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Pirates of Drinax for Star Wars


Greetings, Gamer Nation! I also posted this on the FFG forums.

I've convinced my D&D 3.5 game to start a FFG Star Wars game and the campaign I've pitched is the Pirates of Drinax campaign for the Traveller RPG. Now I need some help for you deciding where to place it in the Star Wars galaxy.

If you're not familiar, the Pirates of Drinax is an epic pirates and privateers campaign that Mongoose has been publishing episode by episode for a couple of years. Just recently they published episode 9 of 10. If you haven't checked it out, I highly recommend you do because A) it is amazing and B) it is free. As in beer. Go get it here: http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/e...mpaigns/campaign-2-the-pirates-of-drinax.html

The summary I pitched to my players:

With the rumored destruction of the second death star, the Empire has weakened and many Outer Rim systems are now left to their own devices. You play a band of adventures who are entrusted by the King of Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting you to prey on 'illegal' trade within the borders of the vanished kingdom. The King hopes that this piracy will give him the leverage he needs to restore Drinax to its former glory so he doesn't want cutthroats and murders, he's wants thieves.

Once the characters have their letter and their ship, it's up to the players for what to do next. Will you stay loyal to the King and help restore Drinax? Will you ally with one of the Noble Houses? Will you turn rogue and create your own kingdom? Will you be heroes or monsters, pirates or privateers? Will you make your fortune amid the pitiless stars, or will the cold depths of the Outer Rim be your grave?

So what I need your help with is finding a Star Wars location that shares some of the following characteristics:

  • The homeworld is an independent world that was once rich and/or powerful and was reduced to an ashy waste (orbital bombardment by the Empire or Separatists)
  • Two nearby powerful political entities that are unfriendly - part of the awesomeness of the campaign is that PCs playing off the two and deciding which side to ally with

My initial thought is that the two powerful entities could be an Imperial Remnant and the fledgling New Republic, just after the Return of the Jedi. For one thing this fits what i need but it also leverages mine and my player's excitement about Episode VII. Also I could start to leverage some of the canon stuff coming out this fall like Star Wars Uprisings. If I go this route I'd prefer a more politically moderate Imperial Remnant so there's a possibility the PCs would want to interact with them rather than just see them as Space Orcs who are there for face blasting.

I'm not a slave to canon and could happily make it all up, however I'd love to leverage some existing content. Does anyone have any suggestions for some planets that might make a good home base for this campaign?



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You might want to check out the Pirates and Privateers supplement from the old d6 SWRPG. The Far Orbit Project also covered a rebel privateer.

You can find them here http://d6holocron.com/downloads/wegsupplements.html

I could easily see a lot of potential there. The Empire is crumbling but the New Republic really exists in name only. The Empire was always willing to deal with fringe elements when there was a direct benefit to be gains, the New Republic doesn't have much choice at the moment, and all sorts of third parties will be looking to take advantage of the turmoil to carve out their own little territories.

I don't know of any planets that perfectly fit what you want (although you could always just pick an existing system and make up a history for a colonized moon or other planet within that system). Here are some that might be interesting.

Tund was awash in life until the Imperial Era when it was turned into a radioactive wasteland. It's on the Outer Rim, so it's a logical place for lawless behavior.


Pammant is near Mon Calamari. It was turned into a radioactive wasteland by the Republic during the Clone Wars. Being in the Mon Cal system, there will certainly be nearby ships to rob. It also provides a good place for conflict between the Empire and the New Republic due to the importance of Mon Calamari.


Equanus was ruined by the Old Republic. It is in the Veragi Sector, which was ruled by the Gree Enclave, although it officially had Imperial government, which could provide some opportunities for a power struggle.


Carratos is not a wasteland. It is actually heavily urbanized. However, once the Empire lost control the planet devolved into anarchy. It became home to all kinds of pirates and other criminals, so it could be a good base for the party, and other criminal syndicates on the world could provide ample opportunity for all sorts of shenanigans.


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