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P2 - Demon Queen's Enclave - so this is the best WotC module, really?!


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I think of the original 9 adventures I thought that the troll one (P1) was the most salvagable one.

Overall though - in each case it was an opportunity for Wizards to really pull out their 'A' game, and come out with brilliant showcase adventures that people would talk about for years.

Unfortunately people only still talk about them for the wrong reasons... :(
I think H2 (Thunderspire Labyrinth) has the most potential of the first 9. It presents an entire sandbox (think of it as an underground Hommlett) with four separate dungeons (the Chamber of Eyes, the Horned Hold, the Well of Demons and the Tower of Vecna) in lieu of the Moathouse.

Of course, the 4e version of the Village of Hommlett is very, very good. So much so that I wonder why it wasn't sold after the initial DM Rewards run.

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Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I like the original idea of TL, but I found the sandbox to be too big (too vastly big) with too little in the way of signposts and stuff. I think if they had actually mapped out a vast dungeon (like adventures used to do back in the '70s!) it might have captured the feel of it more.

Plus I found the meta-plot in the module hugely lacking. The mages of Sarun were talked up with a capability they didn't possess, there was very little in the way of NPC motivation and not much interesting in the encounter areas. Each was pretty much a one way dungeon, and set up to be no-negotiation-combat all the way through. There were also inconsistencies like how did the Gnoll leaders get in and out of their adventure area anyway?

The best bit of it (for me) was the two pages of wandering monster encounters. That had some real flavour to it :)


I think H2 (Thunderspire Labyrinth) has the most potential of the first 9. It presents an entire sandbox (think of it as an underground Hommlett) with four separate dungeons (the Chamber of Eyes, the Horned Hold, the Well of Demons and the Tower of Vecna) in lieu of the Moathouse.

Of course, the 4e version of the Village of Hommlett is very, very good. So much so that I wonder why it wasn't sold after the initial DM Rewards run.

I agree, I think as a setting H2 pips P1 to the post. However as an adventure P1 (and P2) pips H2. The adventure in H2 is totally inconsistent and terribly constructed and nearly impossible to run with any kind of story making sense.

It is a crying shame, it cool have been a cracking adventure path from 1-30 and used as the Gold Standard for 4e adventures.

They should have put more development time into the series, it seems that they were an addendum to regular releases.


First Post
God I'm glad I found this thread. My group is currently running this game, and I thought there was something wrong with me for just HATING this module, since everyone else seems to love it. Glad to know that I'm not alone in this.

I honestly just can't understand the logic behind this mod. We have to be diplomatic with Drow? Really? The most xenophobic, manipulative, untrustworthy race in all of D&D? Why the hell would PC's actually ally themselves with the Drow to fight Orcus? Yes, Orcus is a much bigger, mutual threat, but any one with even a shred of common sense would realize that once he's taken care of, the Drow would either just murder you or enslave you or something. Why wouldn't the PCs just go after the Orcus exarch of the day and try to have as little possible contact with the Drow?


Tomb of Horrors (is a) really pretty decent adventure IMO.

I was really disappointed with ToH. I thought the first chapter was brilliant - exactly what it should have been - a deadly dungeon, heavy on the traps but lower on the monsters, with hints of bigger things to come...

Unfortunately, each chapter after that got progressively worse. Again, all the same flaws were in evidence - railroad encounters, NPC actions that make no sense... And as for the
mecha battlesuit
at the end...


5ever, or until 2024
....What I'm really looking for right now is a good module for a level 13 party. Any suggestions?

If you can find it*, it would be trivially easy to "up-level" the RGPA conversion of the Tomb of Horrors. Great stuff.

*...try the internet...


First Post
If you can find it*, it would be trivially easy to "up-level" the RGPA conversion of the Tomb of Horrors. Great stuff.
The one I received as a DM Reward? IIRC, it's listed as an adventure for a level 10 party. It's true it would be easy to 'up-level' it, though, since it's light on combat and mostly uses Solo monsters.

However, several of my players already played the original (well, the 2e reprint to be more accurate) and I'm not really a fan of the module, but thanks for the suggestion. :)

I also got the 'official' 4e Tomb of Horrors. At least the first and the last parts of it read like they might be fun. I was a bit meh on the second and third tomb, though.

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