal portal spell and the case has been crafted to shield the scroll from the Far Realm energies permeating the island. We are concerned that if you open the scroll case too early, the energies might alter the scroll and make the spell unusable."

"Got it," said Cramer, placing the sealed scroll case into his pack.

"One of the earlier expeditions brought a scrying focus to the Uncharted Island so that future expeditions would be able to teleport there directly. However - and I cannot stress this enough - you must not use any teleportation magic of any kind while on the island. All prior attempts at teleportation have had disastrous effects, for those using such magic are sent to a random location on the Far Realm, up to 500 miles away from the rift location on that chaotic plane."

"And you know this how?" demanded Cramer.

"Divination spells, cast to find out the fates of those who went missing," replied the cleric.

"How long of a trip is it to the Uncharted Island?" asked Marlo.

"It should take your vessel no more than a month," replied the cleric. Marlo's eyes widened at the realization she'd be spending a month on board a somewhat small ship with a group of eight hardened criminals - and the only woman on board, at that. But the sailors were on their absolutely best behavior, the sorceress's powerful spellcasting abilities having made a deep and lasting impression upon them; nobody wanted to be blasted to oblivion with a disintegrate spell for a rude comment or a lingering eye. The month at sea was a long one for the sorceress, boring to the extreme.

For Jhasspok, however, it was a veritable vacation. He spent a good part of each day over the side of the vessel, swimming alongside the ship and catching a great quantity of fish, which were tossed up onto the deck to be eaten for the next meal. The lizardfolk quickly became the crew's favorite passenger; they ate much better in what would likely be their last voyage than they had in any other previous excursion.

But at the end of the fourth week they reached the edge of the elemental quarantine ring. A pair of massive waves came rushing toward the vessel, stopping just before impact and coalescing into vaguely humanoid forms. Cramer used his magical helmet to translate the elementals' warnings, spoken in their Aquan language. "Just like we've been told," he said, explaining the elementals' words to the others. "They'll let us pass, but if we do they won't let us sail back out. They'll destroy us if we make the attempt, to prevent the chaotic energies from escaping the perimeter."

"So we're going to be picking up chaotic energies?" asked Khari. "Like, we'll become chaotic creatures ourselves?"

"It's a possibility," the gnome replied. That was a sobering thought. The group had all realized this was very possibly a one-way trip but it was just sinking in the very disheartening reasons they'd be quarantined after approaching the island. Marlo and Utred, in particular, were recalling the warped versions of themselves they'd fought in the Halls of Redemption, a glimpse of their possible futures.

"I could always use my winged boots to fly back from the island without teleporting," suggested Utred. "It'd take a lot longer, but I could give it a try."

"I wouldn't recommend it," answered Marlo, using her robe of eyes to see farther than she could normally with her human eyes. There were air elementals, barely visible to human sight, flitting about in the air overhead. The quarantine ring was patrolled by more than just water elementals, it seemed.

The ship moved forward, past the guardian water elementals who let them enter. There was no turning back now.

Early the next morning the island came into view. "'Bout damn time!" snorted Utred. He'd imagined once they entered the quarantine zone the island would be right there; he hadn't planned on there still being hours of travel before they even laid eyes on the target of their month-long voyage. But as the heroes all stood at the rails looking at the island a cry rang out from the back of the ship. "Grab weapons!" came the cry. "Monster approaching aft!"

Looking back to the rear of the ship, those aboard the ship saw a pair of tentacles rising up from the waves, followed by an enormous, bulbous head. It was a giant octopus of some type, but the creature was difficult to look at directly for the creature's body and appendages seemed to flicker into and out of reality and shift around - it was like looking at the aquatic beast through a kaleidoscope and it was headache-inducing. Cramer realized even looking at such a chaotic beast could have unwanted mental consequences and cast a magic circle against chaos spell centered on himself, then climbed up onto Utred's backpack - his preferred combat location. "Stick close!" he called to the others.

Then another call came ringing out by another of the crewmembers. "Monster to the fore!" he cried, causing the heroes to spin back around and face front once again. Another creature was approaching, a massive lobster-thing with writhing tentacles hanging down from its face. It, too, was shifting around as if being viewed through a kaleidoscope. It made tracking the movement of the creature's foreclaw difficult - one moment it was in one place, the next it was elsewhere - but all of a sudden a crewman was there in the beast's serrated claws, being crushed to death.

"Don't look at them!" called Cramer to the crew. "Go below - we'll handle the monsters!" The sailors scrambled to comply, six of them making it belowdecks while the seventh was snagged up by a shifting octopus tentacle.

The ship's relatively small size worked in their favor, for Jhasspok was able to rush forward and bring his battleaxe to bear upon the mindbreaker chuul without leaving the confines of Cramer's magic circle spell. The axe came chopping up and down upon the chuul's hardened carapace, but one of the lizardfolk's strikes slipped between the dimensions and had no effect. It was frustrating trying to fight a creature who wasn't always right there in front of you!

