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Pathfinder News: Sale at Paizo.Com


Pathfinder News: Bargains during 10th Anniv Sale on Paizo.Com

I wouldn't normally consider a "sale" to be a newsworthy item, but the 10th Anniversary Sale which started yesterday on Paizo.com and runs until August 13 is exceptional because of the nature of the bargains being offered.

The more significant items on sale include:

Serpent's Skull Adventure Path
: All six volumes for $80. Not too shabby, but there are better deals in this sale, such as...

Second Darkness Adventure Path: While there is a broad consensus that this is the worst of the Adventure Paths, with a little bit of re-working, it's actually quite decent and a lot of fun. When you can buy a dead tree copy of each of the six volumes for $5 a piece? $30 for a complete Adventure Path? SOLD!

Legacy of Fire Adventure Path: I am playing in vol. 5 of this one right now actually. This was the last Adventure Path from the 3.5 era at Paizo and features gorgeous artwork and maps, some great locations and overall, it's been a lot of fun. Once more, print versions of each of the six volumes are on sale for $5 each? $30 for an entire Adventure Path is worth more than a second look. You cannot go wrong at this price.

In addition, there are reduced prices for the last three of the
Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path volumes (a VERY good AP I might add) as well as reduced prices for Council of Thieves, which was the first Paizo AP written for the Pathfinder RPG rules system.

GameMastery Modules: Perhaps the absolute STEAL in all of this is Paizo's clearing out of the old 3.5 era, 32 page GameMastery Adventure Modules. These modules are all set in Golarion and most of them are written by top-rate adventure authors. Put simply, these modules present an incredible value at that price. Almost the entire GameMastery Module product line is available on sale for just $3 each while supplies last (and at that price, I'm guessing many of them won't). If you can't get $3 value out of each of these modules? Then give up now because you are just a *BAD GM*. Three bucks a piece? SOLD!

The other gems in the 10th Anniversary Sale include 19 of the
GameMastery Map Packs for $5 each. IF you had a chance to read my review on the Map Pack line, my initial misgivings over the product line was one of perceived value, especially when compared to the Flip-Mat line (and yes, there are a few of those Flip-Mats on sale, too). At a regular price of $12.99 each, many of the Map Packs did not seem as good a deal to me as a flip-mat does.

But... (and that's a big "BUT") when they are only $5 a piece? Different story entirely. Buy one of each on sale -- and while you are at it, do yourself a favor and get yourself THREE copies each of the Caverns and the Sewers map pack as those tiles are meant to be combined with multiple sets of each to increase the mapping options. Three copies of each of those two Map Pack products and you can put together a very decent and large sewer system or cavern layout - on the fly. It's not as good as the Mines Map Pack (which isn't one of the Map Packs on sale) but at $5 each, you're not going on wrong on any of this stuff.

The sale extends to many other Pathfinder products on Paizo.com as well, including a large selection in the
Pathfinder Campaign Setting line and Pathfinder Society Scenarios. One of the gems is the Rise of the Runelords Map Pack Folio for $2! Two. Frikkin. Dollars. A large number of GameMastery Card Decks for $5, too. The list goes on.

PDFs are on sale as well, including copies of Dungeon and Dragon magazine. For those who missed the Age of Worms Adventure Path, you can get all 12 issues of what is my favorite Paizo AP on PDF for a little over $43 right now. And when it comes to converting Age of Worms AP to Pathfinder rules, you want the .PDF version for copy+paste editing purposes. The commercial PDF version is actually better than the hard copy - so this is quite an attractive price.

Check it out.
While the sale lasts until August 13, at these prices, my guess is that a large swath of these print products will sell out at these prices. Get 'em while you can.


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First Post
Another big part of the sale for me was that all season 0-2 PFS scenarios are on sale as well! Some of these are great even if you don't play PFS to pad adventures.


First Post
If you buy enough shipping, even to Canada, isn't that bad. Buying $100 means Paizo chops $10 off the shipping cost. I just but together a bundle of stuff (map packs, modules, adventure paths, etc) and it ended up at about $25 shipping on $102 worth of stuff. Not a bad deal at all (still nets out to more than 50% off).

Obviously, shipping costs will vary a lot with destination and exact selection of items.


First Post
Worked out very nicely for me. Picked up Adventure Path stuff to the point where the only things in the series that I won't have when the order arrives will be some out of print Rise of the Runelords installments (that aren't so needed with the new hardcover out) and Kingmaker 2-6. That put me just over the hundred dollar shipping break, and since the shipping was only eight bucks and change, it's free!

Funny thing about that, my interest in Pathfinder began with part 1 of Kingmaker! I was't interested in buying slightly altered 3.5, since I had 3.5. I hadn't had any new gaming stuff in a while with 3.5 not being supported by anyone but Paizo anymore. But I was getting that itch for new stuff to read. Then I noticed "Stolen Land" at the store and that it was beginning of a new series, so I got it and became curious about all the little details that were obviously related to the Pathfinder tweaks. When I expressed my interest, the clerk at the store swore up and down that while the differences were small, they made a big improvement in the game. So I started reading material in store to see what I thought and sure enough, I ended being sold.


I just picked up 2 GameMastery Modules and 2 Pathfinder Modules for a total cost of just under $19.00, including shipping! [That's less than 4.75 each!] Considering that this order was with Paizo, whose production quality is beyond reproach, I'm certain to be extremely happy with this purchase. :)

ebay and Amazon: Eat your hearts out!
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Second Darkness?

And while I'm thinking about it, just what is supposedly wrong with the Second Darkness Adventure Path? Admittedly, it's the only AP that I own in full, but I see nothing wrong with it, and it has a very compelling backstory that is quite a change from the usual orc-smash.

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