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Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread

Mutant Lord


Crawling to Pitford
A wounded excavator pulls herself toward the distant walls of Pitford. She knows she’s got to get there before the gates close at dusk, or else sleep rough outside among the scavengers and creeping things.


Pitford Town Watchman
Protected by studded leather armor and iron helmet, this volunteer soldier is armed with a smooth bore musket and bayonet. Along with Freehold Scouts and visiting dig teams, these law keepers both guard the shadowy streets of the enclosed fort and defend the walls.


Pitford Street Map
Your character can buy a map of this fortified digger support town for a silver coin. It’s probably the first thing your team should do when arriving, although there is no public map for the dangerous basement level.
The second map is for the game master.

This concludes our look back at the interior art from the Pitford Source Book. Next we will be showing art from Muddy Mayhem, the adventure that is included with the free Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch RPG.


Engine Problems
So I’ll now begin to showcase art from Muddy Mayhem, a 43 page free or Pay What You Want adventure included in the Mutant Epoch RPG Quickstart rules book. You can grab a pdf from drivethrurpg or gumroad via the link on our homepage in bio, or go direct here:


Zip line of Peril
Art from Muddy Mayhem, a 1st rank adventure that only requires the use of the free or ‘pay what you want’
Quickstart Rules, which is where you’ll find this dig. Check it out…


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Mutant Lord


Drunken Skullock
This fella ain’t keen to fight, and will tell your team anything if asked nicely. Art from Muddy Mayhem.


She-Skullock Archer
A rare, friendly skullock. Hmmm, what’s her motivation toward your dig team? What’s up her sleeves? Wait… she has no sleeves, and not wearing much else either. Typical rubble goblin attire.


Danger Close: an old light infantry combat takes aim at you.


Well Equipped Mutant
Meet this fine freak in Muddy Mayhem, a 42 page adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG: The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

Mutant Lord


Defending the Walls
Excavator heroes make their stand against a reptilius assault.


Be Ready for Anything
Excavators explore an ancient facility, one covering the other at all times, anticipating trouble.


Freed Prisoners
These fellas are ready to join your team against their captors. Will vengeance be theirs? Find out in Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Holographic Superstar Rock’n’Roller
You and your friends are treated to a show that they’ll never forget. Interior art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

Mutant Lord


Skullocks Only!
A kick in the teeth and a wine bottle across the head is likely to send this horny mutant excavator back down the elevator shaft. Interior art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Baseball Bat Palooza

A multi-armed skullock drops in for some game time. Art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Gator Attack!

These three diggers are in for the fight of their lives, and that little foot bridge ain’t much protection from this huge mutant alligator. A possible encounter from Muddy Mayhem


Skullock War Boss and Infantry Advance
You and your team of post-apocalyptic hero’s better make ready to receive their savage charge.


Wounded She-Skullock Warns You of the real threat.
Ink art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG
The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

Mutant Lord


Liberating a Prisoner
Besides ridding the region of evil and recovering lost relics, the greatest deed an excavator can do is free the oppressed.


Village in the swamp

TME-Quickstart-Rules-Muddy-Mayhem-Art-McAusland-Nigel-the nerd-skullock-web.jpg

Skullock Devotee
This pesky isn’t into fighting, at least not personally, and so serves as a technician to control far more dangerous foes. Meet him, and others in Muddy Mayhem.


Lizard Folk in the Village
Called ‘reptilius’ in The Mutant Epoch, these man eating humanoid lizards are smaller than most people, but hunt in huge packs. Watch yourself out there.


Here Comes Trouble!
Reptilius silently row out to an unsuspecting barge, their intentions predatory. Interior art for Muddy Mayhem.

TME-Quickstart-Rules-Muddy-Mayhem-Art-McAusland-Skullock stolen barge-web.jpg

Junk Crafted Barge
The ideal base for swampland operations for any group of raiders, humanoids or excavators. These small, armored barges offer a place to safely recuperate, cook your chow, fend off mutated horrors, and carry away all your glorious relic loot! Ink and digital art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

Mutant Lord


Skullock Teen Beauty Queens
Can’t say too much about these two lovelies without giving away spoilers to Muddy Mayhem, found in the Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Skullock Sniper Team
Can you see this pair in their camo? Better hope your characters do because that old hunting rifle was built to take down moose.


Discovery of the Skullock Lair
A couple of robust excavators come upon industrial shelving used as pesky apartments. Are they occupied or not?


Six Armed Scaled Skully
A real troublesome freak, and a mutie you’re team will need to put down well before he gets into melee range. Roll for initiative, diggers…


Approaching the Mound


The Grizzled Veteran Excavator
Ink and digital art for Muddy Mayhem:

Art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG Check it out right here, snag a copy, and say hello: The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules


Only thing I got is maps... here's the street level and the understreet level of a post-apocalypse subway station, with even a section of track... This was part of a set of 15 post apocalypse maps I created as a series, called Abandoned Streets Map Set, on DrivethruRPG.


Mutant Lord

Only thing I got is maps... here's the street level and the understreet level of a post-apocalypse subway station, with even a section of track... This was part of a set of 15 post apocalypse maps I created as a series, called Abandoned Streets Map Set, on DrivethruRPG.

View attachment 153751View attachment 153752
These are wonderful! Do you got a link you can share here to drivethrurpg.com that I can share with the growing The Mutant Epoch RPG community? WM

Mutant Lord


Skullock War Boss
This guy means business. Interior art for Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG https://www.outlandarts.com/qsr.htm


Mutant Dog
Dog’s abound in the twisted new world of the 24th century, and include predators, pets, riding dogs and half human bestial strains.


Remote Ceiling Turret
Is this thing fully automated, controlled by some unseen operator or just more broken oldster junk?


A shocking Skullock Cyborg
Here comes trouble! Art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Reptilius Archer
Made for the swamp, these man eaters stand about five feet tall, are excellent swimmers and organized into clans, tribes and war bands. Art by yours truly for Muddy Mayhem.


Raft Load of Trouble
Yes, more damn skullocks coming to wreck your team’s fine post-apocalyptic day. Interior art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG



These are wonderful! Do you got a link you can share here to drivethrurpg.com that I can share with the growing The Mutant Epoch RPG community? WM
Sure... HERE it is.

Here's a much older post-apocalypse map of mine (I really don't have that many post-apoc products, just a handful). This one was called Post Apocalypse Motocross - I imagine it like something you could find in a Mad Max world.

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