Khari and Utred followed suit, bringing their dwarven warhammer and greataxe to bear, the heroes having jointly decided to concentrate all of their attacks against one creature at a time. Marlo stayed back, still within the magic circle against chaos, and cast a maximized disintegrate at the mindbender chuul. It managed to shrug off most of the enhanced spell's effects, although it was difficult to tell with parts of the creature's body shifting around back and forth and between dimensions. Cramer found his destruction spell to be likewise not as effective as he would have hoped, for the chuul was still up and about after he had flung the spell at it. It sent its pincers darting forward, snatching Jhasspok and Khari up off the deck - it was difficult to dodge incoming attacks when they seemed to come from multiple directions simultaneously! But neither the dwarf nor the lizardfolk seemed particularly distressed, as being caught up in a claw just meant they were directly beside the creature they intended to attack with their weapons in any case. And attack they did, Khari striking with his warhammer and cracking the creature's carapace while Jhasspok did his best to drive the blade of his battleaxe into the creature's joints, where the hardened shell was liable to be weaker.

Utred finished off the chuul with a series of deep cuts with his greataxe; upon its death its muscles relaxed, allowing its two pincer-victims to wriggle free of its embrace before it sunk to the bottom of the ocean, its body still flickering about in kaleidoscopelike fashion even in death.

Marlo was the first to switch targets, firing a maximized disintegrate spell at the mindbender octopus that had already devoured the crewman it had snatched up and was now making its way forward along the port side of the ship. Likely due to its flickering nature it also shrugged off the worst of the spell's effects, but judging solely from the increased rate of flailing of its numerous tentacles it seemed the spell had at least caused the octopus a great deal of pain. It retaliated immediately against the sorceress, swatting at her with a tentacle and wrapping it around her waist. Marlo was distressed at the close-up view her robe of eyes permitted her to see of the suckers adhering to her body along the length of tentacle wrapped around her.

Cramer cast another destruction spell at the giant octopus, with similar results: some damage, but not the instant death for which he'd been hoping. But then as one, Utred, Khari, and Jhasspok charged at the beast with their weapons raised, bringing them down in a synchronized ballet of combat prowess, blades slicing through rubbery flesh as the warhammer crashed hard against the creature's boneless head. The flurry of attacks brought the octopus to near death, so much so that Marlo was able to send the mindbending beast over the edge with a slice of her arcane blade. Like the chuul before it, the octopus collapsed in a limp heap and began sinking below the waves, Marlo barely having enough time to extract herself from its appendage before being drawn down into the deep waters with it.

The ship had been spun about during the combat and none of the heroes had any idea about what to do to get it back on its bearings, but once the ship's crew - now reduced to six men, two having been devoured by the pair of mindbending monsters - came back abovedecks they soon put the ship to rights, aiming it once again towards the Uncharted Isle.

"Be a bit of a shame this voyage coming to an end," pointed out one of the men. "Least while we was out at sea we was still alive, with plenty of fish to eat and barrels of fresh water in the hold. No telling what kinds of dangers we'll find ashore, if them sea monsters was the sorts of things the island's magic'll do to a feller!"

"Quitcher bitchin'," commanded the captain. "These folks bought us a month of life already - we'd've been hanging long since if not fer 'em! I reckon they can see us through whatever the island's got in store."

"We'll see about that," muttered Cramer to himself, standing at the front of the vessel and staring out at the Uncharted Isle, eager to see what he could of the place before they arrived.

By nightfall they were within disembarking distance to the island. The ship came to a stop as the sails were lowered and the sailors dropped anchor.

"Well," said Khari. "We're here."

- - -

I had used a "non-Euclidian" template on a hell hound several campaigns ago during an adventure involving the Far Realm; Logan wasn't sure where the template was found so he used the Mindbender template from The Book of Templates, which did pretty much the same thing. And since we were all 19th-level PCs at the time, he advanced the monsters we fought high enough to make them credible threats.

And boy, were those inevitables credible threats - especially when our dice seemed determined to betray us! And if I never have to go up against another marut in my lifetime it'll be fine with me. Dan was willing to have Cramer go "unblind and undeafen" Jhasspok, but I argued it was more important for our two spellcasters to break out the high-level spells and deal some mega-damage to our foes - especially after both Dan and Vicki had spent a couple of rounds casting some low-level prep spells because they were used to having time to do so before combat began. Not this time, guys, combat's already here and we need to take them down, the faster the better!

We all ended up at level 20 by the end of the adventure, so we'll all be as powerful as we're going to be for this campaign for our last two adventures. Harry's satisfied that Khari ended up with 11 more hit points than Jhasspok at the end of our respective adventuring careers - he enjoys beating me at stuff like that. (He was disappointed when Jhasspok finally got Improved Initiative a couple of levels ago and started giving him a run for his money on the initiative counts, at which he'd been beating me fairly regularly.)
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 20​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 14​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 19/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 20​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 20​

Game Session Date: 25 May 2022

- - -

The landing craft had been lowered to the water and Jhasspok was ready to leap overboard himself, but Cramer grabbed the lizardfolk's wrist. "Hold on a minute there," the little gnome chided. "Before any of us leaves this ship, I want to cast a magic circle against chaos spell on everyone first."

"But I've been in the water lots of times on this trip," Jhasspok argued.

"Never this close to the island, though," warned Cramer. "Remember, there's a rift on the island somewhere, leaking all kinds of chaos energy into the surroundings. That's why those sea monsters we fought yesterday were so..." the gnome cast about for the proper word.

"Wonky," suggested Khari.

