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Pathfinder 2 Character Sheet #4: Seelah, Human Paladin

It's time for the 4th of our six reveals of the Pathfinder 2nd Edition pregenerated playtest characters. Today, we'll be looking at Seelah, the human paladin. This sheet covers some of the shield mechanics we saw in Valeros' sheet, along with various paladin powers such as Lay on Hands, Hospice Knight, Warded Touch, and Retributive Strike.

It's time for the 4th of our six reveals of the Pathfinder 2nd Edition pregenerated playtest characters. Today, we'll be looking at Seelah, the human paladin. This sheet covers some of the shield mechanics we saw in Valeros' sheet, along with various paladin powers such as Lay on Hands, Hospice Knight, Warded Touch, and Retributive Strike.

"Seelah has a few things on her sheet that might surprise you, depending on how well you know her backstory. She grew up as a pickpocket before she stole from the paladin of Iomedae who changed her life, and so she actually has Thievery, the Pickpocket feat, and Underworld Lore (I like to think that when she uses it to Practice a Trade, she’s working as a white hat consultant who helps businesses defend against criminal activity). Beyond that, her Retributive Strike punishes enemies for attacking anyone but her, and her lay on hands not only heals a target (avoiding Attacks of Opportunity and the like and usable with her shield thanks to her Warded Touch feat), but when she uses it nonselfishly to protect her allies, it also provides a boost to AC to help prevent the ally from just taking the damage again in the next round."

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Keep an eye out for tomorrow's character, Merisiel, the elf rogue!

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
As long as the option list doesn't overwhelm the players with choice paralysis. A medium amount of significant choices at every level would be ideal, I think.

You make a good point. The "1" in "Feat 1" makes me think that they phase in Feats over time (well, levels). So you have a reasonable amount of options at first, and later progression would only be adding in a controlled amount of new choices each time.


Not sure I want to track damage to shields (dents) in detail. That seems *more* fiddly than even Pathfinder 1. Isn't this supposed to be an easier, faster, and streamlined version of the game? If so, I'm not seeing it.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Fear the short bow. I like that a crit from a short bow is properly deadly.
Me too, and just in general I love that weapon properties make weapon choice about more than just damage die size. I hate that in 5e there is no good reason for a character with martial weapon proficiency to use a shortbow over a longbow, a light crossbow over a heavy crossbow, a sickle over a scimitar, etc. With weapon properties, you might actually consider less damaging weapons for more than just budget reasons.

Yeah, I noticed that too... Thanks to the hierarchy of the Paladin’s code of conduc though, it is technically possible to use Pickpocket without violating the code, but only if doing so would prevent an innocent from coming to harm. I could maybe see that happening if she like... nick a vial is poison off of someone if she knew they were about to use it to kill an innocent? I dunno, seems like a waste of her 1st level Skill Feat. Then again, I suppose it’s there just for flavor. She was an urchin as a child after all.
The Pickpocket skill feat comes from her background, not as one she chose as part of her normal progression. A different background could give a better skill feat, but it wouldn't fit her backstory.


Slumbering in Tsar
Retributive strike seems like it would be awful in play. (As in slowing things down/breaking the flow of combat.) These kinds of fliddly, game-interrupting things are a HUGE turn-off for me. At this point I may have to stop looking at the playtest stuff because it reminds me of the type of things that made me skip 4E completely.

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