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Warning Possible Episode 2 spoilers
I really can't believe that George Lucas would allow some guy to post a very detailed scene by scene summary on a major domain, even less call an amateur filmaker twice a week and give away the whole plot of the movie. Nonetheless much of the plot posted on the site seems authenic. Moreover it's hard for me to believe someone would go as far as regisetering a domain name, setting up a detailed site, and updating it regularly simply for a joke. Is anyone familiar with this site? Is this seroiusly the plot of Episode 2, or is it a hoax?
I really can't believe that George Lucas would allow some guy to post a very detailed scene by scene summary on a major domain, even less call an amateur filmaker twice a week and give away the whole plot of the movie. Nonetheless much of the plot posted on the site seems authenic. Moreover it's hard for me to believe someone would go as far as regisetering a domain name, setting up a detailed site, and updating it regularly simply for a joke. Is anyone familiar with this site? Is this seroiusly the plot of Episode 2, or is it a hoax?
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