"Yes, quite," agreed the gnome cleric as he cast the magic circle against chaos on each of the five heroes. Once Jhasspok had received his spell and gotten the nod from the little gnome, he dove over the side of the ship and surfaced nearly a minute later, after having explored the surrounding area underwater and finding no immediate danger. The two dwarves and Cramer stepped down into the little boat and Marlo went to follow in their wake, but not before having a few words with the ship's crew. "Now remember, you're not to step foot off this ship until our return," she reminded them. "The island's likely not safe without the proper magical protection and if you get it into your heads to try to sail away and leave us stranded here, the water elementals will sink your ship rather than letting you exit the quarantine zone they've set up around the island. And," she added, her eyebrows lowering as she glared up at the criminal captain and his crew, most of whom stood a good foot taller than her, "I will not take kindly to you abandoning us. Are we understood?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," agreed the captain, knowing full well he'd receive no ribbing from his crew of hardened criminals for speaking in fear to the tiny little female in the funny robe with all the eyes painted on it. None of the crew dared get themselves on Marlo's bad side; they'd all seen only too well the kind of power she wielded.

Once the four were settled in the rowboat nobody even bothered touching the oars, for Jhasspok happily grabbed the upper edge of the boat's aft side and propelled it forward with powerful sweeps of his muscular tail. The past month had been quite a treat for the former fisher-slave, getting to swim every day and hunt for fish. He was actually going to be a little sad when this mission was over.

"Looks like some kind of encampment over there," pointed out Marlo from the front of the boat, squinting into the sunlight. "Veer us to the right, Jhasspok!" Sure enough, there looked to be a series of tents of various sizes in a tight cluster, likely the remains of a previous expedition to the island. While Cramer held a find the path spell in his mind ready to be cast, it wouldn't hurt to ask the locals if they knew of the last of the Writhing Gates. On the other hand, it also wouldn't hurt not to automatically trust that the members of the previous expedition would be of a friendly nature. "Anybody want to go into the village invisible?" she asked the group at large.

"Sure," replied Utred. Marlo cast an invisibility spell on the dwarven barbarian from her wand, while Cramer likewise activated his ring of invisibility and vanished from view. Jhasspok's steady tail-sweeps propelled the boat forward, seemingly moving of its own accord while a hammer-wielding dwarf and a human woman no taller than he was sat at the back of the small vessel.

As they approached the island, the robe of eyes she wore allowed Marlo to see the invisible gnome climb up onto his usual perch on the invisible dwarven barbarian's backpack. She could also see a pair of horses approaching from the back of the tent-village, their riders apparently having noticed the landing vessel's imminent arrival. Jhasspok brought the boat up onto the beach and Marlo and Khari stood, getting a good sight of the approaching welcoming committee.

Marlo barely stifled a shriek of surprise when the horses and their riders came into full view. Bits and pieces of their bodies had been swapped around, seemingly at random, although both horses had human heads and the riders had the heads of horses; one horse's right front leg ended in a human arm and hand, the equine limb growing out of the rider's right shoulder. And worst of all, while the riders wore no saddles there seemed to be no need for them at all, for the human bodies had merged with the horses' backs, each horse and rider now a single, mismatched creature made up of composite parts and pieces; Marlo could tell one human leg actually grew into the side of the horse's ribcage and the end of the human foot dangled out from the bottom of the horse's belly. The horrific figures were armed, wielding light crossbows and lances.

Utred activated his winged boots, rising invisibly up and out of the boat with Cramer still perched upon his backpack. He pulled his greataxe out, ready for action and well aware that his first strike would return him to full visibility. Marlo prepared to cast a maximized disintegrate spell if either of the hoofed horrors tried to attack her. Cramer, seemingly just a disembodied voice from somewhere in the air above the tents, tried communicating with the misshapen horse-men. "What are your intentions?" he called down to them. The responses he got were varied, for the swapping around of body parts apparently had made speech difficult for the merged mutants, but the gnome thought he could pick out "Join us" and "Please kill us" among the muttered replies.

Then another figure ambled out of the largest of the tents. This creature was no longer even closely humanoid in build, its pliant, rolling body an unholy mish-mash of tentacles, arms, insectoid limbs, serrated claws, and partial screaming faces, all rising up and collapsing back into the amoeboid body. Cramer immediately recognized the thing as a chaos beast, although one much larger than any he had ever heard of before. Stay away from the blob-monster! Cramer thought furiously to his friends, before realizing Marlo hadn't had time to cast the standard Rary's telepathic bond that provided the heroes a means of silent communication between themselves. But already Jhasspok was rising up from the ocean waters behind the rowboat with his battleaxe in hand, stepping towards the chaos beast with a look of determination on his reptilian face. Cramer resorted to shouting out a warning: "Don't let the blob-monster touch you, Jhasspok!" he cried down at the lizardfolk. "If it touches you it can make you into something just like it!"

Marlo sent her readied spell blasting into the chaos beast, realizing their best bet was to take the ever-shifting creature down with ranged spells and attacks. Unfortunately, the chaos beast was protected by a level of spell resistance and the maximized disintegrate spell fizzled away to nothingness. Jhasspok grabbed up his flaming shortspear and hurled it at the approaching blob with his full strength. The spear hit the creature in the center of its mass, but the monster's shifting features continued morphing and it was difficult to see if the attack had done any lasting harm. As the chaos beast oozed forward, it eventually left the shortspear behind it, the weapon having been shifted out of its body mass.

