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Level Up (A5E) (+) Project Chronicle: Adversaries and Allies


Abn Awaa: she is an ancient witch who is said to have power over all the jackals in the Scorpion Lands. The cunning and ubiquitous canids bring her information about pretty much everything that is going on, as well as stealing items she desires. Abn Awaa is said to have a guard of 13 jackalwere warriors. She is malicious and cruel, but is strangely protective of children in danger, and is often willing to aid (or give information to) heroes who are battling those who would harm the young, such as slavers.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
The cult of Remula: A debased cult worshiping the charismatic Remula of Many-Teeth, a fiendish abbot said to have survived 170 years by eating only the flesh of mummified stone giants from their towering twin stone catacombs. The cult believes that consuming specific parts of monstrous creatures allows one to gain its power. The monsters are considered the pinnacle of creation, living aspect of the gods on this barren plateau. By partaking in horrific feasts, the disciples seeks to devour the ''divine spark contained in each Blessed One''. The stronger the monsters, the most deserving of adoration the creatures are, the most desired is their flesh.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
The Birthing Waters: Created and now protected by a disparate band of warriors, the river keep called the Birthing Waters is actually the resting place of Uhmalshira, Daughter of the Typhoon. She was a powerful storm giant warrior princess, feared by desired by many pretenders. Married by force by her father to a distant cousin with a dark heart, she fled to the dry lands once she found out to be pregnant. The legends says that she died in childbirth, her waters giving birth to a small river where her retinue built her a tomb that now serve as the fort for the guardians. It is said that the twins she had that day still walk the land, seeking to shatter the throne of their devious father and grandfather. The Spirit of Uhmalshira inhabit the river itself and the keepers of the fort shelter all lost daughters hunted by men of darken hearts and the orphans born each days in this unforgiving land.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
I love what you two have been throwing out, here. Let's see...

Teerka of Khufu, born of the waves, daughter of Kyran and Ellenici, with skin as gold and hair dark and twisting as Cobra's Soil, guides the Adrash Ka-tep, the Seekers of Death. In the chronicles of her life she fought the Sorcerer-King of Kletos, The Necromancer Tzo-Staag, beside her sister, Xrione, who fell to the cruel sorceries of their foe. It took years to recover from the loss, to put her sister's animate corpse to rest, eternal. And to raise her army.

Born of the sands of Annam, the Adrash Ka-tep are drawn from the Secret Keepers, the fallen cities of the Desert, from Pirates of the Khufu, and even Scorpion-Lands bandits indebted to Teerka of Khufu. Together they rose up and smote the armies of the dead under Tzo-Staag's command, and set their remains to dust in the sands of Annam. But Tzo-Staag was not so swiftly defeated, and retreated to Kletos, fled the Annam.

The Adrash Ka-tep continue to fight against the dead in the deserts, upon the seas. Their numbers grow with each passing season. And it will not be long before they set sail for Kletos in the Ellenici isles, to raze Tzo-Staag and all he holds to the afterlife.

-The Chronicler-

Kind of putting her victories later in her life, after a fashion. I also like the idea that she was born at sea, somewhere between Ellenici and Kyran, as her parents traveled. She does her tomb-raiding with, and loses, her sister. Tries to build up a new life. Fights and slays her sister's corpses, and turns around to build an army from the friends she made from Musarra to Il'sha-ah in her journeys to battle against Tzo-Staag's encroachment in the deserts near Arat-Shi, including Secret Keepers who work with Teerka to keep the Necromancer from unearthing terrible things within the desert.

In personal combat, she defeats Tzo-Staag, but can't -quite- get the kill on him, probably because of Lichdom, so he flees back to his homeland in the Ellenici Archipelago. Teerka can't field enough of a force to take him on at his own isle, so she keeps building her army in Annam and points East, gathering bandits and merchants and so forth...

Maybe a part of an adventure could be heroes helping to slay Tzo-Staag, leaving Teerka the throne of Kletos as a culmination of her story? Could be fun.


