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D&D 5E PC races that a DM has specifically excluded from their campaign and why

Casimir Liber

Apropos of other threads (with all the halfling-bashing :LOL:), a question for all DMs out there - are there any races that people have excluded from their campaign for any reason - too boring/duplicative/don't fulfil a storyline - or have they radically changed them to fit the campaign.

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"Genericka" homebrew world... no exclusions.

"Greyhawk" ...PHB core, but limited Dragonborn and Tiefling (which has some SERIOUS consequences in CY 591!)

"Paeleen" homebrew world...no PHB other than Human, with modifications. All races (seven of them, 4 of which are inspired by the 'core four', each with three sub-races [Humans have 6 sub-races], all created by me).

So... it all depends on the campaign setting.


Paul L. Ming


Magic Wordsmith
Almost all of my campaigns have curated PC race selections (and other options or limitations) that help drive everything toward the vision of the theme and flavor we're going for. It's pretty rare that I run a kitchen sink game and generally that's only when I expect more PCs per player than usual.

Casimir Liber

Almost all of my campaigns have curated PC race selections (and other options or limitations) that help drive everything toward the vision of the theme and flavor we're going for. It's pretty rare that I run a kitchen sink game and generally that's only when I expect more PCs per player than usual.
Sounds eminently sensible...can you give some specifics?


I don't like gnomes (many reasons) and one campaign world had them extinct because they were the favorite food of gnolls. Gnolls ended being an available PC race later in that campaign.

Otherwise I usually limit to stuff on the PHB plus whatever might be specific to the campaign world (Eberoon warforged or shifters, or whatever). For my upcoming PlaneJammer campaign I have thrown the doors open. If it is in a book I own for Fantasy Grounds, or easily modeled therein, it's allowed. I have only had to say no to the "3 kobolds in a trenchcoat" suggestion.

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