Khari mentally activated his offensive prescience and sprinted forward, moving in the opposite direction of the chaos beast, setting himself up to be able to attack the right-most horse-hybrid. The hoofed horror saw the approaching dwarf and shot at him with its crossbow; Khari saw the bolt wriggling awkwardly in his direction and ducked under it as it flew by. But the other hybrid also fired its weapon at Jhasspok and the bolt hit the lizardfolk in the shoulder, shifting upon impact to reveal itself as a thin-bodied leech which buried its ring of sharp fangs into the reptile's flesh, burrowing its head between his scales and beginning to suck up Jhasspok's blood.

Not wanting to get close enough to the chaos beast below to bring his greataxe to bear - for to do so would be to bring the barbarian well within the range of the monster's tentacles and claws - Utred uncoiled his life-flame whip and sent its tip striking rapidly again and again to snap at the chaos beast, the flames burning the blobby monster's flesh where it struck. The dwarf was now visible, hanging in the air supported by his magic boots while Cramer remained invisible sitting upon his backpack. Marlo cast a summoning spell, bringing forth a trio of massive earth elementals, although at the last moment one of the burly rock-monsters fell forward and fell through a gap into the Far Realm. Marlo never did see whatever happened to that third one but the other two flanked the hoofed horror that had just shot at Khari, their boulderlike fists crashing down upon both of its backs, the human one and the equine one. Ribs cracked under the pummeling.

Cramer suddenly became visible as he cast a destruction spell down at the chaos beast. It managed to shrug off the worst of the spell's effects but it was quite visibly affected, for some of its misshapen limbs were blasted away from the creature's central mass and they bubbled where they landed, dissolving away into nothingness. But the majority of the creature's bulk remained intact and it shambled over to Jhasspok, remaining limbs writhing as if wishing to pull the lizardfolk into its embrace, perhaps to absorb the reptile's flesh into its own wriggling form. Jhasspok, for his part, recalled Cramer's warning and skirted around the beast, heading toward the hybrid horse-thing not currently being pummeled by the earth elementals. He threw another shortspear at it, this one not enhanced with magical flames but nonetheless hitting its mark. But the monstrosity surged forward, bringing its lance to bear against the lizardfolk, who handily dodged the weapon's wicked point.

Khari skirted around the tents to make his way toward the other hoofed horror, who tried escaping the rock-fists of its attackers. Perhaps realizing its crossbow would be ineffective against the elementals' stone forms, it brought its crossbow up towards Utred and Cramer and fired its wriggling bolt at the gnome, the leech adhering to Cramer's flesh and digging in upon impact. Utred was unaware of the attack, continuing to focus his attention on the chaos beast, his life-flame whip snapping down at the creature and drawing lines of scarred pain upon its puckered flesh.

The chaos beast's slithering charge towards Jhasspok came to a shambling halt under Utred's continuing barrage of whip-snaps and Marlo sensed the creature was just about dead. She opted to save her higher-powered spells for later and cast a simple magic missile spell at the monstrosity, nodding in confirmation as the streaking bolts of energy blasted bits of flesh away from its core as each struck true. Then, as if having overcome its overall structural integrity, the chaos beast popped like a bag of half-dissolved meat and pooled upon the ground, the chunks of its horrid flesh bubbling and dissolving in the open air, releasing a stench as horrible as the vision of its pulsating body had been to those who had seen it at its full power.

The earth elementals towered over their sole target, pounding it mercilessly and eliciting humanlike cries of pain and horse-whinnies of terror. Seeing that one was pretty much being taken care of, Cramer cast a spiritual weapon spell and sent a quarterstaff of pure force energy streaking over to strike the other hoofed horror. Jhasspok by then was swinging his battleaxe into the composite being's side, each blow cutting deep into the horror's flesh. Khari charged the one being pummeled by the elementals merely because of the two remaining foes it was the closest. The mutants did their best to retaliate, one attacking Jhasspok with its lance and the other trying to stab Khari, but then Utred came to a landing and swung his greataxe into the one attacking Jhasspok and the creature was slain shortly thereafter by a maximized scorching ray spell fired off by Marlo. The earth elementals soon took care of the other one, crushing it to a pulp beneath their rugged fists.

The main combat finished, Jhasspok paid attention to the bloated leech greedily sucking his blood. Plucking the creature from his scales, Jhasspok popped it into his mouth and bit down hard with his dinosaur teeth, instantly filling his mouth with his own blood as he chewed up the rubbery flesh. Cramer had likewise pulled the leech from his own flesh and, seeing Jhasspok chewing up the other one, called out to him and tossed the leech over to him like a dog treat. Jhasspok turned his head at the sound of his name and snapped the tossed leech from mid-air, eye-ridges raising in surprise at the taste of the gnome's blood. But after he'd swallowed down the pair of after-battle treats, the lizardfolk realized he didn't feel so good. Fortunately, Cramer came over to close up the wounds the lizardfolk has sustained in battle and the gnome's heal spell also cured the reptile of the mutagenic effects eating a pair of creatures who had been bathed in chaos energy would have eventually caused. But thinking it over, Cramer cautioned the others against eating anything they encountered on the island. "Best if we stick to food we've brought ourselves, or that I call forth through spellcasting." Jhasspok patted his pouch of dried dung beetles and nodded his understanding to the little gnome.