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Remula, High Priest of Odira, The Harvest, whose bounty once yielded endless plenty to the lowlands of the lone stretch of sand which now lies between Qesh and Musarra, called to a Fallen God. To one slain in the great war of the gods an age ago. It is said that he lived eight score ten and eight years, blessed as he was in consuming the flesh and essence of powerful beasts, monsters, and it is said even the flesh of the Harvest, herself.

The Cult of Remula was birthed from his foul atrocities, the Eaters of the Dead, the Remulites. They hunt and seek out powerful beasts, monsters, and people to consume, hoping to steal some of the power within those unfortunate enough to be captured for themselves. The longer they transgress, the more ghastly they become. With sunken eye, skin like papyrus, and both fang and claw grown long. Their hunger, however, only grows with their slide into monstrosity, growing deeper and harder to sate, until they are bloated and corpuscent, fed by hand by other Remulites when they can no longer move.

Beware the symbol of Red Grain. And beware their sickles.

-The Chronicler-

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Remula, High Priest of Odira, The Harvest, whose bounty once yielded endless plenty to the lowlands of the lone stretch of sand which now lies between Qesh and Musarra, called to a Fallen God. To one slain in the great war of the gods an age ago. It is said that he lived eight score ten and eight years, blessed as he was in consuming the flesh and essence of powerful beasts, monsters, and it is said even the flesh of the Harvest, herself.

The Cult of Remula was birthed from his foul atrocities, the Eaters of the Dead, the Remulites. They hunt and seek out powerful beasts, monsters, and people to consume, hoping to steal some of the power within those unfortunate enough to be captured for themselves. The longer they transgress, the more ghastly they become. With sunken eye, skin like papyrus, and both fang and claw grown long. Their hunger, however, only grows with their slide into monstrosity, growing deeper and harder to sate, until they are bloated and corpuscent, fed by hand by other Remulites when they can no longer move.

Beware the symbol of Red Grain. And beware their sickles.

-The Chronicler-
Oh wow, I love you so much. This brings tears to my eyes :D
I'll work on something and bring it latter today!


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Abn Awaa, the Jackal-Witch, prowls the canyons and plateaus of the Scorpion Lands, her pack ever at her side. It is said that her home, a mystical cave of ancient power, travels with her. Closing in one location, only to blink open like a great eye of stone leagues away from it's starting place. Within her cave are thirteen Jackal-Men, her children, birthed not from her loins but through foul sorceries. Each to each is a cunning warrior, a feral foe, and a laughing rogue.

Those who are alone in the canyons may hear the laughter of children, the call of a loved one far away, or their own voice calling out to them in the desert. Those fool enough to stray from their firelight die a cruel and grisly death... save children and one parent. Abn Awaa spares them, and no jackal under her command, nor any of her sons, would dare to harm a child for fear of her wrath. If a child is lost in the night, their parents may hear cackling. One may go, to retrieve the child at perilous cost. But if both venture into darkness, neither and no child returns.

None knows why this is, only that it is so.

-The Chronicler-


Rules Tinkerer and Freelance Writer
Uhmalshira, the Birthing Waters, the Daughter of Tempest, was a minor godling. In an earlier age she was known as the Mother of Multitudes. For from her waters sprang peoples and beasts whole-formed and fine. In Grisia, some still hold to her worship, still honor her as the Mother of Multitudes. But the Beast fouled her waters with blood during the War of Transgression, and what was once multitudes became monstrosities.

Her cult, now, is a hidden one in Grisia. One which seeks out monstrous beasts and implacable foes to rescue their children from a life of torment, madness, and horror. For while the Birthing Waters are still used by midwives, often members of her cult seeking to aid life into the world, they are also the cult's greatest tool in training their acquisitions.

It is said that to bathe an innocent child in the Birthing Waters is to ensure it's good fortune and kindness throughout it's life. But an innocent beast, a monstrous egg, or the foal of a horror, can be controlled with the water's magic. Some go so far as to say that the wicked may be baptized in the Birthing Waters and have their will broken by the Cult of Uhmalshira.

-The Chronicler-

Voidrunner's Codex

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