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Pathfinder 2E PF2E Gurus teach me! +


I see. When I use a game (like Pathfinder) for other setting I don’t create new races/ancestries and backgrounds. I typically just reskin things. I can see that creating issues.
Reskinning should be easy in PF2. There are a ton of ancestries available now, and because of the way customization works, you can take feats from other ancestries without much risk of breaking something.

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Thomas Shey

Reskinning should be easy in PF2. There are a ton of ancestries available now, and because of the way customization works, you can take feats from other ancestries without much risk of breaking something.

Yeah, swapping feats to a new Ancestry as long as you keep them at the proper level and deal with any pre-req issues should work okay.


I got the Battlezoo Ancestries - Dragons.

It is fantastic. It makes sense to be able to play a Dragon. There are so many to choose from.

I cant wait to play.

Also, because there are different kinds of Dragons doing different kinds of things, it is a fantastic resource for homebrewers, because there are lots different kinds feats − especially magical feats! The GM can probably find a feat that is useful enough as-is for the homebrew. But if creating something specific, the Battlezoo Dragons are a great place to compare to get a sense of how powerful a feat should be at each level.

An additional general tip, specific to going from 5e to PF2e, the spellcasters will feel a looooott less powerful and martials will feel a looooott stronger, especially at early levels.

The balance they've struck is very very good, but players coming in with a 5e spellcaster mentality will be in for a bit of a shock.
The balance is every caster is a support. even if you are weak, as you impact strong character mechanics you help in the fight.
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The balance is every caster is a support. even if you are weak, as you impact strong character mechanics you help in the fight.
For non-divine spontaneous casters, I can't recommend slow enough. It's not an incapacitation spell, so it will have full effect on higher-level creatures, and even on a successful save the target is slowed 1 for 1 round. When fighting a higher-level creature, you giving up two actions for one of theirs is generally a very good trade. And as a spontaneous caster, you can do it round after round.

Thomas Shey

I am less of a fan of every mage being a "band-aid Cleric".

I hope there are aggressively combat competent mages too?

Mages are fine versus groups. They're not your go-to for single target takedowns though. That's part of the balance between casters and martials.

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