The heroes did a quick check of the tents to make sure there weren't any other surprises waiting for them, and Marlo made an interesting discovery. "The tents are magical in nature!" she told the group, examining them under a detect magic spell. "They shield against chaos energy!" she added, surprise evident in her voice as she examined the magical auras emanating from the tents.

"Not very well," pointed out Khari, looking over at the wet spot on the ground that was all that was left of the massive chaos beast they'd just slain.

"Probably a matter of too little, too late," surmised Cramer. "By the time they realized they needed shielding against chaos magic, it had already started to take effect." But the group dismantled several of the tents and folded them up into Marlo's bag of holding. Cramer had prepared three magic circle against chaos spells for each of the five heroes, but when they all ran their course they'd need to camp out in the tents to shield them from the emanations of chaos energy leaking from the rift to the Far Realm.

"So now what?" asked Utred. "Which way do we go?"

Cramer cast a find the path spell and pointed off in the distance, climbing back onto his perch upon Utred's backpack. "That way," he said, pointing toward the center of the island, a teeming jungle of tropical plants - some of them with eyes and teeth. "I figure it'll probably take us about three days of travel. The tents will definitely help - otherwise, we'd all have to fit inside a rope trick spell each night, so we wouldn't be on the same plane of existence as the one being flooded with chaos energy. Anybody want to start growing tentacles or spare eyeballs?"

"No!" replied Utred and Marlo, each thinking back on how close they'd each come to doing just that by having foolishly agreed to serve the Dying One. Involuntarily shudders wracked their forms at the thought.

"Let's go, then," suggested Cramer. "Utred, you and Jhasspok will need to trade off leading the way; you'll need to cut us a path through the jungle when it gets too overgrown." Utred stepped forward and took the lead, greataxe in hand. The others followed behind him, snaking their way single-file through the dense jungle.

Several hours later, the jungle opened up into a clearing. "Break time," suggested Khari, flopping to the ground and taking a healthy swig from his waterskin. He didn't notice the bee that landed on his left shoulder until it spoke to him.

"Be friend?" asked the little insect. Khari looked down at the bee that had landed on his shoulder and was disturbed to see the bee, while conforming to its normal form in all other respects, had quite human-looking eyes instead of the compound eyes you'd expect to see on a bee.

Although his initial instinct was to swat the bug on his shoulder, Khari ignored the desire and answered it. "Sure," he said. "We can be friends."

"Be friend?" asked another voice from his right. Looking over to his right shoulder, he saw another bee looking up at him with its human eyes - which, disturbingly, included eyelids and eyelashes.

"We can all be friends," assured the dwarven fighter.

"Be enemy?" asked another bee, this one flying at Khari's face. It was followed by another, and another, and before he knew it the clearing was filled with a swarm of buzzing bees, each asking one or the other of the two questions the initial cadre of human-eyed insects had posed to Khari. Bowing to the inevitable, the dwarven fighter mentally reactivated his offensive prescience psionic power, readying himself for battle.

Sure enough, the swarms of bees crowding the jungle clearing were now rising up away from the heroes and forming a familiar shape in the middle of the open area in the middle of the jungle. In a matter of mere moments, the individual bees had all swarmed into a giant version, a massive insectoid form with a body at least 25 feet long.

Utred plucked a bead from his necklace of fireballs and tossed it at the Bee-hemoth. It exploded upon impact, sending scores of burned bodies falling to the jungle floor. Then Marlo followed up with a much more powerful version of the same type of attack: a meteor swarm spell that sent four flaming rocks streaking over to strike the composite creature, the meteors exploding into massive bursts of fire.

The Bee-hemoth retaliated with a breath weapon like those employed by dragons - only this one was not a cone of fire or a line of crackling lightning, but rather an explosion of individual bees. The bees swarmed out at the heroes at full speed, biting and stinging and then coalescing into a pair of individual swarms, one to the left of the group and one to the right. The heroes had faced breath weapons before, but not one which persisted after the initial attack and regrouped to attack again from either side!

Jhasspok charged forward, rushing toward the massive Bee-hemoth and leaping up at it. He had planned on landing on its broad back, between its buzzing wings, and chopping away at it with his battleaxe. He completed his assault, but with one major difference: he sank into the insectoid mass, for a giant bee-shape made up of individual normal-sized bees absolutely could not support the weight of a full-grown lizardfolk. Still, Jhasspok swung his axe around, slicing through individual bees with each pass of his weapon even as he trod dozens of them below his clawed feet.

Cramer cast a destruction spell at the Bee-hemoth, thinking to bring it down with a single spell. Unfortunately, the spell did hit a single bee of the entire swarm and to its credit slew that bee instantly - although the gestalt entity as a whole didn't even feel the loss.

Khari and Utred charged forward, striking the monster bee with their preferred weapons, while Marlo took it upon herself to take out the twin swarms left over from the breath weapon attack. A maximized fireball spell cast directly between the two swarms burned up each and every insect making up the clouds of buzzing bees. The Bee-hemoth was easily slain by the weapon-strikes of the melee combatants, their attacks slowly taking out enough of the bees there was no longer a sufficient quantity of insects remaining to merge together into their larger form. A few dozen bees scattered off in multiple directions, no longer eager for combat.

After a quick rest and the application of healing spells as needed, the group resumed their trek through the jungle. Toward the end of the duration of their third magic circle against chaos spell, Cramer had them look for a good campsite to set up the tents they'd taken from the encampment along the island's shore. They'd need to stay within the areas of protection provided by the tents if they wanted to avoid the effects of the pervasive chaos energy flowing all around them; Cramer kept a handful of the lesser-duration protection from chaos spells as needed in case any of them needed to go out for more firewood or anything. And in that manner the heroes passed their first night on the island, with two more days - and repeated applications of find the path and magic circle against chaos spells - required to get the group to their destination. And then they'd need to defeat the guardian of the final Writhing Gate: Zarbugak, Master of Madness and the Untamer of the Wilds.

Zarbugak sat awaiting their arrival.

- - -

This was an interesting session, especially for the spellcasters, for the entire area was a wild magic zone: they needed to make a Spellcraft check to even cast a spell, and if they failed they had to see what the wild magic's effects would be. Fortunately, Marlo only failed once and then lucked out in that the roll she ended up with was "spell is cast as normal."

One more session to go!
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PC Roster:
Cramer Appleknocker, gnome cleric 20​
Jhasspok, lizardman 3/barbarian 3/fighter 14​
Khari Hammerslammer, dwarf fighter 19/psychic warrior 1​
Marlo Pendragon, human sorcerer 20​
Utred "Buckets" Butterflinger, dwarf barbarian 20​

Game Session Date: 2 June 2022

- - -

It had been an unnerving day, trudging deeper and deeper into the jungle toward the middle of the island as per the directions of Cramer's find the path spell, awaiting to be attacked by the local denizens (many of whom had been warped by chaos energy) - but at least the magic in the tents worked fine, as both Cramer and Marlo affirmed after closely examining them with detect magic spells. Thus, the five adventurers each set up their tent in a close circle and went to sleep. They didn't bother with a guard once it became apparent the local wildlife - and this included many of the plants - didn't like venturing close to the tents, which gave off a very not-friendly-to-chaos vibe most of the chaos-infused creatures could pick up, even if only subconsciously. Plus, Marlo allowed her toad familiar Truffles to sit at the flap of her tent and look out, keeping a wary eye out for danger while she slept. Truffles was already infused with chaos energy directly from the Far Realm, as evidenced by the numerous tentacles growing out from all over his amphibious body. Marlo repeated a warning to her toad not to wander too close to Jhasspok's tent and went readily to sleep, confident that Truffles would alert her to any danger.

But danger came anyway, easily bypassing Truffles. One moment Marlo was sleeping in her tent and the next she was wide awake, aware of a strange presence there in the canvas structure with her. Sure enough, there was an illithid looming over her. Marlo scrambled to her feet, trying to get away before the mind flayer could strike, but that was too much to hope for: the illithid bent over her as she tried getting to her feet and its four octopoid tentacles slapped at her head, three of them getting a good grip and pulling her in to allow the mind flayer to try to bite through her skull.

Khari woke to a similar sense of unfamiliarity and attacked the form standing over him, grabbing up his dwarven warhammer and striking the illithid as it bent over him, getting ready to feed. Cramer did likewise, striking out with his mace that he had cuddled with in his blanket as if it were a stuffed bear and hitting the mind flayer before it could get a good grip on his skull. Utred also fought his own mind flayer, although he didn't even bother with any weapons (although he had a small arsenal at his disposal, courtesy of his extradimensional weapon locker), opting instead to use his mighty thews to try to pin the illithid. Jhasspok grabbed up his trusty battleaxe when he felt a presence bending over him and a tentacle brushed the top of his head.

Marlo was the first to slay her attacker, instinctively striking out with one of her most powerful spells, wail of the banshee, without first considering the nearness of the other tents. As the illithid's body crumpled lifelessly to the floor of the tent the sorceress had a thought, far too late, about the safety of her friends; how foolish would it be for them to be unable to complete their mission because she had accidentally slain them after fighting back after being woken from a deep sleep?

Khari kept up the barrage with his dwarven warhammer, keeping the mind flayer reeling and in too much pain to concentrate on getting a good grip on the dwarven fighter's head. The illithid made a feint and tried to get in close but Khari was too fast for him, bringing the hard head of his weapon crashing into the side of the mind flayer's own noggin, crushing it to a pulp. Cramer was having a bit less success fighting off his own foe with his mace, but at least he had thus far prevented it from eating his brain - the little gnome already knew far too well what that felt like and had no desire to repeat the experience! Utred soon realized the foolishness of wrestling with a creature that wanted to get in close to him for a brain-eating attack and hurled the mind flayer away from him, giving him enough time to grab up his trusty greataxe. His foe didn't last long after he got that blade in his hand, for he was ruthlessly efficient with it and managed to carve up his foe in no time flat. Jhasspok did likewise with his own battleaxe and the illithid who had attacked him died before he'd gotten a chance to taste a lizardfolk brain (which was probably for the best, as he'd have no doubt been disappointed in both the taste and the portion size). And Cramer finally clued in to having a bevy of combat spells at the ready, finishing off his foe with a destruction spell.

And then, their mind flayer foes defeated, each hero rolled over and fell into a deeper sleep, for the "attacks" had occurred in their individual dreamscapes, as Zarbugak had sent mental images to probe the foes he sensed were heading his way, with intent to undo all of his Master's plans. He had realized the attempts to attack them in their sleep would probably not be enough to slay them, but he had at least gathered some valuable data on their combat strategies and, in the case of the two spellcasters, an idea of a few of their most powerful spells.

The next morning, as the heroes grabbed a quick breakfast from their dried stores and Cramer cast the first of the day's magic circle against chaos spells upon them so they could safely fold up their tents and resume their journey, they compared notes about the weird dreams they'd had. As each described their particular mind flayer foe, it became apparent they'd each dreamed of the same individual, for details of its robes were identical in each case. "That's just weird," Khari commented. Then Cramer cast the first find the path spell of the day and they were off again.

"We're nearly there," the little gnome told the others from his perch upon Utred's backpack. "It's probably only an hour or two before we get to the Writhing Gate." Jhasspok was in the lead, cutting through vines with his battleaxe and clearing the path when it became too overgrown for easy passage. But two hours or so later, they group found themselves at the edge of a crater with the rift to the Far Realm clearly visible over the rim. It hung in the middle of the air, at the center of the Writhing Gate - and this one had its tentacles still out instead of lying motionlessly on the ground; these were just as motionless but flung out from the rift as if having been blown by a strong wind and then petrified in place. There were also only five tentacles instead of the normal ten; Cramer recalled this was the configuration of the Writhing Gate when they had used it to teleport to the surface during their raids on behalf of their drow masters.

Crawling over to the crater's rim on their bellies for reconnaissance, they saw the crater's structure was ever-shifting, sometimes looking like normal dirt, other times like a pile of gravel or like broken-up chunks of granite, or marble, or limestone. Standing in the middle of the Writhing Gate, directly below the rift, stood an enormous mind flayer easily at least half again as large as the standard model, this one breaking apart into chunks and being reconfigured like the mindbender chuul and octopus the group had fought in the ocean on their way to the Unchartable Island. It was like looking at the ulitharid through a kaleidoscope. On either side of the illithid stood a pair of creatures, obviously guardians from the Far Realm of a sort the group had encountered before in Grover's Comb, the site of another rift from the dimension of madness: one had a lupine body and the other that of a great bear, but both had the same kaleidoscopic form-shifting that would have caused a great deal of confusion and headaches to the heroes had they not been protected from such effects by their magic circle against chaos spells. Their bodies seemed to contain entire swirling galaxies inside of them, glittering stars showing as pinpoints of light.

Crawling back away from the crater, the spellcasters started casting their pre-combat spells. Marlo used her magic staff to cast a mass enlarge person spell, doubling everyone's size. She then covered everyone in a stoneskin spell and a Rary's telepathic bond spell. Cramer cast a shield of law spell on everyone, then buffed himself up with righteous might, divine power, and spell turning spells.

Utred activated his winged boots and dashed forward, the first to enter the fray - Cramer had by that time decided not to remain on his standard perch upon the dwarven barbarian's backpack. He went straight for the lupine figure but before he could get within reach the creature's muzzle opened wide and a cold energy bolt erupted from his mouth, impacting on the dwarf's body - and then shattering to ice crystals as it failed to overcome the spell resistance covering Utred as a result of the shield of law spell Cramer had cast upon him. But the Zarbugak targeted the incoming dwarf, blasting him with his powerful mind blast. Unlike the mind blasts he'd experienced before, though, Utred realized this one was different: while in the past, illithids seemed to send out waves of mental energy that stunned its victims into motionlessness, this one actively worked on breaking down the body, hammering into him like a wall of force. Utred imagined it was rather like being hit by a spiritual weapon or blade barrier spell, only one capable of striking every facing surface on the victim's body all at once. However, he merely grunted at the assault and continued his attack upon the Far Realm wolf, sending his greataxe slicing through the side of the creature's head.

At the same time, Khari charged forward towards the Far Realm bear, swinging his earthglide warhammer into the great bruin's head, accepting a retaliatory swipe from its massive paw as an acceptable consequence. But then Marlo cast an incendiary cloud spell that completely encompassed the ulitharid and the back half of the bruin. Jhasspok had been running forward to attack Zarbugak but, seeing his foe encompassed in the cloud of smoke and burning embers (or, more appropriately, not seeing him), he altered course and attacked the front half of the Far Realm bear instead. Using the power of his tail-band of the raptor, he went in with a blur of slashing battleaxe strikes and snapping teeth that cut the bear to ribbons. Cramer cast a destruction spell at the Far Realm wolf and obliterated it instantly, its fractal body seeming to fold up into itself like a work of origami until it was no more. The gnome cleric then immediately followed up with a quickened flame strike; not being able to see Zarbugak's actual location but believing him to still be within the incendiary cloud, he dropped his fiery spell down upon on the cloud of burning embers.

Parts of his hindquarters on fire, the Far Realm bear moved out of the incendiary cloud and shot an electrical energy bolt at both Jhasspok and Khari, who were conveniently lined up. However, they too were protected by the shield of law spell cast by Cramer and the electrical blast fizzled against their spell resistance.

Utred recalled where he had last seen Zarbugak and as he had been towards the outer edge of the incendiary cloud, the dwarf stabbed into the dark cloud with his dimensional branding iron, connecting with the ulitharid's body and preventing him from activating any teleportation magic. The ulitharid retaliated with a wide-beamed mind blast which encompassed all of the group save Marlo, who had stayed further back and was thus out of reach. The blast elicited howls of pain from the heroes but it failed to take any of them out and, knowing the importance of winning this battle, they fought on.

Khari continued his attacks upon the Far Realm bear, swinging his warhammer for all he was worth and taking comfort in the fact the bear was looking visibly weakened. Marlo continued bringing the fight to Zarbugak, casting a meteor swarm spell into the incendiary cloud - she was unable to target the meteors directly at her foe so she spread them out in a diamond pattern and hoped for the best. Unseen by her, one of the meteors struck Zarbugak, but he was encompassed in the explosion effects of all four.

Jhasspok slew the lupine creature with his battleaxe and it too folded up into impossible directions, finally disappearing from view altogether in death. That left only Zarbugak himself and he was still hidden within the burning cloud, so Cramer targeted the whole area with a mass serious wounds spell into the area, confident he'd get the ulitharid that way. But then Utred finished him off by pulling the remains of the three necklaces of fireballs he'd purchased back in Greenvale, and from which he'd expended only a few beads prior in fighting off the swarms of mutant bees that had formed the creature they'd dubbed the Bee-hemoth. He tossed them in an overhead arc that had them falling into the very center of the incendiary cloud, where the explosion to follow would be sure to impact Zarbugak wherever he was within the burning vapors.

As the necklaces hit the burning embers and caused a chain-reaction explosion, a mental cry of pain and anguish speared the minds of all five heroes as the biggest explosion they'd ever felt erupted from within the cloud. The instant severing of the mental cry was a good indicator that the ulitharid had been slain by the blast; when the incendiary cloud ran its course and dissipated they saw there was nothing left of Zarbugak - or, indeed, of the nearest Writhing Gate tentacle that had been beside him - but a burned smear of ashes on the ever-shifting ground.

"Everybody okay?" Marlo asked as the heroes picked themselves up from the ground where they'd been thrown by the blast. They all acknowledged they were fine, and then the whoops of laughter began as they realized they had just taken out the guardians of the last remaining Writhing Gate. Utred unwrapped the anti-magic cloth protecting the Null Axe and used it to hold its shaft as he started swinging the weapon at the roots of the remaining tentacles. As each was severed, the stump fell through the ground and the hole sealed itself up, shutting down that particular opening to the Far Realm. Cramer unstoppered his protective scroll case and removed the seal portal scroll, reading off the words that permanently closed the rift to the Far Realm hanging in the air above the Writhing Gate.

"Is that it?" Khari asked once it was done.

Cramer looked down at the now-empty parchment in his hands, the written words having each disappeared as he spoke them aloud. He rolled it up and stuck it back in its case, then stashed that in his belt pouch. "That's it," he answered. "With all ten Writhing Gates out of commission, Uboros has no way of returning to this plane of existence. We did it guys - we saved the world."

"This is cause for celebration!" boomed Utred, lifting up a skin of dwarven ale to his lips and then passing it over to Marlo. Jhasspok took out his pouch of dried dung beetles and offered it to the others, once again being rebuffed. Shrugging, he absently nibbled the legs off a beetle as the others offered each other congratulations.

There were other decisions to be made, like whether it was now safe to try a teleport spell to return directly home to Greenvale or if the existing chaos energy imbued all around the island would still make it a dangerous proposition, and whether the ring of elementals keeping the island in quarantine would know if it was safe to now allow people to exit the island or if they'd keep up their patrols, but for now it was enough to turn back the way they'd come and start their days-long trek back to the ship on which they'd come to this chaotic land.

- - -

Logan informs us that with the rift sealed, there would be no further mutations on the island; while those already mutated could affect others, those who became infected in that manner could not in turn infect others. Thus, over time, the island would one day become completely safe once again.

As for our PCs' post-campaign careers, these are the most likely to come about:
  • Cramer intends to devote his life to hunting down and slaying evil drow. Sunborn drow (and those who worship Eilistraee) will be given haven in Greenvale.
  • Khari and Utred will return to Brunniir on the Plane of Shadows to let the dwarves there know it is safe for the city to return to the Material Plane. Once that's been accomplished and they spend some time with their respective families, they'll likely join Cramer on his evil drow-hunt.
  • Marlo's undecided; for now she just wants to return to her family after her time as a slave to the drow and then a savior of the world.
  • Jhasspok, however, really liked the idea of living on an island and having an ocean full of fish all around him. The Unchartable Island offers him no such haven, for the local fish are mutated and eating them would be potentially detrimental. However, it really bothers Marlo that Jhasspok has no ties to his own people and would very likely try to make Jhasspok at least go meet the Lakewood lizardfolk tribe (of which he is their true leader, being the son of the former leader); having done so and Jhasspok getting his very first look at a female lizardfolk, his future would probably be set for him from that point on.
A couple other points worth mentioning: Utred's necklaces of fireballs did a whopping 183d6 points of fire damage; not wanting to roll that many dice we had Joe roll a single d6 and multiplied that by 183 - resulting in well over the amount required to slay Zarbugak. Also, Logan had given Zarbugak an ability he never got to use: had either Cramer or Marlo used a summoning spell to bring powerful allies into the fight, they'd have had to make an immediate Will save to counter the effects of the chaos energy (from which the PCs were immune thanks to the magic circle against chaos spells they'd each had cast upon them) and if that save failed, Zarbugak would have been able to mentally dominate them to his will and use them against us (hence the "Master of Madness and Untamer of the Wilds" title).
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